About This Club
Team ZomB is a Shiny Hunting Team, where we have a fun community for more experienced players with our signature being team shunts, With team shunts, other events, giveaways, and more! Team ZomB is for the Most Dead-icated of Shunters!
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Xilverr joined the club
Created by Krains with Banner by Tellervo Managed by Dakormanator = ZomB Shiny = Non ZomB Shiny = Safari Shiny ||| = Safari Shiny (Fled) = Secret Shiny = Shalpha = Gift Mon = Fossil Redeem = Game Corner Redeem ----- Shiny Showcase Rules & Protocol: Please read this carefully. Graveminds Dakormanator (23) "Captain. Leader. Legend." || | AmonRaPokemon (55) | | | | | TacoChaser (14) "It's worth more than just the 31s." | | Revenants SageKvothe (41) | | MrMainGrave (31) "When it rains, it pours." || | | Jammms (17) | Tinklesham (16) "Hi! I'm Tinkle! Being a cutie is my full time job!" | | Zombies Flawken (35) "May I?" | | | Krains (33) "Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination." | || Nanikaaa (29) | | | TigreVegano (29) | | | BendiStraw (27) | || BananaPoptart (23) | Pranos (22) | | | | OmegaKEG (20) "My greatest joy in life is Shedging." | | Batmayne (19) | HuffPuff (19) | | BrokenTed (19) | | skitzty (17) | | Lizardmannn (17) | | TheHomieRJ (16) | DeadFinale (14) "Edgy is my aesthetic." | CommanderMars (13) "Fire and Blood." | | | | RuzaGoodGuy (13) "Live in the night until the day gets better." | | Agglelos (12) | | ilyKnew (12) | MegumiNoriko (12) | PlagueGod (12) | Weegan (12) | QueenWynstem (11) | | SUSukae (11) "Stop. Sinnoh. Slander." | DipStyle (10) "The secret to a happy life is having a good night's sleep." | | Hermetic (10) | | | Jiyara (10) | | Pokemongameswoo (10) | Mikeales (9) | PolarBearPMU (8) | | Baileyshadow (7) | Choptamas (7) | Lengedd (7) | | OSageJr (7) | ShujinkoKhaos (7) | | XPainlesspinex (7) | | Skillgannan (7) | | JusTrying (6) || DJEluminia (5) | | MeiLinyuan (5) | | Ninja Dolfin (5) | Spicychickins (5) | Tairz (5) | BigthePlug (4) | GrimmyShake (4) | | Gumbster (4) | MiraCora (4) | | PsilosAk (4) | ShinysOrNothing (4) | Spaltzwiebel (4) | | Valkyriesyli (4) | xAbsolute (4) | yoontoon (4) | ZZmojo (4) | | SilentSmoker (4) | watchdoggman (4) | | Xilverr (4) | | Avicm (3) | Dadwick (3) | DarkComet (3) | EzekielJP (3) | | TommyTufKnuckles (3) | | trickatechnology (3) | wyattnk (3) | Ybgmikey (3) | ZoeyBliss (3) | Xonoro (3) | | Astroqoy (2) | | Chromehearts (2) | TheFishyTiger (2) | | | VoidFusionz (2) | XxManicMinaxX (2) | EsferaBartok (2) | bloonsgoat (1) | Brioschi (1) | | Empex (1) "Bug catcher." | Hummmy (1) | IchBinDeltaaa (1) | iTzzGaradex (1) | Lunatte (1) | nerorules (1) | NicSch (1) | ShunDayo (1) | ASpaceBoy (1) |
FreeezooRed joined the club
Lengedd joined the club
MeiLinyuan joined the club
Spaltzwiebel joined the club
BrokenTed joined the club
BullyNami joined the club
Butterfreezie joined the club
Tairz joined the club
ZomB Team Shunt for October 6th, 2024
MrMainGrave replied to dakormanator's topic in [ZomB] Zombie's Event
Its the first one of the month! This Weekend we are doing our best to work at Victory Road, Searching for Shiny Deinos and Mienfoos!
