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Everything posted by kuuai

  1. 游戏与论坛的账号不通用,是两个账号 请前往官网注册再尝试登录
  2. 打卡,希望不要明天(愚人节)出闪,今天就给我闪ヾ(•ω•`)o
  3. I believe everyone has heard enough of the "Ditto email scam" I am well aware of the official intention: email is not a suitable transaction method, the best transaction method is to settle both money and goods simultaneously But everyone knows that buying a large quantity of full box Ditto can be very troublesome during trading. I suggest making the box directly fit into the transaction, It can be directly selecting a box, or it can be bound like an "account box" (But after selecting a box in the transaction, you cannot choose any other Pokemon) Then, as long as there is enough space in the other player's box and the amount of money is entered as usual, the transaction can be locked and confirmed Use this method to ensure that money and goods are settled simultaneously during transactions
  4. 同二楼所述,短期封禁等解封就行了 超过三天的封禁可以前往支持中心申诉
  5. kuuai


    https://pokemmo.com/zh/code_of_conduct/ 《行为准则》说明了玩游戏要遵守的基本规定,请仔细阅读 您可以前往 https://support.pokemmo.com/knowledgebase/article/tampering-ban 获得关于第三方软件的帮助 如果这并不能解决您的问题 您可以前往 https://support.pokemmo.com/login 使用受影响的游戏账号登录,创建工单选择申请帮助或账号申诉,提交并耐心等待结果
  6. My friend hopes to provide more convenient information for the imported XML file (i.e. language pack) But there may be too much to write, and the game interface won't fit well So I came up with this idea Since chat channel staff can send forum links to facilitate people's viewing of some activity content and strategies I wonder if it's possible to add some links to the language pack that can be quickly opened? for example: Add a link to the breeding guide in the Egg group. Add a link to the Hunting Ditto Guide in the PokeDex content of Ditto Sorry, I just wanted to simplify the complex text and proposed this idea. I'm not sure if this is feasible on a technical level But I have seen people working hard for it. The language pack I am using is like this
  7. I'm sorry, personally speaking. I have been playing for two to three years and have never heard of this feature on Android But solving problems is actually very simple. These common questions can be answered by asking friends around you or directly asking on chat channels Alternatively, refer to this:
  8. 您说得对,我懂了 也确实,PvP门槛太高了,还是遭遇比较方便 那麻烦您帮我把我的这两个帖子关闭一下吧哈哈哈,谢谢您
  9. Supplement: I just hope that Legendary Pokemon, which may be open in the future, will have more ways to obtain it For example, the PvP I mentioned and the cumulative capture of Shiny Pokemon (ps: Jirachi and Victini, It's just my personal inner thoughts. They are all very cute, aren't they? XD) Perhaps my thoughts are a bit naive But there is a chance of encountering Legendary Pokemon in the wild, It really doesn't fit my inner fantasies about them Although I am well aware that this is not realistic
