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  2. [NLY]公会收人啦!有意请加审核QQ群755323965每月活动,不时抽奖,人多活跃,制度完善,攻略齐全,头目报点,活动多样,会内氛围和平有备式趣味活动,是你聊天交友的不二选择!每月举办PVP活动,刷闪活动,欢迎各路萌新大佬加入,只要活跃喜欢聊天的不要潜水员小号
  3. This mod is amazing!, but just like other people my game is crashing when i put on a follower that is modded, i know this is a wierd issue but a solution could be making a diferrent version of the mod without the "follower sprites" folder or only the battle sprites folder.
  4. Today
  5. Tá bom, muito obrigado!!! Ok, thank you very much!!!
  6. What are you looking for and lvl you can currently use, i can help with that (you can see the max lvl you can use on trainer's card)
  7. This mod is so good! although i would love to see a version to download that doesnt have the softer edges
  8. Today i was playing the game, and wanted to sell a mysterious premier ball i had, because i was needing money, my intention was to sell it for 980k but forgot to put a zero to it and ended up listing for 98k only. I noticed the mistake i made, i was going to cancel it and list again but it sold instantly, i simply had no time to cancel it, and a missclick cause me to lose 800k pokeyen. This problably happens a lot so i dare the mods will care to refund it, but it just feels unfair, maybe i think like that just because of my sadness i dont know, but i don't even want to play the game anymore, at least for a week, i don't know
  9. On 2nd thought nvm... (Blind Triggered) I'm gonna Edit my msg like nothing happened a bit lol
  10. 第一天500黄金喷雾
  11. This was mentioned in the patch notes. Raid boss allies now inherit the speed EVs of raid bosses when spawned
  12. Hello, For all happiness evolutions it needs to be between 86-87% and after that you must level it up once because it's not an automatic process. If you are unable to level up because of the regional level cap, then you will have to wait until you make more progress first unfortunately. ____ Olá, Para todas as evoluções de felicidade ela precisa estar entre 86-87% e depois disso você deve subir de nível uma vez porque não é um processo automático. Se você não conseguir subir de nível por causa do limite de nível regional, infelizmente terá que esperar até fazer mais progresso.
  13. Olá, estou com um Pichu com 86% de felicidade e ele não evolui. Queria utilizá-lo na liga, mas já está no nível 57 e se ele não evoluir no próximo nível, não vou poder usá-lo. Venho batalhando com ele e evoluindo seu nível com as batalhas, não estou usando Rare Candy. Eu o peguei no link de trocas globais, não sei se isso influencia em algo, mas ele não evolui. Resolvi no Google com quantos % ele precisa estar para evoluir e falar 62%, então sinceramente não sei o motivo desse problema. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, I have a Pichu with 86% happiness and it doesn't evolve. I wanted to use it in the league, but it's already at level 57 and if it doesn't evolve at the next level, I won't be able to use it. I've been battling him and improving his level with battles, I'm not using Rare Candy. I got it from the global exchange link, I don't know if that influences anything, but it doesn't evolve. I searched on Google how many % it needs to be to evolve and it says 62%, so I honestly don't know the reason for this problem.
  14. Lastly - we need to remember we're all living in our own bubbles especially what becomes to Doubles. In my personal bubble, people did feel that Covert Cloak being hidden is harmful. Because this represented pretty much the whole Doubles community to me at this point, I got the idea that people just don't like hidden Cloak but I will happily accept if there in fact is more people who enjoy it over hating it. Very honest reply man, thanks for that. If I sounded like I was blaming you for the whole thing I would like to apologize to you as I didn't mean to be offensive to you in particular. I mostly meant the process in general was flawed (adding an extra item that was not in the game and then making some sort of tweak so it's not broken). I know TC did what they could as well, cheers.
  15. 1st of All! I'm still trying to get more Magma Stones as Farming & trying to get 2 Heatrans by up to 5 Months now since i already Owned my 1st Heatran by Last Month before LNY Event Updates alright? & Secondly, The Old Strats against Heatran Raid is No Longer Working i guess... (R.I.P.) Because of that? I'm now Starting to Prep my Dig Strats against Heatran Raid. I Suggest that do Dig Strats already! P.S. Idk about Sharpness Jolly 2X31 IVs Gallade if this might be Replacing on Adamant 2X31 IVs Medicham as Dealing More DMG using Sacred Sword or maybe CC as Equally 3,9% or 4% DMG against Heatran Raid or Not?
  16. Alistair


    Bonjour, Un VRAI mode coop serait fort appréciable, par exemple comme sur Temtem ou Pokémon Let's Go Pika/Evoli. On pourrait donc se mettre en Equipe avec un ami et jouer en 2v2 (ou 2v1 d'ailleurs), aussi, à la manière de Monster hunter Stories 2 on pourrait rejoindre le combat de son ami pour l'aider. --------------------------------------------- Good morning, A REAL coop mode would be very nice, for example like on Temtem or Pokémon Let's Go Pika/Eevee. You can team up with a friend and play 2v2 (or 2v1 for that matter), also, like Monster Hunter Stories 2 you could join your friend's fight to help him.
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