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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/18 in all areas

  1. DestructX

    [PSL X] Week Seven

    si vamos tangelitas
    7 points
  2. You think the odl stuff are good welp, just see what happen to the bad express, full of old comp lossing againist that "jajas" you say that are noobs, I dunno who you are, If you are good enouhg maybe the "jajas" know you but thats no happen here, you are old comp player but, we don't know who are you and we know who are doctor PBJ, EVLGOON, JJ and guys like them who are comp so @Kanzo who are you and why aren't you trying to show how good you are?
    5 points
  3. well guys, let's play the game of differences : 11th OT, with donator, 2days after the 10th.. PS 1 : Get @Aeruned PS 2 : Shiny rate is fair, they said
    4 points
    4 points
  5. DoctorPBC

    Docs road to $1k

    Shoutout to Parke and K9 for getting me a gambling addiction after recent betting successes on sports I’m deciding to challenge myself, I am going to try turning $10 into $1000 through sports bets and I’ll be documenting my successes and failures here (with screens for proof). If anyone wants to try and suggest bets go for it! Day 1: Started at $10 - Ended at $21.60 Day 2: Started at $21.60 - Ended at $22.92 Day 3: Started at $22.92 - Ended at $27 Day 4: Started at $27 - Ended at $25 Day 5: Started at $25 - Ended at $81 Day 6: Started at $81 - Ended at $52 Day 7: Started at $52 - Ended at $98 Day 8: Started at $98 - Ended at $123.50 Day 9: Started at $123.50 - Ended at $155 Day 10: Started at $155 - Ended at $248 Day 11: Started at $248 - Ended at $273 Day 12: Started at $273 - Ended at $395 Day 13: Started at $395 - Ended at $398 Day 14: Started at $398 - Ended at $509 Day 15: Started at $509 - Ended at $649 Day 16: Started at $649 - Ended at $690 Day 17: Started at $690 - Ended at $645 Day 18: Started at $645 - Ended at $1180 The journey is over, thank you for your support. I hope to do another one of these soon
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. Since apparently UU and NU matchmakings do work but need enough people for matches to be found, and since I know a lot of people that would love to queue for one of the two rather than OU. my suggestion is: 1- A first win of the day bonus reward: Your first win of the day on each tier grants you extra 500 BP. 2- Revival bonus: Playing 15 UU or NU games without forfeiting more than 2 games grants extra 1500 BP. (This can be easily abused actually, so I'm not sure how to balance it) 3- A star indicator next to the tier in the PvP windows a green empty star showing that you didn't get your first win of the day. a blue star showing that you didn't get your revival bonus of the day. Something like this will split the population a bit and at the same time keep people engaged in different tiers. Note: I thought of several things to handle the "dead" hours, but in my mind it'd be redundant to implement any of them. If you have an idea to handle those, do share!
    3 points
  9. Charderp


