Popular Post pikabuuh Posted February 9, 2020 Popular Post Posted February 9, 2020 (edited) 2024 Horde Locations Basculins Tentacrools Peligulls Source: The in-game Pokedex Shiny Hunting Spoiler Useful Links Spoiler Shiny Hunting Guide - Facts and Methods For deciding which shiny to hunt Keep track of your encounters with the updated Encounter Counter (PC), Encounter Counter (Android) Never miss a shiny with these slightly Bigger HD Shiny Sprites (Only install the one for Shiny) Hordes of Interest Spoiler Duskull 100% x5 @Mt Pyre F6 (Hoenn) Vulpix 100% x5 @Mt. Pyre, Outside (Night) (Hoenn) Snorunt* 100% x5 @Shoal Cave B1* (Night) (Hoenn) Sneasel/Jynx x5 @Snowpoint Temple B5 (Sinnoh) Deino/Mienfoo @Victory Road, F1 East Room (Unova) Ursaring/Donphan/Onix x5 @Victory Road F3 (Kanto) Murkrow/Misdreavus**/Golbat (Night) @Lost Cave (Kanto) Hippopotas/Geodude x3 @Maniac Tunnel (Sinnoh) Zorua***/Petilil/Cottonee/Venipede @Lostlorn Forest (Unova) * Enter the frozen cave before 21:00 to avoid the tide ** Perish Song *** Bring Reactive Gas Weezing to break Illusion EV Locations Spoiler Full List of all EV Hordes Spoiler 100% x10 EV No Marill & Golbat HP Nidorina, Route 14, Kanto LVL 23-24 Wobbuffet/Lickitung, Cerulean Cave, Kanto, LVL 52-54 Loudred, Desert Underpass, Hoenn LVL 40-45 Sealeo, Shoal Cave, Hoenn LVL 32 Lanturn, Underwater, Hoenn LVL 30-35 Hariyama, Victory Road, Hoenn LVL 36-38 Palpitoad, Moor of Icirrus, Unova LVL 28-30 Stunfisk, Route 8, Icirrus City, Moor of Icirrus, Unova LVL 25-35 Amoonguss, Route 10, Unova LVL 39 Jigglypuff, Route 14, Unova LVL 50-52 Lickitung, Challenger's Cave, Unova, LVL 46-47 Gastrodon, Route 221, Route 224, Sinnoh, LVL 49 Sealeo, Route 230, Sinnoh LVL 35-55 Lickitung, Route 44, Johto Quagsire, Cliff Edge Gate, Ruins of Alph, Union Cave, Johto Wobbuffet, Dark Cave, Johto Marill, Mt. Mortar, Johto ATK Nidorino, Route 15, Kanto LVL 23-24 Arbok/Primeape, Route 23, Kanto Seaking, Route 25, Kanto Parasect, Cerulean Cave, Kanto, LVL 54-56 Machoke, Mt. Ember, Victory Road, Kanto Kingler, Seafoam Islands, Kanto Rhydon, Victory Road, Kanto Mightyena, Route 120, Hoenn Lunatone, Meteor Falls, Hoenn Ariados/Banette, Sky Pillar, Hoenn, Lvl 35-37 Watchog, Route 1, Route 7, Unova Tranquill, Route 6, Route 12, Unova, LVL 50-52 Bouffalant, Route 10, Unova Herdier, Route 10, P2 Laboratory, Unova Sawsbuck, Dragonspiral Tower, Unova (Winter) Druddigon, Dragonspiral Tower, Unova Krokorok, Relic Castle, Unova Gurdurr, Twist Mountain, Unova Machoke, Route 211, Sinnoh Bibarel, Lake Valor, Sendoff Spring, Sinnoh Rhydon, Victory Road, Sinnoh, LVL 42 Arbok/Dodrio, Route 27, Johto Machoke/Kingler, Cliff Cave + Mt. Mortar, Johto Gyarados, Lake of Rage, Johto DEF Slowbro, Cape Brink, Cerulean Cave, Kanto Magcargo, Mt. Ember, Kanto Kakuna/Metapod, Pattern Bush, Kanto Marowak, Seavault Canyon, Kanto, LVL 48-50 Sandslash/Marowak, Victory Road, Kanto, LVL 48-50 Torkoal, Magma Hideout, Hoenn Lairon, Victory Road, Hoenn, LVL 38-40 Boldore, Challenger's Cave, Unova, LVL 46-47 Swadloon, Lostlorn Forest, Unova Cofagrigus, Relic Castle, Unova Magcargo, Stark Mountain, Sinnoh, LVL 54-56 Sandslash, Route 26, Victory Road, Johto Slowbro, Tohjo Falls SATK Gloom, Bond Bridge, Kanto Golduck, Cape Brink, Cerulean