YoruKiss Posted January 12 Posted January 12 13 hours ago, DarylDixon said: maybe if tc wake up to BL some stuff, nu rank can resurrect a bit. people doesn't play nu because of those teams and those mons. nah the problem is the few players
DarylDixon Posted January 12 Posted January 12 3 hours ago, YoruKiss said: nah the problem is the few players i don't think so, i played nu for long.
DarylDixon Posted January 12 Posted January 12 NU Is dead because of this team spam . just switch ursaring for clefable. do you think people finds funny to see this team spammed? i dont think so. that's why u cannot find nu matchs anymore. YoruKiss, LeJovi, Whated and 2 others 2 3
JurassicMick Posted January 18 Posted January 18 Out of this stall topic that you guys had before... Do we know when are we getting proper discussions about the mons who dropped recently? Nidoqueen not having a safe switch-in since it can basically pick its checks and Venomonth + Metronome being able to broke through its main counter at this time (Unaware Clefable) seems like a big issue rn
LiveLaughHate Posted January 18 Posted January 18 The tier is still very new post BL2 drops and while I have my own thoughts on the tier I'd be very interested to hear what other people think and what the general sentiment is, in particular any pain points they have found but also any of the drops that have made the tier feel better. Analytical responses please though, if X pokemon is a problem explain why and how rather than a vague statement like "stall is op". I will be keeping a close eye on this thread as I'm personally very invested in this tier which is why I'd love community help to identify problems so I can bring them to the table and specific discussion threads can be opened. Queza 1
JurassicMick Posted January 18 Posted January 18 So far I'm okay with most of the new drops. Out of any archetype being more successful than before I feel like the tier is funny to play overall. My biggest concern is Nidoqueen. It's really hard to cover while building since it has a wide move pool and almost all of the variants are able to pressure the checks you could think of. Calm Milotic is a good answer yes, but it doesn't fit in every team. We're able to check it offensively but getting a solid switch-in is kinda a pain since viable options are limited (even AV Eelektross doesn't like to get hit by Sludge Wave or get Toxic + Moonlight) Venomonth is something I noticed recently since we all know how annoying it is but it doesn't really get a high usage in comparison with some of the new drops. Unaware Clefable is a decent answer but some niche sets are able to break through it running metronome and disable: 252 SpA Metronome Venomoth Bug Buzz vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Clefable: 96-114 (47.5 - 56.4%) -- not a KO It actually requires some setup and may not work in some cases but it's still something to consider. In this case I don't think the Mon is the issue per-se but most likely the item. I remember seeing a thread going through Mamoswine and Metronome before so this isn't probably the first (or the last) time someone has to mention something like this. Would be interesting to know how others have managed it out of just checking it with a faster threat I have mixed feelings about Vaporeon. I feel like it could be setup fodder for a plethora of threats but it's still a top tier support that can pretty much stall out a big portion of the meta (I think we have a good example of this on the last tour we had recently) Durant was scary on paper but so far it looks pretty good. Roserade I think it's on the same boat even if we still have to see more Choice Specs sets that I heard were the reason for its previous ban
Merckis Posted January 18 Posted January 18 (edited) I mean you just ignored the previous posts. My main argument was to get some popularity stats for the format, to me it seems clear it's less played that before & that makes sense considering the threats available. Games are less fun when stall is so prevalent. Also very clearly there is a nasty side effect of these automated tier change, some mons just don't belong in NU even if their usage is low in UU. As simple as that. Same goes for UU, & it has a trickling down effect, you allow insane threats in UU due to low OU usage, some strong mons like Milotic are no longer used in UU and there you go, Milotic in NU, completely walling anything physical & immune to status. With amazing special walls to cover it. What are you gonna do, find a special wall breaker with grass or electric? Find a physical breaker with grass or electric? (lol). It has haze you can't even abuse it like you can Vaporeon. You can't even efficiently trick it