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  1. "So placing some sort of grind requirement to get or change abilities is consistent with how the game works already." So grinding for money, in order to buy an ability pill, that is consistent with how the game works already, is somehow not? Your confusing the two here; I'm not saying ZERO grind requirements; an ability pill requires money and thats grind. I just think locking it behind something that people don't want to do - like myself - is really stupid. Not only does this gatekeep away from people who are new, but it also gatekeeps away from people who dont actually want to catch all pokemon and just want to pvp. Wild concept I know; but majority of the pvp scene isn't here to catch'em all; they are here to pvp; your ignoring this fact in this suggestion. "If other pvpers put in the work to be able to do it then why should a person with multiple incomplete characters be given a pass?" This is exactly why I think it shouldn't be put in the game; I dont think there should be a requirement to catch every pokemon in the game before your able to actually pvp on a serious level, its again gatekeeping people out of the pvp scene mainly new players who already have a hard grind ahead of them; why pretend they dont? Nobody is getting a "pass" if nobody needs to do this at all. If everybody can spend their GRIND money on an ability pill that COSTS GRIND MONEY than its no different than any other money sinkhole exchanging grind money for a item; they still need to grind and do something for it; its not a free pass; its not free; you gotta pay for an ability pill they are not free; you gotta pay for breeding braces they are not free; why you guys think these items are free cuz they dont cost 1.6m is beyond me. I think your honestly missing the point; "you need to grind for it" Why? HA should be part of the game, not withheld to create 'features" like this; it should already be in the game; pokemon should naturally have them; restricting part of the game is silly. "The fact that they became expensive is because people got greedy and wanted more than one for various reasons. " Wait what? You don't know about buddy with 10 variants of infernape? Why WOULDNT people want multiples of them? Are you daft? Every pvper is going to want like a minimum of 1 to 5 of these. The whole limited edition thing is by far the worst idea to ever happen here. Even worse than the orignal dungeon idea where it cycled pokemon each day, at least that way you had a chance to access them; anyone who missed that event has no hope of getting one outside of buying it and no forseeable event coming in the future; this sucks and to suggest it doesn't suck is bloody ignorant cuz all new players cannot get them, they missed the event, this is just bad game design.
  2. Since nobody cares or listens to us in the suggestions forums here, I suggest you directly message this to Rache and Vukooo who apparently are in charge of overseeing the development of this. I feel like if we all message them personally instead of talking amongst ourselves in these forums, they might actually notice the problem.
  3. Devs think its a "cool new feature" to make you remake and rebreed all 10 of those infernape variants. I've been complaining about this for 4 years honestly, its madness they are trying to withhold a part of the game to turn into this "feature" that really just means "everyone who has a pvp poke needs to rebreed it" It sucks big time and is probably one of the worst ideas to ever come to this game. I fully agree with you that there should be an ability pill you can buy from the same vendor to unlock it for pokemon who don't have it; I feel all other pokemon should naturally come with it, anywhere, none of this "alpha you need to breed into other pokes to get the HA" sillyness. Since nobody cares or listens to us in the suggestions forums here, I suggest you directly message this to Rache and Vukooo who apparently are in charge of overseeing the development of this. I feel like if we all message them personally instead of talking amongst ourselves in these forums, they might actually notice the problem.
  4. 1-2 days of farming gyms for a item they should be able to buy from the vendor for around the price of an ability pill? Oh I understand your angle now; you want something to farm so you can sell to newbs, without the newbs being able to access the thing your farming so they need to buy it off you. It all makes sense now why your being so ignorant and unreasonable; your greedy af.
  5. Again you twist reality around to fit what you want to say. Buying a ability pill from the vendor is not "falling from the sky" or "free without any effort" you still need to grind for the money in order to sinkhole into the item to use the pill; its already a mmo grind sinkhole and doesn't require any of the extra bullshit your ignorantly going off about while ignoring everyone's valid concerns about what your sayin; instead of addressing peoples valid concerns you just strawman and honestly its very dishonest debating to be doing this. A regular pvp feature of the game should not be a "pvp reward" or "an additional feature of the game you have locked behind something" or "breeding into pokemon" all of these suggestions are just screwing around from what should be obvious; hidden abilites are not some magical special thing that some pokemon have and others don't; every single pokemon that could have a HA should have a HA cuz its part of what makes them them; to lock part of the pvp capability behind anything is stupid to me cuz it makes new players out classed by rich players and it makes old players have to redo their boxes in the current state with breed in HA. Nothing about this feels good. Nothing about this is "more mmo" than just buying an ability pill. It would be like locking pokemon moves behind your caught rate; why would that make sense? "Your blastiose is trying to learn hydro pump! But you haven't caught enough pokemon yet so screw you he cant learn it!" how would this be any different? You have a pokemon; they can't use HA without breeding or doing something impossible for the common player; this just creates gatekeeping for those who are able to do it; or forces players to buy overpriced HA versions of pokemon due to being unable to make them themselves... How is locking players out of content helpful for a mmo? The whole point should be you could grind for anything; not have things impossible to get for the common player so they need to buy one overpriced off someone else cuz they cant grind for it. Do you even play this game?
  6. the way you twist words around to fit what you want really sucks. Did I say fall from the sky when I suggested they could buy it from the same vendor they buy everything else from when they spend 1.6m+ on a comp poke? If you think breeding a comp poke is "falling from the sky" than maybe actually go breed one yourself instead of buying them off other players, since you clearly have no idea what kind of effort goes into a 5x31 or 6x31 if you think they are "falling from the sky" If you think extra grind for the sake of extra grind is what makes mmos fun than your wildly out of line there too; people actually want to have fun playing; not re-grinding all the grinds they already did purely cuz the devs and you think it would be a neat feature to screw over our hard work and effort; this is effectively stealing grind from all players by forcing them to redo their grinds.
