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I want to preface this by saying this isn't an attack on the TC or Devs, I don't want to come off too strong. I am just concerned about the direction OU is heading in. The problem stems from the PokeMMO developers having cornered themselves with a system that is neither viable nor sustainable with zero exceptions. Wobbuffet and Dugtrio should be flat out banned. These two should essentially be the poster boys for exceptions to their "always nerf, never ban" rule. Personally, I don't dislike the idea of nerfing, I think it's a cool system. However, how can you nerf Pokémon like Dugtrio or Wobbuffet, whose primary niche, usage, and functionality rely on a broken ability & a moveset which complements and accentuates it in a competitive metagame? It goes against the very word of "competitive" to attempt and keep uncompetitive by nature Pokemon in the game. The only way is to gut them completely and make them match-up fishing machines (See Wobbuffet, and the recent PSL game Azphiel played as an example) I don't think we should ALWAYS absolutely nerf, I strongly strongly believe there should be a tiny clause added to the system where if something has no reasonable nerf it should be banned for the health of PVP. In my opinion, Wobbu alongside Dugtrio fits this theoretical "clause" too. I really implore you to consider & or discuss this in TC chat @Rache @Munya Also, I want to raise a question: Will we have a metagame conducive to skill in two years with the addition of 10-20 more viable Pokémon to OU, when the tier is already bursting at the seams with Pokémon to cover in the builder? I have been able to build strong teams covering pretty much everything, able to beat every major style in every single meta game before this one in PokeMMO.. And in this current meta I always feel I have to leave myself wide open to something quite popular and strong, which I have never had to do before. I wanted to raise this and potentially get some discussion about it. Hydreigon, Garchomp, Wobbuffet, Gallade (which should already be banned) and soon Dugtrio would not be in the tier without nerfs, which if they were banned removes 5 threats to worry about. And arguably we would have a way healthier tier. Terrakion, Jirachi, and a few others, I imagine, will require nerfs, when they would have been banned in the default tiering system. Thus adding more Pokémon to cover and in theory 7-8 Pokémon we have artificially kept in the tier. This is (largely) unprecedented for tiering in Pokemon. In every other established tiering system, they would be banned. But our tiering system has allowed them to stay, in idea this is good for the values the devs want to project onto the game. But our tiering system is an experiment and it needs to be handled with extreme care. I do not know for certain if this will become an issue, but I strongly believe this is a big concern for the coming months & years. My main point is that we should really work on adding some clauses into the "no ban rule" as it isn't sustainable without 0 exceptions. And the TC should really begin to theory with the addition of all the remaining HA's (and legendaries) down the road, is our current system & path sustainable? Because I believe a lot should be amended, reconsidered and theorised.8 points
10. They made it so the best way to make money is to get a job irl and spend irl money on the game. (but I still like it here)8 points
8 points
8 points
7 points
[OU Discussion] Dugtrio
benwallacehof and 6 others reacted to Bertolfoso for a topic
Dugtrio's better attack and speed makes it a way better pokemon than diglett, idk why i have to say that. Ohkos dont matter when you can chip chansey and many others to 15% guaranteed As you've written in the main post Dugtrio, despite being argued to be too much for OU, has still the low usage of 6%. One cannot deny there is also a small stigma for using Arena Trap teams (this is obv not an argument only an observation). People likely dont consider using an unevolved pokemon for similar reasons. just cus ppl dont use stuff it doesnt mean they are not good lol diglett could def be used in lower tiers Also side rant but these suspect tests and their threads are so useless imo, whats the point of discussing if in the end it's TC that votes? Surely the point cant be that we need to convince TC to vote x or y, they should be great players with informed opinions already. Also you cant even post replays which are the only forms of "proof" a pvp pokemon game can actually have (walls of calcs are useless without context)7 points -
