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About This Club

From Shiny hunters, to PvPers, and VermAFKers. Come join players from all over the globe! theres a little bit of everything in our team
  1. What's new in this club
  2. BINDGO For the upcoming anniversary of our team (Happy birthday NDGO✨ yay ^^) on Sunday the 24th of November, we have a special event for you! Join us for a round of BINGO! You read it right, your lovely staff came up with a 5x5 bracket of the anniversary BINDGO~ ''How does it work? How do I sign up? I have so many questions :0'' -> I'm glad you asked all of those questions that I definitely wrote out! You'll get a randomized custom 5x5 board and you will try to do all the tasks in one row — so up, down or diagonal, like your plain old bingo. To sign up, just whisper or DM a staff member and we will put you up as a participant! There is NO participation fee, entry is FREE!!! The event starts on Sunday and then you will receive your custom BINDGO board if you're signed up! Once a task has been completed, you cross out the task on your card. For confirmation, we will require either a screenshot of the task or a link of the Pokemon required for it, simple as that! If by chance you have any more questions that weren't answered, then don't worry. You can always ask a staff member for more info and we will gladly help you out! You will have until the 24th of November 0:00 UTC to sign up! And once the clock strikes twelve, the BINDGO shall start! -> Time Zone Converter BINDGO ends once the first three people get a BINGO! Prizes A 5x31 natured Lapras with the OT of, by yours truly — CanadaSorry! 3 whole shiny charms! Juicy prize money! (The amount will be announced once the BINDGO officially starts, as it is being collected as we speak. Or as you read...) An example of the BINDGO card (Tasks will stay the same, but of course they will be shuffled)
  3. NDGO Shiny War #2 After the first shiny war and the really obvious win from "Team Electric" over "Team Bug" we are moving on to the second NDGO Shiny War. You will be split into 2 teams, led by EagleJP and BrunoMarin, with the objective to out-score the opposing team in caught shinies. They will be hosting a draft and assembling their team. You can sign up for the event until September 8th. The event itself will be 11 days long, starting on September 11th and ending on September 22th. To ensure commitment, we are asking for a $250k entry fee, which will be added to the prize pool. IMPORTANT DATES Sign up: 1st September - 7th September midnight UTC -> SIGN UP NOW! WAR: 11th September - 22th September (11 days) [days are counted as midnight UTC] Draft: 8th September at 18:00 CEST (12:00pm EST) (16:00 UTC / 4pm UTC) Special Days with a 5+ pt. bonus: Wednesday 11th September -> catch a Shiny Pokémon with the move "Explode" or "Self-Destruct" Friday 13th September -> catch a Shiny Pokémon with type "Ghost" or "Dark" Eagle Day 15th September -> catch a Shiny Pokémon with the type "Flying" Bruno Day 17th September -> TBD Safari Day 19th September -> catch a Shiny Pokémon in one of the Safari Zones Earth, Wind, Fire Day 21st September -> catch a Shiny Pokémon with the type "Ground" or "Flying" or "Fire". Buzzer beater day -> TBD we'll keep you updated. How to sign up To sign up for the event, mail the entry fee of $250k to the character "MyAlt". Do this before September 9th! Scoring system We are using the official shiny wars point system the Devs/Mods cooked up: Google Spreadsheet of the pointsystem (pictures @NDGO-Discord -> #team-events In the event of a tie, sudden death/tiebreaker rules; Next caught shiny wins the war. Prizes We are currently got a prize pool of $20 million and the money is going to be divided between the members of the winning team. The MVP of each team will also recieve a reward (at least 1k RP). Throughout the event various challenges and hunts will also be rewarded with +5 pts (and potential money prizes) ontop of your earned points. Donations are welcomed & appreciated to help us increase the prize pool. Any further questions can be adressed to the staff on Discord or in-game. We hope to see many of you participating, good luck and most importantly; Have fun and take care of each other! ♥ WATCH THE OFFICIAL WAR TRAILER AND SIGN-UP! NDGO Shiny War Trailer
