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公会名称:ACCOMPANY 公会会长:ACTYLY 活动日期:12月22日 星期日 20:00(预赛) 12月23日 星期一 21:30(决赛) 活动地点:丰源地区 水静市 华丽大赛赛场 ch.5 活动时间:12月22日 20:00-12月24日 0:00 规则: 玩家只能使用一个账号/角色参加活动 玩家必须是公会成员 对战方式为双打对战/50级/30分钟 只允许带两只精灵,精灵个体不限性格不限努力不限道具不限,技能只能携带“挥指”一个技能,可以打PP极限 禁止携带神兽,幻兽类精灵 禁止携带诅咒之躯/魔法防护特性 主持人:AWYki 第一名 母体速度v闪光耿鬼 5对耿鬼 5对洗衣机 4v1u固执头乌鸦 幽灵灯 飞翔陶笛 冲浪陶笛 第二名 母体攻击v闪球球蝙蝠 5v固执乌鸦头头 5v胆小水晶灯火灵 6v固执沙漠蜻蜓 第三名 6v胆小雷公 6v大胆谢米 5v固执双斧战龙 4v爽朗翼龙 5v固执乌鸦头头 第四名 5v爽朗巨金怪 5v固执暴鲤龙 5v胆小喷火龙 超能训练头盔 第五名 5v固执班吉拉斯 5v爽朗化石翼龙 3v顽皮猫老大 2v固执猫老大
LongYunYu changed their profile photo
htj89737 joined the community
Tylernotcreator changed their profile photo
LongYunYu joined the community
180436517 joined the community
- Today
xLari reacted to a post in a topic: [Unofficial] Shiny Existence Thread [5th Life]
Mentitaah reacted to a post in a topic: Route10's Shiny Art Diary
15081277080 joined the community
CaliKingCorey started following rubunny
CaliKingCorey started following cubberkazooie
Knischka started following ESC button for Controller
Hello, I play alot on mobile, tablet. Specialy when i at home i love to play with controller. BUT there is one problem that make the experience not do good for me. When i catched a mon, i have to click [x] oh the screen becouse there is no button connected to that function. Same goes with chat. I have a button set to it but cant close it with controller. Is it possible to set a button (ESC, close, what ever) in the controller settings? Just to explaine how i play right now: So i use a workaround where i just press menue(start) and close with be, so i move in the backround. However i still see the catched mon screen/chat screen and use a spot where i can move back and for. If a Mon apear it show the UI above. Would be great to have it <3
FortuneStar reacted to a post in a topic: [手机主题][mod][Mobile theme]【小皮】主题分享(特色皮卡丘)分别为 动态/静态(亮+暗) 3个版本(持续更新~)
CaliKingCorey reacted to a post in a topic: [Art Shop] DaniStudios ArtShop [OPEN]
CaliKingCorey reacted to a post in a topic: KPOP CHRISTMAS ✨SHINY BOUNTY✨ (DEC 1ST - DEC 31ST) 🎄❄️
Hello! Registrations will open 15 minutes prior to the tournament. You can register by clicking on the PvP tab (Masterball icon) and then select "Tournament Signup". Unfortunately, the tournament is ongoing now, so you can't sign up for this tournament.
OfficialDarku reacted to a post in a topic: Team Scavenger Hunt - Glorious Return (Friday, 20th December)
I love them all!! Lol... Any deal on if i want all 7 poses + xmas padoru? :3
How to Create & Import Black/White 2 Battle Backgrounds
lorranita replied to guaychow's topic in Customization Tutorials
Hello. Yes, youre right. Recently i discovered a new way to customize some backgrounds textures. This give me a bunch of ideias. This is the reason cause i didnt released yet. Specially the plates can accept almost all the textures, like this ones. eight=421 -
OfficialDarku reacted to a post in a topic: [Shop] Route10's Art Shop [OPEN!]
Hello bro, I hope you have a good day! I didn't quite understand that thing about particles multiplied by 8.8M. Do you mean that the poke itself costs that price? X30?