Team Shunt! September 29th, 2024
MrMainGrave replied to dakormanator's topic in [ZomB] Zombie's Event
On this day! We will be looking for the elusive shiny Munchlax during our team shunt, and probably get one or two legendary bird shinys on the way!
Tinklesham joined the club
SUSukae joined the club
Safari was this weeks vote for the teamshunt Sadly VeryCherry had their Shiny Lapras flee Next time..
Do You Remember?!?! An Event Crafted by: Dakormanator Event Time: 21st of September, All Day Saturday September, written by Earth, Wind, and Fire; is known to be one of the greatest songs to have ever been released, so to celebrate its perfection, on the 21st of September, all day long, and one day only, you will be tasked to Catch the Highest or Lowest IVs of a Ground Type, A Flying Type, and a Fire Type, based on each of the three band members. Like a majority of other catch events done Similarly to this one, the combination of all three Pokémon's IVs will be what helps you declare the winner! Rules - Single Types only (No Ground/Rock, Fire/Fighting, etc.) - 1st Place and 2nd Place are awarded to the two highest IVs While 3rd is For the Lowest - Event takes place from 00:00 EST to 23:59 EST on September 21st, 2024. - Submissions caught after the event time will not be counted. - Alphas Caught within this time frame are not allowed to be used. - Have fun obviously :3 Bonuses Adamant: +3 Modest: +1 Timid: -1 Jolly: -3 Prizes 1st - 5x31 Modest Porygon, 1x Shiny Charm 2nd - 1x Disco Afro Vanity, 1x Shiny Charm 3rd - 200RP, 1x Shiny Charm
joshymano joined the club
Dip joined the club
TeamZomB joined the club
tanmiaoxin joined the club
Team ZomB is working on simplifying our process of recruiting new members to the team! This post will give you an Idea of what we are looking for in terms of a team, as well as some of preliminary questions. Mind you there are no wrong answers, helping learn about you is what makes this a family as much as it is a team. To officially make a request to sign up to the team, please mail Dakormanator, TacoChaser, or AmonRaPokemon with the Answers to the following questions! 1. What is your in game username? 2. How many regions have you completed? 3. How many in game hours do you have? 4. Do you have Discord/Willing to get Discord? 5. Do you have any OT shiny Pokemon? 6. What general region are you from? (North America, Europe, Asia, etc.) 7. What makes you interested in joining a team? 8. What are your expectations for Team ZomB? We are excited to have you interested in Joining the Team ZomB family! Alternatively, if it is any easier, we have a form that you can fill out below, and we can message you accordingly. https://forms.gle/X3g2S7izh7awXRL5A
kagyuke joined the club
Alongside the PokeLympics that ZomB took part in, I decided to make an alternate event, so that the people who weren't able to participate in PokeLympics can have something to do as well, and thus, the ZomB war was born! With very similar rules, it was decided that as prize, a shiny Teddiursa would be given away in honor of the event! This event is still taking place within the team! and should you want to see the rules and standings, you can find them here! Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12MfWYBVqcuwaGjdVSa7G0xktNmrwgjCmwnX5i2MiFy8/edit?usp=sharing Scoreboard: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LcPIRJcIFGQNA5sy80uNpg5NZl7YopAjfO642we26mk/edit?usp=sharing
TheHomieRJ35 joined the club
For the Last 3ish weeks, Team ZomB has been hard at work in the PokeLympics, an Event hosted by Nenbot, Sycli, and Bulkybell to route team ZomB along with some of the best teams in the game to a shiny war, many teams all at once. After the results have been tallied, ZomB cruised to an amazing 2nd place finish! We are nothing but proud of this team, an amazing war effort that will be nothing but praised by everyone in team ZomB.
