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Everything posted by colorwhitefather

  1. 收南瓜王礼袋,幽灵猫关都百变,我就赚个交易行手续费,卖交易行不如卖我
  2. 没妙蛙之前是大食花,开天气一般是勾魂眼
  3. 去工单,能追回
  4. Is Special Candy will delete, it says will delete after the Halloween event but people still have it now. Also, Changelog says "Special Candy will automatically become untradeable after this event ends." but people can still buy it on market.
  5. 皮卡丘喵喵没有再出,当时说关都绝版的时候提到过,皮卡丘喵喵也是绝版的,只是雷丘这些进化体会刷,所以等于没绝版,御三家是明确表明包括进化体也不会再出的彻底绝版,其余圣诞万圣新年的活动头目大概率也绝版了,因为到现在也没再出过,包括宝宝形态,但也没说一定不会返场,只能说不一定
  6. WTB 31 hp or speed female shiny Magikarp with high IV
  7. Like Alpha Starmie only getting from pokeball or halloween Gengar and new year Excadrill are thoes coming back next year? I know Shaymin does, but Alpha pokemons I have no clue.
  8. be honest, they should change back to before or cancel first week rank
  9. Double battles bug fixed is really unfair for those people who want to get Nian Hood. It is way harder now. If it is a bug, why does the first week score count?
  10. 头目跟普通孵蛋机制一样,但是头目只能跟头目孵蛋
  11. 先重启,重启解决99%的问题,还是好不了检查cpu和显卡,打开游戏看占用率,哪个占用满了就说明是哪个问题,也有可能是显卡驱动出问题,用的核显
  12. 万圣节礼袋和南瓜王礼袋(2022)分别能开出什么?比较好奇大礼袋有什么是小礼袋没有的,小礼袋又有啥大礼袋没有,有没有大佬能罗列一下能开出啥,技能机就不用说了,光时装
  13. IGN: colorwhitedad Pokemon name: galaxy Ho-Oh Type: Flying, Celestial Abilities: pressure, Grim Neigh Biology: Galaxy Ho-Oh is an avian Pokémon resembling a phoenix and a peauguu. His feathers are purple and black, and he has a crown of gold feathers on his head, He would leave traces of galaxies wherever he flies. Unlike ho-oh, galaxy ho-oh considered the destroyer of the world, when he appears means disaster is about to happen
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