because flame orb. To me it's really a raw stats problem, and what makes stall so strong, stall was already viable with Audino, Bronzor, Lanturn, Qwilfish, etc. But now with Dusclops, Milotic, Clefable, intimidate Arcanine, stuff like eviolite Magnemite even. It restricts the format too much, part of the fun of NU is being able to play mons you don't usually see on the competitive scene. Dusclops and Clefable are seen in OU and they are absolutely decent there, their power level is simply too high for the format & it feels wrong just not going for stall. The screenshots I posted above is like my first few games after a 6 months break. I come back to NU, I look at what's in the tier. And immediately I'm like "Ok stall is too strong". I bring a team with wall breakers & immediately face a high ranked guy running stall, being able to predict the top team like this is just plain unhealthy. I could tell the team I faced just by looking at the tier before queuing. I haven't seen a single Blaziken. And personally I didn't enjoy Blaziken in the format (mixed coverage is hard to handle), it was manageable though, nothing too unhealthy. But now Blaziken has dropped so much. I'm betting most people running it are people with a comp Blaziken & they still want to use it. It's the biggest symptom of the meta shift. I think the new mons are too oppressive, you are 100% correct that it might be too early to judge, and with the new season I find matches more easily it seems, compared to just after the Xmas event when I made my post. Also didn't enjoy Rotom in the format, but Rotom leaving, one of the best Trick user, and facing Milotic Marvel Scale + whatever special wall (sp Def Unaware Clef, Audino AV, you name it), how do you break through that. Seems a bit too strong/too restrictive for team building. Edited January 18 by Merckis YourAngst 1
DarylDixon Posted January 18 Posted January 18 (edited) 21 minutes ago, JurassicMick said: So far I'm okay with most of the new drops. Out of any archetype being more successful than before I feel like the tier is funny to play overall. My biggest concern is Nidoqueen. It's really hard to cover while building since it has a wide move pool and almost all of the variants are able to pressure the checks you could think of. Calm Milotic is a good answer yes, but it doesn't fit in every team. We're able to check it offensively but getting a solid switch-in is kinda a pain since viable options are limited (even AV Eelektross doesn't like to get hit by Sludge Wave or get Toxic + Moonlight) Venomonth is something I noticed recently since we all know how annoying it is but it doesn't really get a high usage in comparison with some of the new drops. Unaware Clefable is a decent answer but some niche sets are able to break through it running metronome and disable: 252 SpA Metronome Venomoth Bug Buzz vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Clefable: 96-114 (47.5 - 56.4%) -- not a KO It actually requires some setup and may not work in some cases but it's still something to consider. In this case I don't think the Mon is the issue per-se but most likely the item. I remember seeing a thread going through Mamoswine and Metronome before so this isn't probably the first (or the last) time someone has to mention something like this. Would be interesting to know how others have managed it out of just checking it with a faster threat I have mixed feelings about Vaporeon. I feel like it could be setup fodder for a plethora of threats but it's still a top tier support that can pretty much stall out a big portion of the meta (I think we have a good example of this on the last tour we had recently) Durant was scary on paper but so far it looks pretty good. Roserade I think it's on the same boat even if we still have to see more Choice Specs sets that I heard were the reason for its previous ban Roserade it's very annoying and powerful in this tier, no need even to play it modest specs, if you check modest scarf it can 2hko closely the entire rooster of NU tier, excluding golbat and bronzor, not sure if sludge bomb does like 2hko to altaria, but hey i never seen an altaria on all the games i did, just probably on 2 games at max, it' not rlly easy to handle roserade in on a good mu, id wouldnt think it to keep it in NU. Durant it's the same as roserade, it just all up to rng to no miss if yo're playing it cb or scarf without hone claws. it gets just walled by a tanky arcanine and druddigon with a rocky helmet, but id guess probably its a bit manageable. Venomoth actually am not seeing many of em, but i know its not simple to manage it, all depend on what mu does have (?) Also what about hitmontop? with two most important ghosts are gone , that thing it can do literally what the f he wants. only thing it can stop it its just golbat and the rare times you see the rotom fan. Arcanine this thing it's even disgusting op like roserade. Loaded cinccino op why it is at ut and not nu? hue Edited January 18 by DarylDixon
