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Everything posted by Shawn3K

  1. 官方工作人員好像説過可以交易。
  2. 説得都好。但是對游戲的影響完全恢復了嗎?不過就是你愛搬不搬,我就這樣而已。做過調查嗎?有幾個人對現在的天王願意投入?不過也許這就是你們要的結果。
  3. 我認爲你們Staffs看見了玩家的訴求就有義務收集并向上反饋(包括這條)。我沒得力氣再去搞一個意見貼。謝謝了,求求了。
  4. 恢復接棒吧,求求了。不然搬勾八啊。。。。
  5. 铁面忍者 音速蟬 接棒可以了??
  6. 現在天王已經改成時間限制了,不能長時間刷,是否可以重新使用接棒隊了呢?
  7. This can improve my English, just use you as my tool.
  8. Even just appreciate it, it's interesting. But I understand, like you've never been like your profile photo, and you should be happy about it, because that photo is really not good-looking
  9. Sorry, my intelligence is low, I don’t know how to do it, and I don’t have WinRAR
  10. I don't feel it. I don't have any desire for shiny Pokémon.
  11. I once heard a MOD saying that the number of blocked accounts reached 300,000
  12. Can anyone tell me what is the fun of hunting shiny Pokémon? Besides wasting time.
  13. Apart from robots and GMs, how many real players are left in this game?
  14. I hope there will be celebration in PokeMMO.
  15. You are not only handsome in appearance, but also kind in heart. I can't compare with you.
  16. I hope to have Atonement vouchers someday, I want to redeem my account.
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