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[Hunt Guide] NoFailHunter - Every Hunting Tips

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NoFailHunter Guide


Hunting Tools


A lot of people already encountered a shiny.

And, some of them are sad, because they failed their catching.


I will give you all the tools you need to be able to catch a pokemon, regardless of his type, capacity, moves, ...


So, let's see a list of pokemon, and moveset, for every kind of difficulties you can face.


Catching No-Ghost Pokemon with no dangerous move



Sprite 5 n 235.png


Level 100

IV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

Nature : No -Atk nature is better, but no really matter.

EV : 252 Attack / 252 Speed

- False Swipe

- Spore

- T-wave / Yawn (For plant types)

- [...]


Pros :

Smeargle is really easy to do, easy to level up, and you can still change his moveset using mushrooms if you dont want it anymore.

One bonus move slot, for sweet scent, dig, or anything you want.

Cons :

Bad stats, but most of the time enought for wild pokemons.


Sprite 5 n 083.png


Level 100

IV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

Nature : No -Atk or -Speed nature is better, but no really matter.

EV : 252 Attack / 252 Speed

- Flase Swipe

- Yawn

- Fly

- Cut


Pros :

Better stats than Smeargle,

Fly/Cut if you dont have another HM slave.

And Farfetch'd is cool.

Cons :

No access to Spore.

Yawn is special move (Cost Battle Points).


Sprite 5 n 212 m.png


Level 100

IV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

Nature : No -Speed nature is better, but no really matter.

EV : 252 Speed / 252 Attack


- False Swipe

- [...]


Pros :

Steel type is usefull for poisoning pokemon.

Swarm, to get encounters faster.

This poke is usefull to farm 1*31 weak pokemons (with high catch rate).

Cons :

No status move.


Sprite 5 n 335.png


Level 100

IV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

Nature : No matter.

- False Swipe

- T-wave

- [...]


Pros :

Good stats ... but ... Only take it if you love Zangoose.

Cons :

No Sleep Status move.

Catching Ghost Pokemon with no dangerous move



Sprite 5 n 235.png

Smeargle - Dragon Rage

Level 100

IV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

Nature : No matter.

EV : No matter.

- Dragon Rage

- Spore

- T-wave (For Insomnia poke)

- [...]


Pros :

The only one poke that can use the Dragon Rage move AND 2 status moves.

Cons :

Bad stats, but most of the time enought for wild pokemons.


Smeargle - Odor Sleuth

Level 100

IV/Nature : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

EV : 252 Atk

- Odor Sleuth

- False Swipe

- Spore

- T-wave (For Insomnia poke)


Pros :

Another Smeargle... Can make them 1hp for a better catch rate.

Cons :

Bad stats, but most of the time enought for wild pokemons.

Need one more turn, using Odor Sleuth.


Sprite 5 n 149.png


Level 100

IV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

Nature : No matter.

EV : No matter.

- Dragon Rage

- T-wave

- HM1

- HM2


Pros :

Best HM Slave, great stats.

Cons :

No access to sleep move.


Sprite 5 n 230.png


Level 100

IV/Nature/EV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

- Dragon Rage

- Yawn

- [...]


Pros :

Good for no-insomnia poke.

Cons :

No paralyze move.

Catching Roar-Whirlwind Pokemon



Sprite 5 n 235.png


Level 100

IV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

Nature : No matter.

EV : 252 Atk.

- Ingrain

- False Swipe

- Spore

- Return (If horde shiny hunting, to kill the non-shinies)


Pros :

Another Smeargle... A lot of smeargles, btw the infinite movepool make it really cool.

Cons :

Bad stats, but most of the time enought for wild pokemons.

Need to be lead to ingrain fast.


Sprite 5 n 224 m.png


Level 100

IV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

Nature : No matter.

EV : 252 Speed.

Suction Cups

- T-Wave

- Constrict / Mud-Slap (low power moves) / sesmic toss (if the poke has more than 100hp, most of the time, they dont)

- [...]


Pros :

Don't need to be lead.

Cons :

No sleep move.

No 1hp or fixe hp damage move.

Catching Teleport Pokemon



Sprite 5 n 235.png


Level 100

IV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

Nature : No matter.

EV : 252 Atk.

- False Swipe

- Mean Look

- Spore

- [...]


Pros :

Infinite movepool.

Cons :

Bad stats, but most of the time enought for wild pokemons. Need to be lead.


Sprite 5 n 202 m.png


Level 100

IV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

Nature : No matter.

- [...]


Pros :

No need to be lead. Just switch turn 1.

Cons :

Can't make the catch rate better.

Just spam balls.

Catching Sucide Pokemon



Sprite 5 n 195 m.png - Sprite 5 n 055.png

Quagsire - Golduck

Level 100

IV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

Nature : No matter.

Ev : No matter.


- Yawn

- WaterPulse (When horde shiny hunting, to kill the non-shiny poke).

- [...]


Pros :

No need to be lead. Just switch turn 1.

Cons :

No fixe hp damage.


Sprite 5 n 062.png - Sprite 5 n 186 m.png

Poliwrath - Politoed

Level 100

IV : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

Nature : No matter.

