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Everything posted by Kryuko

  1. I'm looking for suicune for days and still haven't found it. Is there anything that I need to do? Why do someone use lures?
  2. So is it normal that i still haven't found it in about 4 hours? I did ho-oh but not e4.
  3. The game is good. If it's too hard for you, just play something else.
  4. Totally agree, we need more load balancers
  5. It makes totally sense, not everyone care about pokedex, for example i do only pvp and i'll never get a full ot dex.
  6. This mod is gorgeus, installed and shared with all my friends, thank you!
  7. Do you mean the dungeons they announced years ago?
  8. Thanks, I didn't knew this translation of unova.
  9. At the time of the post was not in the work... But now it is?
  10. Totally agree, no news about dungeons from years.
  11. Johto has already been confirmed. We just need to wait patiently.
  12. Hi, am I the only one that doesn't have shiny backsprites?
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