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Sebat last won the day on December 10 2022

Sebat had the most liked content!


About Sebat

  • Birthday March 1

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    in a cave
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Sebat's Achievements

  1. IGN: Sebat Name (Showdown/Smogon Forums): Xebat Time Zone (UTC): -3 GMT Discord: srbat Preferred tiers: All Motivation: just to keep my streak on playing this event every season Accolades or experience outside MMO (Showdown, Smogon): :moo:
  2. take tkmroh
  3. take 300k or whatever u can in this match
  4. IGN + Discord: Sebat + SrBat Time Zone (UTC/GMT): GMT-4 Preferred tiers: Uber & Dubs >> all Fluff: Experience as player and manager, I already know how this tier/format works ^ :moo:
  5. take me
  6. multiple bets is fake so, meh, taking that 500k anyways take
  7. how much u can accept on my match
  8. IGN: Sebat Tiers Played: OU (DPP and LC only if its necessary) Timezone: -4GMT Open to playing BO3 OU?: Only if its necessary Discord: srbat Fluff: #FreeDiglettArenaTrap
  9. Seeing a few ideas to make the competition more elite I propose to do 2 leagues in the year, first named (for example) ChampionshipLeague and our classic PokemmoSuperLeague. What would consist ChampionshipLeague: It would be like every psl of each year, with managers picks, auction, new players, 8-10 tiers and all we have known as psl. What would consist new PSL: The finalist teams in Championship have guaranteed a spot in PSL, managers are selected again and players will qualify in a draft with the best players of Championship like best OU (7-0), best UU(6-1), etc... (for example). After this draft we can have an auction but taking in mind a format only of 6 tiers and 6 matches per week (OU UU NU Dubs LC UT), these brings more hype in the matches and only the best players in each team (in their format) can play. Anothers random ideas: Untiered as serious format (like LC would need an unofficial council imo). The first place in season deserve a % of the prize (If it's 100m, 10m could be distributed to them). No more ManagerChoices, every season we have troubles about timmings from managers and host to decide and send MC/lineups, causing week release later (its not beef to PBC, happened before too). Council over Host to have democracy.
  10. ''It was another hot day in the top chef's kitchen until through his flaming gaze he observed a challenge that could be felt more than the heat of the fire itself passing the door of his restaurant...'' ...saying to his dear Rotom: Tittle: ''Hollup, let me cook'' IGN: Sebat (thanks to drewq ^^)
  11. IGN: Sebat Time Zone (UTC Format): -3 Discord: srbat Preferred Tiers: None, tc is shit Fluff: The players sign up seem boring so I'll give u some drama here and show how to play without throwing a battle (its hard to find in these times) Donation: My time
  12. is it worth discussing about a ban/nerfing a pokemon before a big event (CNY) without knowing what new things they can implement (hidden abilities)?
  13. The comparison of the lure steps with the expensive value that they have without guaranteeing the encounter of a 1m poke is not really worth, but people like me just want to have their ot on them, any other way that improves the current system is welcome, charm is a correct way I think at least to make it less expensive
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