Lunar New Year 2025
Lunar New Year has returned to PokeMMO!
A fortune teller has appeared in Celadon City, Slateport City, Hearthome City, Ecruteak City, and Nacrene City seeking assistance for the new year
Abundant Shrine is a 4 player co-op mission. Defeat as many enemies as possible and may good fortune shine upon you
Abundant Shrine features a leaderboard with an exclusive vanity item for the Top 50 teams, the Nian Hood. In addition to the Nian Hood, the #1 team will receive an exclusive vanity item: the Shiny Nian Hood
Celebrate the New Year with a +10% Money rate from Trainers for this event
Swarms have become more frequent for this event! Keep an eye out for Zodiac-themed Swarms featuring rare species
An Old Woman near the Shrine Maiden has taken it upon herself to tame the unruly swarms with your help. Capture and bring them to her to claim Mysterious Cherish Balls and Zodiac Tablets
Raid dens have become more active for this event. Challenge and defeat all 12 Lunar New Year Raids before this event ends to visit Flower Paradise
This event will be available until February 15th, 2025
Gift Shop
Xuanwu is now available for a limited time.
Black and Green Serpent Armor is now available in the Gift Shop for a limited time.
Shaymin can now transform into Sky Forme for a limited time
Sky Forme can now be unlocked in the Summary Frame for a fee of 1,000 Gracidea. Each subsequent use costs 25 Gracidea
Shaymin will remain in Sky Forme for 6 hours, or until it's Frozen in battle, whichever comes first
Sky Forme is not allowed in restricted PvP formats at this time
Party information is now always displayed to allies while in a Link
Partially full links can now be used to signup for Group Matchmaking
Added an option for switching the Captain of a Link
All boss types (Triple, Alphas, and Raids) now use uniform Accuracy multipliers
Bosses no longer have special Speed / Evasion multipliers
In Raid Battles, allies will now always cycle through the full list of allies before creating a duplicate
Heatran's Magma Pool now deals fire-type damage
Mimic now restores all PP for the target move instead of 5
Bug Fixes
Fixed a rare crash which could occur when entering Contests
The active chat language is now always enabled for display
Group Matchmaking signup languages are now a client config instead of a character config
Group Matchmaking language is now configuration through the Settings menu, or upon interacting with the first instance which sets the configuration option
When linking objects to Chat, a more user-friendly appearance is now used
Linked objects in Chat now always consume 15 characters of the chat message limit
Fixed the default Charm HUD display location
Fixed an issue where, when dragging multiple monsters from the PC to Mail, it would not copy all of them
Desktop: Fixed text selection positioning in HiDPI displays
Fixed a broadcast issue when Future Sight-like moves affected a Substitute
Fixed Braille displays in Kanto scripting
Improved font displays on HiDPI scales
Fixed an issue where, when players signed up for a different instance at the same time, they would always join the leader's signup queue
Fixed an issue where, when changing a character's appearance, their appearance wouldn't change in the Link UI
Fixed an issue where, when mailing an item with metadata, the metadata would be destroyed
Boss battle pickup drops are no longer affected by relog time restrictions
Markings are now cleared on trade
OT* now counts as your OT in battles with OT requirements.
Raid battles now use language-based Group Matchmaking queues