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BielMSq last won the day on December 16 2024

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About BielMSq

  • Birthday October 6

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BielMSq's Achievements

  1. Details Automated Tournament | Single Battle | 64 Players | 6v6 NU Date Wednesday, 12th February 2025 Time 17:00 UTC | 12:00 ET | 14:00 BRT | 18:00 CET | 01:00 CST (China, Thursday 13th) | Time Zone Converter Registration Registrations will open 15 minutes prior to the tournament. You can register by clicking on the PvP menu option (Masterball icon) and then select "Tournament Signup". You may only enter on one account. Clauses Evasion / Sleep / OHKO / Unique Species / Self-KO Tournament Clauses Explained NU Ban List Pokemon in the NeverUsed and Untiered tiers are valid. Pokemon in the Ubers, OverUsed, and UnderUsed tier cannot be used. The in-game Pokedex contains filters for competitive tiers. You can view any additional bans by opening the PvP menu -> Matchmaking Signup -> Bans. 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Lanturn Lv. 50 Your choice of gender, nature, 2 moves, with 3 selectable IVs + 3x28 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points 2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points
  2. Hello, If you were banned and made an appeal, in the same ticket you will be told if you are authorized to create a new account or not, just like Carlosjxx said.
  3. You'll meet your friends Slaking, Tauros and Braviary before Excadrill !
  4. Steelix released Same locations, but it's 4 ⭐ 1 OT Required.
  5. Hi! Bugs can be reported in our support - https://support.pokemmo.com/ (or in game, Menu > Support Request). The bug in question that you mentioned (Johto rival) is already known, thank you!
  6. Sheet with all the Pokémon in every wave, I don't think anything is missing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vzrHCVLBdzREHPxiAJmfBxmyCvX_NtICB0k2h34cyN8/edit?gid=0#gid=0
  7. Yeah, the specified natures and IVs/EVs make a total difference in battle, and as I mentioned, the only bad luck that can happen is Lunatone hitting a critical Power Gem on that specific turn.
  8. 1st Place COCHETAS 2nd Place Donadona 3rd-4th Place MadaraSixSix & volia Congratulations to all the winners!
  9. Sorry, I'm talking about the notice in the game, there's nothing on the forum post yet
  10. The estimated time on the shutdown warn when the game went into maintenance was 2 hours. You can check the changelog to find out what's new, there is still no confirmation of when the server will be back, just the estimate I mentioned.
  11. el TIEMPO ESTIMADO en el aviso cuando el juego entró en mantenimiento fue de 2 horas. Además, asegúrate de añadir una traducción al inglés a tus futuros mensajes en los foros.
  12. Hola, Si quieres apelar un baneo puedes hacerlo levantando un ticket en nuestro portal de soporte: https://support.pokemmo.com/support/ Asegúrate de iniciar sesión con las credenciales de la cuenta afectada. Si ya has enviado un ticket de apelación, espera pacientemente una respuesta. Si ya has apelado y tu apelación ha sido rechazada, la decisión es definitiva y el bloqueo es irreversible. No hay más vías de recurso. Además, los baneos de más de 6 meses también son irreversibles. A menos que se te indique lo contrario, puedes crear una nueva cuenta si deseas volver a jugar. Además, asegúrate de añadir una traducción al inglés a tus futuros mensajes en los foros, ¡gracias!
  13. IMO, maybe it's the same as last year but with some new things, I just prepared mons that could be useful (some of them are just crazy ideas that I like, with high status or possibly useful moves) and I'm waiting for it. I hope it starts with low level raids like last year, i have to lvl up everything lol
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