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  1. Shadow

    End of the line.

    This post is to say farewell shortly (after the PSL ends) to the PokeMMO Community, but it's main purpose is to serve as a tribute for all of the players, and communities who caused a good impact during my game career here. Before heading off to mention all (or most) of them, while I've been thinking about doing this post a while ago, I'm pretty much improvising it. It's been ~8 long years, of which I've been active around 4 of them, ceasing the activity in the game, almost completely around a year ago. As it follows: - I have to mention a group of people with who I shared great moments over the years, some from a while ago, some I met more recently. KaynineXL, Seth, Revz, BrokenBulb, Eliissaa, Terresa, Xi, Biqueta, Forfiter, TVanne, NguyenDuy, DeusBruno, makapakaa (who I met in-real life, what an experience haha), MPDH, Tear; probably without meeting you my trip on this game wouldn't have been as enjoyable as it was. You're just great fellas to be with, I've really enjoyed the time we spent together, and I hope we can keep being in touch at some times, my most sincere appreciation to you! As I can't include everyone here cause the list would be endless, I'll also mention regarding communities/teams who also were a great pleasure to meet and interact with: - SIÂ Team: - PSL XV Team: - PT/BR Community: - ES/LatAm Community: - PL Community - CN Community - Läva Team - VOW Team - ÁvE Team (DE Community) - PvP Community - Some members which don't fit any of this "categories" Last but not least, to all of those people who were kind, when I interacted with you, or when you interacted with me, specially while I was staff, to either help, participate in events, or whoever assistance you needed, thanks a lot, too! It's hard to name people here as there were thousands probably, over the years. It was a cool experience, but as the only link I have with the game goes through the social part of the community and I haven't enjoyed the game for a long while, it's time to move on. Until we meet around! o/
    63 points
  2. Changelog: 08/02/2025 Balancing Covert Mantle is now "flashed" to opponents when the holder swaps in Braviary★ now uses Bulk Up✫ at 66% HP Slaking★ now uses Amnesia✫ on battle start Raid boss allies now inherit the speed EVs of raid bosses when spawned Bug Fixes Fixed various client crashes (Mobile) Fixed an issue where battles could lock up during starting animations when cycling the game menu Miracle Eye only ignores Evasion stat stage modifiers, instead of making moves impossible to miss In Lunar New Year coop instances, when coop battles are started, allies now have a 90 second timer to make a move before AI will choose a move for them Fixed an issue where a Rock Smash rock would overlap a raid den in Kanto Blocked players are no longer matched during group matchmaking Battle end animations in raid battles are now faster
    45 points
  3. Welcome to the first annual PMI. This is a tournament hosted by Myself @Luke & @PoseidonWrath The aim of this tournament is for players to prove themselves as the best multi-tier in the game. Featuring one of the best solo prize tournament pools in the games history. I aim to host this yearly. This is the first thread, announcing it's existence and the ruleset of the tournament, as well as opening dialogue for critique and questions. The 2nd thread will be announcing times, refs, and concrete rules. Some of the information in this (thread 1) is subject to change. It will be hosted after PSL (PokeMMO Super League) finishes, with more threads and info to follow right before the end of PSL. Ruleset and Tournament Information: TLDR For Lazy Players 1st Place Prize PERFECT Adamant Tyranitar + $15,000,000 2nd Place Prize 5x31 PERFECT Impish Skarmory 3rd Place Prize 5x31 PERFECT Adamant Cloyster HUGE SHOUTOUT TO @YettoDieFOR THE MONEY FOR THESE PRIZES!!! To play you MUST be in the discord, as that is the main source of all communications. Please join here: https://discord.gg/6BxutxpyK4
    24 points
  4. Congratulations to the winners of the Lunar New Year 2025 Leaderboard: Prizes for the Top 50 teams will be sent out on February 18th at 12:00am UTC+0. For players who posted multiple high scores, please note that you will only receive a reward for the highest score you posted.
    20 points
  5. Changelog: 10/02/2025 Update 3 Bug Fixes The Shaymin Sky Forme raid boss now has the correct base stats and typing. Previously it had Land Forme's.
    20 points
  6. Hello PokeMMO Devs & fellow community members, Thank you for another great Year of Events!!! Raiding has been a huge game-changer for many who have played this game for a long time looking for a true PvE “end-game”!! (shiny hunting great, but running around in a grass patch endlessly is not for me) I think we can all agree that everyone very much enjoyed the content that was released in the last year here!!! I love this game and have played it for a long time, but I mostly a PvE player, have been really enjoying the addition of challenging PvE end-game content in the form of Raids. Last year I took a long break after event season, coming back during the recent events (for raids of course). As this event season draws to a close, I need to ask a big question to the Developers if you plan on releasing any new content before next Halloween? I am sure this is a shared concern, that we will need to wait until next Halloween for anything new content-wise. Countless other players would like to know If you have anything planned before then too. I honestly feel like keeping players more engaged with the game over a long period of time would add tremendous amounts of benefit to the community as a whole. I know this might be asking for a lot perhaps, but these are definitely shared thoughts by others. And please don’t get me wrong, extremely grateful for all of the new content released into the game thus far! But, we would just truly appreciate more transparency in the communication and road maps for content releases. So again, I am wondering (like many others) if I should consider taking another break from the game, and repeating this cycle for only event season? Thank you for reading! A passionate PokeMMO player ❤️
    17 points
  7. 200 Tickets available (1 mill per ticket) Tickets currently available: 169 (will edit this as we sell them) As seen on this video IV's HP: 5 Attack: 14 Defence: 29 Special Attack: 8 Special Defence: 31 Speed: 23 Nature: Hardy (neutral) Met at Lv.41 in Meteor Falls (25/11/24) Here are all the Tickets Sold, in the spoiler. (last updated 05/03/25 22:40 UTC) SGM Bearminator will hold the Metagross and pull the winner at random, either when all tickets are sold or the raffle ends in 1 month from this post. Send money to IGN: OfficialDarku for ticket entry(s)
    17 points
  8. gamesensei

