PokeMMO Mods are a custom format used by the PokeMMO Client to load override resources.
The following types of resources are available to modify:
Music (mp3/ogg/wav)
Item Icons
Monster Icons
Front/Back Monster Battle Sprites (PNG/GIF)
Front/Back Monster Battle Sprite scale (Table for overwriting render scale. Default is 3x. Only supported for GIFs)
Front Battle Monster Sprite positioning (Table for overwriting the rendered Y coordinate/altitude)
Theme Mods:
Mods can provide custom themes. Themes need to be defined in the "info.xml" file:
<themes theme_revision="3">
<theme path="path/to/theme" name="themename" is_mobile="false" sprite_atlas="path/to/sprite/main.atlas"/>
theme_revision: Theme mods need to define a client theme revision they are compatible with. The client theme revision will be increased on major updates. Themes with a revision that are not equal to the current client them