  4. Blue Steel Bounty Start Date: Saturday June 1st End Date: Monday July 1st Rules -You must link your submitted Pokémon to a staff member. In the case of 2 entries of the same Pokémon, the winner will be determined by the earliest catch date/time. -Any Pokémon within the species evolution line is accepted as a valid entry. -All shinies must be submitted within the posted event start/end date and time. -You have to be the OT of the submitted Pokémon. -You can claim one or several of the bounties -Once a bounty is claimed, it is no longer in play Bounties available: Ferroseed species line 1,000,000 Pokéyen Prize Pawniard species line 3,000,000 Pokéyen Prize - Claimed by Hjortsson Skarmory 5,000,000 Pokéyen Prize Piplup species line 10,000,000 Pokéyen Prize
  5. Yoda's Pick Your Poison Bounty In celebration of LordBabyYoda's retirement from professional egging, he will be hosting a flexible bounty for Team NDGO. What this means is that every participant gets to choose a singles only bounty of their choice. The bounty will be going live on Sunday May 12th and will end after someone has successfully claimed the bounty. To ensure commitment, we are asking for a $69k entry fee. Important Dates Sign up :: Currently Open Event :: Sunday May 12th - till bounty is claimed How to sign up To sign up for the event, mail BabyYodas the entry fee of $69k. Make sure to include which Pokémon you have chosen to go after for the bounty. Bonuses A Shiny Charm will be awarded to anyone that phases at the location of their bounty. notes Mysterious/Cherish Balls are banned Singles with any 100% encounter location are banned Any Pokémon that has a horde available anywhere in it's species line is banned Prizes A prize of $10 million will be awarded to the first person to catch the bounty they have chosen. Other prizes TBD Any further questions can be addressed to the staff on Discord or in-game. We hope to see many of you participating, good luck and most importantly; Have fun and take care of each other! ♥
  6. [NDGO] Shiny Museum [NDGO] Plateau's Champion CanadaSorry: (23) [NDGO] Plateau's Shiny Elite Four LordBabyYoda: (59) Dreamychan: (59) TvTaster: (70) EagleJP: (46) Aexandrius: (5) Aidf: (1) Aivaaa: (1) Astrisity: (12) BabulalZongot: (8) BrokenJoker: (2) BrunoMarin: (34) chinease: (21) deathquatzal: (7) Depickle: (4) DragonTamerMeru: (3) elljay: (1) eLTee: (4) EnvyVMax: (2) Evoxity: (4) Fluxinator: (4) furyll: (1) Goldsz: (3) GuiltyX: (1) HazyThatGuy: (23) hellanorr: (7) Hiigh: (19) ImDrewdactyl: (10) indikitten: (12) iUber: (3) IXCam: (7) JaySanny: (9) jdubtrt: (17) keeriebby: (5) Klichy: (7) Krahla: (24) Krowseff: (3) KSearle: (2) kuckles: (7) LekkerManPik: (4) LeaderLayton: (1) legzzy: (4) Lillmackish: (10) Lugiack: (23) MadkirSewi: (20) Malvora: (1) Matchoox: (39) Megaeatz: (10) Mishkuh: (5) MrAndersssen: (4) MrSamuyilHyde: (9) NessieGod: (16) nixskos: (6) NotSheeesssh: (8) Nurros: (4) OFIQE: (28) OldmanErnest: (3) paigiebby: (2) PhDough: (2) Poncake: (2) RedConqueror: (6) Resorts: (12) Rukus: (1) Shrallp: (15) silentbutdeadly: (12) SillyWillyApex: (1) Sinisterserpant: (12) skaterian: (22) SlothQueen: (5) SmallScott: (3) Sooomy: (1) Soratzou: (1) STRonika: (4) TC: (45) TheJesusChrist: (24) Threaten: (31) TommyGzz: (11) Tomozakii: (6) Tsinna: (2) TylerGW: (10) UltimateAsriel: (19) Uranylhydroxid: (3) WiseBoi: (9) XiaoXiaoMoho: (6) Yesimnathan: (17) yowrexd: (1) ZaaWarudoo: (1) Zadera: (2) ZedBeast: (1) Zekromancer: (1) Zippernick: (34)
  7. 1st Place Tournament Winner Subzi @subzi 2nd Place Tournament Winner: Astris @Astris 3rd Place Tournament Winner: TweTen @Tweten20
  9. Ill mail the monies when i get on