    The Worst Raid Ever!

    Hello everyone. I would like to talk a few words about the Lunar New Year Event. I have been playing PokeMMO for about 900 hours. I have participated in many events and fought in raids so far. But some of the raid pokemon in this last event were really terrible. I don't expect the raid events to be beginner friendly. But most of the pokemon in this year's raids were not even intermediate friendly. We defeated 12 raids with fully trained pokemon without any problems. However, many beginner-intermediate level players in our team had a hard time in raids. I have a Youtube channel and I make PokeMMO videos. A few of my viewers mentioned that they could not win raid battles with random parties. I fought with random parties in a few raids just to try. It has become almost impossible to beat even the simplest raid battles with random parties. Now let's talk about the last raid pokemon of the event, Shaymin! I have never seen such a terrible raid before. We spent a total of three and a half hours with our perfectly trained Pokemon. We could barely catch the stupid Pokemon. Some of the advanced players on our team spent 5-10 hours doing the same thing. Lots of unnecessary random variables, completely modified nonsensical mechanics really made me sick. I have never hated this game this much in the 900 hours I have played it. Now, there will be know-it-alls who will write "skill issue" under this title in a ridiculous way. Let's say that me and the endgame level players on my team are incompetent players. Are other YouTubers the same? I watched Caav's stream, for example. Even a high-quality player suffered for hours on the stream. I was so unenthusiastic at the end of the Shaymin raid that if there was a ball worse than a Pokeball in the game, I would have thrown it. I was on the live stream last night. I was so bored that I really didn't have the energy or motivation to be happy even if the stupid Shaymin's shiny form came out. If you want, ask the people in the community. It was really ridiculous to design a raid battle with such difficult and meaningless mechanics for such a meaningless poke. At least a nice music should have been chosen for the Shaymin battle. Since we were going to spend hours, we should have listened to a nice music over and over again. Anyway, a side note to the forum moderators: Please give the professors who will write "skill issue" medals of excellence.
    17 points
  9. Shiny Hitmonchan!! PHASE 11 AND OVER! 77,280 Encounters!! I started this hunt back in May last year and I have not left victory road since. 433,037 total encounters and 11 phases! Well, videos below. Smash subscribe!!! I worked hard for this! 😊
    16 points
  10. [HØRî] HORI's 5th Anniversary (March 16th) Hola a todos, bienvenidos a nuestro 5to aniversario como equipo, motivo por el cual queremos invitar a todo el público a un Torneo Tag. Esperamos contar con la mayor cantidad posible de participación, pasar un buen rato y disfrutar junto a la comunidad ♥. Detalles: 32 Equipos | 5v5 | Tag Team Tiers: OU / UU / NU / Dubs / LC Fecha y Hora: Domingo, 16 de marzo de 2025 | 17:00 UTC-5 Ubicación: Auditorio de Concursos de Ciudad Calagua, ch4 (también ch5) Inscripción: Las inscripciones están abiertas desde ahora hasta la fecha límite o hasta que se llenen 32 equipos. Siendo un torneo tag 5v5 los equipos deben tener 5 miembros, uno de ellos será el capitán (el capitán estará a cargo de la inscripción y de la comunicación durante el torneo) Los equipos podrán inscribirse mediante el siguiente formato: Fecha límite de inscripción: Sábado, 15 de marzo de 2025 | 23:59 UTC-5 Notas: Una vez cerradas las inscripciones, la lista de jugadores tampoco podrá ser editada. No es necesario que los integrantes de un equipo formen parte del mismo equipo en el juego. Se creará y publicará un Challonge aquí una vez cerradas las inscripciones y también será enviado dentro del juego en el lugar y canal asignado a la hora de inicio. Tolerancia de 10 minutos para iniciar los duelos. El equipo que gane 3 o más duelos avanzará a la siguiente ronda, el otro equipo quedará eliminado. Si algún jugador no se presenta el capitán deberá avisar a cualquier anfitrión y el punto se le dará al equipo contrario. Pozo de Premios: [15,000,000] 1er Lugar $10.000.000 ($2,000,000 por miembro) 2do Lugar $5.000.000 ($1,000,000 por miembro) Donaciones: Cualquier donación para incrementar el Prize Pool o para hacer algún tipo de sorteo terminado el torneo será aceptada ♥ IGN: HoriBank *Dudas sobre cualquier tema relacionado a este evento consultar con: NoIssho / LissFer / DxrKiii English Translation:
    15 points
  11. With these events, the global chat is flooded with "LF Raid" messages. Perhaps it would be a good idea to create a separate tab for raid recruitment, similar to the Trade chat. This would not only help keep global chat organized but also benefit players looking for long-term raid groups.
    15 points
  12. OT#5 - 631hrs Looking for Shiny Metang/Metagross Phases: 1 Day#1
    14 points
  13. Changelog: 09/02/2025 Update 2 Bug Fixes The Spring Flower Hairpin is once again available via Lucky Red Envelopes (2025) Fixed an issue where, when an item was lost and Unburden was triggered, gaining an item again through Recycle would not reset speed modifications
    14 points
  14. Egg number #5 WOOOOOOOOO got my favorite starter(egged this late i know xD) MR >>>
    12 points
  15. Rache

