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  1. Just try and triple check. Include the house in Sunnyshore that needs rock climb and also the hotel in Valor lakefront which needs the key
  2. Last building I can think of is the house between Pastoria and Valor Lakefront. U don't need to bring a Sudowoodo
  3. Pastoria, Valor lakefront, Veilstone, Sunnyshore, and the post game island are the areas of Eastern Sinnoh. Have u gone to Veilstone department store? Each floor has xmas tree in there
  4. Have you gone to the mansion?
  5. Have u been looking also in valor lakefront? The post game island is also part of Eastern Sinnoh
  6. @yuishigamy001 @CALLMESENSEIX Does the Staryu hunt ever end or no? I got 2 alpha starmies from staryu hunt, can we get more of it doing the hunt?
  7. @CALLMESENSEIX Staryu location is "Western Johto", I've already seen it in Olivine so I checked Safari Zone, Battle Frontier Area, Cianwood, and the house where they raise miltanks for moomoo milk and Staryu is still nowhere to see, what area could I have missed?
  8. Why is there no progress bar for the Staryu hunt
  9. I'm 49/50 on starmie hunt, how to finish it? What tree does starmie want?
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