All EVs mentioned are without Macho Brace.
It is recommended that you have full access in all regions.
Best spot for EVs:
HP: 5 x Marill (10 EVs), Route 114, Surf, Hoenn, 100% HP EV Encounter
Atk: 5 x Rhydon (10 EVs), Victory Road, Sinnoh 100% Atk EV Encounter
Def: 5 x Pelipper (10 EVs), Surf, Undella Bay, Unova, 100% Def EV Encounter
Sp Atk: 5 x Golduck (10 EVs), Cape Brink, Surf, Two Island, Kanto, 100% Sp Atk EV Encounter
Sp Def: 5 x Tentacruel