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[Xmas 2024] The Ultimate Christmas Guide

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*★★RAID Togekiss★★[ES]*

 Nivel 80 ★★★★☆

Kanto: Rt 21 [MO Surf]

Hoen: Rt 111 [Bici de Carrera] 

Jhoto: Rt 45 [MO Treparrocas]

Teselia: Rt 14 [MO Surf, Cascada]

Shinoh: Rt 207[NO MO]


★Nota: Al ser raid de 4 estrellas necesitan tener todas las de Raid 3 estrellas 


*★★RAID Togekiss★★[EN]*

Level 80 ★★★★☆

Kanto: Rt 21 [MO Surf]

Hoen: Rt 111 [Race Bike] 

Jhoto: Rt 45 [MO Rock Climb]

Unova: Rt 14 [MO Surf, Waterfall]

Shinoh: Rt 207[NO MO]


★Note: Being a 4-star raid, you need to have all the 3-star raids 


 _[FENO][RAY] YuisigamyFirma_



On 12/28/2024 at 5:01 PM, Furabia said:

I got a new hint: "It's fled Northeastern Sinnoh".


This location is not listed in Sinnoh and I found Starmie at Fight Area (Post-game content).



I got the same hint and I am wondering if it is the same as the NORTHERN map in the guide or if it is a completely different set of towns/cities.  I searched all of the NORTHERN section with no starmie.

16 minutes ago, Ash0705 said:

Hi i have a doubt ,how will i know that returned 100 lost presents to santa ?

You count how many delibird you got, at 100 you receive an alpha delibird. Check the "Lost Presents" tab.

Posted (edited)

*★★RAID Gardevoi★★[EN]*
 Nivel 80 ★★★★☆
Kanto: Bosque Baya [NO MO]
Hoen: Rt 123 [MO Surf]
Jhoto: Ruinas Alfas [NO MO
Teselia: Solar de los sueños[NO MO]
Shinoh: Rt 221 [MO Surf] 

★Nota: Al ser raid de 4 estrellas necesitan tener todas las de Raid 3 estrellas 

 _[FENO][RAY] yuisigamy Firma_


*★★Gardevoi RAID★★[EN]*

Level 80 ★★★★☆

Kanto: Berry Forest [NO MO]

Hoen: Rt 123 [MO Surf]

Jhoto: Ruins of Alpha [NO MO

Unova: Dreamyard [NO MO]

Shinoh: Rt 221 [MO Surf] 


★Note: Being a 4-star raid, you need to have all the 3-star raids 


_[FENO][RAY] yuisigamy Signature_



☆☆Tomorrow the last Raid comes out (Sad) it's a pleasure to be able to help you colleagues :3 ☆☆


Edited by yuishigamy001
Posted (edited)

Does anyone know what routes, towns and cities make up Northeastern SINNOH?  I would greatly appreciate some help with this as I have checked everywhere EXCEPT where this starmie is hiding.


Thanks in advance.


Edited by MissSamus


 Nivel 80 ★★★★☆

Kanto: Cañón Sentano[NO MO]

Hoen: Monte Cenizo [NO MO] 

Jhoto: Santuario Dragon[MO Surf, Torbellino]

Teselia: Zona Desierto [NO MO]

Shinoh: Rt 225[MO Surf, PostGame]


★Nota: Al ser raid de 4 estrellas necesitan tener todas las de Raid 3 estrellas 


 _[FENO][RAY] yuisigamy Firma_



Level 80 ★★★★☆

Kanto: Sevault Canyon [NO MO]

Hoenn: Mt. Chimney [NO MO]

Johto: Dragon's Den [MO Surf, Whirlpool]

Unova: Desert Resort [NO MO]

Sinnoh: Route 225 [MO Surf, Post-Game]



★Note: Since this is a 4-star raid, you need to have completed all 3-star raids first.


