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Moemon Star Emerald and Mega Moemon Firered

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Posted (edited)

Kanto is basically done going by frontsprites, due to a great effort by @laGashetaHardcore. A lot of decent moemon need backsprites. Here are some moemon that frontsprites need litter or no work. I have added link in the OP to sprite collections which can be raided for backsprites. I am working on Growlithe myself. These frontsprites are not final though so another source could be use.


PsmL82w.png Another sprite appears in the old thread if preferred.



Krabby is good.





The latest hitmonlee is pixelly.



Hitmonchan needs work but not a redesign


Kadabra is far too low in quality.0F0ahpk.png


Zero stuff exists for mega-starters.


That's what's left to Kanto.


Here's where I got the mega-beedrill sprite if someone wants to play with that.

Edited by Septentrion
Posted (edited)

Luxray is something for me to look forward to after the first playable version is out.



I'm going to make Porygon cost about 70% less. Porygon is never in actual gameplay these days.

I recruited Glameow and Purugly as the first gen 4 moemon. Dark types are perfect for rounding out Team Rocket.



The back needs a fancy ponytail, but I can't do art. Please, I need to start getting help soon.

Edited by Septentrion
Posted (edited)

The old forum actually had a Mega Charizard X in one of the posts. I think it was deleted, but luckily I saved the picture (I've been lurking for a long time).



While I'm at it, let me post this back sprite I made for Toottoot's (I think) Zapdos. I made it entirely from scratch and it was my first ever attempt at spriting anything, so there are bound to be plenty of things that can be touched up/edited.


Edited by Leafjewel
Accidentally deleted Mega Charizard
1 hour ago, Leafjewel said:

The old forum actually had a Mega Charizard X in one of the posts. I think it was deleted, but luckily I saved the picture (I've been lurking for a long time).



Here's a x2 version



While I'm at it, let me post this back sprite I made for Toottoot's (I think) Zapdos. I made it entirely from scratch and it was my first ever attempt at spriting anything, so there are bound to be plenty of things that can be touched up/edited.


A lot about the Mega Charizard needs to be changed to distinguish her from her last form. There's a lot of creative choices that can go with transformations and ever mega moe can have unique aspect,


That back Zapdos is very good for being made from scratch, although the face is plain in stark contrast to the frontsprite. I suggest you download and look through the backsprites, although that is very close already.


Welcome to the PokeMMO forums.

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Septentrion said:

A lot about the Mega Charizard needs to be changed to distinguish her from her last form. There's a lot of creative choices that can go with transformations and ever mega moe can have unique aspect,


That back Zapdos is very good for being made from scratch, although the face is plain in stark contrast to the frontsprite. I suggest you download and look through the backsprites, although that is very close already.


Welcome to the PokeMMO forums.

I wasn't sure what kind of style you wanted for the megas (completely different compared to the base or just an edited base), but at least I know now that you want more unique mega designs.


As for Zapdos, I agree that her face is rather plain, but I'm not really sure what aspects of it need to be changed to make it look better/more expressive (is it the eyes, the mouth, the shading, the face shape, etc?). If you or anyone else thinks they can fix any problems/issues or touch up any of my sprites, or even just have a different idea of what they should look like, feel free to edit them.


So I had tried to make Venomoth's ponytail, but it wasn't working out. Then I remembered that the Butterfree base had been updated and had a much smaller head, so I just elongated the frontsprite's ponytail and stuck it on and recolored everything else. I'm sure the backsprite needs to be edited more, but how is this for a start?


Edited by Leafjewel
Added Venomoth edit
8 hours ago, Leafjewel said:

I wasn't sure what kind of style you wanted for the megas (completely different compared to the base or just an edited base), but at least I know now that you want more unique mega designs.


As for Zapdos, I agree that her face is rather plain, but I'm not really sure what aspects of it need to be changed to make it look better/more expressive (is it the eyes, the mouth, the shading, the face shape, etc?). If you or anyone else thinks they can fix any problems/issues or touch up any of my sprites, or even just have a different idea of what they should look like, feel free to edit them.

Well there's no standard for Mega Evolution yet, but so much of that sprite is color swap(Especially the backsprite wing). Mega evolution isn't analogous to age like normal evolution is, but the sprite should be it's own thing. The face can stay, although a bit more about the hair should change.


Some work. Dress was just improvisation.



For Beedrill and Latios, their designs are super different from their megas. They were essentially different styles matched up to something more intense. There's no underlying reality when it comes to power-ups, but it should be impressive. Remember that the actual transformation is happening in battle.

