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Kyu last won the day on February 15

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  1. Congratulations to the winners of the Lunar New Year 2025 Leaderboard: Prizes for the Top 50 teams will be sent out on February 18th at 12:00am UTC+0. For players who posted multiple high scores, please note that you will only receive a reward for the highest score you posted.
  2. Changelog: 09/02/2025 Update 2 Bug Fixes The Spring Flower Hairpin is once again available via Lucky Red Envelopes (2025) Fixed an issue where, when an item was lost and Unburden was triggered, gaining an item again through Recycle would not reset speed modifications
  3. Changelog: 09/02/2025 Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where, when flinging items in the Lunar New Year coop instance, points would not count if the target fainted
  4. Changelog: 08/02/2025 Balancing Covert Mantle is now "flashed" to opponents when the holder swaps in Braviary★ now uses Bulk Up✫ at 66% HP Slaking★ now uses Amnesia✫ on battle start Raid boss allies now inherit the speed EVs of raid bosses when spawned Bug Fixes Fixed various client crashes (Mobile) Fixed an issue where battles could lock up during starting animations when cycling the game menu Miracle Eye only ignores Evasion stat stage modifiers, instead of making moves impossible to miss In Lunar New Year coop instances, when coop battles are started, allies now have a 90 second timer to make a move before AI will choose a move for them Fixed an issue where a Rock Smash rock would overlap a raid den in Kanto Blocked players are no longer matched during group matchmaking Battle end animations in raid battles are now faster
  5. katto

    Could the server updates be scheduled on days other than weekends? My friends and I specifically planned to team up early in the morning on our day off, but this sudden update announcement has taken away the purpose of our gathering...

    1. 7okyo


      He would just say "sorry" or even not sorry

    2. gein


      gaga just say o no

  6. Features Lunar New Year 2025 Lunar New Year has returned to PokeMMO! A fortune teller has appeared in Celadon City, Slateport City, Hearthome City, Ecruteak City, and Nacrene City seeking assistance for the new year Abundant Shrine is a 4 player co-op mission. Defeat as many enemies as possible and may good fortune shine upon you Abundant Shrine features a leaderboard with an exclusive vanity item for the Top 50 teams, the Nian Hood. In addition to the Nian Hood, the #1 team will receive an exclusive vanity item: the Shiny Nian Hood Celebrate the New Year with a +10% Money rate from Trainers for this event Swarms have become more frequent for this event! Keep an eye out for Zodiac-themed Swarms featuring rare species An Old Woman near the Shrine Maiden has taken it upon herself to tame the unruly swarms with your help. Capture and bring them to her to claim Mysterious Cherish Balls and Zodiac Tablets Raid dens have become more active for this event. Challenge and defeat all 12 Lunar New Year Raids before this event ends to visit Flower Paradise This event will be available until February 15th, 2025 Gift Shop Xuanwu is now available for a limited time. Black and Green Serpent Armor is now available in the Gift Shop for a limited time. Features Shaymin can now transform into Sky Forme for a limited time Sky Forme can now be unlocked in the Summary Frame for a fee of 1,000 Gracidea. Each subsequent use costs 25 Gracidea Shaymin will remain in Sky Forme for 6 hours, or until it's Frozen in battle, whichever comes first Sky Forme is not allowed in restricted PvP formats at this time Party information is now always displayed to allies while in a Link Partially full links can now be used to signup for Group Matchmaking Added an option for switching the Captain of a Link Balancing All boss types (Triple, Alphas, and Raids) now use uniform Accuracy multipliers Bosses no longer have special Speed / Evasion multipliers In Raid Battles, allies will now always cycle through the full list of allies before creating a duplicate Heatran's Magma Pool now deals fire-type damage Mimic now restores all PP for the target move instead of 5 Bug Fixes Fixed a rare crash which could occur when entering Contests The active chat language is now always enabled for display Group Matchmaking signup languages are now a client config instead of a character config Group Matchmaking language is now configuration through the Settings menu, or upon interacting with the first instance which sets the configuration option When linking objects to Chat, a more user-friendly appearance is now used Linked objects in Chat now always consume 15 characters of the chat message limit Fixed the default Charm HUD display location Fixed an issue where, when dragging multiple monsters from the PC to Mail, it would not copy all of them Desktop: Fixed text selection positioning in HiDPI displays Fixed a broadcast issue when Future Sight-like moves affected a Substitute Fixed Braille displays in Kanto scripting Improved font displays on HiDPI scales Fixed an issue where, when players signed up for a different instance at the same time, they would always join the leader's signup queue Fixed an issue where, when changing a character's appearance, their appearance wouldn't change in the Link UI Fixed an issue where, when mailing an item with metadata, the metadata would be destroyed Boss battle pickup drops are no longer affected by relog time restrictions Markings are now cleared on trade OT* now counts as your OT in battles with OT requirements. Changes Raid battles now use language-based Group Matchmaking queues
  7. The associated user has several accounts previously banned for real money trading, including one where he blatantly did it through in-game chat. The trade referenced in this post is not what got them banned and their ban is not up for debate. Take what you read from banned users with a mound of salt.
  8. could u tell me the update time????thks