  10. NDGO Shiny War #1 After the victory over team ROO before the war had even begun, members of NDGO were left wanting more. Unlike our friends in ROO, we here at NDGO are going to give the people what they want and so we present to you; Our very first shiny war! You will be split into 2 teams, led by EagleJP and Skaterian, with the objective to out-score the opposing team in caught shinies. They will be hosting a draft and assembling their team. You can sign up for the event until March 15th. The event itself will be 10 days long, starting on March 21st and ending on March 31st. To ensure commitment, we are asking for a $250k entry fee, which will be added to the prize pool. Important Dates Sign up :: March 9th - March 15th Draft :: TBD Event :: March 21st - March 31st How to sign up To sign up for the event, mail an active staff member the entry fee of $250k. Do this before March 15th, because signing up too late will cost you $400k. Scores x5 Horde shiny :: 1 point x3 Horde shiny :: 2 points Single shiny :: 5 points Safari shiny :: 7 points Egg shiny :: 10 points Alpha shiny :: 20 points Legendary shiny :: 25 points Bonuses Team EagleJP will receive +1 point for an electric type shiny Team Skaterian will receive +1 point for a bug type shiny Secret shiny bonus +4 notes Mysterious balls are banned. Bonus days TBD In the event of a tie, sudden death/tiebreaker rules; Next caught shiny wins the war. Prizes A prize pool of $16 million + the entry fees will be divided between the members of the winning team. The MVPs of each team will also receive a reward. Throughout the event various challenges and hunts will also be rewarded, TBD by the team captains. Donations are welcomed & appreciated to help us increase the prize pool. In addition, 5 burger hats will be awarded to the top 5 scorers in the war, courtesy of subzi & Hjortsson. Any further questions can be adressed to the staff on Discord or in-game. We hope to see many of you participating, good luck and most importantly; Have fun and take care of each other! ♥ Special thanks to our donators Hjortsson & Subzi :: 6 million and 5 burger hats
  11. Update: I would also like to start the tournament sometime Sunday morning (EST), thinking 9 or 10 am in my time zone.
  12. So far i've got signups from TweTen, Subzi, Stronika, Sheesh, Canada, TvTaster, Jdub, RIcky, Grinchler, Bruno, Wolf, NorthWind, Astris, SinisterSerpent, and myself. Lets try and get to 12-16 people!
  13. Details: Before we kick off team shiny wars it's time to get some more bragging rights within our groups. I will be hosting an OU tournament and want to see all of you test your skills there! Build one or ten teams and see if you have what it takes to be NDGO's best OU player. I will create a bracket on Friday, March 11th, once signups have concluded. I will be financing the event and prizes myself so please don't feel the need to donate, but any donations will be put to use towards the event and even more prizes (yea sorry im not Hjort rich 🙂). Thank you to Sheesh for the PvP item donation. Please PM me on discord (scottaz24#5990) if you are confirming you position to play. Date: Sign Ups: Now until Friday, March 8th Games: Sunday, March 10th (all day) Clauses Evasion / Sleep / OHKO / Unique Species OU Ban List Pokemon in the OverUsed, UnderUsed, NeverUsed, and Untiered tiers are valid. Pokemon in the Ubers tiers cannot be used. The in-game Pokedex contains filters for competitive tiers. You can view any additional bans by opening the PvP menu -> Matchmaking Signup -> Bans. 1st Place Tournament Prize OU Pokemon of Your Choice Your choice of gender, nature, egg moves, with 5 selectable IVs & $500,000 2nd Place Tournament Prize OU Pokemon of Your Choice Your choice of gender, nature, egg moves, with 3 selectable IVs & $250,000 3rd Place Tournament Prize OU Pokemon of Your Choice Your choice of gender, nature, egg moves, with 2 selectable IVs & PvP Item of Your Choice