What is this? Well once again, everyone's favorite Pokemon to abuse has come up for discussion. This thread will allow for players and community members the opportunity to debate whether Dugtrio meets any of our ban criteria for the Over Used (OU) tier. What to know? Dugtrio is an enigma. Rarely used (~5-6%) but often mentioned as the root of all evil. Pairing Arena Trap with an extended movepool (thanks DLC...) it has even more options to break down opposing teams. Previously seen as a revenge killer or support, it now is used as an ace for many teams and well supported by Espeon with Magic Bounce and the various Defog and Rapid Spin users we now have access to. Simply put, slap a Focus Sash on this mole(s?) and tell it do work with any combination of moves. More often than not you'll be in a favorable position, as it currently has a 55% win rate in match making. We know the sets, we know the damage rolls, we know the issue. Please discuss (again).6 points
I tried so hard to get this Pokémon / ability constantly banned for too many months and I have expressed my vote publicly on repeated occasions on various discussion channels, but if forums people need confirmation, then there is it. I'm sorry but I think that the people who voted to ban this topic are very tired of having to explain the same thing over and over again and to spend so many time, giving examples and showing how the meta looks like (full match-up fishing) and after that, receiving vaguely made arguments with not very explained votes and we end up with the voting results that you see, and this getting repeated as a cycle each time. I understand that each person may have a different point of view, so even if I have tried, there are still teammates who believe that this Pokémon should not be banned, they decided to open a thread in the forum again to read the opinions of the community apart from everything what we have already explained to them, so I beg you for your help, maybe it’s the opportunity to open their eyes to new perspectives! Because trust me, we tried everything. I won't reveal my teammates opinions, but if you need to know what they think, you should ask them. I’m always open to talk with every PvP player if needed and I received much feedback from the community via private messages, talking with the most active people on the PvP scene, to be sure enough of what to vote on this situation from my pov.6 points
Uber support Uncompetitive Unhealthy Select one, two or even all 3 of them and just get rid of this disgusting shit from OU for god's sake6 points
I've always viewed trapping mechanics as uncompetitive, especially dugtrio and wobbuffet, since it limits many teambuilds on what they can and can't use. Hence I was in favor of a ban. The purpose of this discussion is to convince the TC members who felt it was not banworthy, that it is in fact not suitable or healthy for OU in its current state. During the last dugtrio thread, its movepool update was still relatively new, and people were clearly divided on whether endeavor would be viable or not. Over the last few months, I would guess most people can now see it's an issue, and just another reason why it's not fit for the tier.5 points
I spectate a lot when I'm at work afking, and... I actually saw diglett being used in lower tiers (NU) and it was as obnoxious in there, as Dug is in OU This so much. Can we ask our tierlist council to voice their opinions? So far it's almost only JJ who's actively engaging into conversations with us.5 points
Absoutely not, this is so untrue imo. If Dugtrio gets banned, Diglett will try to take over and will fail miserably. It would not even be close to viable. Diglett has already access to Endeavor and doesn't see any usage in NU or UU, so why would it suddenly be banworthy in OU. People hate AT so much that they will blindly believe anything that will justifty an AT ban. There is no justification or argument that can justify such a ban. There is 0 issue with AT. Dugtrio is the only pokemon with AT that is deemed problematic. Not Trapinch. Not Diglett. Only Dugtrio.5 points
[OU Discussion] Dugtrio
UTR and 4 others reacted to Bertolfoso for a topic
Please do move the focus of the suspect to Arena Trap and not Dugtrio. Diglett can still do most of dugtrio's stuff since it gets endeavor and has pretty decent speed5 points -
[OU Discussion] Dugtrio
Summrs and 3 others reacted to ArtOfKilling for a topic
Honestly, I don't want to spend time arguing with opinions that don't match mine. Respect to all the opinions that have been listed above. All I can simply say is that anything other than banning Arena Trap is a waste of time and a repeat of the previous Dugtrio post, where people kept going back and forth in the same circle. I personally see the decision as simple and easy, unless others have a say in keeping the meta as disgusting as it is. Then it's fair. The only reason why OU is popular is because it's the dominant tier in the ladder. But in terms of attracting newer players and understanding how to team build for a variety of playstyles isn't easy. I am honestly lost for words when discussing OU with players who haven't been here prior to hidden abilities. The meta was much simpler and easier to understand. Then came PP nerfs and hidden ability introductions that weren't managed properly. Then the sudden, unexplainable addition of Gallade to this day, and the legendary adaptation meta. When we discuss Dugtrio, we have to consider the limitations that come with it. We can't simply ignore how Dugtrio forces certain selections and Pokémon to be used in the team-building process to avoid getting annoyed by Dugtrio. Do I have to keep playing Chandelure to handle it alongside its common partners? And be fearful of another matchup where Tyranitar can potentially pursuite me? Or use Volcarona to handle Serperior, then get trapped by Dugtrio? [Dugtrio traps setup sweepers that counter its walls like Serperior/Porygon "Volcarona" and traps Espeon answers "Tyranitar" to allow Espeon to sweep.] There's much to say about Dugtrio, but as the quote says, "Less is more."4 points -
