Krains Posted April 14, 2024 Posted April 14, 2024 (edited) [ZomB] Krains' Shiny Showcase My name is Krains and my trainer card says I started on July 13th, 2022. I took over a year long break after completing the regions and Pokedex, save a couple pheno mons. I came back for Johto's release and played pretty consistently since then with maybe a month break. I joined ZomB on January 13th, 2024 and became part of their staff on April 17th, 2024. I resigned December 2nd, 2024 since I have retired from the game. Where I Came From (Comment on Patrouski Video "Should EVERYONE Play PokeMMO?" ) Spoiler TOTAL OTs: 33 STATISTICS: (2 Egg, 6 Singles [1 Secret Shiny], 8 x3 Hordes, 17 x5 Hordes) (20 Under Odds, 1 Roughly On Average*, 8 Over Odds, 4 Unknown) *Average having a deviation of 3000 from 27,000 (24,000 - 30,000) (1 on Full Odds, 32 on Donator, 8 on 5% Charm, 5 on 10% Charm, 1 on 2023 Christmas Event Boost) --- Most Encounters for Shiny: 139,103 (Mawile, Phase 1 for Sableye) Least Encounters for Shiny: 1,065 (Swablu) --- Average Shiny Encounter Rate: 24,198 Spoiler 58,789 + 29,052 + 9,499 + 13,855 + 14,024 + 35,752 + 13,974 + 16,085 + 62,882 + 1,113 + 2,344 + 44,843 + 1,065 + 139,103 + 6,025 + 8,180 + 33,577 + 14,412 + 13,549 + 13,178 + 23,380 + 11,715 + 14,940 + 31,583 + 39,831 + 1,588 + 21,561 + 7,223 + 18,620 Divided by: 29 OTs In order of acquisition and as they currently appear | | || | CURRENTLY SHUNTING PLAN ON SHUNTING In Order of Pokedex Number DREAM SHINIES In Order of Pokedex Number Shinies #1 "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." the Secret Shiny Duskull ♂ Acquired: September 7th, 2023 Encounters: Unknown. 330 - 360 hours played. Single Encounter (No Donator & No Charm) -First shiny in any Pokemon game despite playing Red and Blue through Black and White. I got it while at Mt. Pyre catching some Shuppet to make as a frisk mon. Little did I know I'd get a shiny frisker, granted I had to use prismatic pearls. Named after the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. I was desperate for a name and playing a lot of Stalker GAMMA at the time. The skull gave me gas mask vibes. Spoiler #2 "Dudedusa" the Tangela ♂ Acquired: September 9th, 2023 Encounters: Unknown Single Encounter (Donator) -Encountered at Mt. Silver while going to EXP train. What's cool is my friend got one at the same spot a little later as his first shiny. Named for "Dude" and "Medusa." Spoiler #3 Ponyta ♂ Acquired: September 10th, 2023 Encounters: Unknown x5 Horde (Donator) -Got while Amulet Coin farming. Spoiler #4 Ponyta ♂ Acquired: September 18th, 2023 Encounters: Unknown x5 Horde (Donator) -Got while Amulet Coin farming. The reason I can't farm amulet coins anymore. Spoiler #5 Ralts ♂ Acquired: November 10th, 2023 Encounters: 58,789 x3 Horde (Donator) -First targeted shunt. Cute charm failed so I had to go back since I needed a female to match my planned name. Acquired pre-horde change. I think it happened a little over a week later. Spoiler ---> #6 "C.C." the Gardevoir ♀ Acquired: January 1st, 2024 Encounters: 29,052 x3 Horde (Donator + 5% Charm + Christmas Event Boost) -Acquired during the Christmas Event with under eight hours left for the shiny buff. Named after C.C. from Code Geass. The default green makes more sense than the shinies' color. First shiny of January. Spoiler #7 Bibarel ♀ Acquired: January 4th, 2024 Encounters: 9,499 x3 Horde (Donator) -I decided I wanted the whole Ralts line so I persisted at Route 209. Insane stats. Second shiny of January. Spoiler #8 Bibarel ♀ Acquired: January 8th, 2024 Encounters: 13,855 x3 Horde (Donator + 5% Charm) -Third shiny of January. Spoiler #9 Bibarel ♀ Acquired: January 12th, 2024 Encounters: 14,024 x3 Horde (Donator) -Fourth shiny of January. Spoiler #10 "Austin Powers" the Smeargle ♂ Acquired: January 20th, 2024 Encounters: 35,752 x5 Horde (Donator + 10% Charm) -My first shiny gotten on my own charm as well as my first ZomB shiny. Named Austin Powers for his 69 Total IVs. I felt like I couldn't breed that away and I wanted a female one to fit for a name, so I knew I was going to go back eventually. Fifth shiny of January. Spoiler ---> #11 "Shalash" the Ninetales ♀ Acquired: January 22nd, 2024 Encounters: 13,974 x5 Horde [Night] (Donator + 10% Charm) -My first Night shunt. Second shiny gotten on my own charm. Twelve minutes later my friend SupaHero got a shiny Lunatone on the same charm. Sixth shiny of January. Named after Shalash from the Stormlight Archive. Spoiler #12 Girafarig ♂ Acquired: January 23rd, 2024 Encounters: 16,085 x5 Horde (Donator + 5% Charm) -First phase for Mareep. I really didn't want Mankey, so I aimed for Flaffy to avoid Mankey chance. With this, I would have to risk a Mankey. Seventh shiny of January. Spoiler #13 Mankey ♂ Acquired: January 29th, 2024 Encounters: 62,882 x5 Horde (Donator) -The first of three shinies gotten in under 18 hours. At the time, this was my longest shunt. My first Ralts was x3 so it was more time though. Eighth shiny of January. Spoiler #14 "Kaladin" the Mareep ♂ Acquired: January 30th, 2024 Encounters: 1,113 x5 Horde (Donator) -The second of three shinies gotten in under 18 hours. The plan was to have an Ampharos named Kaladin after the Stormlight Archive character, but the stats and nature aren't the best. I plan on going for another Mareep and hopefully it'll be a better Ampharos and it can be named Kaladin instead. Ninth shiny of January. Spoiler ---> #15 "LudiYOLO" the Ludicolo ♂ Acquired: January 30th, 2024 Encounters: 2,344 x5 Horde (Donator + 5% Charm) -The third of three shinies gotten in under 18 hours. I love Ludicolo, but I was shunting here kinda to waste time while I decided where else to shunt instead. Tenth shiny of January and the final count. Spoiler #16 "Shallan Davar" the Smeargle ♀ Acquired: February 9th, 2024 Bred: February 10th, 2024 Encounters: 44,843 x5 Horde (Donator) -My catching Smeargle named after Shallan Davar from the Stormlight Archive book series. She's an artist so it fits. Also the first shiny I've bred. I didn't have the money at the time to breed it so two of my friends lent me the money. I later payed them back though, but I think of their help when I look at its stats. Spoiler -------BRED INTO------- ---> #17 "Tanavast" the Altaria ♀ Acquired: February 10th, 2024 Bred: May 17th, 2024 Encounters: 1,065 x5 Horde (Donator) -With the introduction of raids, I intend on breeding this to be tanky and clear weather. The intention was to name this after another Stormlight Archive character but I couldn't decide between a couple. I bred it on my birthday, along with my Sableye. Named after Tanavast/Honor from the Stormlight Archive to pair with Odium my Sableye. Spoiler -------BRED INTO------- #18 "Kelsier" the Mawile ♂ Acquired: March 24th, 2024 Encounters: 139,103 x5 Horde (Donator) -My longest dry streak to date and first phase for Sableye. I wanted a Mawile eventually anyway so I was still happy, albeit a little disappointed it wasn't the golden gremlin that I searched for. Named after Kelsier from the Mistborn book series. Spoiler #19 "Moash" the Graveler ♂ Acquired: March 26th, 2024 Encounters: 6,025 x5 Horde (Donator + 5% Charm) -Second phase for Sableye and first shiny I encountered on mobile. Was clearing a Sinnoh Gym for an alt's story progression on PC when it happened. I REALLY didn't want this. Named after perhaps the most hated Stormlight Archive character. Spoiler #20 "Odium" the Sableye ♀ Acquired: March 30th, 2024 Bred: May 17th, 2024 Encounters: 8,180 x5 Horde (Donator + 5% Charm) -I've loved Sableye for a long time, but his usefulness in raids solidified my need for him. With less than two minutes left on Kaynswife's charm, I get the Golden Gremlin. I plan on breeding it to have high HP, Defense, and Special Defense with a defensive nature and Recover egg move. My first major shiny breeding project. I bred it on my birthday, along with my Swablu/Altaria. Named after Odium from the Stormlight Archive book series. His color scheme is gold and appears wearing it. Spoiler -------BRED INTO------- #21 "Lucio" the Murkrow ♂ Acquired: April 13th, 2024 Encounters: 33,577 (Lost Cave: 4110 Golbat, 2211 Misdreavus, 2105 Murkrow) x5 Horde [Night] (Donator) -Murkrow's usefulness in raids made me want a shiny one. Normally when I plant my berries, I