  7. This idea sucks, its just gate keeping for older players cuz most new players wouldnt be able to get them, so they'd have to grind harder and "buy" a tradeable one? naw this idea sucks. Should be an ability pill you grab from the breeder vendor, so that old and new players alike have access to the same meta for pvp.
  8. I mean.. I started playing again this past week.. did some pvp.. heard about the alpha pokemon and that restarted me coming back to the forums... I have a post last year.. and I have a post in 2018 also talking about this same subject; that forcing us to breed HA into pokes is a horrid idea and I quit in protest cuz 4 years ago they said "soon" and "2 weeks" so I figured it was coming alot sooner than 2022... but now that its here, its no less a bad idea. Why pvp here if I'm only interested in pvping if the devs think forcing me to rebreed my whole box is a "cool new feature" - miss me with that crap.
  9. Yeah thats how I feel too, dozens of pokemon, multiples of each.. and they expect me to rebreed them all in order to get HA? Its bloody insanity, I don't think they are even thinking about the amount of grief they are causing their players.
  10. Yeah thats what their goal is; to screw all players by making us rebreed our pokemon in order to get HA on them. I complained about this 4 years ago and honestly mostly stopped playing, pretty saddened to come back to see what they've done with the game. They said "soon" 4 years ago so I quit.. been checking every year since.. and looks like they gave up on the daily rotation dungeon they planned on doing to release these HA pokemon and are doing limited special events, with none in the forseeable future.. so these ha pokemon "alphas" have hidden abilities but regular versions of the same pokemon do not; they screwed us.
  11. I think this idea sucks big time. I think its a way of gatekeeping that would prevent newer players from being as competitive in the pvp scene. I feel this is punishing players who do not enjoy the "capture every pokemon" goal or quest that some people adopt onto themselves. I feel this would be punishing players who just want to focus on pvp. I feel this would be punishing players who want to have multiple characters since it would force them to spend all their time and investment onto one in order to "be able to do what everyone else can do and get the hidden ability pill so they can be on the same playing field as other pvpers" Honestly this whole alpha pokemon thing feels bad. We should just have a ability pill, like for common abilities.
  12. Yeah I agree it sucks big time they are trying to use HA as a "feature" to force us to breed pokemon with HA. It would be great if they could just add it as a pill instead of this "alpha" pokemon nonsense. I said it 4 years ago before we had this and I'll say it again now; nobody wants to rebreed their pokemon to get a HA in them; a item; even if only gained as a reward from a dungeon would be a billion times better than what they have planned with forcing us all to rebreed our pokemon to get HA.
  13. I agree it should be added to the dex. However all pokemon don't have hidden abilities outside of gym leader pokemon who all have their hidden abilities and "limited edition event pokemon" called "alphas" that have HA that you would than need to breed into your comp pokemon in order to have that HA on your pvp pokemon. So for older players like me with dozens of pokemon and maybe 5 of each with different builds its actually a huge nightmare and alot of grief to think about remaking your entire box to rebreed in HA pokemon, this is probably the worst feature in the game.. So your bulba doesn't even have his hidden ability, unless you get a special bulba from a limited event and breed him into that bulba... and theres no special event in the forseeable future with more of these "alpha" pokemon so basically your shat out of luck if you want to get one yourself... the whole concept is badly designed and thought out. Really they should be adding it as a pill or something you can change your pokemon you already have; making you rebreed your pokemon for this is honestly just a kick in the nuts, it feels really bad.
  14. Honestly I really dislike the way they added HA in a way that forces you to get a "alpha" limited addition pokemon and rebreed it into your pokemon that you probably have 5 of already. This whole thing just seems like its punishing old players into regrinding their boxes and punishing new players cuz they don't have the resources to actually get alpha pokemon or properly breed one up to a pvp tier. I'm hugely unimpressed about how HA is only able to be gained via breeding, its feels really bad and is exactly how bad I predicted it would be 4 years ago. No reason for this honestly; could have HA with a pill and I whole heartedly believe that would be a better feature than having HA locked behind events that "who knows when the next one will be" with none in the foreseeable future, locking a normal common game feature behind a limit edition wall is just silly, we are really pretending like all the other pokemon just simply don't have their HA cuz the devs thought it would be fun to force us all to remake our pvp pokes? I'm honestly choked about this and have been going off about how much this sucks since 2018 when they suggested this crap idea of turning a part of the game into this "feature" Now if there was a dungeon and you finish it and at the end it asks you "what pokemon do you want to be blessed by the alter" and you put your pokemon on the alter and you gain a hidden ability; I'd be all over that cuz you wouldn't have to rebreed your pokemon. I'm 10000% aginest having to use HA pokemon rebreed into the same pokemon you have 5 of to remake all the pokemon you already have instead of just applying this to a pokemon you already have like an ability pill, or a reward for getting through a dungeon.
  15. Cuz HA are not naturally on pokemon in this game. They added a "feature" that made HA only on new event pokemon they call "alphas" So if you want a pokemon with a HA you need to get one from that limited event that noone knows when the next one will be with no plan in the forseeable future for one, than you'll have to rebreed it into your over pvp pokemon, basically rebreeding your entire pvp box. It honestly sucks so bad. But this guy has a good suggestion, if it was a pill intead of a breedable pokemon that would remove alot of player grief.
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