JurassicMick Posted January 18 Posted January 18 4 minutes ago, DarylDixon said: Roserade it's very annoying and powerful in this tier, no need even to play it modest specs, if you check modest scarf it can 2hko closely the entire rooster of NU tier, excluding golbat and bronzor, not sure if sludge bomb does like 2hko to altaria, but hey i never seen an altaria on all the games i did, just probably on 2 games at max, it' not rlly easy to handle roserade in on a good mu, id wouldnt think it to keep it in NU. So far I didn't have any issues with Roserade. Skuntank does a decent job at checking it, if you're running Leaf Storm it hits like a truck yeah but I think that's actually a common issue with Sceptile and Servine too. Depending on what set are you running (HP Ice/Fire, Extransensory, Spikes, Sleep Powder, etc) you could actually work around it imo. Altaria gets 3HKO without rocks iirc btw Arcanine is disgusting yeah, it's like an Emboar on steroids to some extent but hey that's how it works and I still think it might be fine on the tier. 15 minutes ago, Merckis said: My main argument was to get some popularity stats for the format, to me it seems clear it's less played that before & that makes sense considering the threats available. Games are less fun when stall is so prevalent. I might disagree to some extent. Stall is boring yes, but its viability shouldn't define if a tier is popular or not. You need every play style to be viable to some extent if you want an healthy tier. The stall that almost everyone has been spamming has it owns flags but it's not really impossible to break through it. I talked to some friends that played in other seasons and their issue isn't stall being predominant compared to before they just don't find attractive the tier since they don't want to breed all the new drops just for them to get banned a few weeks later. Others just disagree with the whole drops or very specific mons so they're waiting to see how the tier develops itself in the next months. This happened to UU as well to some extent and even if they still disagree with some decisions made by TC it stabilized itself at some point Merckis 1
Merckis Posted January 18 Posted January 18 I think what we need is the PvP statistics for high ELO. The PvP stats in-game are diluted by newer players etc. If we could see the stats with an ELO threshold I think the problem would be apparent. I might be wrong of course & we can always let the format evolve like this & see what it becomes. It's just I'm a bit afraid about its popularity. I think being able to find a match fast is just too important for a format to thrive, due to the timer etc.
DarylDixon Posted January 18 Posted January 18 10 minutes ago, JurassicMick said: So far I didn't have any issues with Roserade. Skuntank does a decent job at checking it, if you're running Leaf Storm it hits like a truck yeah but I think that's actually a common issue with Sceptile and Servine too. Depending on what set are you running (HP Ice/Fire, Extransensory, Spikes, Sleep Powder, etc) you could actually work around it imo. Altaria gets 3HKO without rocks iirc btw Arcanine is disgusting yeah, it's like an Emboar on steroids to some extent but hey that's how it works and I still think it might be fine on the tier. I might disagree to some extent. Stall is boring yes, but its viability shouldn't define if a tier is popular or not. You need every play style to be viable to some extent if you want an healthy tier. The stall that almost everyone has been spamming has it owns flags but it's not really impossible to break through it. I talked to some friends that played in other seasons and their issue isn't stall being predominant compared to before they just don't find attractive the tier since they don't want to breed all the new drops just for them to get banned a few weeks later. Others just disagree with the whole drops or very specific mons so they're waiting to see how the tier develops itself in the next months. This happened to UU as well to some extent and even if they still disagree with some decisions made by TC it stabilized itself at some point arcanine has better movepools, priority move, way faster than emboar, and intimidate. also forgot about skunk too yeah, but still i do not find it fair to stay it in NU. no way a mon that 2hko all the tier excluding only 3 mons have to stay on the tier bro, come on. also. id want an opinion about hitmontop.
