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Everything posted by JosiePooh

  1. Finallyyyyy!!! Holliiddaayyyyy

    2. Vaeldras


      thought you were rip D:

    3. JosiePooh


      was just extremely busy of late x3

  2. That aside, I really do love your avatar, hun. Very classical japanese
  3. Happy New Years Everybody !! 2016 is here, give a holla and a cheer. Strap a rocket jetpack to a deer. Watch it fly over the peer. While you sit back and chill over a beer, oh dear ~

  4. Happy New Year, everyone ! <3 May this year bring you an abundance of joy, happiness , prosperity and a shit ton of cold, hard, cash, who am I kidding x3 *Peace*
  5. The internet is a huge two-faced pile of fickledness, Squall. I can't blame you for acting that way, because at some point, i would have probably acted that way towards someone else. When you see enough crap over the net, and you can't take even one more bite, I think its only natural you would drop the bomb first, then ask questions later. At the end of the day, only some people genuinely wanna just talk on the net. The rest only care about throwing a banana peel on the floor and wait for someone to slip on it, lol. But having said that, I don't think your a douchebag. I don't even know your pain, or what you have to deal with everyday in your life. Anyone here can throw insults at me but I can't really think ill of you, unless you cross the boundary to my personal life and wanna mess that up.But then, shouldn't everyone feel the need to at least protect themselves over the internet? *Peace hun* <3
  6. I can't see this as good or bad, to be honest. If you really think about it, 31 IVs have become very paradoxical. You want the good ol ' days when it wasn't a thing, and I can only imagine how great it was for you veterans back then when PokeMMO was still fresh in, but new players only know what we see now. Take that away, and we'll probably add a reason for newcomers to leave. No one can bear the blame, because some of us wanted those 31 IVs. Even I did. I won't say that I'm crazy about it, but I do have fun having that as a goal. Not so much for comp, but rather for my own personal satisfaction as sort of a sense of "collection" , ( Gotta Catch'em all ? ) I can really agree with your statement in some ways though. But I personally believe that , you can't fix it. It's all up to the community itself. We can all say what we want, but this end-result is a mirror of our gaming habits. If the community wants this 31 IV trend to fade away, then it will naturally. If it doesn't , then I think there isn't much left to say about it. We have adults playing, but we have kids playing as well. Its impossible to flip the table right enough to totally appease both age groups, imho. Just an opinion
  7. LOOOL , I Officially Died at the part when they did Britney Spears and then proceed to "Almost" shave their heads. R.I.P Josie You may now find me anytime floating around at Lavender Town's Poke-Tower xD
  8. She's Just telling Peter Parker to kindly unplug his own IV drip , to stop leeching from Uncle Ben's Medicaid : 3
  9. @ dat un-enchanted diamond sword though :3
  10. *Hugs* *claps hands with Moon's* Pat-A-Cake ,Pat-A-Cake ~ Lool xD
  11. Now now class, recess isn't until 15 minutes :3 let's all play nice. Lol
  12. Merry Christmas Everyone

    1. Vaeldras


      Merry krishna!

    2. GokuSSGSS


      'krishna' wot...

    3. Moonlepsy


      Hehe Merry Christmas~

  13. SWATbots i think they called em x3
  14. I just have to really ask, since the bot in the picture looks terribly familiar to me. Isn't that the robot henchmen used by Dr.Robotnik in the ( Sonic The Hedgehog Tv Series from 1993 ) xD ?
  15. Digimon Adventure 01 !! <3 ( WHOOPS ) xD
  16. LOL omg did someone drop an exciting acme bomb on the thread? xD
  17. Because! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxopViU98Xo
  18. LOOL omfg, that is wayyy too adorable <3
  19. Daaa dada DA!! Josie PUFF! *walks across manhattan as a giant marshmellow* *Squish* *Squish*
  20. I'm afraid I really have to agree with Bilburt here, because if that mail invite goes to a player who can't meet most if not all of the team online, that's gonna be one, realllyyy lonely mail invite ~ : (
  21. Who cares! I love you x3 Chan 1 doesn't chip into our shopping tab. I do : 3
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