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Criticism on Raids as a whole and their difficulty/accessibility to the general community

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This game is just a joke when you think about it... 

The way they release legendaries, 

Pvp rewards? 

Pvp randoms? 

copy and paste events? 

Wishing stone? 

Communication with the player base?

Shiny hunting? 🤣😁

Constantly nerfing everything?



Like cmon dont expect them to lean towards players and letting us have fun or a good time. We all know we just addicted to Pokemon and have some mental or life  issues other wise i cant explain how many of us have 1000 of hours in this hell hole of a game. 

Just donate and be quiet 

Posted (edited)

I will give my humble opinion as a player with more than 2000 hours, before they nerfed the tangrowth raid i was looking for more than 10 links with different people, you ask for serious links but people do not follow orders, they are not attentive in the chat they say they have pokes with damage but they do not have them or trained them, i spent more than 1 and a half days without being able to complete that raid and my morale was affected so i decided to abandon the event.

The nerf arrived late, my morale is already affected and i turned the page with the event, this raid system not only affects new players, it affects the entire community, i am not going to spend 3 days looking for 200 links until i managed to find a serious and capable group, this is my humble opinion and criticism, those of you who can enjoy the event, those of you who are like me, i understand that you are strong, this system, so unfair and designed in 2 afternoons, is a decision from those above, happy new year to all.

Edited by Carameloh
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Raichuforyou said:

Resource-Driven Success vs. Actual Skill

One of the biggest issues I see is that success in these events feels more about having a massive stockpile of resources rather than actual skill. Players with the time, money, or existing wealth to quickly breed or purchase specific Pokémon, moves, or items are at a huge advantage. For the average player, this creates a massive barrier to entry. The gameplay becomes less about strategy or skill and more about whether you’ve pre-farmed enough resources to throw at the event. This is even a problem for a person like myself who literally has 2 boxes of comp ready level 100 mons. This gets frustrating when you need to give your Blissey a completely specific set that is geared towards fighting a specific raid or boss monster. Not only does that cost resources, but there is again a cost to re-gear it up for competitive once again. You're not having to breed 5x31's, but the cost of having to have a level 100 Murkrow or a specific Sabelye set adds up.

This gap also exacerbates the disparity between veteran players with stockpiles of cash and competitive Pokémon, and newer or more casual players who are left scrambling to participate. It feels like there’s a missing middle ground—content that’s accessible while still rewarding skill and effort over sheer resource availability.

I won't stop banging this drum. I'm going to comment on it until the end of the event.


I want to urge the developers to consider learning from the mistakes Bungie made with Destiny 2. Decisions were made that busted the new player experience in isolation, it ended up becoming a really unwelcoming thing and pushed a lot of new players away because large chunks of the story were now missing. You couldn't identify with a story you didn't understand, and that part clearly wasn't play-tested. Only the new content (that was for the regular/veteran players) was.


This event was NOT for new players, and that's clear to me. I couldn't buy anything just to get through the raids due to the OT requirement, I didn't have stacks of money to breed 20+ Pokemon for them and I didn't have all of the regions completed so I could hunt for hordes/Starmies. What this created, was an overwhelming (and ultimately pretty negative) experience of feeling I was being pushed into doing things I didn't want (leveling Pokemon to 100, blazing through each region without really experiencing it) and the idea that it doesn't matter how good I am at this - I'm not getting Jirachi this year. I have bred (and gotten to 100) seven Pokemon that all of you already had and accumulated over your months/years playing - having to do it before the end of the event has burned me out quite a bit and there's a significant amount of FOMO involved in the disappointment of seeing everyone else flexing their nice new things in Global chat.


Please, when releasing an event take a more holistic view and consider everyone. True, new players aren't your bread and butter but they might be. Their first impression is important, and whether you were here in 2012 or joined at Christmas, your part in this matters equally. Please don't exclude players that simply didn't know about this game until recently.

Edited by Nicosia

I’ve been playing this game for over 9 years.

I’ve beaten all of the event-exclusive, seasonal PvE content with randoms without fail until now.

But this?


                  is my limit lmao.

The level of coordination you need for this is just its just



Its too difficult for random matchmaking. I honestly think it shouldn't have random matchmaking for it, otherwise you're just setting those poor new solo players for failure and potentially quitting. 

30 minutes ago, BrokenJoker said:

He estado jugando a este juego durante más de 9 años.

He superado todo el contenido PvE de temporada exclusivo del evento con enemigos aleatorios sin fallar hasta ahora.

¿Pero esto?


                  es mi límite jajaja

El nivel de coordinación que necesitas para esto es simplemente...

  Ocultar contenidos


Es demasiado difícil para el emparejamiento aleatorio. Sinceramente, creo que no debería tener un emparejamiento aleatorio, de lo contrario, solo estás exponiendo a esos pobres nuevos jugadores en solitario al fracaso y al potencial abandono. 

