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You Guys Are Getting Shinies? | Elizn's Shiny Box


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Welcome to my Showcase 😄


Seeing everyone else's shiny showcases inspired my own. 


Stuff I have Found - Untouched OT Shinies


Golduck I found 3. One was given away in a extremely low turnout Catch Event I made before becoming Staff.

Tentacool was a single random encounter. Smeargle was found in a random Horde in Artisan Cave.

Both Shinx was Phase 1 and 2 for Pachirisu. Found these both on the same day, within 1 hour of each other.

Golducks, both Sealeo and Palpitoad was all found EV training.

Linoone was given to my friend as a gift. How could I forget?


tentacool.gif  smeargle.gif  tentacruel.gif linoone.gifgolduck.gif golduck.gifgolduck.gif shinx-f.gif  shinx-f.gifsealeo.gifsealeo.gifpalpitoad.gif 


Shinies found and Improved by Breeding - All my OT (The Girls)


Gyarados was found as a Magikarp in Sootopolis City, created to be 2x31, Jolly Natured with Moxie. Huge thanks to Kaynine for the Red Dragon Particle for her.

Pachirisu (Neon) was found not long after the Shinx. Now a Modest 2x31. Was my EV Trainer of choice in my shop. 

Typhlosion (Ashley) was hunted through eggs not long after finishing Pachi. Forever my Money drain, Perfect in every way. Has ALL Ribbons, Particles, 6x31 and 4x Egg Moves (Howl, Double Kick, Extrasensory, Flame Burst)

Nidoqueen (Mikaela) is my only 5x31, 1x0. Sheer Force attacker with Spirit of Spring Particle Effect. Big Green Queen Cutie.

Politoed (Wednesday) I hope will come useful in raids. 1x31 1x0 2x29, Calm Natured,

Chatot (Charlie) is my latest project. Perfect 5x31 1x0 Secret Natured Chatot. Caught: 06/08/2024 Complete: X

Eevee (Eri) is my latest Shiny. She rolled Modest on her final breed. Not like it'll be useful. Keeping her away from evolution stones.


gyarados-f.gifpachirisu-f.gif typhlosion.gifnidoqueen.gifpolitoed-f.gifchatot.gifeevee.gif


Future Shiny Dreams and Current Hunt


I can dream. Perhaps I'm waaay over my head with dreams of all of these at some point.


Current Hunt: Shiny Plusle.


  squirtle.gifdelcatty.gif  pikachu-f.gif minun.gifplusle.gifivysaur.gifmudkip.gifinfernape.gifscizor-f.gifcharmander.gifzorua.gifgallade.gifdragonair.gif


Thread will be updated with any new Shiny finds, if hunted or surprised. So come back now and again. Good luck to anyone reading with your hunts 😄 

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