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Everything posted by ProfessorElderberry

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMwB5uIWOOI And 50 some odd friend requests later, if you posted in this thread you have been added by me. FC: 1005-9372-9720 ScreenName: SYN
  2. Erraones getting added up in here: FC: 1005-9372-9720 ScreenName: SYN
  3. I feel old... I was 12 when Pokémon red came out, and I played the everloving shit out of that game. Red is still my favorite of all the Pokémon games.
  4. One of my favorites: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY_3Swm_kw4 By far my favorite part -> ReferSales.com
  5. AFK for like a month, good knowing you guys
  6. What type of server did you work on with your friend? Welcome and Happy birthday on the 9th!
  7. call me a purist... http://picardunderstands.ytmnd.com http://youmakemetouchyourhandsforstupidreasons.ytmnd.com/ http://lukecompany.ytmnd.com/ http://jurassictourettes.ytmnd.com/ http://timelol.ytmnd.com/ http://wantsome.ytmnd.com/ http://ladyahhhahhhh.ytmnd.com/ http://thefutureofourworld.ytmnd.com/ http://strictwalter.ytmnd.com/ http://mlkanye.ytmnd.com/ http://wubwub2.ytmnd.com/ http://resurgence.ytmnd.com/
  8. Wait, you mean buying drugs over the internet was a bad idea? [spoiler][/spoiler]
  9. Kill them all with fire, I say. also one of my favorite games: [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  10. As of this drafting it is not in PokeMMO, however there is lots of talks about how legendaries are going to be implemented in future patches. Welcome and enjoy your stay!
  11. Anything with Sting or ultimate dragon in it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BgbK2i1U7c I miss being 10 at times...
  12. I have a tradition on halloween in which I turn off all the lights and hide from invading children whom if I am discovered will assuredly threaten acts of violence or property damage unless I pay a ransom of their choosing.
  13. Welcome! As far as helping, every little bit helps - be it by answering questions in global chat or answering a question here or there on the forums. The rewards for doing so is the good feeling of helping others- no more and no less. Other than that I am not too sure what other help you can offer, especially if you are not looking to become a cm/gm. Another thing to note is that the developers are not looking for any help on the programming end of things (just in cause you were wondering). Hope that helps, and welcome!
  14. mfw. This is pretty accurate considering that I have lived primarily on the west coast.
  15. Legendaries announced!!! see more details at:

  16. What does the 'R' in this sign stand for? [spoiler] Perhaps, "don't be Retarded, and don't park here"? (I was about 8 I think, and not all that bright) ps: just in case you can't see it like I could, I thought the red line covered up the leg of the R. [/spoiler]
  17. This seemed to help me to get it installed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS3ZxOtTD5A
  18. Well, lets just start with the big one of the last hundred, shall we... as written in Mein Kampf, Chapter 2: Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna. However, on the whole 'religion creates hatred/destruction/stifled progress' argument, I was watching a Mr. Tariq Ramadan the other day, debating with Christopher Hitchens (whom I just love listening to), and Ramadan said something that rang true to me: "All religions deal with human beings, and all human beings deal with violence... The problem is not with the book(s), the problem is with the reader." I agree with what he said, and it pains me how many atrocities are committed in the name of any religion (an example being doing gods work by killing jews). It is hard for me to distinguish at times the two.
  19. All of the members of my family are just horrible people (present company excluded - or at least I like to think so...). If they had any measurable impact in my life, it would be to inspire me to be a better person, because they literally make me ill thinking about their constant insanity and insidiousness (which such mire rules their lives even to this very minute, I am sure); In truth, many other people have been much more influential on my life (I tend to surround myself with like minded and kind individuals), and I thank them for that: so in contrast, I think that my parents impacted my life a notably small amount, if at all. tl;dr No, not so much.
  20. To play on this idea, I would suggest instead of creating this mechanic using an everstone (which can be harvested rather easily --- I literally have about 10 of them on my account), the player can get a 'neverstone'. The neverstone can be a reward from official tournaments, and in turn there could/would be a limited amount (making them quite valuable in trades and for breeding). It could work identical to the everstone except for the opposite sex. Perhaps because it mirrors the everstone mechanics so precisely, it may be something that could be realistically implemented. Just my two cents. Seems like a good idea--- but I have been face down in Path of Exile for the last couple of weeks... so maybe such an idea might not be a good one.
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