    @Draekyn machine dead. I am new leader.
    2 points
  10. Special fuck u to @Nawe With love ofc
    2 points
  11. Puntos de Esfuerzo (EVs) Puntos básicos: ¿Que son los EVs?: Los Puntos de Esfuerzo (conocidos como EVs = Effort Values) son puntos adquiribles automáticamente al derrotar un Pokemon, estos, en sumatoria, pueden modificar las estadísticas de un Pokemon; incrementan su valor, haciendo mas fuerte al Pokemon. Los pokemon pueden cargar hasta 510 EVs en total; pero un máximo de 252 EVs en cada característica (Esto sería: 510 - 252 = 258 // 258 - 252 = 6.. Osea, Con esos 510 EVs, se puede dar EVs al máximo a 2 características y darle 6 EVs a una extra, pero.. ¿Cuanto vale ese extra?: Cada determinada cantidad de EVs, sumará un punto en esa característica; - Al nivel 50, cada 8 EVs, sumará un punto. (Es decir: 252 / 8 = 31,5 //*Los números se TRUNCAN (No se redondean, se cortan), es decir, quedaría en 31*// ¿Que pasa con ese ",5"?: Pasa que esta relación (Un punto de carácterística = 8 EVs) solo se cumple cuando el Valor Individual (IV) es par, de ser impar, la cuenta arranca como si desde entrada, tuvieramos 4 EVs, y empezamos la cuenta desde ahí, osea que en lugar de darnos 31, nos daría 32 puntos a la característica; pues la cuenta quedaría 256 / 8, que da por resultado 32) - Al nivel 100, cada 4 EVs, se sumará un punto. Y así... Podremos observar en nuestra querida y amada PokeDex, el valor de EVs que nos dan los Pokemon: Dan 1 o 2 cada uno, osea que tengo que matar entre 120 y 250 ratas? No necesariamente; como dije, al ser obtenibles derrotando Pokemon, sería tedioso ir matando uno por uno para llegar a 252. Para esto tenemos una forma mas rapida... Hordas :o ¿Que son las "Hordas"? - Son los encuentros de hordas, en los cuales se hayan 2, 3 o 5 pokemon de forma salvaje (En los que hay dos, lucharán 2 pokemon tuyos. En los que hayan 3 o 5, luchará solo el primero, ten cuidado con la diferencia de numero!!); al haber mas de un pokemon, si podemos matar los 2, 3 o 5 al mismo tiempo, sumaremos EVs mas rápido.. ¿Como mato mas de un Pokemon al mismo tiempo? - Si usamos ataques que inflijan daño a mas de un pokemón; ¿Como sabemos cuales son esos ataques? La Pokedex misma lo dice al señalar un movimiento: (Prestemos atención a la precisión, no queremos que falle!) Muy bien, ya entendimos, Que son las hordas y como las derroto, pero ahora una preguntita un poco muy importante.. ¿Como consigo enfrentarme a estas o como las invoco? - Facil; Se nos permitirá usar un movimiento que las atrae; Dulce Aroma, es un movimiento muy común entre los Pokemon de tipo Planta. Tiene 20 PP de base, y ocuparemos 5 de esos PP cada vez que usemos el movimiento, osea, llegamos a invocar 4 hordas y tendremos que ir a curarlo. Con Max. PP puede tener hasta 32 PP, es decir, llegamos a invocar 6 hordas! Una vez que se tiene el movimiento, el proceso es sencillo: Solo tenlo en el equipo a ese Pokemon y clickealo, luego a Usar Dulce aroma, así: (Asegurate de estar en una zona donde puedas usarlo y NO en la puerta exactamente de una cueva, pues no te dejará usarlo) Una vez aclarados todos estos conceptos básicos. Hay 2 formas de entrenar, una forma mas lenta pero menos riesgosa: - Pones al Pokemon que mata a las hordas de primero y le equipas al Pokemon que quieres entrenar un Repartir Experiencia. o una forma mas riesgosa pero el doble de rápida: - Pones al Pokemon que quieres entrenar primero con un Brazal Firme equipado y al apenas invocar una horda, cambias por el Pokemon que matará las hordas (Se recomienda llevar equipada una Campana concha para curarte con el daño que les hagas a las hordas). ¿Que Pokemon puede aprender Dulce Aroma como para ir a atrapar? Es una lista sencilla, no muy larga: Y.. ¿Que Pokemon puedo usar para matar las hordas? Esta lista si sería mas compleja de armar, lo que si te puedo facilitar es una lista de los movimientos que pueden matar hordas y.... ....