JurassicMick Posted January 18 Posted January 18 For me the whole Hitmon family is still as viable as before. Yes, we lost Room but I've seen a lot of people working around it Druddigon Endure, Room-Fan Pain Split, Nidoqueen Rocky Helmet + Moonlight, Arcanine Rocky Helmet, Qwilfish, Dusclops and Dusknoir, Golbat, etc. Hitmonchan has been more popular lately due to Gloves being a perfect item for it and Hitmonlee got some uses with its HA being released as well. But overall they're fine. Yes, Hitmontop is everywhere nowadays and it puts a lot of pressure but I don't think this is really different from last season we just need time to adopt more solutions overall What I really miss are the options to defog. Sometimes I feel like we barely have decent options but that's another whole topic Queza 1
DarylDixon Posted January 19 Posted January 19 (edited) 20 hours ago, JurassicMick said: For me the whole Hitmon family is still as viable as before. Yes, we lost Room but I've seen a lot of people working around it Druddigon Endure, Room-Fan Pain Split, Nidoqueen Rocky Helmet + Moonlight, Arcanine Rocky Helmet, Qwilfish, Dusclops and Dusknoir, Golbat, etc. Hitmonchan has been more popular lately due to Gloves being a perfect item for it and Hitmonlee got some uses with its HA being released as well. But overall they're fine. Yes, Hitmontop is everywhere nowadays and it puts a lot of pressure but I don't think this is really different from last season we just need time to adopt more solutions overall What I really miss are the options to defog. Sometimes I feel like we barely have decent options but that's another whole topic Hitmontop is the most aannoying one of the hitmons, cause of technician to abuse of priority moves boost, it doesnt change nothing about hitmonchan with the new item, also people still doesnt know about hitmonlee h.a apparently. but anyway NU is just a UU 2.0 . if you tc do not want to care about this tier that there are too many disgusting pokemons, you can totally drop even yanmega in nu too at this point. o no? just to make the tier more chaotic, weird no one is speaking about that, but well probably many people have quit the NU tier for this reasons? idk. but really take care about the last mons drop on this tier, please. @LiveLaughHate Edited January 19 by DarylDixon
CaptnBaklava Posted January 19 Posted January 19 21 hours ago, Merckis said: I mean you just ignored the previous posts. My main argument was to get some popularity stats for the format, to me it seems clear it's less played that before & that makes sense considering the threats available. Games are less fun when stall is so prevalent. Also very clearly there is a nasty side effect of these automated tier change, some mons just don't belong in NU even if their usage is low in UU. As simple as that. Same goes for UU, & it has a trickling down effect, you allow insane threats in UU due to low OU usage, some strong mons like Milotic are no longer used in UU and there you go, Milotic in NU, completely walling anything physical & immune to status. With amazing special walls to cover it. What are you gonna do, find a special wall breaker with grass or electric? Find a physical breaker with grass or electric? (lol). It has haze you can't even abuse it like you can Vaporeon. You can't even efficiently trick it because flame orb. To me it's really a raw stats problem, and what makes stall so strong, stall was already viable with Audino, Bronzor, Lanturn, Qwilfish, etc. But now with Dusclops, Milotic, Clefable, intimidate Arcanine, stuff like eviolite Magnemite even. It restricts the format too much, part of the fun of NU is being able to play mons you don't usually see on the competitive scene. Dusclops and Clefable are seen in OU and they are absolutely decent there, their power level is simply too high for the format & it feels wrong just not going for stall. The screenshots I posted above is like my first few games after a 6 months break. I come back to NU, I look at what's in the tier. And immediately I'm like "Ok stall is too strong". I bring a team with wall breakers & immediately face a high ranked guy running stall, being able to predict the top team like this is just plain unhealthy. I could tell the team I faced just by looking at the tier before queuing. I haven't seen a single Blaziken. And personally I didn't enjoy Blaziken in the format (mixed coverage is hard to handle), it was manageable though, nothing too unhealthy. But now Blaziken has dropped so much. I'm betting most people running it are people with a comp Blaziken & they still want to use it. It's the biggest symptom of the meta shift. I think the new mons are too oppressive, you are 100% correct that it might be too early to judge, and with the new season I find matches more easily it seems, compared to just after the Xmas event when I made my post. Also didn't enjoy Rotom in the format, but Rotom leaving, one of the best Trick user, and facing Milotic Marvel Scale + whatever special wall (sp Def Unaware Clef, Audino AV, you name it), how do you break through that. Seems a bit too strong/too restrictive for team building. Of the 15 most used mons in NU 2 are defensive ones and both of them have below 50% win rate.