The problem is that even if they remove the random, 85% of the people who search for links are unserious and trolls, this system is condemned to serve four cats who have their group of friends and always work together, if you don't have a group like that, good luck looking for capable groups even without random

4 hours ago, Raichuforyou said:

I can't help but feel like a lot of this content is increasingly being tailored towards a a higher spectrum of players who simply have an insane amount of resources to throw at and solve any problem.

Harder raids are an endgame activity, that's why you can't even queue up with random players, because it is obvious that it would be a waste of time if there are no coordination whatsoever. The "huge accessibility issue" is not really that big of an issue when the only requirement for raids is pretty much a 2x31 with a usable nature. They've been teasing raids for quite some time now, and if you have prepared even a little bit, you can breeze through the 3 and 4 star raids pretty easily, and what I mean by "pretty easily" is that you can find similar players who have prepared beforehand to beat the raid.

But I agree that those who are "poor" may struggle keeping up with the final rewards, especially when the consistent money-making methods in this game are being nerfed to the ground for no relevant reason. With raids slowly coming to permanence, people would be required to level-up their mons up to a decent level, and with the 4 OT clause we saw with Suicune raid, they need to breed their own for that, which is also a good thing because it encourages them to learn about breeding, but (again), levelling things right now is such a pain, especially when there are lots of waiting you have to endure with the current strings.

Posted (edited)

Overall I agree with most takes here. I did all the content but it was not communicated well that this was content for hardcore players. There is no communication in-game or anything about raid mechanics (damage cap, barrier, etc.), no wiki, nothing. New players have no clue what all this stuff popping out is about, even lost presents got some new players confused.


I enjoyed this Xmas event but I think that just a few words about the level of difficulty would have gone a long way. Especially via in-game communication.

Many new players enjoyed doing 3 stars raids & collecting Wishing Tags. But then they reached a frustrating hard wall. Gardevoir allowing random link was a mistake for sure.


In short, great event but better communication (especially via in-game tool) is important, otherwise fear of missing out & frustration will make us lose a ton of new players.


Having a Discord tab open at all time + some strategy sheet you share with newer players etc, alt-tabbing constantly isn't great.


Also important to note that the players who did the best at this event are players with multiple accounts, there is no need to coordinate & communicate if you play with yourself. It's a huge incentive to make multiple accounts. Not sure if that's what pokemmo wants to foster.


I'm just sad when I see new players with 4/12 useless wishing tag asking for help & struggling. They got a taste of it & got left frustrated.


Actually it's really the temporary nature, limited time, of the event that creates the frustration, I think that all of this content, as a long term goal is fine. Or even great, it forced me, a PvP player to start XP my pokemon to lvl 100, it's a fun goal.

I understand it's kind of a way for pokemmo devs to test raids, just sharing feedback.

Edited by Merckis
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, BrokenJoker said:

I’ve been playing this game for over 9 years.

I’ve beaten all of the event-exclusive, seasonal PvE content with randoms without fail until now.

But this?


                  is my limit lmao.

The level of coordination you need for this is just its just

  Reveal hidden contents


Its too difficult for random matchmaking. I honestly think it shouldn't have random matchmaking for it, otherwise you're just setting those poor new solo players for failure and potentially quitting. 

You think Garde raid is annoying? Togekiss is where i'm suffering because this raid is a fu🦆 cassino. 

Not only the queue is a Luck Rool but the entire raid. Putting you already on the beggining on a lot of "You can only use this or that".

You can only go with Special Attackers, physical are too risky due to burn.

All strats rely on Rain with Randoms. You cannot use setters like Vanilluxe or Tytar.

Pelipper is too slow, you cannot use Tailwind with him, you has to use something else.

A Heal Block is needed. The only one that IA won't rush to kill is Bronzong.


Also there is the coordination needed that most teams don't have. And there is the IA that take over after an ally forfeit, and won't EVER attack the Boss. Unless you run an AoE move and gave the IA no other option, it will always attack their allies. So, you run the remaining raid with 1 mon less.

Edited by caioxlive13
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Merckis said:

Actually it's really the temporary nature, limited time, of the event that creates the frustration, I think that all of this content, as a long term goal is fine. Or even great, it forced me, a PvP player to start XP my pokemon to lvl 100, it's a fun goal.

I agree and pretty much all complaints from OP are solved by adding permanent content in the form of permanent raids instead of limited ones. The fact that there's only so many legendaries and we have already a lot of them stuck behind limited content isn't showing good future. Why not a few ones that you can easely have theme related to whatever event, but like ugh. Launching raids and legendaries entries into dex this way is definitely not a good sign to showcase the supposedly new accessible content they've been working for for years now. 


Raids are good. But they're only good when we have time to have fun around with them. 

