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  1. lvl 100 haxo 2x31. if the nature is +SpA could sell for more (donphan/doduo aoe mon) probably 200k
  2. what is the possibility of having roar in the second phase? i was spectating to my friend, and a single poke fell asleep, however the boss used roar.
  3. I tried to shazam them, but it didn't give me any result. If anyone has the name, please let me know.
  4. delcatty with twave is viable, since she has normalize, she can para pokes like marowak
  5. level 5 if possible contact me ig: Faaaka discord: yop_
  6. Te estoy dando un resumen de lo que te dijo el mod
  7. Te está diciendo que los mods no son ningunos giles, saben que la cuenta ashcomepaleta esta asociada a otro email tuyo Y por deshonesto, no te dejan volver (o sea, no crear otra cuenta etc)
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