EV : No matter.


- Hypnosis

- WaterFall / WaterPulse (When horde shiny hunting, to kill the non-shiny poke).

- [...]


Pros :

No need to be lead. Just switch turn 1.

Cons :

Hypnosis only 60 precision. No fixe hp damage.

Catching Self Damage Pokemon (Double Edge, ...)



Sprite 5 n 292.png


Level 100

IV/Nature : No matter, level 100 stats enought for wild poke.

EV : 252 Attak/Speed, the only stats that matter for Shedinja.

- False Swipe

- [...]


Pros :

The only ghost-type false swiper.

Cons :

No status move


Wich Ball to Use


Catch Rate



Each pokemon has his own catch rate.

The catch rate defines, by a number between 3-255, how hard it will be to catch the pokemon.

3 being the hardest catchable pokemon, and 255, an easy to catch pokemon.


Remember that on PokeMMO, some rates can be a bit different than the official ones.

Nothing is said about it, but we can clearly see somethimes that some catches are easier/harder.


You can consider that the pokemon with 180 and above, make it 1HP is enought to catch it.

But you still must try some catches before beggining a shiny hunting.


Under this catch rate, you will need some "Catch Rate Multiplier"

There is two way to multiply the catch rate.

The Pokeballs, and the Status.






Here are the multiplier given by each status :


Freeze : 2

Sleep : 2

Paralysis : 1,5

Poison : 1,5

Burn : 1,5


If you are against a Pokemon with a 90 catch rate, make it asleep, and 1hp will be se same as a 180 catch rate with 1hp.





Here are the multipliers given by each balls :


Poke Ball : 1

Premier Ball : 1

Luxury Ball : 1

Great Ball : 1,5

Ultra Ball : 2

Net Ball : 3 (only on water-types and bug-types)

Repeat Ball : 3 (only on already caught pokemons)

Dive Ball : 4 (only when the battle is underwater)

Nest Ball : 3 (for level 1-19 Pokemons) / 2 (for level 20-29 Pokemons) / 1 (for level 30+ Pokemons)

Timer Ball : 4 (when battle started 30+ turns ago) / 3 (when battle started 20-29 turns ago) / 2 (when battle started 10-19 turns ago) / 1 (when battle started 1-9 turns ago)

Master Ball : 255


So, when you are fighting a 45 catch rate pokemon, you must get x4 multiplier to get it.

Ditto is one, and people used to make it 1hp Aseep, and throw an Ultra Ball.

Aseep make x2, Ultra Ball another x2, wich makes x4 and allow you to catch it when 1HP.



Some Tips





Usefull while hunting a specific pokemon.

You first have to farm the place a bit, to know wich pokemon are standing here.

Then, if your pokemon isnt the weakest (regarding his level), you can use the Repel Tip :D


Just lead with an useless Pokemon, leveled one level under the lowest level of the pokemon you are hunting (lowest level can be seen in the dex).

The Repel poke can be KO (and it's recomended).

So, you wont encounter pokemon that are weaker than the one you're hunting anymore.

No more waste of time :D







Usefull while hunting a specific pokemon.

Lead with a pokemon that have Syncho, and the nature that you want on your catch. You'll get 15% more chances to get the nature you want on your catch.

The Synchro poke can be KO (and it's recomended).


Syncronize Pokemons :

Abra - Kadabra - Alakazam

Natu - Xatu

Umbreon - Espeon

Ralts - Kirlia - Gardevoir


PS : Best is to combine Repel and Synchro tips. Lead with a Synchronize pokemon leveled as you need.






If you are lazy to walk, and want more encounters, you can use these abilities.

Give you a little % more encounters, so, less walking, more fighting.


Swarm/Illuminate Pokemons :



Scyther - Scizor

Ledyba - Ledian

Spinarak - Ariados





Staryu - Starmie

Chinchou - Lanturn




5 hours ago, Raederz said:

I think I'm done with it.

nice guide 

helps many ppl who are new to shiny hunt 


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

hi! i have a doubt, how can i teach Yawn to my Farfetch'd? I've been looking everywhere but i can't find any guide or post where it's explained. If someone can help me i will be very greateful :D



Farfetch'd moveset ^




As you can see, Fetch has move "Yawn" in "Special" category. That means, you can teach him this move in Battle Frontier for 10.000 of Battle Points. You can get them in Battle Frontier and by matchmaking. 

I hope it helps!  ᵔᴥᵔ


Thank you vey much Bearminator! I saw in the pokedex that the move was in the Special category but i didn't know i can find those moves in the Battle Frontier, i've always go to the tutors, the two old ladys, but now i found out this other place with the Special moves. Seriously, thanks!

  • 5 years later...
On 4/18/2022 at 7:49 AM, Tawwy said:

are these still up to date or can they be simplified into having less smeargles?


Only see the "Synchro" tip on Some tips. Now, Synchronize mons no longer can keep ko'ed

14 hours ago, caioxlive13 said:


Only see the "Synchro" tip on Some tips. Now, Synchronize mons no longer can keep ko'ed


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