Cave, Kanto Kadabra, Cerulean Cave, Kanto, LVL 56-58 Gloom, Route 119, Hoenn Lunatone, Meteor Falls, Hoenn Duosion, Route 9, Unova Golduck, Route 11, Unova Beheeyem, Route 14, Unova, LVL 46-47 Heatmor, Victory Road, Unova Golduck, Route 225, Resort Area, Sendoff Spring, Sinnoh Roselia, Route 230, Sinnoh, LVL 48-50 Haunter, Turnback Cave, Sinnoh, LVL 46-58 Kadabra, Victory Road, Sinnoh, LVL 43-45 Flaaffy/Girafarig, Route 43, Johto Jynx, Ice Path, Johto SDEF Hypno, Berry Forest, Kanto Dewgong, Icefall Cave, Kanto, LVL 46-48 Tentacruel, Route 20, Kanto, lvl 30-35 (Alternative exp spot for nuz) Lombre, Route 117, Hoenn Altaria/Claydol, Sky Pillar, Hoenn, LVL 35-37 Gothorita, Route 9, Unova Claydol, Relic Castle, Unova, LVL 45-47 Mantine, Undella Town, Unova, LVL 35-55 Dewgong, Victory Road, Sinnoh, LVL 35-55 Mantine, Route 41, Johto SPEED Poliwhirl, Route 22, Kanto Pidgeotto, Five Isle Meadow, Kanto Skiploom, Memorial Pillar, Kanto Pikachu, Power Plant, Kanto Rapidash, Mt. Ember, Kanto, LVL 46-47 Fearow, Ruin Valley, Kanto, LVL 48-50 Persian, Water Path, Kanto, LVL 46-48 Swellow, Route 115, Hoenn (Winter) Linoone, Route 121, Hoenn Medicham, Victory Road, Hoenn, LVL 39-40 Rapidash, Route 12, Unova, LVL 46-47 Fearow, Route 15, Unova, LVL 50-52 Floatzel, Route 218, Sinnoh Electabuzz/Floatzel, Route 222, Sinnoh Raticate/Fearow, Route 225, Sinnoh, LVL 48-50 Poliwhirl, Route 227, Route 228, Sinnoh Medicham/Floatzel Victory Road, Sinnoh, LVL 47-49 Poliwhirl, Route 28 + Route 44 + Blackthorn + Mt. Silver (outside), Johto LVL 58-62 Pidgeotto/Raticate, Route 39, Johto Golbat, Ice Path, Victory Road, Whirl Islands, Mt. Silver (outside), Johto Close to a PC Spoiler Use Teleport to the PC Kanto 10xHP - Nidorina @Route 14 (Cut) 10xATK - Nidorino @Route 15 10xDEF - Slowbro @Cape Brink 10xSATK - Golduck @Cape Brink (Water) 10xSDEF - Tentacruel @Trainer Tower, Isl 7 (Water) 10xSPEED - Pidgeotto @Five Isle Meadow Hoenn 10xHP - Hariyama @Victory Road 10xATK - Mightyena @Route120 10xDEF - Torkoal @Magma Hideout 10xSATK - Gloom @Route 119 10xSDEF - Tentacruel @Battle Frontier 10xSPEED - Linoone @Route 121 Unova 10xHP - Amoonguss @Route 10 10xATK - Bouffalant @Route 10 10xDEF - Pelipper @Undella Bay 10xSATK - Golduck @Route 11 10xSDEF - Mantine @Undella Town 10xSPEED - Rapidash @Route 12 Sinnoh 10xHP - Sealeo @Route 230 10xATK - Machoke @Route 211 (East) 10xDEF - Pelipper @Route 222 10xSATK - Golduck @Resort Area 10xSDEF - Tentacruel @Pokemon League 10xSPEED - Raticate/Fearow @Route 225 High Level Hordes - Leppa Berries are recommended Spoiler Kanto 10xHP - Wobbuffet/Lickitung @Cerulean Cave (52-54) 10xATK - Parasect @Cerulean Cave (54-56) 10xDEF - Marowak @Seavault Canyon (48-50) 10xSATK - Kadabra @Cerulean Cave (56-58) 10xSDEF - Dewgong @Icefall Cave Isl 4 (46-48) 10xSPEED - Fearow @Ruin Valley (48-50) Hoenn 10xHP - Hariyama @Victory Road (36-38) 10xATK - Ariados/Banette @Sky Pillar (35-37) 10xDEF - Lairon @Victory Road (Mold Breaker) (38-40) 10xSATK - Gloom @Route 119 (23-24) 10xSDEF - Tentacruel @Battle Frontier (46-48) 10xSPEED - Medicham @Victory Road (39-40) Unova 10xHP - Lickitung @Challenger's Cave (46-47) 10xATK - Tranquill @Route 12 (50-52) 10xDEF - Boldore @Challengers Cave (46-47) (Mold Breaker) 10xSATK - Beheeyem @Route 14 (46-47) 10xSDEF - Claydol @Relic Castle (45-47) 10xSPEED - Fearow @Route 15 (50-52) Sinnoh 10xHP - Gastrodon @Route 224 (49) 10xATK - Rhydon @Victory Road (42) 10xDEF - Magcargo @Stark Mountain (54-56) 10xSATK - Roselia @Route 230 (48-50) 10xSDEF - Dewgong @Victory Road (35-55) 10xSPEED - Medicham/Floatzel @Victory Road (47-49) Winter Hordes - April, August, December Spoiler Vanillish @Icirrus City, Dark Grass, Unova Beartic/Vanillite @Dragonspiral Tower, Unova Cryogonal/Cubchoo @Twist Mountain - Ice room, Unova Bibarel instead of Staravia @Valor Lakefront, Sinnoh Jigglypuff/Swablu instead of Swellow @Route 115, Hoenn Ursaring hordes @Victory Road (Kanto and Johto) are winter hibernating. Shelmet hordes @Icirrus City are frozen during the winter. Ctrl + F to search Specifications: Water Cave Dark grass Exact location Underlined = 100% Encounter (Night) 21:00 - 04:00 (Morning) 04:00 - 11:00 (Winter) = April - August - December Hoenn Unova Sinnoh Johto Kanto Ctrl + F to search Route 4 x3 Rattata Spearow Goldeen x5 Route 5 x3 Meowth Mankey Route 6 x3 Magnemite Drowzee (Night) Psyduck x5 Slowpoke x5 Route 7 x3 Rattata Vulpix (Morning) Growlithe (Day) Houndour (Night) Route 8 x3 Pidgey (Day) Vulpix (Night/Morning) Growlithe (Day/Morning) Hoothoot (Night) Route 9 x3 Rattata Spearow Route 10 x3 Magnemite Voltorb Goldeen x5 Route 11 x3 Drowzee Route 12 x3 Krabby Pidgey Venonat(Night) Slowpoke x5 Route 13 x3 Bellsprout Oddish (Night) Route 14 x5 Nidorina 10HP Route 15 x5 Nidorino 10ATK Route 16 x5 Raticate Grimer Route 17 x5 Raticate Fearow (Day/Morning) Route 18 x5 Raticate Doduo (Day/Morning) Grimer (Night) Route 19 x5 Tentacool Route 20 x5 Tentacool Tentacruel Route 21 x5 Tangela Route 22 x5 Poliwhirl 10SPEED Route 23 x5 Arbok 10ATK Primeape 10ATK Psyduck Slowpoke Route 24 x3 Pidgey Venonat (Night) Goldeen x5 Route 25 x3 Bellsprout Oddish (Night) Seaking x5 10ATK Berry Forest x5 Hypno 10SDEF Golduck Slowbro Bond Bridge x5 Gloom 10SATK Canyon Entrance x5 Fearow Phanpy Persian (Night) Cape Brink x5 Slowbro 10DEF Golduck 10SATK Celadon City x5 Grimer Cerulean Cave x5 Wobbuffet F1 10HP Lickitung F1 10HP Golduck F1 10SATK Parasect F2 10ATK Kadabra B1 10SATK Slowbro B1 10DEF Cerulean City x5 Goldeen Diglett's Cave x3 Diglett Five Island x5 Hoppip Five Isle Meadow x5 Pidgeotto 10SPEED Hoppip (Day/Morning) Four Island x5 Wooper Fuchsia City x5 Psyduck Slowpoke Icefall Cave x5 Dewgong R1 10SDEF Seel R1 Back Cave Golbat R2 10SPEED Piloswine B1 5HP 5ATK Kindle Road x5 Meowth Ponyta Lost Cave x5 Haunter B1 Golbat B1 Murkrow B1 (Right > Down)(Night) Misdreavus B1 (Right > Down)(Night) *SKILL SWAP Memorial Pillar x5 Skiploom 10SPEED Hoppip Mt. Ember x5 Rapidash Outside 10SPEED Machop F1 Machoke F2 B1 10ATK Geodude F3 B2 Slugma B3 Magcargo B4 10DEF Mt. Moon x3 Zubat F1 Geodude F1 B2 Paras B1 Pattern Bush x5 Kakuna 10DEF Metapod 10DEF Pokémon Mansion x5 Koffing F1 Grimer F1 Rattata F2 Ponyta F2 F3 Vulpix F3 (Night/Morning) Growlithe F3 (Day/Morning) Raticate B1 Ditto B1 Pokémon Tower x3 Gastly Zubat Golbat Haunter Cubone Power Plant x5 Pikachu 10SPEED Resort Gorgeous x5 Hoppip Rock Tunnel x3 Zubat Geodude Onix Ruin Valley x5 Fearow 10SPEED Marill 10HP Seafoam Islands x5 Psyduck F1 Slowpoke F1 B1 Seel B1 B2 B3 Krabby B3 Kingler B4 10ATK Sevault Canyon x5 Marowak 10DEF Three Isle Port x5 Dunsparce Treasure Beach x5 Persian Tangela Victory Road x5 Machoke F1 10ATK Rhydon F1 10ATK Marowak F2 10DEF Sandslash F2 10DEF Onix F3 Donphan F3 Ursaring F3 (Winter) Viridian City x5 Poliwag Water Labyrinth x5 Hoppip Water Path x5 Persian 10SPEED Edited October 29, 2024 by pikabuuh Quakkz, awkways, etherealAide and 43 others 35 4 6 1