Edited by Poufilou
6 hours ago, Raichuforyou said:

Hello all, I wanted to make a post here to kind of essentially vomit all my thoughts out while also getting some community input as to how raids are going. Engage at your own risk. I will likewise include a link to Reddit for a post of the same nature there as well: Reddit

Before I get accusations that I hate the game and I'm just trying to knee-jerk baseless complaints: I used to staff for this game, have been playing it since 2013, and personally recommend to anyone that is semi-interested in Pokemon that this is the best way to have a Pokemon related experience. Before I have any criticisms for a lack of skill, I've gotten to the top 100 in OU, Doubles, and Randoms prior before, have two whole boxes of level 100 comps, and generally have been able to participate in past events that require fighting a very buffed up AI. These complaints have been brewing for a long time and have been contributing to a bad feeling I'm having when it comes to the direction of this game.

I'll get it out to begin with that I think that the state of raids, bosses, or generally any intense AI fight has been growing increasingly frustrating to exist as our "endgame content" with a huge accessibility issue. While I want to welcome any sort of content that is highly skilled, and encourages MMO-like interaction with other members of the community, I can't help but feel like a lot of this content is increasingly being tailored towards a a higher spectrum of players who simply have an insane amount of resources to throw at and solve any problem. I'd like to first of all dispel a notion that these events are being tailored towards "highly skilled" players, and being able to complete them is indicative that one is a "highly skilled" player. They're not. Every time these events come out, there is generally an obfuscation of knowledge in terms of how to beat the bosses/raids. The meta eventually gets found out, and those with resources will rush to make or buy niche comps incredibly specific to these bosses or raids, or completely outfit their mons with brand new moves.

I have a few general grievances with how this content is being handled. I'll try to limit it to just a few points:


  •  Resource-Driven Success vs. Actual Skill

    One of the biggest issues I see is that success in these events feels more about having a massive stockpile of resources rather than actual skill. Players with the time, money, or existing wealth to quickly breed or purchase specific Pokémon, moves, or items are at a huge advantage. For the average player, this creates a massive barrier to entry. The gameplay becomes less about strategy or skill and more about whether you’ve pre-farmed enough resources to throw at the event. This is even a problem for a person like myself who literally has 2 boxes of comp ready level 100 mons. This gets frustrating when you need to give your Blissey a completely specific set that is geared towards fighting a specific raid or boss monster. Not only does that cost resources, but there is again a cost to re-gear it up for competitive once again. You're not having to breed 5x31's, but the cost of having to have a level 100 Murkrow or a specific Sabelye set adds up.

    This gap also exacerbates the disparity between veteran players with stockpiles of cash and competitive Pokémon, and newer or more casual players who are left scrambling to participate. It feels like there’s a missing middle ground—content that’s accessible while still rewarding skill and effort over sheer resource availability.

  • Lack of Communication and Accessibility
    These events often feel like puzzles, which could be fun, but the lack of communication about mechanics or effective strategies makes it unnecessarily frustrating. The community is left to figure things out through trial and error, which usually results in frustration for less-experienced players or those not plugged into community hubs like Discord or forums. Players shouldn’t need to hunt down niche meta guides just to feel like they can engage with this content. Being in a team, on the forums, or generally plugged in to this other content should be a reward to complete the content most efficiently as possible. It should not be a prerequisite to even have a shot at beating the content alone. 

    On top of that, the AI mechanics often feel cheap rather than challenging—like they’re designed to invalidate most player strategies unless you build hyper-specific counters. This creates a “gatekeeping” effect, where only those who already have access to certain strategies or Pokémon can even attempt the content.

  • Team Dependency and Solo Queue Accessibility
    While I enjoy the social aspect of MMO-like content, the dependency on forming or finding highly coordinated teams can be exhausting. Events often favor players who have established friend groups or guilds, making it harder for solo players to participate. The current random matchmaking system is a bit of a joke at the moment, and if anything seems like a small band-aid application to prevent criticism that the raids currently aren't 100% tailored to those that are in pre-existing groups. I have managed to do 3 Star raids in random queue. However, the level of coordination that is expected from players frankly is ridiculous when suggestion charts look like this, just to fight a Vanilluxe:

  • image.png.1720e54aa62d8275d439fecd8961bb06.png

    I have no way to tell what Pokemon my soon to be teammates will be using. I don't know if I should be the one that should be bringing a Tailwind or Haze user. Hell, I have no way to even know that my other teammates are following some of these "community" guides, and if they're trying out some of these battles for the first time with their own strategies. Matchmaking with at least 1 or 2 other friends is impossible at the moment to even try and alleviate some of that stress. 4 stacks of players who have had the ability to communicate prior and organize what Pokemon they have to use are undoubtedly the kings of these events... But the baseline of what should be attempt-able should not start with what those groups are capable of achieving. They should get rewarded in terms of getting some of these rewards sooner and quicker than random queues, or people who play the game who aren't in the loop as to what are the working strategies. But I am afraid balance at the moment is pretty much only catered to these sort of groups, leading to more frustration if you're not one to participate in them.

