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About Andr3a281093

  • Birthday 10/28/1993

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  1. As a not competitive player, I think you can finish the game even thought you're not extremely competitive, by just leveling up and giving stab moves to your pokemon I still have to fight Red, but I've finished all of the regions, and on my own, despite competitively I've always been a huge mess sure at the beginning it was a little hard, but I got used very quickly 😄
  2. Don't blame yourself Your job has been good so far You cannot make everybody happy, especially within the PokeMMO community which is so huge
  3. True It was still a good thing for me to suggest It's growing fast, and it's far less toxic 🙂
  4. Since more and more users are escaping from X/Twitter, and since Bluesky is growing insanely fast in the last few days, I thought that you could consider to open a new page over there For sure there will be bots, but I don't think worse than Twitter lol
  5. I'm from Rome, and would love this 🙂 upvote
  6. I've been thinking about the possibility of adding Kalos and Alola, which have been the last 2 regions to have the entire national dex phisically present, and also the first 2 in which fairy type is available But as far as I know many players prefer the current metagame without fairy type, and "only" the first 5 regions In case this is a preference for the majority of players I hope that no new regions will be added PokeMMO as it is now is a very good game, I think that adding things such as Sinnoh's Underground, and Pokéathlon, or improving what we already have (Black City and Hoenn's Pokémon Contest) it can be enough when it comes to extra content
  7. Maybe I explained myself badly Ofc I WASN'T asking for new regions, but the exact opposite Adding new regions is quite hard, and doing this just for making some old players come back for a couple of weeks as happened when Johto launched is not very nice On the other hand add things to the regions we already have YES can be nice 😉
  8. Okok I'm not really into PokéMMO's PvP, so didn't know you guys are fine as it is now In this case gamedevs can also stop to add new regions In XY fairy type was introduced, and SM/USUM have been the last games with all of the national dex phisically present But if Fairy type is too broken for you guys they can stop thinking about things like "how to add Kalos/Alola etc" and just work at more extra content from the old games (Sinnoh's Underground, Pokeathlon, improve Pokémon Contest in the Hoenn region which is very simplified, and so on)
  9. I don't know if the devteam has plans to add XY in the future But for me in case they won't adding fairy type is a smart move In BW and before, steel and dragon types are so so broken I think fairy type can make the competitive more balanced ^^ (I don't play competitively in MMO btw, it just was a suggestion for people who like it)
  10. No problem man (keine sorgen) The moment you'll be able to, you'll do it That's not urgent 😉
  11. Consider to change game engine, in order to add things, and fix bugs more easily 😉
  12. I was on another Pokémon MMO's forum in the last few days, and I've been thinking about something Have you ever thought about moving PokeMMO to another game engine (such as Godot or Gdevelop for example)? In this way maybe some implementations can be easier to apply, and some bugs could also be fixed more quickly (custom battle sprites huges when evolving -cough cough-)
  13. He was asking if you can make it compatible with spanish roms xD Sorry man, officially you always have to post things at least with an english translations within this forum, but since our playerbase is soooo welcoming they keep saying "man, just use google translate" (yeah, that's cringe)
  14. Posting copyrighted roms in this forum is forbidden You can be banned when doing this man
  15. In the last few months I've been less and less willing at playing MMO because I've noticed the game had nothing else to offer to me With this I don't want to say that the game is horrendous, or cringe, it's just too boring for my personal taste to keep playing it When I used to play the official series, 'till BW2, one thing I really loved were the activities beyond the main story PokéMMO has a huge advantage because all of its regions, which are regions introduced when internet was not available/extremely limited, had A LOT of additional content 1. Pokémon Contest (Hoenn region) I've been genuinely surprised by the fact that this very HUGE introduction from the 3rd gen was available in MMO as well The problem is that it's EXTREMELY semplified All you have to do is to go to the game mixer, but a berry in it, get a white candy, and improve all of the stats I think that reintroducing the mixer minigame would be nice, despite its simplicity 2. Pokéathlon This feature from HGSS would be nice, because all of the activities were very nice, and you could also get useful items Maybe instead of items who will ruin the game's economy you can make the various pokéathlon challenges useful to get cosmetic items for your secret base in Hoenn 3. Sinnoh's Underground and Black City are A LOT OF SPACE you can use for recurrent activities I don't know how to But PLEASE GUYS GIVE A CHANCE TO THESE LOCATIONS In DPPt/BDSP the undergrounds have been a very nice add, and I used to look for fossils and gems even more than playing Pokémon Contest in Hoennn maybe What ILCA (very underrated team for me) did with the wild dungeons has been incredible They showed that Sinnoh's undergrounds have a very very HUGE potential when it comes to activities, and consequently longevity Make possible for people to build secret bases with their own guilds Same thing with the Black City/White Forest In BW there are not the White Tree/Black Skyscraper as in the sequels That area is literally EMPTY Use it in some ways Make possible for players to build their own houses with custom floor/table/etc like in Palia/Animal Crossing I hate, and really HATE when people say things like "fine, since you've added the new region I will come back again", because PokéMMO for me is not just playing the main story with your friends But on the other hand I can't blame people who decide to leave the game because they don't get caught by anything else apart from this
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