4 points
[OU Discussion] Dugtrio
Matthzinxl and 2 others reacted to caioxlive13 for a topic
Well, like i sayed on Hydrei's thread when people sayed that Empo was good in OU and by that Hydrei had decent answers: "If a mon is not in a tier by usage, there is reasons for that. He could be genuinely bad in a tier or just outclassed" (Now Empoleon is OU by usage but back then wasn't). The whole concept on tiering by usage is that: The best mons are more used and get to be placed on the highest tiers. Digglet's case exemplify that. If people claimed it would be as broken as dugtrio and replace it once it gets banned, then there would be people using it already on lower tiers where he is not present. And he is bad, even for untiered(Where he only gets a small niche but that niche gets vanished if you play a Untiered tour and they determine a banlist because 100% chance that Emboar would be on that BL.)3 points -
✨XRD's Shiny Journey ✨
DrTylerGrey and 2 others reacted to xRdZiiiN for a topic
3 points -
This is a niche suggestion, but I still want to make it. Please make TT trophies colourable.. All of NORE has like 6 of the same vanity, soon to be 10 lmao or some new vanity, but I feel colorable would be way easier to make them unique in some aspect... We are gonna win another like 3 trophies + another team of the year this year we are gonna have like 10 of the same vanity 😭3 points
3 points
[OU Discussion] Dugtrio
HumongousNoodle and 2 others reacted to caioxlive13 for a topic
People laughed at me but i was the first who said endeavor was an issue. Told you all! Putting personal thoughs aside, this thing has to go and thanks to the new policy about nerfs we don't have to worry about the consequent nerf because no consequent nerf will happen. A s*** ton of PvE farming methods would be impacted with any change on him, and in none of those farming methods Dug outclass everything, so devs didn't had a reason to nerf it in all game. Just apply the Complex Ban for PvP OU for AT + Dugtrio and call it a day. Finally this mole is on the path to go away from OU and once gone, we can bring the discussion about other issues. First we would need to look about Stall + Time Limit abuse, and after that issue is solved, we can finally look at Gallade(Right now if we ban it, those stalls became out of control since no wallbreak put the common used mons in a stall in check too well like him which lead to a situation annoying in ladder but easily avoidable on non-official matches: You being able to beat the opposing team Long-term, but not in 60 minutes. If we solve stalling issue first, then stall players would abandon their team(As it's not worthy to extend the match anymore) and we can ban gallade with little to no collateral damage).3 points -
3 points
A Letter to the Devs
Heitros and 2 others reacted to XIstoyucori for a topic
I don't understand why some clueless people are taking this post as something ironic and mocking the guy, honestly it's difficult to see reality when you want to defend something or someone you like who is being criticized for hurting someone else. . There is consistency in what the guy in the post said, there is a huge lack of communication between the superiors of this game and the community, I've been here since 2013 and sometimes it bothers me not to have things so clarified, the most annoying thing was after years now I know that there is a blocking of shiny encounters. So to the ridiculous people who are trying to portray this guy as a clown and this post as a circus, you are out of touch with reality to the point of defending the absurd, re-read this post again and learn to have coherence and see with your feet on the ground how much this is serious.3 points -
2 points
Particles Guide - Previews and Release Information 2.0
CaliKingCorey and one other reacted to LucasLyn5 for a topic