Hermetic joined the club
ZomBeye joined the club
Itsmrtofu joined the club
c0bnut joined the club
ZomB 2024 Pokelympics Scoreboard Scoreboard recording shinies acquired by ZomB during the 2024 Pokelympics (July 20th - August 10th) Total Points: 390 Leaderboard TEAM [# RANK] In-Game Name - Points Scored ------ [#11] AmonRaPokemon - 11 Single Very Common Rattata + Region Bonus: 8 x5 30% Horde Dratini: 2 x5 Horde Cubchoo: 1 [#20] AsmoJor - 1 x5 Horde Mareep: 1 [#19] BananaPoptart - 2 x5 Horde Sneasel + Type Bonus: 2 [#17] BigOBird - 4 SUBBED IN FOR Nyuxz (July 21st) x5 Horde Litwick + Egg Type Bonus: 2 x3 Horde Venipede: 2 [#16] BigthePlug - 5 Single Very Common Drowzee: 5 [#6] BlueWhoop - 22 Single Uncommon Silcoon: 10 Single Very Common Psyduck + Region Bonus: 8 x3 Horde Growlithe + Region Bonus + Type Bonus: 4 [#15] CommanderMars - 6 Won "Who's That Pokemon?": 2 Won "Hide and Seek": 2 Won "Hide and Seek": 2 [#9] Dakormanator - 16 x5 Horde Vulpix + Region Bonus: 2 x3 Horde Petilil: 2 x5 Horde Klink + Challenge Bonus: 2 Won 1st Place Catch Event: 10 [#2] Goburto - 35 x5 Horde Scraggy: 1 x5 Horde Torkoal + Egg Type Bonus: 2 Fossil Redeem Omanyte: 15 Game Corner Redeem Porygon: 15 x5 Horde Cubchoo + Challenge Bonus: 2 [#21] Hypnope - 0 [#19] IAmCosmicFire - 2 x5 Horde Cacnea: 2 [#6] ilyKnew - 22 Single Common Cottonee: 5 x5 30% Horde Dratini + Egg Type Bonus: 3 x5 Horde Boldore + Egg Type Bonus: 2 x5 Horde Deerling: 1 x5 Horde Vanillite: 1 Single Uncommon Silcoon: 10 [#5] Krains - 25 x3 Horde Bibarel: 2 Egg Beldum: 17 x5 Horde Pelipper: 1 Single Common Wingull: 5 [#4] Majorkill - 27 x5 Horde Magnemite: 1 Single Lure Combusken: 15 Fishing Single Very Common Sharpedo: 6 Single Common Pidgey: 5 [#21] Mikeales - 0 SUBBED IN FOR TURBOBALZE / KhonshuXV (July 23rd) [#13] MrMainGrave - 9 Won "Who's That Pokemon?": 2 x5 30% Horde Cryogonal: 2 Won "Hide and Seek": 2 Won "Hide and Seek": 2 x5 Horde Cubchoo: 1 [#5] Nanikaaa - 25 Egg Mudkip: 17 x5 Horde Tentacool: 1 x3 Horde Bibarel: 2 Won "Who's That Pokemon?": 1 x5 Horde Marowak + Egg Type Bonus: 2 Won "Hide and Seek": 2 [#21] Nyuxz - 0 SUBBED OUT FOR BigOBird (July 21st) [#8] PetiteOS - 18 Single Very Common Tympole: 5 Single Darumaka + Secret Shiny: 8 Single Common Boldore: 5 [#17] RuzaGoodGuy - 4 SUBBED OUT FOR SUSukae (August 4th) Single Common Linoone: 5 [#3] SageKvothe - 35 x5 Horde Pikachu + Region Bonus: 2 x5 Horde Mareep: 1 Single Common Weedle + Region Bonus: 5 Won First Metronome Tournament: 10 Won "Who's That Pokemon?": 2 x5 Horde Horsea + Type Bonus: 2 x5 Horde Slowbro + Type Bonus: 2 Single Uncommon Cascoon: 10 x5 Horde Cubchoo: 1 [#10] ShinysOrNothing - 12 Won "Who's That Pokemon?": 2 Won "Who's That Pokemon?": 2 Beauty Contest 1st Place: 7 x5 Horde Solrock: 1 [#20] ShujinkoKhaos - 1 x5 Horde Pelipper: 1 [#21] skitzy - 0 SUBBED IN FOR xAbsolute (August 9th) [#19] stoisey - 2 x5 Horde Tentacool: 1 x5 Horde Magikarp: 1 [#15] SUSukae - 6 SUBBED IN FOR RuzaGoodGuy (August 4th) x5 Horde Raticate: 1 Single Common Machop: 5 [#16] TacoChaser - 5 Single Common Ponyta: 5 [#1] Tellervo - 56 x5 Horde Pikachu + Region Bonus: 2 x3 Horde Stunky: 2 Won "Who's That Pokemon?": 2 Won "Who's That Pokemon?": 2 Won "Who's That