  9. Brother, can the Spring Festival activities be faster this year? We are all in a hurry. We are ants on hot bricks. We are in a hurry! ! ! !

  10. lzxhsq

    Brother, can the Spring Festival activities be faster this year? We are all in a hurry. We are ants on hot bricks. We are in a hurry! ! ! !

  11. 啥时候出活动呀


  12. Unfortunately, we are not a registered charity in Canada, so transactions are not tax deductible from your end and we are not exempt from sales tax. I do not know of any country which allows donations to foreign charities be deducted, actually. Thank you for your interest regardless.
  13. The actual conversion fee here was $7 which, while a bit high, is the consumer's responsibility for using a foreign currency at a merchant. Per your original post, $22 of that "extra $30" is sales tax, and it is impossible for us to pay your taxes for you (not that we would want to in the first place).
  14. As was mentioned in an earlier reply to this thread, Xsolla asseses a currency conversion fee of 5% of the total transaction. In this case, approximately CA$7.20. It is bundled in the same "currency conversion" line in their UI for whatever reason (we didn't make this, we just plug their stuff into our website), meaning your currency conversion rate was somewhere around the market range of USD$1 to CAD$1.45. To get around this, as also mentioned earlier, many payment methods offer the ability to pay in USD and to use their own currency conversion rate. Notably, PayPal allows this and is available in your region. This is a fee charged to us as cost of using Xsolla, not the end-user. We do not pass it on. To the topic of regional pricing; We do not, never have, and do not plan to offer regional pricing for purchases. I know that's not fun for people whose currency is weak compared to the USD, but it is a consequence of all RP items being tradeable. Region swap abuse is a thing. Or, to quote @XanarchyNL earlier in this thread, "problematic." Yes, some companies allow regional pricing abuse as cost of doing business / expanding their userbase. This is typically seen in companies who prioritize expansion above all else. No, we do not think our userbase benefits by allowing it. Yes, our choice does price some people out, but we think the alternative is worse for the game as a whole. To the topic of tariffs: Tariffs are assessed on a company when a company imports a product, not on general trade between citizens of different countries. Although the US is enjoying some "interesting" leadership eager to test the limits of legal frameworks, under current law, no US-imposed tariffs would affect pricing, aside from natural effects of currency devaluation. We are not planning on any price changes with RP at this time.
  15. This would depress the ability for individuals to play utility roles, so I wouldn't want to. At best, it would be a band-aid, and I do not want to condition players to think that would be a permanent restriction. The problem here is really just that we have a cobbled-together random matchmaking system instead of an LFG system which you can vet your teammates with beforehand. For event raids, forcing players to do them in release order might accomplish the goal in improving later match quality, but you're always going to be stuck with people who are licking the windows in early matchups while the signup queue is random. Forcing players into particular builds also forces us to build fights in particular ways. Gardevoir's initial implementation is the type of fight @Rache likes to build for 4-stars, and dumbing them down is not really something we actually want to do. While that might work for events, it would make the feature worse in the longterm. Lacking coordination tools, players being inexperienced in creating cooperative teams, and a guild system which is underserving the needs of coop are all flaws which we've noted in our design documents. But, the most important part of a game is being able to actually play it, so they take second priority to "making the fights work." It'll improve over time.
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