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Vermillon city

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So as everybody already knows the major hangout area in PokeMMO is Vermillon City. It's mostly popular because it is right next to the Hoenn access ship. Over the years, however, some people have tried to come up with new spots unsuccessfully to replace Vermillon such as Celadon or Mauville city.


I was just wondering if you guys could pick any area in PokeMMO to be the new hangout spot where would you want it to be and why?

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lets make lilycove great! its got all sorts of thingies like a romantic beach with a lighthouse/post thingy, a fan club of "this function is not yet implemented", a tiny inn, a big ass shipping mall, a artsy fartsy museum, a contest hall, a move deleter, a short walk for shiny hunters doomed safari zone, even a house with a family of quadruplets, a boat to battle frontier. its even got some dank spots for making hats


Edited by GodofKawaii
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