8 hours ago, Leafjewel said:


The face is a mismatch. Splicing is suggested, although winking might work.


Posted (edited)

The winking isn't the same without the the other eye. Here's my attempt.



I think you need to look at more backsprites. Your eyes seem to need to be bigger and more prominent.


Edited by Septentrion
Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, vonthesnowwolf said:

 Mega Moemon Firered Project can i play it on DeSmuME?

This patch is for Firered. You'll need a gameboy advanced emulator, not a NDS emulator like DeSmuME.

Edited by Septentrion
Posted (edited)

Zapdos isn't smiling and only has blush under her eyes in her frontsprite which is why I made the backsprite's expression so plain.

I made a couple of face edits with bigger eyes, so let me know if either of them is any better.



The edits to Venomoth look good to me.


By the way, have you tried contacting members from the old thread to see if they're interested in helping? I don't think progress will be made quickly if it's just the two of us working on sprites. 

Edited by Leafjewel
9 minutes ago, Leafjewel said:

Zapdos isn't smiling and only has blush under her eyes in her frontsprite which is why I made the backsprite's expression so plain.


I made a couple of face edits with bigger eyes, so let me know if either of them is any better.


The mouth on the front looks like a lot of smiles in animation, with a broken line representing lips. Have you considered making the back taller? She's rather on the low side.

24 minutes ago, Septentrion said:

The mouth on the front looks like a lot of smiles in animation, with a broken line representing lips. Have you considered making the back taller? She's rather on the low side.

I've actually never thought she was short because I made her height in reference to this Articuno, which is 45 pixels (90 pixels in the x2 size) high from the tip of her ponytail until the where she gets cut off. Zapdos is 42 pixels (84 in x2) high from the top of her head until the bottom of the image. To me, it made sense for Zapdos to be shorter than Articuno overall because I was measuring Articuno from a point higher than where I measured Zapdos from and I wanted the bird trio to be of similar back height.



Regardless, I've gone ahead and made her two pixels taller (so 44 pixels in x1 and 88 in x2).





I forgot about Pinsir in my Kanto Runthrough. Here's the most recent I found:



19 hours ago, Leafjewel said:

I've actually never thought she was short because I made her height in reference to this Articuno, which is 45 pixels (90 pixels in the x2 size) high from the tip of her ponytail until the where she gets cut off. Zapdos is 42 pixels (84 in x2) high from the top of her head until the bottom of the image. To me, it made sense for Zapdos to be shorter than Articuno overall because I was measuring Articuno from a point higher than where I measured Zapdos from and I wanted the bird trio to be of similar back height.



Regardless, I've gone ahead and made her two pixels taller (so 44 pixels in x1 and 88 in x2).




I was not aware of that Articuno. Her wings aren't even feathered. Some of the backspites are very tall, with heights such are 56 for something like Dodrio.


Well, the Zapdos looks good to me now. I can handle the shiny if you prefer(I did a lot of them to get this far). The trio are all merely paler hues.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Septentrion said:

I forgot about Pinsir in my Kanto Runthrough. Here's the most recent I found:



I was not aware of that Articuno. Her wings aren't even feathered. Some of the backspites are very tall, with heights such are 56 for something like Dodrio.


Well, the Zapdos looks good to me now. I can handle the shiny if you prefer(I did a lot of them to get this far). The trio are all merely paler hues.

What page did you get the Articuno in the original post from? The one I have is from page 207 and was the newest version of it as far as I can remember.

And by feathered, do you mean highly detailed like Spearow's backsprite? Otherwise you might be looking at the angle wrong because that black line on the back's wing is actually supposed to be the bottom of the topmost feathered section. I'll admit that the angle of the backsprite's wings are different than expected from the frontsprite would imply.


I normally recolor everything into their Gen V palette for both regular and shiny forms, but if you want different colors then go ahead and change them.



Edit: Here's a version using toottoot's original Zapdos colors and the blue shiny colors from the old Zapdos.


Edited by Leafjewel
Palette changes
Posted (edited)
On 7/11/2017 at 7:59 PM, notmudkip0 said:

Things are looking lovely so far. I'd love to try helping out with some minor things, though quality may not be fantastic. 

For help, how about working on icons? You know, these guys:


Ripping or concatenating these are a bit of a chore on top of all the other work. I've only ripped the first nine so far.


The chibi style is nice, but particular icons are of clearly different design(like magneton being three girls, unlike the battlesprite). It wouldn't be hard to edit them either(there can be no new palettes though).