pikabuuh Posted February 9, 2020 Author Posted February 9, 2020 (edited) Hoenn 10xHP - Hariyama @Victory Road 10xATK - Mightyena @Route120 10xDEF - Torkoal @Magma Hideout 10xSATK - Gloom @Route 119 10xSDEF - Tentacruel @Battle Frontier 10xSPEED - Linoone @Route 121 Ctrl + F to search Route 102 x5 Marill 10HP Route 110 x3 Electrike Route 111 x3 Trapinch Cacnea (Night) Sandshrew (Day/Morning) Marill Surskit Route 112 x3 Numel Route 113 x3 Spinda Route 114 x3 Seedot (Day/Morning) Zangoose (Day/Morning) Lotad (Night/Morning) Seviper (Night/Morning) Marill x5 10HP Route 115 x5 Swellow (Winter) 10SPEED Jigglypuff (Winter) Swablu (Winter) Route 117 x3 Roselia Oddish (Night) Volbeat (Night) Illumise (Night) Lombre x5 Route 118 x5 Linoone Electrike Route 119 x5 Gloom 10SATK Route 120 x5 Mightyena 10ATK Marill 10HP Route 121 x5 Linoone 10SPEED Route 123 x5 Linoone Mightyena Surskit Artisan Cave x5 Smeargle Cave of Origin x5 Golbat 10SPEED Desert Underpass x5 Loudred 10HP Fiery Path x3 Numel Torkoal Granite Cave x3 (Flash) Makuhita F1 Aron B1 Zubat B2 Mawile B2 (Day/Morning) Sableye B2 (Night/Morning) Jagged Pass x3 Machop Spoink Magma Hideout x5 (Rock Smash & Strenght) Torkoal R1 10DEF Geodude R2 DAMP Graveler R3 DAMP Meteor Falls x5 Lunatone R2 F1 (Waterfall) Solrock R2 B1 (Waterfall) Solrock F1 (Day Morning) Lunatone F1(Night) Mirage Tower ??? Sandshrew Trapinch Cacnea (Night) Mt. Pyre x5 Shuppet F1 Duskull F6 Vulpix Meditite (Day/Morning) New Mauville x3 Magnemite R1 Voltorb R2 Petalburg City x5 Marill Surskit Rusturf Tunnel x3 Whismur Scorched Slab x5 Zubat Golbat Seafloor Cavern x5 Golbat 10SPEED Shoal Cave x5 Sealeo B1 Ice room 10HP Golbat 10SPEED Snorunt Ice room Sky Pillar x5 (Mach-Bike) Ariados F1 10ATK Banette F1 10ATK Golbat F3 Claydol F3 F5 10SDEF Altaria F5 10SDEF Sootopolis City x5 Magikarp Underwater x5 (Dive) Clamperl Route 124 Lanturn Route 126 10HP Corsola??? Chinchou??? Victory Road x5 (Strength, Rock Smash, Flash & Waterfall) Hariyama F1 10HP Lairon B1 10DEF Medicham B2 10SPEED Golbat 10SPEED Edited March 29, 2022 by pikabuuh warlitabonita, jonulo, Esciv and 11 others 11 2 1
pikabuuh Posted February 9, 2020 Author Posted February 9, 2020 (edited) Unova 10xHP - Amoonguss @Route 10 10xATK - Bouffalant @Route 10 10xDEF - Pelipper @Undella Bay 10xSATK - Golduck @Route 11 10xSDEF - Mantine @Undella Town 10xSPEED - Rapidash @Route 12 Ctrl + F to search Route 1 x5 Watchog 10ATK Route 3 x3 Pidove Blitzel Purrloin (Night) Route 4 x3 Darumaka Frillish x5 Route 5 x3 Minccino Liepard Route 6 x3 Karrablast Deerling Tranquill x5 10ATK Route 7 x5 Watchog 10ATK Zebstrika ??? Route 8 x5 Palpitoad 10HP Stunfisk 10HP Route 9 x5 Duosion 10SATK Gothorita 10SDEF Route 10 x5 Bouffalant 10ATK Amoonguss 10HP Herdier @Badge-check-gates 10ATK Route 11 x5 (Waterfall) Golduck 10SATK Gligar Amoonguss Buizel Route 