    The Worst Raid Ever!

    When designing fights, I like to use RNG as a tool to force players to get better at the game. I'm not a fan of coin flips which just make you lose with nothing you can do about it during preparation or gameplay. In the case of repeatable grinds like hard mode Pumpking, the goal is to introduce enough variance that players trying to follow a guide will still need to think and learn as they play. It's difficult at first but once you understand the mechanics and AI well enough, you can almost always figure out how to come back from a bad situation. Although the "problem" is sourced from which adds randomly appear, you are rewarded for your skill with improved consistency. I'm usually able to achieve a 95%+ win rate against it each year. In the case of Shaymin's adds, there are 2/6 which will survive a hit (Sturdy Steelix + Focus Sash Tauros). This isn't really an RNG problem though, the only variance (which is out of your control) is the order in which they appear, you will always see both of them at least once due to the way adds currently cycle. You can deal with them by having two AoE attackers on the left each turn or by using Stealth Rock or Spikes to damage them when they enter. If you need to reset a raid as soon as something goes even slightly wrong, that usually just means that your strategy isn't very good. If raw damage isn't working out, players might find that slowing down and focusing a bit more on survivability produces more consistent results. Anything that lives a turn provides double the value and it only takes two moves (prevent or remove the SpAtk boost + Light Screen) to make that a reality. Three for Mist if you're not using Flying/Levitate mons to avoid the Seed Flare✫ hazard. Sometimes I do get it wrong (AncientPower was more obnoxious than expected during Xmas), but the overall goal is always to reward good teambuilding and adaptability. When used well, RNG in a format where you get 3-4 actions per turn should only feel unfair if you're not willing to do anything to mitigate or respond to it.
    12 points
  16. The 11th anniversary event will be soon.
    11 points
  17. CaptnBaklava

    In Game Prices

    Wait til you discover vanities that go for 30 billions.
    11 points
  18. FLED OT#1 - 😞
    10 points
  19. 10 points
  20. [läva] Läva Registered Players: ArtOfKilling PoseidonWrath Axellgor Facursa Zuhayrrr ScottToji Gautsam Nestymore DrTylerGrey AleAlonso subzi xSparkie SoftCreamyFluff TehKharma FancyFootwerk Team Captain: xSparkie
    10 points
  21. OT#3 First phase Lure pokemon on the staryu hunt. LFGGGG
    10 points
  22. After each boss, players should be asked if they want to save their run and leave or continue. No one enjoys spending 12 hours straight into a run. People want to take breaks, sleep, work, eat, touch grass, idk but this is riddiculous. The most difficult part abiyt Abundant Shrine has nothing to do with event itself, but with players fighting their boredom and fatigue through pure mental resilience. What kind of game is that? Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed Abundant Shrine over the years, but not being able to save your progress and continue later takes all the fun away from the event imo.
    10 points
  23. There is no life in the void.
    10 points
  24. veeyaxi

