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Competitive Assistance Quick-fire Questions.

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I have been thinking of making this thread for a while now as I feel like it could be something that benefits this section. Basically I got the idea from when I have made comps in the past and have had little questions but it hasn't really warranted opening a thread here to get an answer. For example:

  • Is it better to invest in defence or special defence EVs on a Steelix?
  • What move should I drop for HP Electric on a Slowbro?
  • What are the benefits of Thunder Punch over Fire Punch on an Ursaring?
  • Newer players could also use this thread to ask questions like "What tier is Slowking?"

You could argue that I could ask one of my friends in game, which is true, but for some players they may not have friends that are very experienced in the competitive scene. It is also a lot less daunting to be new and ask for help in a pre-existing thread rather than start one yourself. 

I'm hoping that this thread can be used for competitive players to share their knowledge with each other for the small issues of training/battling/making competitive Pokemon. If it doesn't take off, then we can always just close it - it does not hurt to try something new though. :) Queries that need some more in depth answers (such as "rate my team") should have their own threads.



I guess I will start ~


I found a pretty nice Safari caught Rhyhorn on an alt today and decided to breed it and made an Adamant one. What are the pros and cons of using a Choice Band Rhydon over a Sub-Swords Dance one?


nice thread and


sub + sd rhydon can beat curselax. from behind a sub it can set up and kill weezing. sub will also stop bliss form status'ing it while it sets up with sd.

cb rhydon is hit and run. switch in and hit something then immediately switch out. it cant stop lax after a few curses and it cant stop status.


imo sub + sd rhydon>cb because i see it as a wall breaker and a wall breaker needs to be able to set up vs set up walls.


Nice idea


The sub + sd Rhyno is great vs snorlax and weezing, but it is stopped by bulky waters


It uses 196hp/146At/164Sp EV, so Rhydon outspeeds weezing with 81 speed and creates 51hp substitute but his damage pre sword dance is not so great

148+ Atk Rhydon Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Vaporeon: 85-102 (35.8 - 43%) -- 96.6% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery


Cb Set full Speed and Attack is harder to use, don't stop Snorlax so well but if you predict well waters don't stop him so easy, and you have better coverage with Superpower and Megahorn

252+ Atk Choice Band Rhydon Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Vaporeon: 138-163 (58.2 - 68.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Rhydon even outspend no invest vaporeon, it reaches 92 speed


252+ Atk Choice Band Rhydon Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Weezing: 67-81 (38.9 - 47%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery


This is the greatest creation to grace competitive assistance and I guarantee people will still ask what tier sharpedo is in general discussion.


The following is a little off topic so I apologise in advance but this made me think of it again:


I really feel that this sub forum is highly underrated and also a little unloved. I think a big part of it is because it is so out of the way that newer players probably don't notice it. I've been thinking of some ways to "liven" up Competitive Assistance, if anyone has any suggestions PMing me with them is very welcome. :)


10/10 thread im too lazy to start a topic, so gonna use this

Opinions on jolly sneasel moveset pls

Sword Dance, Ice Punch, Feint Attack/Pursuit, Fake out/Quick attack/Brick Break


Mmm ty guys ive it w fake out ice punch faint and sword dance...may i get rid of fake out for low kick or return...feel like SD and FO dont work well together


Mmm ty guys ive it w fake out ice punch faint and sword dance...may i get rid of fake out for low kick or return...feel like SD and FO dont work well together

sd / ice punch / low kick / faint attack for sweeper

I think fake out works better with pursuit for a kind of fast revenge killer/trapper

Fake out / pursuit / low kick / ice punch
Choice band or liechi berry or a type boosting item like nevermeltice or black glasses. In 2069 life orb will prob be the best when you can make it a weavile

What kind of ph set should i run on kingdra?

Also swampert, i have no clue besides curse and adamant cb.

Halp shaniq!


What kind of ph set should i run on kingdra?
Also swampert, i have no clue besides curse and adamant cb.
Halp shaniq!

Resto chesto kingdra?
Sub dd?
Dragon dance + 3 attacks?
Mixed dragon dance?
Double dance?

A bunch of different ways to do kingdra

And defensive or choice band swampert are best imo

Resto chesto kingdra?
Sub dd?
Dragon dance + 3 attacks?
Mixed dragon dance?
Double dance?