@Rache made a particle guide with previews and release info. Unfortunately, she no longer has the time to update it, and as such, I got permission to continue the guide where she left off. Rache stated her guide would be deleted when this was up, and as such, I can't refer to the old thread (hence everything already made has been copy-pasted). Everything after the Zodiac particle will be updated by me. A particle is a visual effect that plays upon entering battle. As of right now, there are 38 unique effects. Anything that has at least one particle will have a little green particle icon displayed next to it in places like the PC and GTL: "Shiny" and "Secret Shiny" Pokemon will show both the particle and respective Shiny icon. When breeding, all particles from both parents are passed to the egg. This is often the cheapest (and in some cases the only) way to obtain a specific particle on a specific Pokemon. Most are available in item form too though, and are attached upon use. Quick links: Special follower summon animations Particle exclusivity overview Special thanks Portuguese guide (thanks to @BielMSq) ______________________________________________________________________ Shiny Unique to shiny Pokémon. All shinies come with this particle pre-attached. It cannot be obtained on non-shinies through any method. Secret Shiny An extremely rare shiny Pokémon. First released in 2022. Found on every 1/16 shinies found via single encounters. Cannot be optained by hatching a shiny. A shiny Pokemon cannot have both the Shiny and the Secret Shiny Particle. Breeding Pokemon with the Shiny and the Secret Shiny particle will grant the egg to have the Secret Shiny particle. Ally side: Opponent side: Hitodama Spirits dance around you. Exclusive to Halloween (2018). Found in Pumpking Goodie Bag (2018) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. Bats Summons flying bats. Seasonal Halloween item first introduced in 2018. Purchasable from the gift shop for 250RP during each Halloween event. Ghosts Haunted by the ghosts. Exclusive to Halloween (2018). Found in Pumpking Goodie Bag (2018) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. The Eye Nothing escapes the eye. Exclusive to Halloween (2018). Found in Pumpking Goodie Bag (2018) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. Pumpking's Delight Pumpking shares the spoils. Seasonal Halloween item first introduced in 2018. Can be found in each year's Pumpking Goodie Bag. Rising Star A dancing star glitters around you. Seasonal Christmas item first introduced in 2018. Purchasable from the gift shop for 250RP during each Christmas event. Snowflake Snow falls gently. Exclusive to Christmas (2018). Found in Santa's Present (2018) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. Present What could be inside? Exclusive to Christmas (2018). Found in Santa's Present (2018) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. Paper Lantern Paper lanterns float into the sky. Exclusive to Lunar New Year (2019). Found in Lucky Red Envelope (2019). Fireworks A celebratory Firework. Seasonal Lunar New Year item first introduced in 2019. Purchasable from the gift shop for 250RP during each Lunar New Year event. Pungent Stench Your stench overwhelms the enemy. And everything else. Exclusive to Halloween (2019). Found in Pumpking Goodie Bag (2019) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. Black Hole The beginning, or the end? Permanent gift shop item first introduced in 2019, purchasable for 200RP. Witch's Haze A fateful ceremony. Exclusive to Halloween (2019). Found in Pumpking Goodie Bag (2019) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. Pumpkid's Treat Twirling treat tornadoes tantalize the tastebuds. Exclusive to Halloween (2019). Attached to all party members defeating Pumpking on hard mode. Can only be attached by breeding now. Witch's Cat Wait, where'd you come from? Seasonal Halloween item first introduced in 2020. Purchasable from the gift shop for 250RP during each Halloween event. Pumpcat Pumpking's favorite pest. Exclusive to Halloween (2020). Attached to all party members defeating Pumpking on hard mode. Can only be attached by breeding now. White Kitty Wait, where'd you come from? Permanent gift shop item first introduced in 2020, purchasable for 200RP. Spinning Scythe Incoming! Exclusive to Halloween (2020). Found in the Pumpking Goodie Bag (2020) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. Spider's Web Don't get bit. Exclusive to Halloween (2020). Found in the Pumpking Goodie Bag (2020) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. Zombie's Grip Watch your step. Exclusive to Halloween (2020). Found in the Pumpking Goodie Bag (2020) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. Zodiac Celebrating the new year. Exclusive to Lunar New Year (2021). Found in Red Envelope (2021) and Lucky Red Envelope (2021). Eerie Howl One of the pack. Exclusive to Halloween (2021). Found in Pumpking Goodie Bag (2021) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. Graveyard Ghouls only. Exclusive to Halloween (2021). Found in Pumpking Goodie Bag (2021) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. King's Fall A bountiful harvest. Exclusive to Halloween (2021). Attached to all party members defeating Pumpking on hard mode. Can ony be attached by breeding now. Red Dragon Enter the dragon. Exclusive to Lunar New Year 2022. Found in Lucky Red Envelope (2022). Anniversary Cake Happy birthday, PokeMMO! Seasonal Anniversary item first introduced in 2022. Found in Anniversary Chest's and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. Kanto Friends The Classic Trio. Exclusive to 10th Year Anniversary (2022). Attached to all party members defeating