¿Cuales son los movimientos que pueden matar hordas?... Que pesado, eh? Esta sería la lista: Tu turno sería buscar los pokemon que pueden aprender cada movimiento, o simplemente ver si en los que tienes de nivel alto, alguno puede aprender los movimientos! Puntos avanzados: Ubicaciones importantes: Formato: Teselia: Mejores ubicaciones: PS: Ciudad Teja // Surfeando // Stunfisk x5 // 10 EVs // 100% // Estos pueden paralizar y bajar la precisión con ataques tipo tierra y electricos Ataque: Ruta 9 // Pasto // Garbodor x5 // 10 EVs // 100% // Estos pueden paralizar con Golpe cuerpo o envenenar con Tóxico Defensa: Calle Victoria (Entrada desde la Liga Pokemon) // Suelo // Durant x5 // 10 EVs // 100% // Pueden bajarte la precisión cambiandote tu habilidad por Entusiasmo y también pueden usar Excavar Ataque Especial: Ruta 14 // Pasto // Golduck x5 // 10 EVs // 100% Defensa Especial: Castillo ancestral (Sala de Volcarona) // Suelo // Claydol x5 // 10 EVs // 100% // Llegar hasta ese lugar demanda mucho tiempo Velocidad: Ruta 12 // Pasto // Rapidash x5 // 10 EVs // 100% // Pueden quemarte con Infierno (Bajarte el ataque) y atenuar el daño de Terremoto, por ejemplo con Baya Acardo Otras ubicaciones: Kanto: Mejores ubicaciones: PS: Puerto Isla Tera // Pasto // Dunsparce x5 // 5 EVs // 100% Ataque: Bosquejo (Norte de Isla Exta) // Pasto // Heracross x5 // 10 EVs // 100% // Estos pueden usar Aguante y resistir un turno mas. Necesitas SURF para llegar Defensa: Ruta 21 // Pasto // Tangela x5 // 5 EVs // 100% // Pueden envenenarte con Polvo Veneno. Necesitas SURF para llegar Ataque Especial: Cueva Celeste // Surfeando // Golduck-Psyduck x5 // 5-10 EVs // 100% // Llegar hasta este lugar demanda mucho tiempo, pero dan mucha experiencia. Defensa Especial: Isla Setima // Agua // Tentacruel x5 // 10 EVs // 100% Velocidad: Valle Ruinas (Isla Exta, al sur) // Pasto // Persian x5 // 10 EVs // 80% y Fearow-Spearow // 5-10 EVs // 20% // Pueden atacarte con Persecución en caso de usar el método de Brazal Firme Otras ubicaciones: Hoenn: Mejores ubicaciones: PS: Gruta desértica // Suelo // Loudred-Whismur x5 // 5-10 EVs // 100% // Estos Pokemon llevarán Rugido, se recomienda llevar un Pokemon con la habilidad Ventosas en caso de usar el método de Brazal Firme Ataque: Pilar Celeste (La torre) // Suelo // Ariados x5 // 10 EVs // 100% Defensa: Guarida Magma // Suelo // Graveler-Geodude x5 // 5-10 EVs // 100% // Pueden usar Explosión/Autodestrucción, se recomienda llevar un Pokemon con la habilidad Humedad o de tipo Fantasma y Estos Pokemon pueden tener la habilidad Robustez, costará mas de un turno matarlos Ataque Especial: Bajo el agua // Buceando // Lanturn-Chinchou x5 // 5-10 EVs // 100% // Pueden paralizarte Defensa Especial: Frente Batalla // Agua // Tentacruel x5 // 10 EVs // 100% Velocidad: Calle Victoria // Suelo // Golbat-Medicham x5 // 10 EVs // 50% // Pueden salir hordas de Loudred aquí, que dan 10 EVs de PS Otras ubicaciones:
    1 point
  12. #threehostshosting#nosixzeromaster#iJulianBowser#tangelastakeawrongtrain#transformersundefeated#yangsamcantescapewiriknow#"y'allweresleepingwhenidraftedmyteam"#notinnnnnnnntinthisweek League Standings and Schedule: https://challonge.com/fr/plsxnx League Rosters and Statistics: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F43R651WbcWsy1o6Qu5ged1lksPpqfCQ06sUJJQPJGI/edit?ts=5b9dbeb9#gid=0 Playoff Bracket: https://challonge.com/fr/plsxnxx  Suspension(s): // Yellow Card: //  Strike: // As a reminder: SPORTSMANSHIP:  BATTLES: SUBSTITUTIONS: SCHEDULING A MATCH: VGC (6) vs Red Scale (1) OU: SpartacusGD vs Schuchty OU: NecroskullDark vs Stairway UU: Wiriketchup vs yangsam UU: Cali vs Axellgor (No Contest) NU: Excavalier vs Risadex Dubs: iJulianFNT vs Zigh LC: OrangeManiac vs YettoDie DPP OU: NikhilR vs XPLOZ KIENZANGOOSE (1) vs Strawhats (5) OU: Redav vs abstractt OU: Aerun vs kiwikidd UU: villadelobos vs ZDFire (No Contest)  UU: Sebat vs yosoyarca NU: EfronX vs Kizhaz Dubs: gbwead vs Roxxass  LC: Jaawax vs Elcoolio (No Contest)  DPP OU: Kamimiii vs StriderXD Deadline Sunday, 18th of November at 1 am UTC - 2 am BST - 9 PM EDT Don't forget to PM your opponent ASAP! Remember to post your scheduled battle time in this thread at least 10 minutes before it starts. Showdown players remember to provide replays. All in-game battles shall be played in Vermillion Channel 4 PC. 
    1 point
  13. All mons have their respective - speed + dmg nature, eggmoves as listed. check gtl if interested.
    1 point
  14. I was thinking it seems odd to throw my following Pokemon out of the ball when entering a battle, as it's already out. Could this bit of the animation be skipped if the Pokemon is your current follower? This was a feature back in Pokemon Yellow, where Pikachu would slide(jump) into battle, and others would poof from their Pokeballs. The only downside I could think of would be people who aren't using followers, and could miss out saving half a second(Not to mention the encounter speed increase of course). Thoughts? Video Example
    1 point
  15. Sebat