12 x5 Rapidash 10SPEED Tranquill 10ATK Route 13 x5 Swellow (Day/Morning) Solrock (Day/Morning) Lunatone (Night) Drifblim (Night) Route 14 x5 Beheeyem 10SATK Jigglypuff 10HP Buizel Route 15 x5 Sawk Throh Marowak Fearow 10SPEED Route 16 x3 Solosis Gothita Trubbish Minccino Route 17 x5 Frillish Route 18 x5 Throh (Day/Morning) Sawk (Day/Morning) Scraggy Crustle Frillish Abundant Shrine x5 Bronzong Vulpix Stantler Slowpoke Celestial Tower x5 Litwick F1 Elgyem F2 Challenger's Cave x5 Lickitung F1 10HP Boldore B1 10DEF Graveler B2 Sableye B2 Mawile B2 Chargestone Cave x5 Klink F1 Ferroseed B1 Joltik B1 B2 Tynamo B2 Cold Storage x5 Herdier x3 Vanillite Timburr Desert Resort x3 Sandile Entrance Darumaka Sigilyph Maractus (Night) Dragonspiral Tower x5 Deerling Mienfoo Sawsbuck (Winter) Beartic (Winter) Vanillite (Winter) Druddigon F1 10ATK Golett F2 Dragonspiral Tower (pre area) Mienfoo/Vanillite (Winter) Vanillish (Winter) Dreamyard x5 Liepard Raticate B1 Kricketune B1 (Night/Morning) Driftveil City x5 Frillish Giant Chasm x5 Golbat Entrance 10SPEED Tangela Entrance Sneasel Piloswine Seel Piloswine (North of the cave) 5ATK 5DEF Solrock (Day/Morning) Lunatone (Night/Morning) Guidance Chamber x5 (Mistralton Cave 2nd floor) Flash Woobat Axew Icirrus City x5 Shelmet (Winter) Stunfisk Lostlorn Forest x3 Venipede Night Cottonee (Day/Morning) Petilil (Day/Morning) Zorua Swadloon x5 (Waterfall) 10DEF Mistralton Cave x5 Boldore Woobat Moor of Icirrus x5 Palpitoad 10HP Stunfisk 10HP P2 Laboratory x5 Herdier 10ATK Frillish Pinwheel Forest x3 Tympole Entrance Timburr Entrance Pidove (Day/Morning) Sewaddle (Day/Morning) Venipede (Night) Whirlipede (Night) Cottonee (DayMorning) Petilil (Day/Morning) Relic Castle x5 Yamask x3 F1 B1 Sandile x3 F1 B1 Cofagrigus B2 10DEF Krokorok B4 10ATK Sandslash B5 Onix B5 Claydol B5 Volcarona Room 10SDEF Twist Mountain x5 Gurdurr Route 7 Entrance 10ATK Boldore Woobat Cubchoo B3 F1 F2 B3 (Winter) Cryogonal B3 (Winter) Undella Town x5 Mantine 10SDEF Victory Road x5 Heatmor Outside 10SATK Boldore Deino/Durant South Entrance Deino/Mienfoo F1 East Room Mienfoo 3F Middle Room Woobat 4F Middle Room Village Bridge x5 Vullaby Rufflet (Day/Morning) Bibarel (Night) Bibarel Wellspring Cave x5 Boldore B1 Woobat B1 Edited July 29, 2022 by pikabuuh xRdZiiiN, Minks, RysPicz and 14 others 14 2 1
pikabuuh Posted February 9, 2020 Author Posted February 9, 2020 (edited) Sinnoh 10xHP - Sealeo @Route 230 10xATK - Machoke @Route 211 (East) 10xDEF - Pelipper @Route 222 10xSATK - Golduck @Resort Area 10xSDEF - Tentacruel @Pokemon League 10xSPEED - Raticate/Fearow @Route 225 Ctrl + F to search Route 203 x5 Psyduck Route 204 x3 (North of Ravaged Path) Bidoof Wurmple Kricketot (Night) Psyduck Route 205 x3 Buizel Bidoof Shellos x5 Route 206 x3 (Cut) Ponyta Stunky Route 208 x3 Psyduck Budew Zubat (Night) Route 209 x3 Bibarel Ralts Psyduck x5 Route 210 x3 Staravia Ponyta Kricketune (Night) Psyduck x5 Swablu x5 West Route 211 x3 Meditite Bidoof Machoke x5 East 10ATK Route 212 x3 Staravia (Day/Morning) Kricketune (Night) Shellos Quagsire Psyduck x5 (Pond) Shellos x5 Wooper x5 Route 213 x3 Buizel Shellos Chatot (Day/Morning) Route 214 x3 Stunky Rhyhorn Psyduck x5 Route 215 x3 Marill Staravia (Day/Morning) Route 216 x5 Snover