  • Punishing Mechanics for Non-Meta Strategies
    Honestly, one of the most annoying things about these raids and bosses is how hard they punish you for trying anything that’s not "meta." If you don’t show up with the exact Pokémon, movesets, or strategies that everyone says are required, you might as well not bother. It sucks all the fun out of trying to come up with your own solutions. I get that there’s always going to be an “optimal” way to do things, but it feels like the way these fights are set up forces everyone into the same narrow playstyle. Like, why even have hundreds of Pokémon to pick from if only a handful of them are actually useful? It’s not just frustrating for more serious players—it makes it way harder for casuals who just want to give these events a shot. Instead of rewarding creativity or letting people figure out their own way to win, the game’s basically like, “Nope, wrong answer. Come back when you’ve got the right comps.” For a game with so much variety and potential for different playstyles, this feels like such a wasted opportunity.

There's some other issues I could bring up, such as these raids and their rewards being present for a limited time, the Suicune raid further exacerbating the resource and time issue, the fact that rewards such as Jirachi are ACTUALLY competitive staples and will most likely be seen on some OU teams moving forward. But regardless, these issues I'd argue are the most pervasive in terms of how bosses/raids have been handled ever since their introduction. While I’m all for challenging content and rewarding skillful play, the current structure of raids and boss fights increasingly feels inaccessible to many players. I'd like to hear your opinions on this as well, even if it's to tell me off that I'm actually wrong.



I agree with all of this. I've been playing for almost 5 years. Always casually due I'm not a PvP player but even so, I have more than 2000 hours, a decent amount of comp mons and a completed OT dex long before Johto arrived. First raids test was challenging but really fun (even when they were cheating and breaking almost every pokemon battle rule). You could find your own strategy after a few matches. Sure, there was an optimal strategy but, in general, can be beaten if you use your pokemons right. On Halloween I didn't have much time to play but I managed to get to Darkrai (Lv.80) with randoms and I just ended giving up. In this event happened the same. Feels almost impossible to do with randoms. I decided to ignore Tangrowth bc I figured they would nerf it so I started to do the rest and, after Vaniluxe, I spent more than 6 hours queuing for Togekiss and even with a coordinated link where everyone had a good (but not meta) team, couldn't beat it. I remember my 1st Halloween. It was overwhelming but doable. Even as a new player I had A LOT of fun, although I couldn't face Pumpking. Now I can face Pumpking, but don't have fun AT ALL. I just go in, beat it once for limited vanity and that's it. Something changed for bad there.


Devs seems to have forgotten that when you log into a game, you're doing it to have fun, not to get frustrated stuck for hours in a boss fight (this IS NOT Dark Souls, you know). Endgame content, like Red, Heatran and such IT'S OK to be this difficult. You have all the time in the world to prepare yourself for it. But a limited time events? New and casual players are left out from it due this ridiculous amount of prerequisites and cheap difficulty. Like stated before, has nothing to do with skills at all. Honestly, it feels A LOT like P2W content that you can only do if you "invest money" into it. Hell, even investing in this is a risk bc you never know what nerfs gonna be in the next update/raid batch.


Events like these should be accessible for all playerbase and meant to be fun, but challenging. These new raids are anything but that. And it's sad bc I know how much effort and dedication devs have put into bring it them to us.


PS: accessible doesn't mean easy.



Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Raichuforyou said:

Hello all, I wanted to make a post here to kind of essentially vomit all my thoughts out while also getting some community input as to how raids are going. Engage at your own risk. I will likewise include a link to Reddit for a post of the same nature there as well: Reddit

Before I get accusations that I hate the game and I'm just trying to knee-jerk baseless complaints: I used to staff for this game, have been playing it since 2013, and personally recommend to anyone that is semi-interested in Pokemon that this is the best way to have a Pokemon related experience. Before I have any criticisms for a lack of skill, I've gotten to the top 100 in OU, Doubles, and Randoms prior before, have two whole boxes of level 100 comps, and generally have been able to participate in past events that require fighting a very buffed up AI. These complaints have been brewing for a long time and have been contributing to a bad feeling I'm having when it comes to the direction of this game.

