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axx last won the day on April 22 2016

axx had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    : Desu's moe dungeon
  • IGN
    : aaxx

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  1. Bestfriends manipulating the market ??? That's some character development I did not expect to see.
  2. How am I the lead poster in this bordel...
  3. axx

    Gratz on your promotion :3

  4. time to binge watch the only decent thing this season
  5. 1 CNY
  6. im currently watching dragon ball z ok
  7. when reading necro threads is more interesting that logging in
  8. i miss the forums before somebody killed OT
  9. holly shit, carb is best update since the kanto e4
  10. Now that we know event items are limited not releasing a gift shop limited only dampens P2W, which I applaud. Moreover, gift shop limited items were becoming kinda common. Bear in mind that the next event is coming in under two months.
  11. How is this not a thing...
  12. all that is fine until you remember that all you can get are the micro back items, another odd hat, and the pain of deleting 40 trash cosmetics
  13. ohhh nice seasonal armchair, now do a rocking chair!
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