Merckis Posted January 19 Posted January 19 Quote I think what we need is the PvP statistics for high ELO. The PvP stats in-game are diluted by newer players
LiveLaughHate Posted January 20 Posted January 20 This is just my own opinion on the tier currently, I think all of the drops are somewhere on the spectrum of good -> outstanding in NU. I'll just address some of the prior points and also remind that tc is an entity and not an individual so it doesn't mean my opinions on pokemon reflect what others think and it also doesn't mean anything will change. Nidoqueen: I think it is the best pokemon in the tier currently. It is incredibly versatile and able to very effectively utilise defensive and special defensive sets to be a very reliable hazards setter that are hard to remove due to it naturally countering/checking the most common removal options. In particular though I think its problem lies with its offensive life orb set. There are little to no reliable switch ins to it depending on the coverage it is running, and while obviously it cannot run everything, with proper team building there isn't much opportunity cost to running specific coverage over others. This to me signals a problem as nidoqueen can reliable ohko/2hko the entire tier making switch ins incredibly risky and hard to find. There is basically no drawbacks to running it on your team as it can fit essentially any role needed of it and it has an exceptional typing for the tier with electric immunity and fighting resist making it a no brainer to run on almost any archetype. Stall: I personally don't find the stall to be as unmanageable as it is being presented. I've personally used and witnessed plenty of different strategies to beat the stall team that was linked in a prior post. For those struggling some good ones are offensive roserade with spikes, swords dance drapion, bulk up hariyama, choice band sharpedo or quiver dance venomoth with one of roost/disable/sleep powder. To be clear this is just stall as the archetype, I do think some of the individual pokemon used on that stall team are very strong. Hitmontop: Nothing about it is broken to me, it is just the most reliable hazard removal in the tier and due to the importance of removal now with a tier abundant in spikes and stealth rocks its presence seems more important than ever. It has plenty of counters and checks in the tier so I personally couldn't advocate for any action towards it. Milotic/Cincinno: I won't go into much depth on this, both of these are pokemon that have been in the tier for well over a year and to my knowledge have never had a winrate over 50%, I also don't find the argument that they are op but only noobs play it which keeps the winrate low to have much merit. The funny thing about pvpers is if something is strong it tends to get used and its winrate will then reflect that to an extent, at the very least it should be able to maintain 50+%. I think all the other drops are very strong too so I'd love to see further discussion with regards to them too, ideally with more people giving input. JurassicMick, Munya and YoruKiss 2 1
DarylDixon Posted January 21 Posted January 21 (edited) On 1/20/2025 at 12:43 PM, LiveLaughHate said: This is just my own opinion on the tier currently, I think all of the drops are somewhere on the spectrum of good -> outstanding in NU. I'll just address some of the prior points and also remind that tc is an entity and not an individual so it doesn't mean my opinions on pokemon reflect what others think and it also doesn't mean anything will change. Nidoqueen: I think it is the best pokemon in the tier currently. It is incredibly versatile and able to very effectively utilise defensive and special defensive sets to be a very reliable hazards setter that are hard to remove due to it naturally countering/checking the most common removal options. In particular though I think its problem lies with its offensive life orb set. There are little to no reliable switch ins to it depending on the coverage it is running, and while obviously it cannot run everything, with proper team building there isn't much opportunity cost to running specific coverage over others. This to me signals a problem as nidoqueen can reliable ohko/2hko the entire tier making switch ins incredibly risky and hard to find. There is basically no drawbacks to running it on your team as it can fit essentially any role needed of it and it has an exceptional typing for the tier with electric immunity and fighting resist making it a no brainer to run on almost any archetype. Stall: I personally don't find the stall to be as unmanageable as it is being presented. I've personally used and witnessed plenty of different strategies to beat the stall team that was linked in a prior