have little to no time left of night in-game. I planted 15 minutes earlier than usual because I was tired and decided to go to Lost Cave after with the little time I had. Low and behold, I got the Murkrow. Without phasing either. I might breed it one day for HP, but its raid ready in my eyes for now. Currently named after Lucio from Overwatch for his signature speed boost, as Murkrow provides Tailwind. Spoiler #22 Litwick ♀ Acquired: April 16th, 2024 Encounters: 14,412 x5 Horde (Donator + 5% Charm) -Got his while in VC with my friends. First shiny I got after getting the ghostbuster vanities so it was very appropriate. Bustin makes me feel good. 😄 Spoiler #23 "Kevin James" the Dugtrio ♂ Acquired: April 18th, 2024 Encounters: 13,549 x5 Horde (Donator) -Wanted a Shiny Arena Trapper for out of battle effect and when I shunt Ralts. Sync worked and I got Jolly. Named after the actor Kevin James because he played a character on The King of Queens named Doug Heffernan. Spoiler #24 "CuteBone" the Cubone ♂ Acquired: April 24th, 2024 Encounters: 13,178 Single (Donator) -Acquired in Sevault Canyon while going for Zapdos. Third single encounter. Spoiler ---> #25 "Mayalaran" the Roselia ♀ Acquired: May 6th, 2024 Encounters: 23,380 x3 Horde (Donator) -Phase going for Male Buneary for Cute Charm. Named after Mayalaran from the Stormlight Archive book series. Spoiler ---> #26 "Vasher" the Accelgor ♂ Acquired: May 8th, 2024 Encounters: 11,715 x5 Horde (Donator) -Wanted a Sticky Hold mon to use while fishing for Feebas. Acquiring this meant I can officially start that shunt. Named after Vasher/Zahel from Warbreaker/The Stormlight Archive book series. Spoiler ---> #27 "Adolin Kholin" the Lopunny ♂ Acquired: May 11th, 2024 Encounters: 14,940 x3 Horde (Donator + 5% Charm) -Wanted a male Cute Charmer. I'd just gotten off a string of charms when Taco was about to pop another. If Pingus hadn't asked me to join, I might not have gotten it. Legit 2 minutes after joining charm. Named after Adolin Kholin from the Stormlight Archive book series. Spoiler ---> #28 "Jasnah Kholin" the Milotic ♀ Acquired: May 27th, 2024 Encounters: 31,583 (1813 Eggs) Egg (Donator + 10% Charm) -I never expected to get this. Hatched on mobile so I wasn't quick enough to get the egg hatch screenshot unfortunately. My dream shiny. I started egging three days prior and got it in my 5th batch of 13 boxes of eggs. Named after Jasnah Kholin, my favorite character from the Stormlight Archive book series. Spoiler -------BRED INTO------- #29 "Bozo" the Bibarel ♂ Acquired: July 31st, 2024 Encounters: 39,831 x3 Horde (Donator) -First shiny acquired during the Pokelympics 2024. Spoiler ---> #30 "Talenel" the Metagross Acquired: August 1st, 2024 Encounters: 1,588 (3749 Eggs) Egg (Donator + 10% Charm) -Second shiny acquired during the Pokelympics 2024. After the disappointment that was Bozo the Bibarel, this was a huge sigh of relief. My egg luck is insane. Named after Talenel from the Stormlight Archive book series. Talenel never broke and Metagross never broke during the Lunar New Year raids. Spoiler -------BRED INTO------- #31 "Highstorm" the Pelipper ♂ Acquired: August 5th, 2024 Encounters: 21,561 Single, Natural x5 Horde (Donator + 10% Charm) -Third shiny acquired during the Pokelympics 2024. Encountered the horde naturally while singling for Staryu. I had just finished egging Zorua and had less than 5 minutes left on charm. Named after the Highstorms in the Stormlight Archive series. The massive, hurricane like storm that crosses the continent providing the titular Stormlight energy. Spoiler #32 Wingull ♂ Acquired: August 10th, 2024 Encounters: 7,223 Single (Donator) -Fourth shiny acquired during the Pokelympics 2024 and on the last day. Spoiler #33 Venomoth ♀ Acquired: September 29th, 2024 Encounters: 18,620 Single (Donator) -First shiny acquired on a team shunt. Spoiler - Edited December 2, 2024 by Krains Updating information Zippernick, xRdZiiiN, CommanderMars and 5 others 2 4 1 1
goodguyRuza Posted April 14, 2024 Posted April 14, 2024 dedication to make this is insane good job mate o7 Krains 1
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