Bro, I hope you have a good day! . The seller is asking for 8.8M, it is not necessary to give him more pokeyen. But if you decide that you will buy it for that money, that is up to you.
lorranita reacted to a post in a topic: How to Create & Import Black/White 2 Battle Backgrounds
hwo to sign up for this
gas1y joined the community
KaraTech joined the community
FortuneStar changed their profile photo
[ALO]LIFELINE的圣诞礼物派对 (此活动仅面向公会成员) 关于活动 圣诞节快乐,这是一个随机的圣诞礼物交换活动。每个想要参与的玩家都可以通过邮件向主持人发送价值大约在 25 万至 350 万的礼物来参加。当主持人收到每份礼物时,提交的礼物将被分配一个编号并在论坛上列出。在2024 年 12 月 25 日,主持人将使用随机数生成器将礼物重新分配给所有参与者。请随意发送礼物,具体取决于您自己的个人预算。参加活动/礼物交换的提交期限是从发布此帖子的时间到北京时间 2024 年 12 月 24 日晚上 11:59:59。假如你能给得起贵重的礼物,那这太好了,如果你只能拿出 25 万,那也不错。礼物在重新分配之前将保持匿名,参与的玩家越多乐子越多。请务必体谅其它人,不要发一堆垃圾道具/宝可梦。 **请记住将您的礼物保密,直到每个人都收到礼物,然后可以自由地告诉彼此您给了什么/收到了什么** 如何参与:通过游戏内邮件向主持人 (PBz) 发送一份礼物或多份礼物(最好不要是无聊的纯金),总价值在25万到 350万之间,标题为《圣诞礼物派对》 活动时间: 现在 -- 北京时间 2024 年 12 月 24 日晚上 11:59:59 ,礼物将在圣诞节当天(2024 年 12 月 25 日)重新分配。 规则/活动信息: - 想要参加,您必须提交一份价值大约在 250,000 至 3,500,000 的礼物 - 礼物将邮寄给主持人 (PBz),邮件标题为《圣诞礼物派对》 - 您必须赠送礼物才能参加,随后会收到回礼 - 您的礼物可以有超过 1 件物品/宝可梦/纯金,只要在一封邮件内 - 提交礼物的截止日期为北京时间 2024年 12 月 24 日晚上 11:59:59 - 已提交的礼物将按照收到的顺序列出,但 礼物发送者将保持匿名 - 主持人将保留拒绝您的礼物作为有效礼物的权利,并要求您更换礼物参加 - 在交换每份礼物之前,参与者不能透露他们捐赠了什么 - 如果愿意,参与者可以选择在每份礼物分发后(圣诞节当天)透露他们捐赠了什么以及谁最终得到了他们的礼物 - 礼物将于 2024 年 12 月 25 日通过邮件发送给每位参与者 - 在活动结束后将公布每位参与者的礼物交换情况 - 参与者必须是[ALO] LIFELINE公会成员 已提交的礼物: 1. 贵重球*1 + 雪花质子*1 2. 蓝焰恶魔骷髅头*1 3. 灰色狼人面具*1 4. 闪光几何雪花
Tra joined the community
FortuneStar started following Kyu
FRIDAY NIGHT HORROR STORY You can share personal experiences / stories from Twitter ( X ) Date FRIDAY NIGHT, December 12, 2024 Time Time: 9.09 PM / 2.09 UTC Location Story on Discord (for those who don't tell stories off mic except staff) 💰REWARD💰 Garchomp (adamant) (HA) (31 hp atk spd) (25+ def spdef) Host Event @reenastorm KidYoichi @AryaSkuyy @Draenix @SzYukihira @Sitacho @Infi5ty @SonicXV @Ombos @dombadgn Good Luck and Have Fright night eXi !!
[FR] [Ouvert] 🇫🇷 La Team Rooket recrute ! [TRØK] 🇫🇷
ScizoMonkey replied to Shadow84700's topic in Team Recruitment
Bump! -
AzuCriticalXD changed their profile photo
Some pose examples have been added for those who may be interested but have no clue what kind of art they would like. Of course no need to choose from this list!