Shiny Database
Team OT Shiny Showcase
Some of the shiny lists are in order of catch date, while others are not.
Shinies with black and white filter either were killed, fled, bred or sold
Safari shiny pokémon will have the symbol in the sprite
Secret shiny pokémon will have the symbol in the sprite
Egg shiny pokemon will have the symbol in the sprite
Alpha shiny pokémon will have the symbol in the sprite
KarlVincent (45):
Morcai (6)
Christel (8)
PrimeYogz (2)
levineedsmwahh (10)
Kleighden (7)
DaichoD (8)
IamSushiii (15)
hosiboll (8)
Xerannn (1)
flaxse (1)
Himaya (1)
MitsuuGod (2)
XCsiD (2)
Jaikupal (1)
BenjAlreadyNerf (7)
BuzzLightYR (2)
Kurokochhii (4)
BrownLANZ (1)