  14. Details You have an entire week for catching An entry consists of three of your best catches (or worst if you're aiming for 4th place) The total score consists of the IV and nature bonus sum of all three Pokemon that you have submitted You still have to submit three Pokemon even if you're aiming for 4th place You cannot submit multiple Pokemon of the same species in your entry Alpha Pokemon are not allowed Date Sunday, 3rd December - Sunday, 10th December 2023 Time 00:00 UTC | 19:00 EST (Saturday) | 21:00 BRT (Saturday) | 1:00 CET | 08:00 CST | Time Zone Converter Location Indigo Plateau, Kanto, Channel 2 (Catching is allowed everywhere, in any region and on any channel) Duration 1 week for catching another 6 hours for players to submit entries Scoring Total sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries Any Generation 1 Pokemon Species Bonus Lapras +5 Golduck +1 Psyduck +1 Nature Bonus Modest +2 Timid +1 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it Keep the pokemon in your team till results. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time 1st Place Prize Psyduck Lv.1 Your choice of nature, 2 egg moves, with 3 selectable IVs & 2x25 IVs & 3,000,000$ & 3x Shiny charms 2nd Place Prize 2,000,000$ & 2x Shiny Charms 3rd Place Prize 1,000,000$ & 1x Shiny Charm 4th Place Prize 500,000$ & 1x Shiny Charm Shiny Prize Any person who finds a Gen 1 Shiny Pokemon during the event will receive the additional prize of 1x Shiny Charm The prizes will be sent to the winners a few days after the event
  15. first round exit for this guy
  16. Easy 1st round loss. 🤫
  17. Details: 4v4 Doubles Tournament You have got time until Friday the 20th (midnight UTC) to catch wild Pokemon and sign-up for the tournament. Only Team-member OT wild-caught Pokemon are allowed to enter the tournament. No breeding, Alphas or Legendaries allowed. Your team has to consist of: 1x Fire type Pokemon, 1x Water type Pokemon, 1x Grass type Pokemon, 1x Safari Zone Pokemon of your choice. TM's, HM's, tutor moves and special moves are allowed. Pokemon are allowed to have a secondary type. In addition to the PVP part of it, we are going to make it a catch event too. Additional prizes based on highest (or lowest) IV catch. FAQ: Swarms, Phenos and HA Alpha minions allowed Your OT has to be in the team and you can only participate with Pokemon from one OT The Safari Zone Pokemon of your choice has to be caught in the Safari Zone (not only be catchable there, duh) Fossils are allowed, since they are "wild encounters" too Registration: Catch your Pokemon and dm MrSamuyilDuck on Discord. The PVP tournament will get drafted Friday night and you have got the whole weekend to pvp each other. Date Monday, 16th - Friday, 20th October 2023 (Catching) Saturday, 21st - Sunday 22nd October 2023 (PvP Tournament) Clauses Evasion / Sleep / OHKO / Unique Species / Self-KO 1st Place Tournament Prize Shiny Psyduck & 500 Reward Points 2nd Place Tournament Prize Fire/Water/Grass Pokémon of your choice Lv.1 Your choice of gender, nature, egg moves, with 3 selectable IVs & 300 Reward Points 3rd Place Tournament Prize Fire/Water/Grass Pokémon of your choice Lv.1 Your choice of gender, nature, egg moves, with 2 selectable IVs & 250,000$ 4th Place Tournament Prize 2x Shiny Charms 1st Place Catch Event Prize Competitive Togekiss 5x31, cammythompy OT & 500,000$ 2nd Place Catch Event Prize 3x Shiny Charms & 300 Leppa Berries 3rd Place Catch Event Prize 2x Shiny Charms 4th Place Catch Event Prize 2x Shiny Charms
  18. More like tripping with the boys.
  19. Date Saturday, 30th September 2023 Time 19:00 UTC | 15:00 EDT | 16:00 BRT | 21:00 CEST | 03:00 CST (1st) | Time Zone Converter Location Cherrygrove City, Johto, Channel 2 (Catching is allowed on any channel) Duration 2 hours for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total sum of IVs + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries Corsola Krabby Starmie +1 Nature Bonus Timid +1 Modest +1 Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it Keep the pokemon in your team till results. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time 1st Place Prize Staryu Lv. 1 Your choice of nature, with 5 selectable IVs & 500 Reward Points & Fishing Outfit 2nd Place Prize Staryu Lv. 1 Your choice of nature, with 2 selectable IVs & 200 Reward Points & Fishing Outfit 3rd Place Prize Staryu Lv. 1 Your choice of nature, with 1 selectable IV & 200 Reward Points 4th Place Prize 99 Leppa Berries & Shiny Charm The prizes will be sent to the winners a few days after the event
  20. Starts in 1 hour. See y'all there.

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