    [PSLX] Betting Thread

    Take the bet for if ur whiscash evolve
    1 point
  16. Hi Lulu! <3 What Bestfriends and Munya mean is that implementing something that could possibly break some markets isn't really interesting. It's not just Leppa Berries sellers who would suffer with that, we would have more shinies since it would be easier and faster to hunt them. Sometimes a small change can be good for some people but terrible for the economy. We need ev train/shiny hunt to be at least a little hard. I understand your idea, truthfully, as someone who spend a lot of money in Leppas lol but we would need to considerate how it would affect the market, because it would be not just the Leppa/shinies market affected. For example, Leppa sellers would migrate to plant EV Reducing Berries, then we would have a lot more of this berries being sold and the price would be affected too.
    1 point
  17. 1 mil on VGC winning this week, only one time because I'm poor
    1 point
  18. first win of the day sounds good. I think it was alredy said but I think it should show how many players are in queue.Should help with people willing to wait a bit.
    1 point
  19. Especially the first win of the day bonus sounds good, but probably for economical reasons the bp prices have to be adjusted.
    1 point
  20. DoubleJ

    [PSL X] Week Seven

    JJ vs Des as soon as he logs, which should be soon.
    1 point
  21. Nawe

    [PSL X] Playoffs Round One

    ty for the tag so i didnt need to search this shitty post
    1 point
  22. Yes this a nice idea !!! I agree...
    1 point
  23. TSLuluAylen

