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Everything posted by Ellio

  1. 6 大晚上让我哭晕在厕所 🥲
  2. 6 我花今天才要成熟 谁懂^_^
  3. 前面种的人真的血赚 后悔那段时间没玩
  4. The problem has been solved! GM can close this topic now.
  5. I have tried to change it to another word, but no matter how I modify it, it always carries the F symbol. If you know, could you teach me how to change it?
  6. Hello! Can someone tell me How to delete the F in this dialog box ? I really don't like this weird F (ب_ب)
  7. Hi! Could you tell me How to delete the F in this dialog box ? I really don't like this weird F (ب_ب)
  8. I want to say, can we just adopt some suggestions? Otherwise, what is the meaning of this suggestion box??
  9. I hope that the snow weather will always exist in the winter of the game, not only during the Christmas activities .(*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)
  10. I wonder if I'm the only one who sometimes has the problem of flashing back the input method? Sometimes it's good
  11. 价格相差太多可能会 例如那种一千万的道具你10w买大概会封 这种价格1m的道具大概不会
  12. 楼上说的正解 你大可不必那么在意别人对你的看法 否则无论在哪个网络游戏里你不会玩的很开心
  13. (⊙o⊙)明白了 谢谢大家的回复
  14. 另外我还想问一下 如果神奥四天王菊野上了她的一号队纯朴特性沼王 那我的标准笨蛋龙队该怎么应对才能将损耗降到最少呢( ˙-˙ ) [超认真]
  15. 是5V 原来如此 感谢(ㅇㅅㅇ❀)
  16. 刚入坑天王 我想知道他的恶系宝可梦什么情况下会对我的耿鬼使用突袭 有时候他会用有时候又不用了(✘_✘)
  17. Personally, it's impossible. Johto is probably the last region.
  18. 预览服装好像不能改变颜色 后面会加入这个功能吗?
  19. 个人观点 MMO大概永远不可能开放神兽到pvp
  20. In my opinion,Even if we don't sell them, I think there are still many players who will sell candy at a low price for the purpose of making quick money. In the end, only a few people can be mobilized in this campaign.
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