Pokemon?": 2 Redeem Fossil Omanyte: 15 Safari PVP 2nd Place: 7 Beauty Contest 2nd Place: 5 Egg Zorua: 17 Won "Hide and Seek": 2 [#14] TheHomieRJ - 7 x3 Horde Spinda + Challenge Bonus: 3 x5 Horde Linoone + Challenge Bonus: 2 x3 Horde Venipede: 2 [#21] TigreVegano - 0 SUBBED OUT FOR VovaBavarde (August 6th) [#7] TinkleSham - 19 Single Common Caterpie + Region Bonus: 8 x3 Horde Cottonee: 2 x3 Horde Petilil: 2 Single Common Budew: 5 Who's That Pokemon: 2 [#21] TURBOBALZE / KhonshuXV - 0 SUBBED OUT FOR Mikeales (July 23rd) [#21] VovaBavarde - 0 SUBBED IN FOR TigreVegano (August 6th) [#18] xAbsolute - 3 SUBBED OUT FOR skitzy (August 9th) x5 Horde Donphan: 1 Won "Hide and Seek": 2 [#12] XxManicMinaxX - 10 x5 Horde Mankey + Region Bonus + Type Bonus: 3 Beauty Contest 1st Place: 7
TimidDarkrai joined the club
VovoBavarde joined the club
ybgmikey joined the club
Pranos joined the club
Oh my goodness gracious, what a night for the fellas at ZomB! Tonight, The ZomB horde took charge on the 3rd Basement Floor of Team Rocket HQ in Johto, not only was it a successful team shunt, we actually BROKE our previous shiny's in a shunt record, hitting 7 shiny's within the 3 hour period! talk about a morale boost going into the PokeLympics! Congrats to: IAmCosmicFire Hypnope NeroRules AmonRaPokemon Nanikaaa xAbsolute RuzaGoodGuy Absolutely stunning display from the lot of them
Hypnope joined the club
ManicMina joined the club
This Week, The ZomB crew went to route 111 to try to hunt some Shinies, and with luck in a 3x horde spot! TigreVegano nailed themselves a shiny Trapinch as well as the cash prize to go along with it, Congrats Tigre!
Date: June 19th at 4pm EST Location: Old Chateau, Sinnoh, Ch. 2 Its Time for Team ZomB to have a bit of a race, Again! Dakormanator wants to test your skill and your luck. Winners will be greatly rewarded. Gameplay: Think of this as a survivor-esque race. Every ZomB will be in the dining room of the Old Chateau in Sinnoh to start Dakormanator will ask you for a specific mon to catch. for example: Dragon Egg group that's 1x31, Chansey that has a +Atk nature. The selected Pokémon is based on a random number generator Once you have completed the task, return to the Old Chateau and send a trade to Dakormanator. 1st and 2nd Place win a prize! There will be 3 rounds and once the 2nd place has submitted his mon the round is OVER! There will be 5 minutes in between rounds for people to return to the Old Chateau. Rules: Pokémon must be caught after I make the announcement, the mon cant be previously caught sitting in your PC If you submit a mon that doesn't fit the requirements, you aren't disqualified, but you must go out and return to try to find a new correct Pokémon. Submissions can ONLY be made to Dakormanator! Prizes Per Round: 1st: 150k 2nd: 50K
AsmoJor joined the club
Every Month, Team ZomB Hosts an Official Bounty Board, where we take a stab at an in game Route, trying to collect Shinies as a team, with prizes awarded accordingly! This Month, we are at Route 9/Challengers Cave, looking for Shiny Riolu as our primary target, with some tough lure mons like Dragonite and Ferrothorn as well, once found, our team will reap in the rewards accordingly!