A bunch of different ways to do kingdra

And defensive or choice band swampert are best imo


Define defensive though. Curse? i heard bad things about that set.

Anyways, what would the 3rd attack on 3 attacks set be? outrage, waterfall and...return?


Define defensive though. Curse? i heard bad things about that set.

Anyways, what would the 3rd attack on 3 attacks set be? outrage, waterfall and...return?

Rest talk obv. Same shit as suicune and milo basically. Or any other bulky water type with access to that strat.....


Not that 3 attacks Dra is any good 3rd gen. Or that ddance kingdra is actually good most of the times, but, okay:

Double-edge, if you don't mind recoil anyway.

Body slam if you want to hax shit.

Ehh, Facade would be nice if you're expecting to get statused or some shit. Idk calcs, do them yourself or something.


Rest talk obv. Same shit as suicune and milo basically. Or any other bulky water type with access to that strat.....


Not that 3 attacks Dra is any good 3rd gen. Or that ddance kingdra is actually good most of the times, but, okay:

Double-edge, if you don't mind recoil anyway.

Body slam if you want to hax shit.

Ehh, Facade would be nice if you're expecting to get statused or some shit. Idk calcs, do them yourself or something.


What about the flail set?

Posted (edited)

What about the flail set?

Effective, but setting it up takes a considerably long time, especially with bulk. Direct sweeps are usually easier to facilitate than Flail that needs you to be at low health, which is stopped by Arcanine and stuff like Roar/Haze Vaporeon. Edited by YagamiNoir

What about the flail set?

Again, calcs. Flail is most useless imo, atleast I believe so, because I have more freedom with the other sets...even tho they aren't perfect.

Flail is meh anyway on Kingdra, since it doesn't have the attack for it, or an ability like torrent to boost up that waterfall so you're not left hanging with only using flail. Doesn't get enough power like endure blaziken or hera, so yeah.

Go run mixed kingdra tho, ddance/waterfall/outrage/hydro hue, if you can set up rain beforehand to boost those wet moves.

Or run subendeavor swampert with salac, that shit is unexpected as fuck, lel.


Again, calcs. Flail is most useless imo, atleast I believe so, because I have more freedom with the other sets...even tho they aren't perfect.

Flail is meh anyway on Kingdra, since it doesn't have the attack for it, or an ability like torrent to boost up that waterfall so you're not left hanging with only using flail. Doesn't get enough power like endure blaziken or hera, so yeah.

Go run mixed kingdra tho, ddance/waterfall/outrage/hydro hue, if you can set up rain beforehand to boost those wet moves.

Or run subendeavor swampert with salac, that shit is unexpected as fuck, lel.


Let's just say i'm already running sub/endeavor on another poke  :rolleyes:

But yeh. at this point i guess i'll run some calcs 


Good set for jolly Scyther? I have an old one with SD, Baton Pass, silver wind, & wing attack that I want to turn into a current comp.


I need advice for the last move on my Impish Gligar. So far it's Knock Off, Toxic, Earthquake, ??? Any help is much appreciated :)


I need advice for the last move on my Impish Gligar. So far it's Knock Off, Toxic, Earthquake, ??? Any help is much appreciated :)

Aerial Ace
SD for knock off is an option btw, but knock off is effective also. Makes them slowkings vulnerable and shit. Gonna hit like a baby tho, but hey it's support.

What do you think of my team build?


Bold Starmie 252Hp/116Def/144Spe(puts it JUST fast enough to outspeed Hera) w/ Lefties



Impish Arcanine 252Hp/252Def w/ lefties



Calm Porygon2 252 HP/252SpD?(idk what best spread is) w/ Lum(or lefties?)

Tbolt/Recover/Toxic/Psychic(Tri Attack cause stab?)


Timid Gengar 252SpA/252Spe w/ peteya



Jolly Gyarados 252Atk/252Spe w/ lefties



Jolly Tauros 252Atk/252Spe w/ Choiceband (I haven't looked, but If it gets endure I wouldnt mind running endure/salac either.) 




The glaring problem I see is the lack of a claric and Pory/Tauros being Trap Bait for Dug. I thought about Umbreon as a Cleric, but again dug bait. I could also switch out Vap for Starmie and run it as my claric but Im losing a bit of coverage because I dont have an HP electric. 


Thoughts? Tips?

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