  10. 但我看到太多只是因为运气好轻松碰到神兽的例子,甚至我本人也是如此 刚开城都那段时候,我刚打完风王遇到的第三只怪就是水君 这个月闪电鸟第一天我只花了半个小时就遇到了 我只是希望 未来更多更强大的永久神兽可以有更多的获取方式,而不是仅限各种任务活动(即使任务很长很繁琐)或更简单的野外遭遇 也有些私心,希望以“礼物宝可梦”的方式早日开放更多神兽(比克提尼很可爱捏qwq) 你们说得对,但正是因为不公平,所以我才提出了我的想法 最近我发现,有些人甚至每天都有花大量时间追闪电鸟,可并没有成功遭遇到。我想这应该不是“极少部分人” 我尊重那些尝试野外遭遇的人的努力,追闪亦是如此 但这也像追闪一样,有时概率真的很低,并不能确保你的努力能够获得回报 同时,我也不爱野外遭遇,而我是PvP党 如果说不公平,那么现有的获取方式对于那些特别热爱PvP的人来说也不算公平 所以我只是希望拓展更多获取神兽的方式,以“迎合”更多玩家的需求 想要去获得哪种神兽是玩家们的个人选择 当然,我个人的思考能力和范围是有限的 所以欢迎大家提出更多获取方式以及你的想法 感谢你们的回复
  11. 声明:此处的帖子仅是搬运至中文分区进行讨论 原贴已提交至英文板块的建议箱,有更好的意见请前往原贴进行回复 我不希望未来那些更强大的传说宝可梦仅仅通过野外狩猎和副本活动获得 它们都太简单了,简单到你只需要完成任务或者积攒运气 我更希望通过PvP、锦标赛以及“成就系统”来获得传说宝可梦 而且,即使这些传说宝可梦不能参加PvP,只要能象征着“努力”和“技术”就行了。而不是“任务”或“运气”。我认为这才是真正的“神兽” 例如: 当您在 PvP 匹配比赛中达到 15000 分(或更多?) 您可以获得 基拉祈(礼物宝可梦) (可以选择任意IV和特性,以及可学习的招式) 累积 100 个闪亮口袋妖怪(自己的 OT) (或更多?) 您可以获得 闪亮的比克提尼(礼物口袋妖怪) (可以选择任意IV和特性,以及可学习的招式) 当然,这些只是一些例子 我没有考虑这些传说宝可梦的开放性 欢迎继续讨论
  12. I don't want those more powerful Legendary Pokemon in the future to be obtained solely through wilderness hunting and dungeon activities They are all too simple, so simple that you just need to complete tasks or accumulate luck I would prefer Legendary Pokemon to be obtained through PvP, tournaments, and achievement systems. Furthermore, even if these Legendary Pokemon cannot participate in PvP, as long as they can symbolize "effort" and "technology". Instead of "task" or "luck". I think that's the real "Legendary" For example: When you reach 15000 points in PvP matching matches (or more?) You can obtain Jirachi (Gift Pokemon) (Can choose any IV and Ability, as well as learnable Move) Accumulated 100 Shiny Pokemon (own OT) (Or more?) You can obtain Shiny Victini (Gift Pokemon) (Can choose any IV and Ability, as well as learnable Move) Of course, these are just some examples I didn't consider the openness of these Legendary Pokemon Welcome to continue the discussion
  13. 不推荐doge 这两个属性 都弱格斗 格斗又是进攻大系。 钢还弱火 恶又不抗火 又一个进攻大系。 不可能六只都具有同属性 就算是换其他属性也很难让六只都同属性,还能有强度 属于是兵家大忌了 PvE也难说
  14. 可以参考下这个 虽说我还记得有另一个早一点的时装攻略(好像作者头像是个小磁怪),但找不着了就很奇怪
  15. Thank you for your artwork!! This is so handsome
  16. Thank you , v仔, I have also re edited it ❤
  17. I hope to hold hands with my beloved Gallade on a sunny day That's all my requirements, you can play the rest freely~
  18. 据我所知,应该一个邮箱创建多少账号是没有限制的 不过创建太多可能会被工作人员认为是机器人账户(好像是这么说的 然后 一个设备只能登录一个账号进行游戏 不能同时登俩 也不能两个设备同时登录一个账号,会强制退一个设备 严禁单设备使用双开/多开等方式,来同时操作多个账号 也严禁使用虚拟机运行游戏 好像关于这些就这么多了吧(?)
  19. 也许在浏览器设置里改成电脑模式可以尝试一下 但可能不稳定,还是推荐直接用电脑
  20. 时间即使你下线以后也会继续消耗 可能要看情况严不严重了,但只要不违反规则就什么事也没有,注意点就行 当然会。但像交易信息发错了的这种大概很难封号,一般都是发送其他逆天言论并且犯了很多次才会以言辞不当被封禁 惩罚也会因违规次数变得越来越重
  21. Agree, I hope there will be more obvious notifications (at least private message channels) That little green dot is not very obvious, and it may not be easy to detect in the player's quick operation In addition, the email prompt sound on mobile devices is often swallowed, and the email prompt text is not directly displayed on the screen like on a computer. Sometimes I don't even know someone has sent me an email
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