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xMago last won the day on September 8 2022

xMago had the most liked content!

About xMago

  • Birthday 11/12/1993

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  • IGN
    xMago(old) zMago

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  1. if we were to look for similarities in vanitys, there are many that I could say
  2. maybe you have been interested and it is an idea so that phone developers can do it in a legal way.
  3. LC: Skylux(200k) vs darkquiler take 500k @Edstorm and take 200k @skyluxNG
  4. xMago


    i think the tables are only for caught first evolution of the alpha. example, excadrill alpha, then u can caught drilbur ha.
  5. xMago


    when start event u can farm 1 tablet each day, and u can finish, then, is so much? i think really depends of ur time, but the events in pokemmo always u need time for got it.
  6. xMago


  7. dragon antlers are in gtl now around 180k
  8. i think the raids are each day irl. the first raid was when the event start. the second raid was the server change day. (00:00 gmt) the third raid should appear in 8h.
  9. any info for the second raid? i got the first table but i not find any respawn active for raids now.
  10. Mega Aggron Mega Sharpedo Mega Abomasnow Mega Slowbro or galar version Weezing Galar Rapidash Galar Linoone Galar Darmanitan Galar Braviary Hisui Zoroark Hisui Raichu Alola Ninetales Alola Exeggutor Alola i see mega steelix u see very big, but i find that pokemon too for add Pd. i find a problem with the mod, why all mons in battle i see very small?
  11. 2-3h if u re-run, i finish in 2h 30 with the explosive hat.
  12. Remember to add steelix aggron etc pls πŸ˜„
  13. I still winning with 2 Mons lol.
  14. the best way to get used to it is to watch official tournaments.
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