Nanikaaa joined the club
MrMainGrave joined the club
TigreVegano joined the club
SoullessRampage joined the club
TacoChaser joined the club
*Post Reserved For Possible Later Use*
veeyaxi joined the club
itiizasito joined the club
Anthonyyv joined the club
Korman's Fashion Show was a Success! Congratulations to all who have joined for this fantastic event! And thank you to all who decided to participate! - 1st Place : PetiteBouleDeTri (Middle) - 500k, Shiny Charm - 2nd Place : DeadFinale (Right) - 200k, Shiny Charm - 3rd Place : ItiizAsito (Left) - 100k, Shiny Charm
agglelos joined the club
Managed by Krains with Banner by Tellervo = ZomB Shiny = Non ZomB Shiny = Safari Shiny ||| = Safari Shiny (Fled) = Secret Shiny = Shalpha = Gift Mon = Fossil Redeem = Game Corner Redeem ----- Shiny Showcase Rules & Protocol: Please read this carefully. Graveminds Dakormanator (22) "Captain. Leader. Legend." || | AmonRaPokemon (55) | | | | | TacoChaser (14) "It's worth more than just the 31s." | | Revenants SageKvothe (40) | | Krains (33) "Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination." | || MrMainGrave (29) "When it rains, it pours." || | | Jammms (16) | Tinklesham (16) "Hi! I'm Tinkle! Being a cutie is my full time job!" | | SUSukae (11) "Stop. Sinnoh. Slander." | Zombies Flawken (35) "May I?" | | | Nanikaaa (29) | | | TigreVegano (29) | | | BendiStraw (27) | || BananaPoptart (23) | Pranos (22) | | | | OmegaKEG (20) "My greatest joy in life is Shedging." | | Batmayne (19) | HuffPuff (19) | | BrokenTed (18) | | skitzty (17) | | Lizardmannn (16) | | TheHomieRJ (16) | DeadFinale (14) "Edgy is my aesthetic." | CommanderMars (13) "Fire and Blood." | | | | RuzaGoodGuy (13) "Live in the night until the day gets better." | | Agglelos (12) | | ilyKnew (12) | MegumiNoriko (12) | PlagueGod (12) | Weegan (12) | QueenWynstem (11) | | DipStyle (10) "The secret to a happy life is having a good night's sleep." | | Hermetic (10) | | | Jiyara (10) | | Pokemongameswoo (10) | Mikeales (9) | PolarBearPMU (8) | | Baileyshadow (7) | Choptamas (7) | Lengedd (7) | | OSageJr (7) | ShujinkoKhaos (7) | | XPainlesspinex (7) | | JusTrying (6) || Skillgannan (6) | | DJEluminia (5) | | MeiLinyuan (5) | | Ninja Dolfin (5) | Spicychickins (5) | Tairz (5) | BigthePlug (4) | GrimmyShake (4) | | Gumbster (4) | MiraCora (4) | | PsilosAk (4) | ShinysOrNothing (4) | Spaltzwiebel (4) | | Valkyriesyli (4) | xAbsolute (4) | yoontoon (4) | ZZmojo (4) | | Avicm (3) | Dadwick (3) | DarkComet (3) | EzekielJP (3) | | TommyTufKnuckles (3) | | trickatechnology (3) | wyattnk (3) | Ybgmikey (3) | ZoeyBliss (3) | Astroqoy (2) | | Chromehearts (2) | TheFishyTiger (2) | | | VoidFusionz (2) | watchdoggman (2) | | XxManicMinaxX (2) | bloonsgoat (1) | Brioschi (1) | | Empex (1) "Bug catcher." | EsferaBartok (1) | Hummmy (1) | IchBinDeltaaa (1) | iTzzGaradex (1) | Lunatte (1) | nerorules (1) | NicSch (1) | ShunDayo (1) | SilentSmoker (1) |
Guess it makes sense that I make the First Post here, how are we doing folks? It’s nice to have the Club tab finally set up properly. This post is not of any actual meaning, just wanted to say hello!