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Everything posted by YaxonTheTroll

  1. El problema es que 2500rp son como 25 dolares, y no todos tienen esa cantidad de dinero, pero si deberian hacer eso, pero con horas jugadas o si llevas tiempo en el juego.
  3. And I made 35m to single chests, farming 10-12 hours a day.
  4. Buy/WTB Golden Dragon Mask 14.3m in cash ign:yaxontroll
  5. It's true bro, it's been 10 years and they have hardly updated the game, realistically only the regions, events and nothing else, I already got bored of the game there is nothing else to do, I've been playing since 2016, and it's still the same, it has not changed practically nothing.
  6. I agree, they take the game, as if it were a game, that nobody plays, when they have a good income, from those who donate, they could even have more developers, not stay as a small team, almost amateurish
  7. the one that will come out in 2032, the 20th anniversary :v
  8. I stopped playing because of this event.
  9. To wait until august, the event. hehe
  10. Papa dudo que saquen algo extremadamente bueno, que cumpla las expectativas
  11. Buy white plague doctor mask, I m paying 38m cash. my IGN:yaxontroll
  12. @Kyuis there a great team working on the event?
  13. @Kyuwill come some nice cosmetic at least?, after waiting so long?
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