I'll get it out to begin with that I think that the state of raids, bosses, or generally any intense AI fight has been growing increasingly frustrating to exist as our "endgame content" with a huge accessibility issue. While I want to welcome any sort of content that is highly skilled, and encourages MMO-like interaction with other members of the community, I can't help but feel like a lot of this content is increasingly being tailored towards a a higher spectrum of players who simply have an insane amount of resources to throw at and solve any problem. I'd like to first of all dispel a notion that these events are being tailored towards "highly skilled" players, and being able to complete them is indicative that one is a "highly skilled" player. They're not. Every time these events come out, there is generally an obfuscation of knowledge in terms of how to beat the bosses/raids. The meta eventually gets found out, and those with resources will rush to make or buy niche comps incredibly specific to these bosses or raids, or completely outfit their mons with brand new moves.

I have a few general grievances with how this content is being handled. I'll try to limit it to just a few points:


  •  Resource-Driven Success vs. Actual Skill

    One of the biggest issues I see is that success in these events feels more about having a massive stockpile of resources rather than actual skill. Players with the time, money, or existing wealth to quickly breed or purchase specific Pokémon, moves, or items are at a huge advantage. For the average player, this creates a massive barrier to entry. The gameplay becomes less about strategy or skill and more about whether you’ve pre-farmed enough resources to throw at the event. This is even a problem for a person like myself who literally has 2 boxes of comp ready level 100 mons. This gets frustrating when you need to give your Blissey a completely specific set that is geared towards fighting a specific raid or boss monster. Not only does that cost resources, but there is again a cost to re-gear it up for competitive once again. You're not having to breed 5x31's, but the cost of having to have a level 100 Murkrow or a specific Sabelye set adds up.

    This gap also exacerbates the disparity between veteran players with stockpiles of cash and competitive Pokémon, and newer or more casual players who are left scrambling to participate. It feels like there’s a missing middle ground—content that’s accessible while still rewarding skill and effort over sheer resource availability.

  • Lack of Communication and Accessibility
    These events often feel like puzzles, which could be fun, but the lack of communication about mechanics or effective strategies makes it unnecessarily frustrating. The community is left to figure things out through trial and error, which usually results in frustration for less-experienced players or those not plugged into community hubs like Discord or forums. Players shouldn’t need to hunt down niche meta guides just to feel like they can engage with this content. Being in a team, on the forums, or generally plugged in to this other content should be a reward to complete the content most efficiently as possible. It should not be a prerequisite to even have a shot at beating the content alone. 

    On top of that, the AI mechanics often feel cheap rather than challenging—like they’re designed to invalidate most player strategies unless you build hyper-specific counters. This creates a “gatekeeping” effect, where only those who already have access to certain strategies or Pokémon can even attempt the content.

  • Team Dependency and Solo Queue Accessibility
    While I enjoy the social aspect of MMO-like content, the dependency on forming or finding highly coordinated teams can be exhausting. Events often favor players who have established friend groups or guilds, making it harder for solo players to participate. The current random matchmaking system is a bit of a joke at the moment, and if anything seems like a small band-aid application to prevent criticism that the raids currently aren't 100% tailored to those that are in pre-existing groups. I have managed to do 3 Star raids in random queue. However, the level of coordination that is expected from players frankly is ridiculous when suggestion charts look like this, just to fight a Vanilluxe:

  • image.png.1720e54aa62d8275d439fecd8961bb06.png

    I have no way to tell what Pokemon my soon to be teammates will be using. I don't know if I should be the one that should be bringing a Tailwind or Haze user. Hell, I have no way to even know that my other teammates are following some of these "community" guides, and if they're trying out some of these battles for the first time with their own strategies. Matchmaking with at least 1 or 2 other friends is impossible at the moment to even try and alleviate some of that stress. 4 stacks of players who have had the ability to communicate prior and organize what Pokemon they have to use are undoubtedly the kings of these events... But the baseline of what should be attempt-able should not start with what those groups are capable of achieving. They should get rewarded in terms of getting some of these rewards sooner and quicker than random queues, or people who play the game who aren't in the loop as to what are the working strategies. But I am afraid balance at the moment is pretty much only catered to these sort of groups, leading to more frustration if you're not one to participate in them.

  • Punishing Mechanics for Non-Meta Strategies
    Honestly, one of the most annoying things about these raids and bosses is how hard they punish you for trying anything that’s not "meta." If you don’t show up with the exact Pokémon, movesets, or strategies that everyone says are required, you might as well not bother. It sucks all the fun out of trying to come up with your own solutions. I get that there’s always going to be an “optimal” way to do things, but it feels like the way these fights are set up forces everyone into the same narrow playstyle. Like, why even have hundreds of Pokémon to pick from if only a handful of them are actually useful? It’s not just frustrating for more serious players—it makes it way harder for casuals who just want to give these events a shot. Instead of rewarding creativity or letting people figure out their own way to win, the game’s basically like, “Nope, wrong answer. Come back when you’ve got the right comps.” For a game with so much variety and potential for different playstyles, this feels like such a wasted opportunity.