Sneasel Route 217 x5 Swinub Snover Route 218 x5 Floatzel 10SPEED Route 221 x5 Gastrodon 10HP Route 222 x5 Floatzel 10SPEED Electabuzz (Day/Morning) 10SPEED Route 224 x5 Gastrodon 10HP Route 225 x5 Raticate 10SPEED Fearow (Day/Morning) 10SPEED Golduck 10SATK Route 226 x5 Fearow (Day/Morning) Banette (Night) Raticate (Day/Morning) (Winter) Dewgong Sealeo Route 227 x5 (Rock Climb) Camerupt Fearow (Day/Morning) Banette (Night) Poliwhirl 10SPEED Route 228 x5 Dugtrio 10SPEED Poliwhirl 10SPEED Route 229 x5 Purugly Roselia Surskit Psyduck Route 230 x5 Roselia 10SATK Sealeo 10HP Acuity Lakefront x5 Snover (Day/Morning) Noctowl (Night) Celestic Town x5 Psyduck Eterna City x5 Psyduck Eterna Forest x3 Budew Buneary Hoothoot (Night) Fuego Ironworks x5 Luxio Magmar (Day/Morning) Iron Island x5 Geodude DAMP Graveler B1 West DAMP Golbat B1 East Onix B2 West Lake Acuity x5 Snover Snorunt (Night) Psyduck Lake Valor x5 Bibarel 10ATK Psyduck Lake Verity x5 Psyduck Lost Tower x3 (Defog), Route 209 Zubat F1 F4 F5 Gastly F2 F4 F5 Duskull F3 Misdreavus F4 (Night) Murkrow F5 (Night) Maniac Tunnel x3 (Need all 26 Unowns to clear the cave) Geodude DAMP Hippopotas Mt. Coronet x5 (Rock Smash, Strength, Waterfall & Rock Climb) Geodude x3 F1 Machop x3 F1 Bronzor F2 F7 Bronzong F2 F3 F5 F6 F7 Medicham F3 Abomasnow F3 Outside Clefairy F5 Machoke F5 North Graveler F5 NE DAMP Nosepass F6 Chimecho F7 Meditite F7 North Zubat Golbat Old Chateau x3 Gastly Oreburgh Gate x3 Zubat F1 Psyduck x5 Ravaged Path x5 Golbat Resort Area x5 Golduck 10SATK Ruin Maniac Cave x3 Geodude Zubat Sendoff Spring x5 Bibarel 10ATK Golduck 10SATK Snowpoint Temple x5 Onix Entrance B1 Golbat B1 B2 B3 Sneasel B3 B4 B5 Jynx B5 Stark Mountain x5 (Rock Climb) Camerupt 5ATK 5SATK Magcargo 10DEF Trophy Garden x3 Pikachu Turnback Cave x5 Haunter 10SATK Twinleaf Town x5 Psyduck Valley Windworks x3 Shinx Pachirisu Shellos Valor Lakefront x3 Girafarig Houndour (Night) Staravia (Day/Morning) (Winter) Bibarel (Day/Morning) (Winter) Victory Road x5 (Rock Climb, Strength & Defog) Rhydon F1 (South of Pokemon League) 10ATK Graveler F1 East tunnel R1 DAMP Gabite/Floatzel F1 East tunnel R2 Medicham/Floatzel F1 East tunnel R3 10SPEED Azumarill/Floatzel B1 East Kadabra F2 West 10SATK Dewgong F1 East tunnel R2 10SDEF Golbat 10SPEED Wayward Cave x3 (Cut & Flash) Bronzor F1 Gible/Bronzor B1 Edited August 18, 2023 by pikabuuh Kasatka, FighterChamp, OHJI and 20 others 18 4 1
pikabuuh Posted February 11, 2020 Author Posted February 11, 2020 (edited) Johto Ctrl + F to search Route 26 x5 Sandslash 10DEF Tentacruel 10SDEF Route 27 x5 Arbok 10ATK Dodrio (Day/Morning) 10ATK Tentacool Route 28 x5 Rapidash Tangela Poliwhirl 10SPEED Route 30 x5 Poliwag Route 31 x5 Poliwag Route 32 x5 Wooper Route 33 x3 Hoppip (Day/Morning) Rattata (Night) Route 34 x3 Drowzee Snubbull (Day/Morning) Tentacool x5 Route 35 x3 Nidoran♀ Nidoran♂ Psyduck x5 Route 36 x3 Growlithe (Day/Morning) Vulpix (Night/Morning) Route 37 x3 Stantler Route 38 x5 Magnemite Route 39 x5 Raticate 10SPEED Pidgeotto (Day/Morning) 10SPEED Route 40 x5 Tentacool Route 41 x5 Mantine 10SDEF Route 42 x5 Mareep Mankey Goldeen Route 43 x5 Girafarig 10SATK Flaaffy 10SATK Magikarp Route 44 x5 Lickitung 10HP Poliwhirl 10SPEED Route 45 x5 Graveler Gligar