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Eggplant last won the day on August 8 2019

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About Eggplant

  • Birthday 02/27/1995

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  1. seems reasonable. some of genshin impact's bosses have a 1 week cooldown. not a cooldown on fighting the boss, but on collecting the reward. you can fight it as many times as you like.
  2. abralts
  3. does it work on pc? if not, there is probably a mistake in the file structure. for example, zipping the whole folder, when you should have many elements at the root.
  4. when you download, for example, adamant sceptile's mega evolution mod. it already comes as a zip. just don't unzip it and place the zip directly at the root of your mods folder. you're probably confused because you understand what to do with .mod extensions, but not what to do with .zip extensions. there are two valid mod formats: .mod and .zip they are basically interchangeable. so just put the .zip into mods folder, as if it were a .mod file. ps: gilan's mod is special, you should probably watch the instruction video on his thread.
  5. there is no such feature you're probably gonna have to choose between making new character, or just starting where you left off after all
  6. can you add sheet music pls?
  7. for those who dont want to read, op says: -pvp rewards suck -too many visual bugs -wishing stone when -more hidden abilities when -every unimplemented building when
  8. seems reasonable. makes sense. the whole point of bothering to implement another currency that is battle points, is probably to encourage players to go play pvp. so they can get exclusive stuff that can only be purchased with bp. ...and not the other way around -- people shouldn't really be selling bp for cash. on the other end, people buying bp instead of playing pvp, also goes against the original intention. tldr, it's pointless to lock stuff behind pokeyen barrier, especially if they're pvp items. remove the need to sell bp.
  9. i want Kanto from Soul Silver but it's not an option help
  10. seems reasonable fun fact there's also canonical distinction between pokemon with 120+ iv total and 150+ iv total https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Stats_judge
  11. this dude is acting like his original post actually IS the code of conduct. to quote the uh, "code of conduct" I, as well as others in the chat, have changed topics immediately after seeing those red/orange texts after learning that it is a forbidden topic. so you've seen them. so you've been warned before. and you did it again. so the mute is justified. QED it doesn't matter who warned you and who muted you in what order. mods share notes. enzo knew you've been warned before.
  12. I think you are not readnig the whole code of conduct properly may i redirect you to section 1e, i quote,
  13. so you've been redirected to trade chat by "Moderators Austin, Dawn, SpeshialEDU and Head game manager, Bearminator" and still haven't learned? i love that you linked to another topic where the user is clearly guilty, further reinforcing the mod's credibility. nice touch.
  14. Shiny icons are not canon, aka they do not exist in any of the roms. Which means, this would require the same workaround as gen 5 follower sprites: dont actually include the sprites in the game files, but make them moddable. Pokemon small icons are already moddable currently-- looks like there's 3 frames of animation included in the moddable resources. (im not sure where they are used). devs would need to duplicate this to allow for 3 more frames of animation, which users can then replace with the shiny versions of it.
  15. Eggplant

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    moddable tilesets moddable size/scale for the moddable npc overworld sprites
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