[FENO][RAY] yuisigamy Signature


It's a pleasure to be able to help you. See you at the next event :3 I loved looking for the new raids


Happy new year >‿< ♥️


5 hours ago, MissSamus said:

Does anyone know what routes, towns and cities make up Northeastern SINNOH?  I would greatly appreciate some help with this as I have checked everywhere EXCEPT where this starmie is hiding.


Thanks in advance.


Should be the Island above the League


01/01/2025: Salamence raid added.

Unfortunately, half of the guide was lost, so I had to redo most of it. If you notice any inconsistencies, please let me know

19 minutes ago, suigin said:

I don't see any starmies in verm to start the hunt. Is this randomized or is it a bug?

You need 100 lost presents to start the starmie hunt

Posted (edited)

Okay, I found as many of the Sinnoh lost present locations as I could possibly find and catalogued them if anyone wants to use this information.

Sinnoh Lost Presents Locations: By Me, a person who spent like three hours on this. This sucked.
Solaceon Town
1.) Near Unown Cave. Can check it by immediately going right of Pokemon Center without needing to go through all the ramps.
2.) East of Pokemon Center. Seeable upon flying in.
3.) South of Solaceon Town. Opposite of the ghost tower.

4.) North of town. The present should be on the same platform of the jogger.
Celestic Town
1.) Immediately next to Pokemon center in the small trees. Can be immediately seen.
2.) East of Solaceon Town. Above old man near berry spots.
Hearthome City
1.) Bottom of the town, spawns inbetween fence and red bench on the left.
2.) Outside of town on left, route 208. Next to the house.

3.) Right in front of the church on the left side of town.
Eterna City
1.) West on route 205, before the bridge.
2.) Bottom of town at the gym, outside.
3.) Below the statue next to the house.
4.) Go to route 211 bottom of first grass patch.
5.) Upon flying in, can immediately spot it near Eterna Building. Need Cut.
Sunyshore City
1.) Exit town to route 222, can see LP in grass patch upon exiting. Need surf.

2.) Top right of town inbetween the two houses.
Veilstone City
1.) Near center of town. Go left from Pokemon center. Next to guy with sign.

2.) South of town onto the route. Go down below the lake and it should be in that general area.
Canalave City
1.) One near entrance to town.
2.) Top left of town.
3.) Far bottom left of the map. Need to enter river to access it. Can see presence by hugging trees in bottom left of map.
Jubilife City
1.) Top right of town.
2.) Enter route 203, immediately go up. Past Youngster Joey or whatever his name is.
Oreburg City
1.) Go near cave entrance left of town. Next to sign.

2.) North of the town, past the bike ramp near the grass patch. Like, immediately above the ramp.
Pastoria City
1.) Right of Pokemon Center, right of the house.
2.) Next to woman with the clefairy.
3.) South of town, opposite berry woman's house in the puddle pocket area.
4.) Go left of town to route 212, can be seen before going further in.
Snowpoint City
1.) Above Pokemon center or next to woman opposite that spot. I forget. I might have seen that in a dream. It has been a while since I've personally seen it.
2.) Next to boat man south of town.
Floaroma Town
1.) Left of house above Pokemon Center. Hidden in the flowers.

2.) Upon flying in, can immediately see the lost present at bottom right of the screen. Need cut to access.

3.) Outside of town to the right. Bottom flower patch immediately upon leaving town.

Sandgem Town

1.) In the bottom left corner of the town.

2.) Can be found on the beach south of the town on the far left side of the beach against the rocks.
Twinleaf Town
1.) Not found in the starting town. Head straight up. Can be found near the two trees. Entrance to Lake Verity can be seen from the present.

2.) On the way to Sandgem town on route 201. Should be in the middle of the road immediately below the ramp from Sandgem Town.


This is definitely not a conclusive list. But it should be helpful if anyone was trapped in Sinnoh like I was.

Edited by RusticPath
35 minutes ago, takis98 said:

Alguien me puede recomendar Pokémon para las raid.?

Check the guide for each raid, there's the names of the pokémon used

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