The Original You. Can only be attached by breeding now. Shiny Kanto Friends The Classic Trio. Exclusive to 10th Year Anniversary (2022). Found in Golden Anniversary Chest. Menacing Spirit An Intimidating Foe Exclusive to Halloween (2022). Attached to all party members defeating Pumpking on hard mode. Can ony be attached by breeding now. Shiny Menacing Spirit An Intimidating Foe Exclusive to Halloween (2022). Rarely attached to party members when defeating Pumpking on hard mode. Also found in Pumpking Goodie Bags (2022). Xmax Decorations A festive occassion Exclusive to Christmas (2022). Found in Santa's Present (2022) and pre-attached to special swarms found during the event. Spirit of Spring Spring's blessings Seasonal Lunar New Year particle first introduced in 2023. Pre-attached to special Zodiac themed Alpha Pokemon and Shaymin found during the event. Also found in Lucky Red Envelope (2023). Phantom Purranormal activity Exclusive to Halloween (2023). Attached to all party members defeating Pumpking on hard mode. Can ony be attached by breeding now. Shiny Phantom Purranormal activity Exclusive to Halloween (2023). Rarely attached to party members when defeating Pumpking on hard mode. Also found in Pumpking Goodie Bags (2023). Dark Crystal -- Exclusive to Halloween (2024). Attached to all party members defeating Pumpking on hard mode. Shiny Dark Crystal -- Exclusive to Halloween (2024). Rarely attached to party members when defeating Pumpking on hard mode. Also found in Pumpking Goodie Bags (2024). Random Chooses a different particle every battle. This isn't an actual particle effect. Included to make this clear. ______________________________________________________________________ Gaps in the releases are due to: Christmas 2019 did not receive an event. Lunar New Year 2020 had no new particles. Christmas 2020 had no new particles. Christmas 2021 had no new particles. Christmas 2023 had no new particles. Lunar New Year 2024 had no new particles.2 points -
The devs have single-handedly: Created the best Pokemon online game in the world Worked on this unofficial fan project for 12 years while avoiding Nintendo's lawsuits Connected 5 regions into a single game, something that nobody has ever dared to do before Kept it free to play and not pay to win Updated and unified the mechanics of all games to give us the best experience possible Added tons of fan requests, events, made the game as customizable as it can get Provided free entertainment for millions of people I've joined in 2012 as you can see on my profile, so I'm quite literally a PokeMMO veteran who knows what he's talking about.2 points
I find that the current system for breeding is good, it will become bad if it goes in the direction that you propose especially for shiny and competitive pokemon because it would break the economy of the game. This game is a pokemon MMO and not a classic pokemon games.2 points
[OU Discussion] Dugtrio
VadimEmpoleon and one other reacted to gbwead for a topic
Mons get banned based on facts, not assumptions. The fact that Diglett is not NU or UU by usage is more than enough to demonstrate that it's not something to be concerned about.2 points -
If Dugtrio has 80 base attack again, it would be very little used in Ou.2 points
They big scared of people holding them accountable for their own decisions. That's also why they hide who vote ban/no ban and just give the overall TC outcome 🤣2 points
Similar opinion as last discussion, dugtrio is not a broken pokemon, but it is unhealthy and toix in OU tier. The high atk&speed, trap ability, ground type earthquake+Endeavor+sucker puch+ reversal moveset is unreasonable. It means with dugtrio, u can 6 vs 5, or 6 vs 4 from the game begin. With a good defoger or Magic Bounce ability pokemon, people can protect the focus slash of dugtrio easily. And after that, dugtrio can not only easily trap&kill rock and steel type pokemon, but also other stall pokemon with helps of Endeavor move. This makes the game boring, no more predict and gaming, just simply rely on trap tactic.2 points
2 points
5/12 SenseiN3SS' Weekly Catching Event! #12 (CLOSED)
Moshuku and one other reacted to SenseiN3SS for a topic
2 points -
Endeavor made it more obnoxious than ever. OU is a priority move heavy tier and god forbid you want to play without priority moves against a dugtrio, he can claim two pokemon. Limits team building, Limits archetypes, increases MU fish. The guys running 3 defoggers ruined this mon for everyone. Running rock weak team with 3 defoggers and a dugtrio killing the few rock move pokemon is uncompetitive and not a show of skills. This team archetype is limiting for the tier as a whole. The goal is to make as many archetypes viable in OU tier, correct? As DoubleJ said, we all know the calcs and interractions. So my main point and argument is that in my opinion it limits the viable team archetypes in the OU tier while breaking the core principles of pokemon (switching).2 points
2 points
The breeding system is terrible | PokeMMO RANT
Cristi and one other reacted to vitormurucci for a topic