post. For those struggling some good ones are offensive roserade with spikes, swords dance drapion, bulk up hariyama, choice band sharpedo or quiver dance venomoth with one of roost/disable/sleep powder. To be clear this is just stall as the archetype, I do think some of the individual pokemon used on that stall team are very strong. Hitmontop: Nothing about it is broken to me, it is just the most reliable hazard removal in the tier and due to the importance of removal now with a tier abundant in spikes and stealth rocks its presence seems more important than ever. It has plenty of counters and checks in the tier so I personally couldn't advocate for any action towards it. Milotic/Cincinno: I won't go into much depth on this, both of these are pokemon that have been in the tier for well over a year and to my knowledge have never had a winrate over 50%, I also don't find the argument that they are op but only noobs play it which keeps the winrate low to have much merit. The funny thing about pvpers is if something is strong it tends to get used and its winrate will then reflect that to an extent, at the very least it should be able to maintain 50+%. I think all the other drops are very strong too so I'd love to see further discussion with regards to them too, ideally with more people giving input. about hitmontop, only check in for it are just druddi (the mostly one common you can see), golbat and the rare occasion of rotom fan. literally it destroys all the remaining mon in the tier, without any good ghost mon it put too much pressure. cinccino it isnt the pokemon the problem , id say but mostly the new item that it make literally very viable and strong.. and honestly, eelektros is more stupid no sense than milotic for me (Only ban needed are hitmontop and nidoqueen Its not that hard 😉 ) Edited January 21 by DarylDixon
JurassicMick Posted January 22 Posted January 22 Completely agreed with you about Nidoqueen. It's pretty hard to have a solid switching to it most of the time since you don't know what set they're running, even Clefa can get 2HKO if they decide to run Focus Blast or mixed sets (and Unaware Clefa doesn't like Toxic) Choice Specs Roserade I think it's something to watch closely at as well. It can pretty much destroy most of the special walls or AV users in the tier with almost no effort. Maybe we could consider some niche solutions to like adding a Sip Sapper but their viability is a whole issue as well Agree with Hitmontop as well. It doesn't seems broken to me, just more common and annoying than before but we do have ways to deal with it so not really an issue per-se
drewq Posted January 23 Posted January 23 (edited) On 1/20/2025 at 5:43 AM, LiveLaughHate said: Nidoqueen: I think it is the best pokemon in the tier currently. It is incredibly versatile and able to very effectively utilise defensive and special defensive sets to be a very reliable hazards setter that are hard to remove due to it naturally countering/checking the most common removal options. In particular though I think its problem lies with its offensive life orb set. There are little to no reliable switch ins to it depending on the coverage it is running, and while obviously it cannot run everything, with proper team building there isn't much opportunity cost to running specific coverage over others. This to me signals a problem as nidoqueen can reliable ohko/2hko the entire tier making switch ins incredibly risky and hard to find. There is basically no drawbacks to running it on your team as it can fit essentially any role needed of it and it has an exceptional typing for the tier with electric immunity and fighting resist making it a no brainer to run on almost any archetype. I haven't had too hard of a time with it personally, but I definitely agree with your last sentence. It is an incredibly good ground type that can realistically be on any team and fulfill several crucial roles. I think of the several offensive weapons that dropped, Nido can somehow be the most potent. It seems like it is too much. On 1/20/2025 at 5:43 AM, LiveLaughHate said: Stall: I personally don't find the stall to be as unmanageable as it is being presented. I've personally used and witnessed plenty of different strategies to beat the stall team that was linked in a prior post. For those struggling some good ones are offensive roserade with spikes, swords dance drapion, bulk up hariyama, choice band sharpedo or quiver dance venomoth with one of roost/disable/sleep powder. To be clear this is just stall as the archetype, I do think some of the individual pokemon used on that stall team are very strong. I agree with this 100%. I think it is a healthy sign that stall is good and viable. We have so many offensive toys to break it wide open. This