TeamPorygon Posted November 24, 2024 Posted November 24, 2024 (edited) {Our showcase is best viewed in dark mode} OT Shiny Showcase (Many showcase pieces were custom created with efforts between SlyferTP & FurretTails) {Key is a WIP} Shiny Porygon Count: 2 Most Caught Shiny for each Region: Please reach out to Team Pory staff if something needs updated. Diovin - (149) DarkxAkira - (51) Wooqil - (38) Vronk - (36) UrskinMozAsf - (35) TheClosedBox - (33) notLierre - (33) WalkingNinja - (33) Agrilla - (33) stevenchill- (33) Warlordle - (26) Sideburms - (26) avgBEAR - (26) SobbleGobble - (25) YoungCabbage - (23) Sherte - (23) Tiggerbell - (23) Virescence - (20) SlyferTP - (20) Dronad - (20) IAmPano - (20) Ampyros - (20) Bladwig - (19) TrainerBartos - (19) Rabbyblck - (18) Frooste - (18) Zahrez - (15) Glort - (15) Jaddee - (13) Pawleys - (13) xRetsoFx - (12) Sleezuz - (11) Jashto - (11) Caav - (10) Creznax - (10) graysocean - (10) JOYigi - (10) qAtsu - (10) Rayquazadisdih- (10) Tpoling - (10) Bungalos- (10) Daareka - (10) ProfShark- (10) KingSvrex - (9) Mackharo - (9) MagicJini - (9) BlazeMichael - (9) BrodyBones - (9) Aetomatis - (8) DaveTheBabe - (8) Hikarum - (8) OhJesting - (8) Shamorunner - (8) MrMantis - (8) MikeyLilGuy - (8) dmos - (8) ElKazuo - (7) AdamEsq - (7) Furabia - (7) StealingMoney - (7) StefLong- (7) VSpecll - (7) Ronmard - (7) SpeckMyMommy - (7) KKilluaZoldyck - (7) DaveDuri - (6) DespoticPanda - (6) PokeNiloc - (6) Zarmanth - (6) Himsenberg - (6) TTVImJustBetter - (6) SmotherMe - (6) Echolahlia - (5) HarleZe - (5) Llisfer - (5) Lynet - (5) SoloTheStrange - (5) QuinzyTwentyTwo- (5) AngryGorillaAU - (4) PrisonBreakOKAY- (4) RoyalBeggars - (4) OutSkill - (4) BlackEyeCat - (3) Glisgore- (3) MHRubab - (3) OgWillyD- (3) PeachyHana - (3) Secretgg - (3) VividLatias - (3) TheCase - (3) zinnerzPT - (3) Cixuuwu- (2) GhostOfKyiv - (2) MrsSharkBait- (2) panpandame - (2) Prisophen - (2) Swervyz - (2) XHaisee - (2) MUMBI - (2) Arkainez - (1) RayKidzs - (1) Bluebottles - (1) quazasuks - (1) Criispchin - (1) Edited Saturday at 08:46 PM by TeamPorygon Updated.
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