If breeding becomes random, why breed at all? Why not just go catch the pokemon in the wild? The same for casual players: why breed? It's not needed for storyline, for sure. If the ideia is to create better pokemon for grinding gyms or farm items, this system is actually BETTER than the vanilla games. It's a lot less random or rng and lot more knowledge and control. But if you want random, go catch wild pokemons. Not to mention egg shunting, money sinks that MMO needs (braces, everstones, gender selection).. Maybe I'm dumb too but I can't see a single benefit from this change. What exactly was fun about breeding in original games? Bike around until get a egg -> then bike again until the egg hatches -> repeat until gets a better parent -> (change the parent in the daycare) -> repeat until get a good enough pokemon?2 points -
Since everyone is reading this thread I would like to kindly remind that shiny rate is fair2 points
The breeding system is terrible | PokeMMO RANT
huehnchenjaeger reacted to Danielp533 for a topic
There has probably been a billion posts on this by now, but hear me out There are 2 major issues with PokeMMO: A) They assume most players are competitive, when 95% are casual B) They make dumb decisions The breeding system is the best example of this. Breeding was one of the most fun activities in the original games. In PokeMMO, they changed it. Now, if you want an egg, you have to murder (or 'trade') the two parents to get the egg. Permanently Their logic is that two good iv Pokemon will create more good iv Pokemon, causing inflation in the market. The reason why this is terrible logic is because there are simple ways to fix this A) Make the eggs random. Equivalent to when you find Pokemon in the wild. This way there are no advantages B) Make certain eggs unable to be traded, or sold C) There's a lot more that I'm too tired to type Anyways, I understand why they wanted to do this. But again, their solution was terrible, and they also hurt casual players who make up most of the fanbase Thank you for reading. Feel free to leave thoughts in the comments1 point -
[OU Discussion] Dugtrio
RysPicz reacted to benwallacehof for a topic
I agree with the aboveposters that Arena Trap should be reviewed, not just Dugtrio + AT. Arena Trap limits counterplay considerably because you can’t switch out. The actual counterplay to Arena Trap with many grounded pokemon amounts to the following – run Shed Shell, be behind a substitute, or simply do not get a KO with that pokemon to allow Dugtrio to come in. As you can see, this is really forcing you to build suboptimally or play a certain way just so that one of your key pokemon does not get trapped. The mindgames that you have to play with when using Dugtrio makes it an unhealthy presence in the metagame. this is different than Magnet Pull mind games, which do not affect every grounded pokemon but rather a handful of steels. The underlining issue with Dugtrio is it does not have a counter by the true definition of the word. You may pack a Gliscor on your team and a Dugtrio is out on the field? Go to your Gliscor. You can't. If the other arena trap mons see as little usage as the other posters claim, what would be the harm in a blanket Arena Trap ban? They don't see usage anyways, right? FWIW I think banning dugtrio and not AT is just delaying the inevitable, which is digglet/trapinch sliding in and functioning as a trapper for any team that needs specific threats gone. If nothing else, what does this metagame have that is different that makes Arena Trap healthy/ok to use that other metas don't? In Gen6 and 7 Dug was banned with and without the attack buff and didn't have access to endeavor (under the blanket of Arena trap that was banned entirely) What is the argument FOR keeping it? How does Arena Trap/Dugtrio keep the meta healthy?1 point -
[OU Discussion] Dugtrio
YourAngst reacted to LiveLaughHate for a topic
I'm a relative fence sitter on this topic although I do think the advent of endeavor definitely skews dugtrio too far into the unhealthy category. With that being said wouldn't it make more sense to ban Arena Trap than Dugtrio itself? Arena Trap seems to be the root of all evil in a lot of your minds and the main factor in why people consider dugtrio uncompetitive as it removes peoples ability to proactively switch. To me it makes more sense to ban arena trap to avoid any possible future diglett shenanigans than to ban dugtrio which could potentially have a niche in NU outside its toxic gameplay.1 point -
🐻Cali's Shiny Journey🌟
Pecaeme reacted to CaliKingCorey for a topic
1 point -
Don't think you or me or anyone that donates to the game are entitled to receive more and frequent updates just because we donated. I do agree on the low communication though, just to know what's up. I believe there won't be an event until Halloween since they're preparing to release raids.1 point
1 point
MostItalian reacted to moonloverhalen for a topic