There's some other issues I could bring up, such as these raids and their rewards being present for a limited time, the Suicune raid further exacerbating the resource and time issue, the fact that rewards such as Jirachi are ACTUALLY competitive staples and will most likely be seen on some OU teams moving forward. But regardless, these issues I'd argue are the most pervasive in terms of how bosses/raids have been handled ever since their introduction. While I’m all for challenging content and rewarding skillful play, the current structure of raids and boss fights increasingly feels inaccessible to many players. I'd like to hear your opinions on this as well, even if it's to tell me off that I'm actually wrong.


I agree with the pre-resource problem, i came back from pokemmo early in december ( i was not a endgame, only played 350 hours), and it just impossible to make the 12 raids without having at least 5m yen at day one


I was fairly broke when the raids started, so i tried to farm and breed teams along the time, and on 4 raid, i was already stressed out, and i gave up

Along with that, is just very impossible to do solo queue, being mostly a lucky based match to make a team with the exact number of damage and support pokemon, and is hard to find people to help on chat, since most people are not interested on helping when they already done it (and i cant blame then, they are not forced to do that)


I think the problem was all the 12 raids needing to have high strategies, making it a very bad experience with novice players, they could make the first 4 being fairly easy, 4 medium and 4 hard, making the flow of the experience better

Edited by guslightdear
34 minutes ago, SephirothNinety said:


Estoy de acuerdo con todo esto. Llevo jugando casi 5 años. Siempre de forma casual porque no soy un jugador PvP, pero aún así, tengo más de 2000 horas, una cantidad decente de monstruos de competición y una destreza OT completada mucho antes de que llegara Johto. La primera prueba de incursiones fue desafiante pero muy divertida (incluso cuando hacían trampa y rompían casi todas las reglas de batalla de Pokémon). Podías encontrar tu propia estrategia después de unas cuantas partidas. Claro, había una estrategia óptima pero, en general, se puede vencer si usas bien a tus Pokémon. En Halloween no tuve mucho tiempo para jugar, pero logré llegar a Darkrai (Lv.80) con aleatorios y simplemente terminé rindiéndome. En este evento sucedió lo mismo. Se siente casi imposible hacerlo con aleatorios. Decidí ignorar Tangrowth porque pensé que lo debilitarían, así que comencé a hacer el resto y, después de Vaniluxe, pasé más de 6 horas haciendo cola para Togekiss e incluso con un enlace coordinado donde todos tenían un buen equipo (pero no meta), no pude vencerlo. Recuerdo mi primer Halloween. Fue abrumador pero factible. Incluso como jugador nuevo, me divertí MUCHO, aunque no pude enfrentar a Pumpking. Ahora puedo enfrentar a Pumpking, pero no me divierto EN LO ABSOLUTO. Simplemente entro, lo venzo una vez por vanidad limitada y eso es todo. Algo cambió para mal allí.


Parece que los desarrolladores se han olvidado de que cuando inicias sesión en un juego, lo haces para divertirte, no para frustrarte estancado durante horas en una pelea con un jefe (esto NO ES Dark Souls, ya sabes). El contenido del final del juego, como Red, Heatran y demás, ESTÁ BIEN que sea tan difícil. Tienes todo el tiempo del mundo para prepararte para ello. ¿Pero un evento de tiempo limitado? Los jugadores nuevos y casuales se quedan fuera debido a esta ridícula cantidad de prerrequisitos y dificultad barata. Como se dijo antes, no tiene nada que ver con las habilidades en absoluto. Honestamente, se parece MUCHO al contenido P2W que solo puedes hacer si "inviertes dinero" en él. Diablos, incluso invertir en esto es un riesgo porque nunca sabes qué nerfs habrá en la próxima actualización / lote de incursiones.


Eventos como estos deberían ser accesibles para todos los jugadores y estar pensados para ser divertidos, pero desafiantes. Estas nuevas incursiones no son nada de eso. Y es triste, porque sé cuánto esfuerzo y dedicación han puesto los desarrolladores para traerlas hasta nosotros.


PD: Accesible no significa fácil.



Listen to me brother, I have more than 2000 hours, more than 80 million to breed whatever I want and overcome the raids, the problem in my case is not a lack of skill or economy, try looking for links through chat, people say they have strong pokemon and trained but it's a lie, they don't read the chat, they do what they want, added to the rng, ect... I left tangrowth and the event after trying many hours with different links, the system is bad. You can't depend on finding a group via chat and wasting 5 days of your life until you find a group that is real and capable, my time is worth money, maybe for Kyu the wandering system was not very fun and he likes this system, in my case it is not like that, for my frustration it is not the same as fun


Posted (edited)

Gardevoir Raid has just been nerfed now, so PokeMMO staff is definitely taking the feedback.

The mechanic was fine, the fight was fun, but maybe not a for a limited event & maybe not for a raid where prior raids where doable in Solo Queue. And was itself available in Solo Queue.

