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Raederz last won the day on October 31 2016

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About Raederz

  • Birthday 09/18/1997

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  1. It's been years I havent found one I must be cursed
  2. nvm im too lazy these days maybe later to be closed :x
  3. Yo, I think imma make it again, original post : Little update I'll make just 40k for the ev training and nothing else, I'll start a new loyalty points list and in the next few days choose how I manage it. So .. 510 EV : 40k $
  4. Hey, I know we never spoke in the game, but I miss your post in the forum, your activity in the game, your many experiments, I hope you are well, you are a great person <3

  5. Well played lol when I saw u there I knew it was about days until I see it on this thread x)
  6. Also changed the price so it's the exact same, just poorer ppl can still aford one
  7. offtopic Not sure of what you mean by hard, but in my opinion it's more like it should be more disversified. There are already pretty easy ways to make little profit (lets say, 500k a day, is never that hard as long as you know what to do), but we are stuck is 4-5 viable ways to make $ which may be a problem. I'm not sure that reducing the money sink is right when there is an huge arrival of new players, but in another hand, I recently bred for sale, and noticed that many pokemon are not even worth to breed, being less valuable than the braces cost. So I may support this idea, but would prefer to find another solution about this problem, if one can be found. Auction is always a good thing for struggling economies, letting the trade be done with full information, on the object, on the value, and on the interest people give it. Also, I prevents lowball a bit more than just wild trades. It also let those who want to make profit, because Auctions rarely sell for 100% of the value.
  8. I would never compare sniping and lowballing. Also blaming the victim intelligence is essence of scam. Difference is honesty. By sniping on gtl, you're not hiding information you got. ___ Just to anticipate the "let us make profit" argument, already seen in another discussion I had, people make profit, but they dont make it on other people ignorance. They make it on the situation. People can be particulary interested in stuff so they can overpay, but they know they are overpaying and they have reason for it (time, appreciation, ...), this is the difference between business and scam. The guy who makes profit is the one who will be the intermediaite between the one who particularly wanna buy, and the one who particularly wanna sell, as long as the environement not always let them meet easily. What lowballers do is way different. I keep thinking it should not be allowed, but I also accept that as long as it's allowed, hating on forum is the most I can do. I mean, if I were a businessman who had responsibilities about shiny trading, having people who depend on my profit, I would use all ways I'm allowed to, to optimise my profit, including lowball, but theres a reason I dont do it. Pokemmo is a game. And I think that frustration, mine or others, should be avoided as much as possible in a game.
  9. I think he meant that it's kind of a parallel market, like, people who do shiny business are mostly known and just trade together and lowball noobs. The $ they engage are not meant to anything that may have an impact on the gameplay. He gives the comp player vision, and imo, -and im not even a bit of a comp player,- this is the most legit part. His vision gives us what's important, because the market really has an impact on his gameplay. Comp meta can be influenced by the market. Trading shinies wont be much affected, and if it's affected, the only part of that would feel it is the trading part, which is definitely part of every mmo, but less important than gameplay.
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