⋆TEAM KPOP SHINY SHOWCASE⋆ ✨TOTAL SHINIES: 576 ✨ Member Count 149/150 Added to showcase 24/149 LuckyStarfishh (30) @LuckyStarfish Yumiyamai (24) @Yumiya95 NaitM (21) @NaitM Amyllia (21) @Sofiemoon halenxo (18) @moonloverhalen Nicodelik (17) @Nicodelik beefpoptart (17) @beefpoptart Akuizm (13) @akuizm JacoStrydom (13) dxsires (12) @dxsires Littlejosmi (10) MichaelDaMan (10) @MichaelDaMan Reki (9) @REKI DvcStril (7) RainyCastform (6) @Rainycastform Adfajo (6) @adfajo Heemswrld (5) GEKICHUMAI (5) PantheBear (5) @panthebear LaidbackCamp (2) @whispur joeyslayer (2) @joeyslayer CinmonTost (2) @CinmonTost BlairShadow (1) @Blair Toltyily (1) @Tolty1 point -
Quackin' Eggs- Breed and EV shop
queensocko reacted to Kivikalikka for a topic
Did an order for 3 pokemon, got them the same day and everything was perfectly done. Hannah is the only breeder I trust1 point -
Quackin' Eggs- Breed and EV shop
queensocko reacted to hannahtaylor for a topic
over 20 breeding orders completed recently, always welcome more!1 point -
Catching Roaming Legendaries - Info + Strategies Guide
imphilxd reacted to drakesstepson for a topic
Right click + copy to share Check current roaming legendary - https://pokemmo.zone/time/ [Not completely updated, mostly relevant info but little about the birds] The legendary beast trio in PokeMMO can each be caught throughout a rotational cycle in the order of Suicune → Raikou → Entei. This means you are able to encounter and catch one beast per month with unique stats. This cycle rotates every (real) month, opposed to a 'seasonal' rotation. Although the season does change every first day of the month, the beasts are not season-dependent. You are able to encounter the beasts after completing the Ho-Oh fight in Johto, although completing the E4 is recommended for easier catching. Each beast can be found through non-sweet-scent encountersa in grass patches in any outside location in Johto (excluding the Safari Zone), with Suicune being the only beast that can be found in both grass and water. The best way to encounter one is to first find an encounter spot that you like. Then, you'll want to decide which out-of-battle ability you prefer to lead your partyᵇ. One way is to use a synchronize Pokémon to get a (flat) 20% chance to get a desired nature on your Pokémon. This can be helpful to save money on nature herbs, which can change the nature of every beast. The most common lead is using an Arena Trap / Illuminate / No Guard / Swarm Pokémon to increase encounter rate by 10%. Using lures are also helpful in increasing your encounter rate by an additional 10%, however this is a slight increase in encounters. While ideal, lures can be costly after thousands of encounters. Both lures and encounter-increasing leads will only increase your ability to get into an encounter, but won't increase the rate to which a beast spawns. Repel tricking does not work for the beasts. Intimidate / Keen Eye, both out-of-battle abilities which repel lower enemies, do not give increased rates. The encounter rate has most likely been adjusted through the initial release of Suicune, and may still be subject to change for balancing reasons. As of now, the precise encounter rate (which is consistent through all the three beasts) has not been revealed. However, it was revealed to be in the range of 1/1/001 - 1/7,999. It has also been revealed to be not as low as 1/1,000 encounters, but also not as steep as the shiny rate of 1/30,000. The encounter rate is most likely 2,000-4,000. Catching each beast is relatively easy, but takes the right team preparation in order to swiftly catch. Keep in mind that they cannot flee. But if you encounter one and do not successfully catch it, (by killing it, losing, running) the rate of finding the same beast again will increase 'significantly'. However, you will not re-roll any stats such as IVs, nature, and shiny status because these are rolled upon first encounter. You do not need to have an arena trap Pokémon in order to trap it, and you do not need to master ball. The best strategy is having a level 100 Breloom with Poison Heal holding a toxic orb with a substitute set. Turn one, you'll switch to your Breloom, then spore, substitute, false swipe. If it wakes up, repeat the process by sporing until you get it at the lowest HP possible. After it has been at least 11 turns, it has been spored, and it is at its lowest possible HP, using timer balls until it's successfully caught is the best strategy to catching. Dream balls are also a viable option. The last concern is PP usage, which may be reduced by your team because of its Pressure ability (which each beast will have) and you want to make sure to catch it quick enough to not drain all of its PP, so it doesn't struggle to death. Each beast is guaranteed to have at least 3x31 IVs. Each beast has the ability Pressure, which 'raises the foe's PP usage'. They can be kept permanently and be traded and sold. After you have successfully caught one beast for that month, you won't be able to catch it again until another rotation. You can use an alternative character (even if it shares with your main) or accounts to hunt for them again after beating Ho-Oh. After