Edited by Merckis

First of all, sorry if you don't understand me in the best way, my English is not the best and I had to use the translator in several things. 


To give context, I'm close to 1700 hours of play, I have all the in-game items in quantities of 5 or more (except for cosmetics or other rarities). Before the event I had the full dex (including alpha dex), legendaries etc.


Taking into account that my performance in the raid events with Shaymin and Darkrai was not the best, since the end of Halloween I made the decision to fill a complete box of 5x31 mons with their proper nature and best moves, basically absolutely every day I dedicated myself to farming money and then training them until I reached level 100. To my surprise it didn't help much, I achieved the first raids on the first or second attempt, collaborating with ramdoms and being a support role that normally does not meet with strangers, unfortunately all preparation was of no use.


Tangrowth: its difficulty was absurd, it was basically playing roulette, so I decided to form teams through a discord group, with a lot of effort and discipline we achieved it (although of course buying Jynx and Vanilluxe).


Togekiss: it was more controllable, perhaps after about 3 hours with very well-coordinated groups and following the corresponding guides I achieved it.


Gardevoir: I managed to beat it the first time, after arguing for two hours with 3 strangers, carefully calculating each of our movements, the types and speeds so that everything was perfect (we even used an Excel sheet and table to be sure). 


With Salamance it was curious, at this point the community was so traumatized that I tried it with ramdoms and on the third try we succeeded.


So to recap, I have a box full of 5x31, I have all the useful items, legendaries at my disposal, I joined discord groups solely to have useful companions, documents, guides, videos etc.


All of the above so that the reward was one last raid and now to finally get Jirachi, there is only one small problem... You need a Blaziken, Infernape and Charizard, don't you have them? Buying them without them is almost impossible... Too bad they are sold out and the few that remain are 6x31 and around 3 million.


And of course don't forget Heatran!! I may be crazy, but I think that after the hell of the 12 raids, I don't have much desire to receive my extra raid as a reward, to tell the truth I don't have much desire to continue in the game.


For my Pokémon it is based on two things : 1. Have fun with your universe

2. Catch them ALL But it seems that the PokeMMO developers do not have the same vision. 


Being looking for serious people for hours, creating Excel documents, trying a raid for hours and hours so that the next one is even more difficult and you have to get new mons or sets of very rare movements that then at the end of the event you will have to remove, I don't mind. It seems like nothing but absolutely no fun.


It sounds more like a second job, to play as the developers want and nothing more, if a raid has a problem and a simple way to achieve it was discovered, in a few hours it will be fixed and will have its incredible difficulty.


But if a raid is being frustrating for the entire community, we might fix it in two... Maybe three days. But of course the event counter will keep ticking so you better be quick!


Lastly, has anyone interacted with the other mechanics of the event? Because with the hell of the raids I doubt there will be much time left to really have fun.


Personally, I no longer have much desire to continue with the event, I only need Jiraichi and I read that they nerfed him but I am completely exhausted and the thought that in future events we are going to find exactly the same or worse situations makes me want to save myself the stress and get away completely of the game.


Forgive me if I was harsh, or I may be wrong on many points, but I really feel VERY frustrated.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Raichuforyou said:

Admittedly on New Years I made a drinking game in random queue when players would make baffling decisions like this... It was a long night.

Oh my god this sounds great

Edited by Erriiieeee
33 minutes ago, Gatsu27 said:

First of all, sorry if you don't understand me in the best way, my English is not the best and I had to use the translator in several things. 


To give context, I'm close to 1700 hours of play, I have all the in-game items in quantities of 5 or more (except for cosmetics or other rarities). Before the event I had the full dex (including alpha dex), legendaries etc.


Taking into account that my performance in the raid events with Shaymin and Darkrai was not the best, since the end of Halloween I made the decision to fill a complete box of 5x31 mons with their proper nature and best moves, basically absolutely every day I dedicated myself to farming money and then training them until I reached level 100. To my surprise it didn't help much, I achieved the first raids on the first or second attempt, collaborating with ramdoms and being a support role that normally does not meet with strangers, unfortunately all preparation was of no use.


Tangrowth: its difficulty was absurd, it was basically playing roulette, so I decided to form teams through a discord group, with a lot of effort and discipline we achieved it (although of course buying Jynx and Vanilluxe).


Togekiss: it was more controllable, perhaps after about 3 hours with very well-coordinated groups and following the corresponding guides I achieved it.


Gardevoir: I managed to beat it the first time, after arguing for two hours with 3 strangers, carefully calculating each of our movements, the types and speeds so that everything was perfect (we even used an Excel sheet and table to be sure). 


With Salamance it was curious, at this point the community was so traumatized that I tried it with ramdoms and on the third try we succeeded.