    A PokeDex filter o.o

    I have several proposals / initiatives, all about changes to the Pokedex and to make it more "interactive", easier to search; to see what you tell me.. 1 - Filter by TYPE: To be able to locate Pokemon according to its elementary type, whether primary or secondary, that is, a filter to search for the 16 elementary types: Fire, Water, Plant, etc. Why ?: It could help to look for a team (or last member of the team, like having a lot of weakness to the ground type and we find a good flyer Pokemon, things like that) balanced, with a diversity of types, trying not to repeat.. It could help to build a monotype team, for example (which is less common, but it is an existing concept ..). 2 - Filter by EV (That is, Pokemon that give EVs of attack, Defense or Speed, for example): A list of Pokémon that give PS, a list of Pokemon that give Attack, a list of Pokemon that They give Defense and thus the 6 characteristics. Why ?: Being that a Pokémon gives certain EVs from the highest characteristic that it has (Except in some cases as Shedinja that gives 1 EV of PS being the lowest) could help with the completion of the teams or to search for members punctual (like walls, we know unquestionably that Tentacruel and Mantine give EVs in Special Defense, Ferrothorn and Hippowdon give EVs in Defense, Blissey and its preevolution give EV in PS, or if we look for sweepers: Salamence and Scizor, in Attack, Reuniclus and Magnezone in Special attack, and if we seek alternatives faster than conventional ones: Jolteon, Starmie that give Speed) (I know this proposal is a bit ... arbitrary, but maybe it helps them imagine something better, or maybe it's not as weird as I imagine it, haha) 3 - Cascade filter (List) by characteristics; Highest or Lowest: A list in which you place one of the 6 characteristics and you can see all the Pokemon in the list from which the highest one has that characteristic to the lowest one. That is, you put PS and you would appear Blissey on the top, followed by Chansey and thus with the 6 caracteristics (PS, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Speed) .. Why ?: The same as the previous one; The one that has more value in those characteristics is the strongest, fastest or most resistant, they could be useful data to build an interesting team with the most "broken" Pokemon and even serve to move the tiers a bit; Dear and beloved Escavalier, who would imagine that you have 135 of Attack and the Defenses so high, if you are sunk in a very low tier ... (Additional information: At the time of assembling a team of Trick Room, it could influence a lot to be able to look for Pokemon with low speeds).
    1 point
  24. I would like it even more as a special/rare encounter in dungeons or something. Just standing in the wild would be bit boring and anti-climatic in my opinion
    1 point
  25. Yes pls im playingwith a bitdo zero its so awesome but the onscreen buttons are anoyinng
    1 point
  26. BrokenBulb

    Hello All

    Welcome back DeatBane! Enjoy your stay! :3
    1 point
  27. Rache

    Gym Leader Levels

    Good luck, a blind Nuzlocke of PokeMMO is quite a bit more difficult than the original games. The gyms have been rebalanced quite heavily - sometimes they've been made a bit easier, but they'll usually be harder, mostly due to more varied movesets that you'll have to play around - a type advantage might not be enough to guarantee a win. The AI actually tries to win too, so you're in for a challenge. KANTO: HOENN: UNOVA:
    1 point
  28. Havsha

    [PSL X] Week Seven

    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. DoubleJ

    [PSL X] Week Seven

    @kiwi flexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    1 point
  31. Grats Papa grizzz
    1 point
  32. another hero costume design. this took way longer than it should have lmao
    1 point
  33. One of my best battles was my win against @pachima in OU MM while using metapod
    1 point
  34. Summrs


    I really wish I had the time and motivation to play this game like I used to. I really miss the prebreeding days :/
    1 point
  35. Munya

    Docs road to $1k

    Docs road to 0$
    1 point
  36. OrangeManiac

    Docs road to $1k

    Reminds me of @Parke, except when he does all the games in a single bet and misses on something like 3 grand because of one match ended up in a unexpected tie 30 seconds before the game ends because of a lucky goal.
    1 point
  37. Details Automated Tournament | Single Battle | 16 Players | ₽ 7,500 Pokeyen Sign Up Fees | 6v6 LC | Bracket Date & Time Tuesday, 13th November | 6pm UTC - 1pm EST - 7pm CET Time Zone Converter Registration Registrations will open 15 minutes prior to the tournament. You can register by clicking on the PvP menu option (Masterball icon) and then select "Tournament Signup". You may only enter on one account.  Clauses Evasion / Sleep / OHKO / Unique Species / Self-KO / OP Item Tournament Clauses Explained   LC Ban List LC Move Ban List First Place Prize ₽ 400,000 Second Place Prize ₽ 120,000 Host- YettoDie
    1 point
  38. Psl better if I'm around and that's a fact
    1 point
  39. Suneet

    Miss you Baederz <3

    Miss you Baederz <3
    1 point
  40. 1 point
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