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💜 [Sigs] [Userbars] [Logos] Floudy Shop [OPEN]

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Posted (edited)

[Order]: Animated Signature

[Pkmon]: Shiny Turtwig

[Name]: Fvv

[Team]: No, no need

[Color]: Dark green and green, hope the background is forest

money mailed thanks in advance ❤️

If needed to discuss prices above the ones stated, feel free to pm me.

Edited by FBI

Buenos días, me encantó tu trabajo, te pido porfavor una signature animada! 🙂 

Order]: Signature Animada

[Pkmon]: Lugia

[Name]: SrRodriguez

[Team]: Latin Crew (LCW)  No se si sea necesario completo, solo nombre o solo siglas.

[Color]: Azul / uguu / Blanco / Dorado (brillos):   Esos colores me gustan mucho, el dorado en brillos puede ser para resaltar.

[AText]: Creo que no, ya viendolo podría ser que diga Boss o Team Leader si es posible verlo y enviarmelo por discord antes de aplicarlo por si se ve bien te agradecería mucho.

Si es necesario ajustar precio comentame!, con todo gusto.

Discord: xXSr.RodríguezXx#7657 / sr.rodriguez

Ya envié el correo 🙂 


8分钟前,LaFloudy 说:

New completed order of an Animated Signature for @FBI ! ♡




Thank you. It's very beautiful:)❤️


[Order]: Animated Sig

[Name]: Eclover

[Pokemon] Umbreon or Shiny Umbreon

[Color]: You can throw whatever is good, background is dark forest


Money mailed 

  • LaFloudy changed the title to [Sig] ★ Floudy's Signature Service [OPEN]

[Order]: Animated Signature

[Pkmon]: Shiny Squirtle 

[Name]: NoStrategy

[Team]: MR

[Color]: Main color blue with green

(Near ocean or jumping into lake if possible)

[AText]: None 


First order:
 Firma Estatica

[Pkmon]: Weavile

[Nombre]: Veni Vidi Vici

[Team]: no

[Color]: Black color preferably with bright tones that stand out with weavile, surprise me.

[AText]: Lâst League




Second order:
[Orden]: Firma Estatica

[Pkmon]: Weavile & Lucario

[Nombre]: Veterinary

[Team]: no

[Color]: Blue and black, highlight the colors with the pokemon and add shine to them please.

[AText]: no



From what I understand it is 400k for both signatures (I just sent them), if there is any additional cost for the hard work let me know and I will gladly pay you the rest of the money.

  • LaFloudy changed the title to ⚫ [Sigs] [Userbars] Floudy's Shop ⬛ [ESP] [ENG] ⬛ [OPEN] ⬛

[Order]: Animated Signature
[Pokemon]: Shiny Aipom, Shiny Combee and Shiny Skarmory
[Name]: Stolen
[Team]: MR
[Color]: General colors - Pink / Light Pink / White (Cherry blossom tree with blue sky, Skarmory in sky if possible)

Posted (edited)

New completed orders for h4des0ri0n & AashLad !



Edited by LaFloudy
  • 1 month later...

Thank you so much for making all the amazing Signatures and Userbars for our team! You are amazing Floudy!❤️

Posted (edited)

New completed orders for Kaiji & Reibynd !



Edited by LaFloudy
  • LaFloudy changed the title to ⚫ [Sigs] [Userbars] [Logos] Floudy's Shop ⬛ [ESP] [ENG] ⬛ [OPEN] ⬛

I forget a lot to update the completed orders, but the service is still active!


A couple new orders completed!





Posted (edited)

[Orden]: Firma Animada Compleja

[Pkmon]: eevee Brillante 


[Equipo]: Aw (Asgard Warriors)

[Color]: lo que convine con el pokemon

[ATexto]: ninguno

[AInfo]: estrellas cayendo


dinero enviado😃

Edited by Jossy
  • 3 weeks later...

hi there! 

static signature

Pokemon: typhlosion. (aunque me gustaria que sean 3 typhlosion y mi personaje en el medio. solo uso un tuxedo y un sombrero uguu)

Team: Uberball [ÜBER]

color: rojo y verde oscuro (bueno, el color del lomo de typhlosion)

name: Yagu

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