So to recap, I have a box full of 5x31, I have all the useful items, legendaries at my disposal, I joined discord groups solely to have useful companions, documents, guides, videos etc.


All of the above so that the reward was one last raid and now to finally get Jirachi, there is only one small problem... You need a Blaziken, Infernape and Charizard, don't you have them? Buying them without them is almost impossible... Too bad they are sold out and the few that remain are 6x31 and around 3 million.


And of course don't forget Heatran!! I may be crazy, but I think that after the hell of the 12 raids, I don't have much desire to receive my extra raid as a reward, to tell the truth I don't have much desire to continue in the game.


For my Pokémon it is based on two things : 1. Have fun with your universe

2. Catch them ALL But it seems that the PokeMMO developers do not have the same vision. 


Being looking for serious people for hours, creating Excel documents, trying a raid for hours and hours so that the next one is even more difficult and you have to get new mons or sets of very rare movements that then at the end of the event you will have to remove, I don't mind. It seems like nothing but absolutely no fun.


It sounds more like a second job, to play as the developers want and nothing more, if a raid has a problem and a simple way to achieve it was discovered, in a few hours it will be fixed and will have its incredible difficulty.


But if a raid is being frustrating for the entire community, we might fix it in two... Maybe three days. But of course the event counter will keep ticking so you better be quick!


Lastly, has anyone interacted with the other mechanics of the event? Because with the hell of the raids I doubt there will be much time left to really have fun.


Personally, I no longer have much desire to continue with the event, I only need Jiraichi and I read that they nerfed him but I am completely exhausted and the thought that in future events we are going to find exactly the same or worse situations makes me want to save myself the stress and get away completely of the game.


Forgive me if I was harsh, or I may be wrong on many points, but I really feel VERY frustrated.


Im only here for the wishing stone reveal. Trust me the devs dont give a f about you, your opinion and what you do with your time. 

I read that some players didn't prepared for just the raids but prepared for shiny boost as well.

Thousand of eggs.

365 days they hadn't the time, empathy or whatever to tell the community that the shiny boost dont function for breeds. 

They amaze me daily with their behavior to towards the players. 

I honestly begin to believe that they hate pokemon enthusiasts or us players.

Maybe we need to donate more to get human friendly raids.. Idk

17 minutes ago, Erriiieeee said:

Yes, this looks like Devs not caring about opinions/feedback from players: 

Screenshot 2025-01-02 114711.png

Screenshot 2025-01-02 114718.png

Screenshot 2025-01-02 114728.png

I don't disagree with you and I understand EATorDIE he just feels very frustrated (as do I)


But it's difficult, it's like I mentioned before, the nerfs take a couple of days (except for Jiraichi), and the clock is ticking and you can see it constantly. Are you going on a trip or do you have things to do this weekend? Well, take two days off the clock...


I imagine that the developers must be experts and that is why they love to make the game hell at the difficulty level The difficulty is positive, and it makes you grow as a player, I have played all the main Pokemon games, the story and nothing else. Now I can say that I play Semi-competitive, parenting etc.


But this really got out of hand, they listen to the community but it's too late..... There is almost no time or we are simply very upset. If things had continued as in past events no one would be complaining, why fix something that isn't broken?


If you saw that the community did not stop complaining and losing with Tangrowth, how did you come to the conclusion that it was a good idea to repeat exactly the same problem with Jiraichi?


5 minutes ago, Toritorino said:

One thing is for sure, it is impossible to do the Gardevoir raid with random in the link

It's really impossible, your best option is to find 3 strangers in a discord group and plan each of the turns.


It is not necessary to try for 3 hours until you defeat him, you can beat him the first time. But with 3 hours of planning behind us... 😕 (And praying they have enough bug, dark and Ghost variants)...

Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Gatsu27 said:

I imagine that the developers must be experts and that is why they love to make the game hell at the difficulty level The difficulty is positive, and it makes you grow as a player, I have played all the main Pokemon games, the story and nothing else. Now I can say that I play Semi-competitive, parenting etc.


But this really got out of hand, they listen to the community but it's too late..... There is almost no time or we are simply very upset. If things had continued as in past events no one would be complaining, why fix something that isn't broken?


If you saw that the community did not stop complaining and losing with Tangrowth, how did you come to the conclusion that it was a good idea to repeat exactly the same problem with Jiraichi?

Yeah, these are fair points. I was mainly quoiting EATorDIE's post due to the hyperbole.  I completed most of the raids prior to any of these balancing changes so. I also was pointing out that I don't think the devs can do anything that's going to change the quality of links one would get into from match making. Pat's Discord LFRAid channel is a much better place. Should there be a better system? Ideally sure, but how does one even implement such a thing?

Personally, raids are endgame content and I enjoy that they are difficult and require teamwork/coordination. 

Edited by Erriiieeee

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