IGN: drewq
Name (Showdown/Smogon Forums): drewqq
Time Zone (UTC): GMT -6
Discord: aqdrew
Preferred tiers: NU > OU > Dubs
Motivation: :wrath:
Accolades or experience outside MMO (Showdown, Smogon):
If they havent already people will see it does not need protect, it really has strong typing to punish common threats and choice locked mons.
Like you practically blank standard toxicroak, hitmontop. choiced blazi can't click cc.
I agree it has coverage issues if you run a suboptimal set...
i know reg is closed but necas will not make it. team is
Team name: Mike Tyson's Stamina
Registered players: imBlindSpot, Sargeste, drewq, Summrs, Agncunha
Captain: drewq
just kidding he is alive