Magikarp Route 47 x5 Miltank Raticate Noctowl (Night) Seel Route 48 x5 Gloom Tauros Fearow (Day/Morning) Bell Tower x5 Raticate Haunter Blackthorn City x5 Poliwhirl 10SPEED Burned Tower x5 Rattata F1 Koffing B1 Cherrygrove City x5 Tentacool Cianwood City x5 Tentacool Cliff Cave x5 Kingler 10ATK Machoke 10ATK Cliff Edge Gate x5 Quagsire 10HP Dark Cave x5 Wobbuffet 10HP Magikarp Dragon's Den x5 Dratini Magikarp Ecruteak City x5 Poliwag Ice Path x5 Golbat F1 B1 Jynx B1 B2 B3 10SATK Delibird B3 Ilex Forest x3 Pidgey (Day/Morning) Venonat (Night) Psyduck x5 Lake of Rage x5 Gyarados 10ATK Mt. Mortar x5 Zubat F1 Machop F1 Rattata B1 Machoke F2 10ATK Geodude F1back Marill B1 10HP Mt. Silver Cave Donphan Outside Entrance Dodrio Outside Entrance (Day/Morning) Poliwhirl Outside Entrance 10SPEED Golbat Outside East 10SPEED Sneasel Outside Snow Machoke F1 Graveler F1 Golduck F1 Seaking F1 Parasect F2 E-belt chamber Golduck F2 E-belt chamber Steelix F2 Moltres chamber Misdreavus F2 Moltres chamber (Night) Ursaring F3 Quagsire F3 Larvitar F4 Onix F4 National Park x3 Ledyba (Morning) Sunkern (Day) Spinarak (Night) New Bark Town x5 Tentacool Olivine City x5 Tentacool Ruins of Alph x5 Natu Smeargle Quagsire 10HP Slowpoke Well Slowpoke x3 Slowpoke x5 Team Rocket HQ x5 Geodude B1 B2 Voltorb B2 B3 Tohjo Falls x5 Golbat Raticate Slowbro Hidden Room 10DEF Goldeen Union Cave x3 Zubat F1 B1 Sandshrew F1 Golbat B2 Quagsire x5 B1 10HP Victory Road x5 Ursaring F1 (Winter) Donphan F1 Golbat F2 10SPEED Sandslash F3 10DEF Violet City x5 Poliwag Whirl Islands x5 Seel B1 Golbat B2 10SPEED Krabby F1 Horsea F1 B2 Tentacool F1 Edited September 4, 2023 by pikabuuh TheDebil, mrfatbard, JaimieLannister and 5 others 7 1
pikabuuh Posted February 11, 2020 Author Posted February 11, 2020 Kanto updated Added Kanto EV-training locations - if you find better spots, pls let me know. Added specified times and locations (when needed), though i've kinda skipped past the least interesting hordes for now. NOTE that Ursaring locations are bugged in the pokedex, but i found a x5 Ursaring horde in top floor of Victory Road - Kanto. Seems to be 50/50 Donphan Horde. I remember noticing at least one other evolved poke with bugged location in the dex, but i dont remember for which ones. DibzAgain 1
LipeHaru Posted February 11, 2020 Posted February 11, 2020 Samuel bro <3 good guide. Do you know where Mawile spawn? or its just luck on the sky pillar/chalenge cave; pikabuuh 1
pikabuuh Posted February 11, 2020 Author Posted February 11, 2020 4 hours ago, LipeHaru said: Samuel bro <3 good guide. Do you know where Mawile spawn? or its just luck on the sky pillar/chalenge cave; True, I cant seem to find Mawile nor Sableye hordes in Sky Pillar. I will come back during night time to double check, but might be bugged or dex is wrong. I found 5x Mawile / Sableye / Graveler hordes in Challenger's Cave B2. I was there during Morning hours, but they should be there 24/7. Dont forget to bring a damp poke in case of shiny Graveler. Gl bruh! LipeHaru and Riesz 2
pikabuuh Posted February 11, 2020 Author Posted February 11, 2020 Hoenn Updated Added Hoenn EV Locations. A few hordes marked with "???" still needs to be confirmed. DibzAgain 1