should definitely be looked at again when other threats move up. On 1/20/2025 at 5:43 AM, LiveLaughHate said: Hitmontop: Nothing about it is broken to me, it is just the most reliable hazard removal in the tier and due to the importance of removal now with a tier abundant in spikes and stealth rocks its presence seems more important than ever. It has plenty of counters and checks in the tier so I personally couldn't advocate for any action towards it. Yeah this mon is far from broken. zZz On 1/20/2025 at 5:43 AM, LiveLaughHate said: Milotic/Cincinno: I won't go into much depth on this, both of these are pokemon that have been in the tier for well over a year and to my knowledge have never had a winrate over 50%, I also don't find the argument that they are op but only noobs play it which keeps the winrate low to have much merit. The funny thing about pvpers is if something is strong it tends to get used and its winrate will then reflect that to an extent, at the very least it should be able to maintain 50+%. These 2 are definitely not broken and are exploitable in their own ways. Agreed I didn't see any mention of Durant or Roserade in your post, both of which seem incredibly powerful in the tier. Durant's raw power is just so absurd there are only a handful of niche switches. Rose is a mixed bag but I think its toolkit and power is too much for the NU we know. Edited January 23 by drewq
DarylDixon Posted January 23 Posted January 23 19 hours ago, JurassicMick said: Completely agreed with you about Nidoqueen. It's pretty hard to have a solid switching to it most of the time since you don't know what set they're running, even Clefa can get 2HKO if they decide to run Focus Blast or mixed sets (and Unaware Clefa doesn't like Toxic) Choice Specs Roserade I think it's something to watch closely at as well. It can pretty much destroy most of the special walls or AV users in the tier with almost no effort. Maybe we could consider some niche solutions to like adding a Sip Sapper but their viability is a whole issue as well Agree with Hitmontop as well. It doesn't seems broken to me, just more common and annoying than before but we do have ways to deal with it so not really an issue per-se i repeat nu is just a dead tier beacause of those mons mostly and the other cringers dropped in the tier from bl2. top its way too annoying to face it Vesmiak 1
DarylDixon Posted January 23 Posted January 23 (edited) 8 hours ago, drewq said: I haven't had too hard of a time with it personally, but I definitely agree with your last sentence. It is an incredibly good ground type that can realistically be on any team and fulfill several crucial roles. I think of the several offensive weapons that dropped, Nido can somehow be the most potent. It seems like it is too much. I agree with this 100%. I think it is a healthy sign that stall is good and viable. We have so many offensive toys to break it wide open. This should definitely be looked at again when other threats move up. Yeah this mon is far from broken. zZz These 2 are definitely not broken and are exploitable in their own ways. Agreed I didn't see any mention of Durant or Roserade in your post, both of which seem incredibly powerful in the tier. Durant's raw power is just so absurd there are only a handful of niche switches. Rose is a mixed bag but I think its toolkit and power is too much for the NU we know. rose is hella broken for the tier, specs oneshots closely all the tier lol, excluding 2 mons, and 2hko with scarf. hitmontop it's not broken im not saying that but for nu it's too much actually for the meta. nidoqueen and arcanine are definitely disgusting. i wont talk about the BL2 boys dropped in nu . Durant it's strong but it's a stupid mon with 90% of miss. please think for real about nidoqueen and hitmontop for real .. the tier can be rename UU 2.0 actually not anymore nu Edited January 23 by DarylDixon
Blakeblk Posted January 29 Posted January 29 On 1/18/2025 at 9:46 AM, JurassicMick said: Out of this stall topic that you guys had before... Do we know when are we getting proper discussions about the mons who dropped recently? Nidoqueen not having a safe switch-in since it can basically pick its checks and Venomonth + Metronome being able to broke through its main counter at this time (Unaware Clefable) seems like a big issue rn What is the venomoth set with metronome like? And unaware clefable?
DarylDixon Posted January 29 Posted January 29 2 hours ago, Blakeblk said: What is the venomoth set with metronome like? And unaware clefable? quiver,bugbuzz,substitute,roost/disable i think
Blakeblk Posted January 29 Posted January 29 7 hours ago, DarylDixon said: quiver,bugbuzz,substitute,roost/disable i think Thx ^^
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