EDIT: Zapdos is in

Edited by Septentrion
7 minutes ago, Septentrion said:

For help, how about working on icon? You know, these guys:


Ripping or concatenating these are a bit of a chore on top of all the other work.


The chini style is nice, but particular ones are of clearly different design(like magneton bring three girl, unlike the battlesprite). It wouldn't be hard to edit them either(there can be no new palettes though).

Sure, I'll give it a shot. Which ones should I focus on first?

Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Septentrion said:

For help, how about working on icon? You know, these guys:


Ripping or concatenating these are a bit of a chore on top of all the other work. I've only ripped the first nine so far.


The chini style is nice, but particular icons are of clearly different design(like magneton bring three girl, unlike the battlesprite). It wouldn't be hard to edit them either(there can be no new palettes though).


EDIT: Zapdos is in

I can help out with this too, but I'm not sure what exactly you want. If you just want the original icons themselves, then I have an entire folder of the first 386.


Edit: Does Articuno even need wings in its backsprite? Zapdos doesn't have any and if the bird trio should have a unified theme among them (like the magical girl design and ribbons), then it should stand that either all three of them have wings in their backsprite or none of them do.

Edited by Leafjewel
Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, Leafjewel said:

I can help out with this too, but I'm not sure what exactly you want. If you just want the original icons themselves, then I have an entire folder of the first 386.  

Well I have a folder too, but not in a convenient format. Ripping them from the ROM is actually faster, but incredibly repetitive.


34 minutes ago, notmudkip0 said:

Sure, I'll give it a shot. Which ones should I focus on first?

Part of the problem is that they are so numerous. The more recent sprites would be mismatched and are more likely to need edits. If you're not sure if they need edits, they probably don't.


In order to avoid wasted work(this is not an obligation):

 @notmudkip0 gets pokemon below 51 plus Glameow/Purugly.

@Leafjewel 51-101 plus mega charizard.

Newcomers can work on 102 and above.



Download Icons

Submit icons as 32x64

Edited by Septentrion
9 hours ago, Septentrion said:

Well I have a folder too, but not in a convenient format. Ripping them from the ROM is actually faster, but incredibly repetitive.


Part of the problem is that they are so numerous. The more recent sprites would be mismatched and are more likely to need edits. If you're not sure if they need edits, they probably don't.


In order to avoid wasted work(this is not an obligation):

 @notmudkip0 gets pokemon below 51 plus Glameow/Purugly.

@Leafjewel 51-101 plus mega charizard.

Newcomers can work on 102 and above.



Download Icons

Submit icons as 32x64

So I've been trying to patch the ips onto a clean Fire Red 1.0 (U) rom and I cannot get it to work (the sprites are either the same as the original or are glitchy). Am I using the correct base rom or does this patch need a different one? I never had a problem patching any of the patches from the old forum, and I have the Moemon 2.0 patch working.


For the icons, how updated and/or detailed do you want them to be? I made some simple edits for Meowth, but if they aren't good enough, let me know and I can try again. Speaking of which, are there any palette limitations on them (does the 16 color limit still hold or is it less, do they need to use the same palette as the sprite, etc.)? And should I post them larger than 32x64 because these are pretty tiny and hard to see.



By the way, you should probably update the art credits in the first post to include toottoot since they made Zapdos's frontsprite and several other sprites (Wingull, Whismur line fronts, Pelipper front, etc).

Posted (edited)
On 7/15/2017 at 8:43 AM, Leafjewel said:

So I've been trying to patch the ips onto a clean Fire Red 1.0 (U) rom and I cannot get it to work (the sprites are either the same as the original or are glitchy). Am I using the correct base rom or does this patch need a different one? I never had a problem patching any of the patches from the old forum, and I have the Moemon 2.0 patch working.

Are you emulating or using hacking tools? If it's something like Gen lll Hacking Suite, then you'll need an INI file. If it's a emulation problem, then I messed up because this should be exactly like patching the old moemon.

On 7/15/2017 at 8:43 AM, Leafjewel said:

For the icons, how updated and/or detailed do you want them to be? I made some simple edits for Meowth, but if they aren't good enough, let me know and I can try again. Speaking of which, are there any palette limitations on them (does the 16 color limit still hold or is it less, do they need to use the same palette as the sprite, etc.)? And should I post them larger than 32x64 because these are pretty tiny and hard to see.


There are three palettes(you can see them in some hacking programs), and you can't chose the colors within them. Many icons will have about 10 colors because of this reason, so it's enforced simplicity. I'll edit in the palettes to this post soon.


Mega Latias(who's one movement is hovering):





Edited by Septentrion

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