DibzAgain Posted February 12, 2020 Posted February 12, 2020 Loving the way it's coming along! Thank you for putting in all this effort ^^ pikabuuh 1
pikabuuh Posted February 14, 2020 Author Posted February 14, 2020 All Regions updated with specifications. Added a few screenshots for those hard-to-explain areas. The Dex hasn't been accurate in some cases, and a few hordes are still marked with ??? until confirmation. Hordes of Interest - Coming soon Hit me up for suggestions and corrections IGN: SamuelJackson Quakkz and Seth 2
lallo17 Posted February 15, 2020 Posted February 15, 2020 On 2/9/2020 at 5:14 PM, pikabuuh said: 10xDEF - Rhydon @Victory Road (South of Pokemon League) Rhydon gives 2 ATK, not DEF; Rhyhorn gives 1 DEF On 2/9/2020 at 5:14 PM, pikabuuh said: 10xSDEF - Slowbro @Cape Brink slowbro gives 2 DEF, not SPDEF On 2/9/2020 at 5:14 PM, pikabuuh said: 10xSDEF - Sealeo @Route 230 Sealeo gives 2 HP, not SPDEF pikabuuh 1
pikabuuh Posted February 15, 2020 Author Posted February 15, 2020 5 minutes ago, lallo17 said: Rhydon gives 2 ATK, not DEF; Rhyhorn gives 1 DEF slowbro gives 2 DEF, not SPDEF Sealeo gives 2 HP, not SPDEF oh, wow thank you! im not quite sure what happened there
pikabuuh Posted February 15, 2020 Author Posted February 15, 2020 Added new horde to Hoenn Route 115 x5 Swellow
Quakkz Posted February 15, 2020 Posted February 15, 2020 1 hour ago, pikabuuh said: oh, wow thank you! im not quite sure what happened there you probably mixed them up with the dewgong hordes that give spdef, not same route as sealeo tho
pikabuuh Posted February 15, 2020 Author Posted February 15, 2020 25 minutes ago, Quakkz said: you probably mixed them up with the dewgong hordes that give spdef, not same route as sealeo tho yeah, probably! smh EV list corrected
pikabuuh Posted February 16, 2020 Author Posted February 16, 2020 EV yields added to all 100% x10EV hordes I will make a list soon™ Seth 1
pikabuuh Posted February 19, 2020 Author Posted February 19, 2020 Updated the EV section Now has EV Locations close to a PC and EV Locations with High Level hordes for exp. () Added Full list of All 100% x10 EV hordes. Pick your poison. Added a few locations to Hordes of Interest. Suggestions are very welcome! Seth 1
pikabuuh Posted February 19, 2020 Author Posted February 19, 2020 Added some useful links for Shiny hunters: Never miss a shiny with these slightly Bigger HD Shiny Sprites (Only install the one for Shiny) Keep track of your encounters with the updated Encounter Counter For deciding which shiny to hunt Seth 1
Seth Posted February 19, 2020 Posted February 19, 2020 I love this guide! Thank you so much, bro! :-D pikabuuh 1
mago1993 Posted February 20, 2020 Posted February 20, 2020 this is not slowking, is a slowbro. EV Locations (close to a PC) Kanto 10xHP - Nidorina @Route 14 (Cut) 10xATK - Rhydon/Machoke @Victory Road F1 10xDEF - Slowking @Cape Brink pikabuuh 1
pikabuuh Posted February 20, 2020 Author Posted February 20, 2020 4 minutes ago, mago1993 said: this is not slowking, is a slowbro. EV Locations (close to a PC) Reveal hidden contents Kanto 10xHP - Nidorina @Route 14 (Cut) 10xATK - Rhydon/Machoke @Victory Road F1 10xDEF - Slowking @Cape Brink Tyvm for correcting my brainfart Fixed.
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