successfully capturing your monthly beast, you will get 20 Rainbow Quills. Similar to how Gracideas work, one Quill increases any selected IV stat of any beast by one and are consumed upon use. You unlock the ability to get Rainbow Quills from [anywhere?] in the wild, exclusively in Johto after capturing the beast for that month. For every start of the month, you will be unable to obtain rainbow quills until you catch the beast for that month. Rainbow Quills can be infinitely farmed by using pickup, but can also be found randomly in the wild by defeating hordes or Pokémon. However, they are very rare and may not be worth using item charms for, as it is unknown how charms affect quill rates. You can modify the nature of any beast (and Shaymin, Unown) by using nature herbs. Nature herbs are consumed upon use and are found by planting Gracideas. The nature herb yield is theorized to be around 5%, and you can get a range between 1-3 nature herbs from a lucky harvest. a - This means you'll have to do single encounters. While lures increase encounter rates, a double, triple, or 5x horde encounter (which wasn't enabled by sweet scent), counts as one beast encounter. This is because the beast encounter replaces that double/triple/5x horde so that it's a single encounter. b - Keep in mind, you cannot lead with a fainted Pokémon with an out-of-battle ability. BEAST-SPECIFIC INFO SUICUNE Unlike the other two beasts, Suicune can be found in all outside water spots in Johto. Dex#: 245 Ability: Pressure - Doubles the foe's PP usage when they target it. Weight: 187.0 kg / 412.3 lbs Desired Natures: Bold (73.81%), Timid (18.35%), alternatively Calm (3.42%), Modest (3.30%) as of January 2024 Tier: Over Used as of January 2024 Base Stats HP 100 Attack 75 Defense 115 Sp. Attack 90 Sp. Defense 115 Speed 85 Total 580 Default Moveset MOVE TYPE POWER ACC PP Brine Water 65 100 10/10 Icy Wind Ice 55 95 15/15 Snarl Dark 55 95 15/15 Calm Mind Psychic - 100 20/20 Suicune's Movepool RAIKOU Found in all Johto's grass outdoors through non-sweet scent enabled encounters. Dex#: 243 Ability: Pressure - Doubles the foe's PP usage when they target it. Weight: 178.0 kg / 392.4 lbs Desired Natures: Timid (91.74%), alternatively Modest (6.77%) Tier: Under Used as of January 2024 Base Stats HP 90 Attack 85 Defense 75 Sp. Attack 115 Sp. Defense 100 Speed 115 Total 580 Default Moveset MOVE TYPE POWER ACC PP Thunderbolt Electric 90 100 15/15 Aurora Sphere Fighting 80 - 20/20 Reflect Psychic - - 20/20 Light Screen Psychic - - 30/30 Raikou's Movepool ENTEI Found in all Johto's grass outdoors through non-sweet scent enabled encounters. Dex#: 244 Ability: Pressure - Doubles the foe's PP usage when they target it. Weight: 198.0 kg / 436.5 lbs Desired Natures: Adamant (72.92%), alternatively Jolly (13.72%) Tier: Under Used as of January 2024 Base Stats HP 115 Attack 115 Defense 85 Sp. Attack 90 Sp. Defense 75 Speed 100 Total 580 Default Moveset MOVE TYPE POWER ACC PP Sacred Fire Fire 100 95% 5 Bulldoze Ground 60 100% 20 ExtremeSpeed Normal 80 100% 5 Crunch Dark 80 100% 15 Entei's Movepool ARTICUNO Found in all of Kanto's exterior locations (water & grass) through non-sweet scent enabled encounters. Dex#: 144 Ability: Pressure - Doubles the foe's PP usage when they target it. Weight: 122.1 lbs Desired Natures: Calm (36.30%), alternatively Timid (28.42%) Tier: Never Used as of January 2024 Base Stats HP 95 Attack 85 Defense 100 Sp. Attack 95 Sp. Defense 125 Speed 85 Total 580 Default Moveset MOVE TYPE POWER ACC PP Sacred Fire Fire 100 95% 5 Bulldoze Ground 60 100% 20 ExtremeSpeed Normal 80 100% 5 Crunch Dark 80 100% 15 Articuno's Movepool ZAPDOS Found in all of Kanto's exterior locations (water & grass) through non-sweet scent enabled encounters. Dex#: 145 Ability: Pressure - Doubles the foe's PP usage when they target it. Weight: 116.0 lbs Desired Natures: Timid (52.39%), alternatively Bold (31.58%) and Modest (12.66%) Tier: Over Used as of January 2024 Base Stats HP 90 Attack 90 Defense 85 Sp. Attack 125 Sp. Defense 90 Speed 100 Total 580 Default Moveset MOVE TYPE POWER ACC PP Sacred Fire Fire 100 95% 5 Bulldoze Ground 60 100% 20 ExtremeSpeed Normal 80 100% 5 Crunch Dark 80 100% 15 Zapdos's Movepool MOLTRES Found in all of Kanto's exterior locations (water & grass) through non-sweet scent enabled encounters. Dex#: 146 Ability: Pressure - Doubles the foe's PP usage when they target it. Weight: 116.0 lbs Desired Natures: [?] Tier: [?] Base Stats HP 90 Attack 100 Defense 90 Sp. Attack 125 Sp. Defense 85 Speed 90 Total 580 Default Moveset MOVE TYPE POWER ACC PP Sacred Fire Fire 100 95% 5 Bulldoze Ground 60 100% 20 ExtremeSpeed Normal 80 100% 5 Crunch Dark 80 100% 15 Zapdos's Movepool1 point -
Quackin' Eggs- Breed and EV shop
queensocko reacted to hannahtaylor for a topic
12 EV and level orders and 8 breeding orders completed recently!1 point -
Quackin' Eggs- Breed and EV shop
queensocko reacted to Nathan for a topic
Always super fast at a very reasonable price, Hannah's the real deal!1 point -
1 point
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