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Event's Event

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Posted (edited)


Saturday, 16th March 


24 Hours


Start Time:

0001HRS of your own time zone 


Total IVs of 4 unique submitted mons that are on the chase sheet below. 






Squirtle, Cyndaquil, Charmander, Totodile

Ditto, Meowth, Shroomish, Magikarp

Axew, Dratini, Smeargle, Wailmer

Chansey, Eevee, Munchlax, Skarmory



RULES For SOLOs (For the single pringles)

1. Find or catch mons from the chase sheet

2. Submit 4 of the highest unique IV mons on the discord event entry chat

3. The Images must show the IVs, Summary and Catch Date

4. You DO NOT need to catch in the order of the chase sheet. Chase Who You Want


RULES For DUOs (Find your own partner!)

1. Find or catch mons from the chase sheet

2. Submit 4 of the highest unique mons on the discord event entry chat (Labelled with your Team Name)

For eg. ShadowMorgz/MaxiLost for easier verification

3. The Images must show the IVs, Summary and Catch Date

4. You DO NOT need to catch in the order of the chase sheet. Chase Who You Want

Powerpoint link will be in the event chat for more information and explanations. Any enquiries please ping me in discord chat!


PRIZE: TBC on exact amount CAUSE IM BROKE 

1st: 1.5M

2nd: 750k

3rd: 500k 

4th & 5th: 125k 



I will wait 24 hours before collating the scores so submissions must be done by then.
If you are submitting another entry delete the previous submission. Only 4 submissions per person/team

Edited by unforeseenevent
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