    Vee's Vibrant Display

    Shiny Hunter for Team Radiance Total OT Shinies: 38 (in order of acquisition and as they currently appear) Current Dreams:
    9 points
  25. I'm sure a lot of the player base agrees when I say, I love the feature of being able to see your Link Member's mons that they have in their party, especially during event season/raids. My one thought though, especially outside of event season, I think the ability to toggle this feature in settings would be very nice to have. On PC there isn't an issue, but on mobile it can take up a lot of the screen. (screenshot below). Other than that, love the feature! It would just be nice to have the option to toggle it in settings. Thanks for reading! o7 Mobile iOS Screenshot:
    9 points
  26. Personally I find roserade to apply too much offensive pressure and there are far too few answers to it. It's coverage of giga drain/sludge bomb/extra sensory/hidden power (fire/ground) allows it to ohko/2hko basically the entire tier, added to that it having valuable utility moves in double hazards and sleep powder make it far too good in the tier. I also disagree with a sentiment shared by a couple posts on this thread. Banning is necessary to retain/regain tier balance. If a pokemon is too good or unhealthy in the tier banning it is the best option available (unless you want to do a weird complex ban on anything ban worthy). By removing clear outliers in a tier that are too strong it vastly improves the viability of the pokemon bellow it making the tier more enjoyable and feel more freeing. Sometimes this will require multiple bans to obtain the goal of a healthy metagame and if that is required so be it, the end justifies the means.
    9 points
  27. Date Sunday, February 23rd 2025 Time 11:00 UTC | 12:00 CET | 06:00 ET | 08:00 BRT | 19:00 CST (China) | Time Zone Converter Location Dragons Den, Johto, Channel 1 (Catching is allowed on any channel) Duration 1 hour for catching another 10 minutes for players to submit entries Scoring Total sum of IVs + Species Bonus + Nature Bonus = Total Score Pokemon accepted as valid entries Dratini +6 Magikarp Nature Bonus Adamant +6 Jolly +2 Careful -6 Nature Translation Rules To win 1st-3rd places that are sorted by high to low, you need to submit an entry that scores the highest To win 4th place you need to submit an entry that scores the lowest You can only submit one entry Players can enter the event with only one account/character. All Pokémon must be caught within the event time and at the event location All Pokémon must remain unchanged (untrained/unevolved...) Evolved or unevolved forms of the listed Pokémon will not be accepted as a valid entry You must be the OT of the Pokémon You must link your entry to any participating staff member via whisper to submit it Keep the pokemon in your team till results. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by earliest catch time Rules Translation Participating Staff Speshial Enzo Matsuui 1st Place Prize GIFT Shiny Dratini Lv. 1 Your choice of nature, 2 moves, with 3 selectable IVs + 3x28 IVs & 1,000 Reward Points 2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points The prizes will be sent to the winners a few days after the event
    9 points
  28. OT # 21 and third synch in a row that worked! 21,690 encounters on charm with donator ^-^
    9 points
  29. 45th Shiny Unown, at least it isn't another P, right? 9th phase in Dilford
    9 points
  30. This is certainly a rocking the boat discussion, so bear with me. I'm pretty prepared if the conversation just ends to "this would be too significant of a change to suddenly make in the game". Alt accounting has been something that has been allowed since the very beginning of PokeMMO. If anyone remembers back in the early days prior to breeding, it was basically the only way to produce even more starter Pokemon as obtaining them through other means was impossible. PokeMMO has naturally progressed to where much more features have been added, and I can't help but feel alt accounts have inherently devalued some resources that players obtain. I believe devs have been quoted prior that they regret making the game where you can very liberally use alt accounts, but we now live in the world that we live in. To clarify, I have taken advantage of alt accounting before when it comes to berry farming, gym farming, Alpha hunting, and obtaining event rewards (having all of the Alpha Kanto starters is pretty sick not gonna lie). And even I think the benefits I've obtained from doing it seem cheap and devaluing to a person who simply focuses on their one character. I don't know what the solution is here, but I don't think it's to completely sunset the creation of alt accounts or delete them or anything drastic like that. I've always thought something like a "per account instance" might be something interesting to propose - If you've already caught Alpha Ditto on one character, it simply does not appear on another shared account. If you've fought Cynthia on one character, then other characters will have to abide by the same 16 hour cooldown. Berry plots will appear as "occupied" or something like that. I'm not sure what you guys would think on this. Crab react if I'm a big dumb idiot or do the more civilized thing and talk this out in the comments.
    9 points
  31. I was waiting for Another wishing stone Where is my wishing stone I want to gather wishing stone Stons Stones Hey come on guys Over one year and no use lol I won't die until i know what s the use of wishing stone xD
    9 points
  32. May I ask why is this discussion still going on? What do you guys exactly have doubts about? I thought those bad times of having discussions going on for too long were gone. If you opened this thread to ask the community for their opinion on Lucario, you should be more communicative and the best way to do it is stating why you think something needs to stay/get banned. Our tiers are completely decided by TC, being more communicative is a must, otherwise this system simply makes no sense.
    8 points
  33. Defiance is an ambitious and an inclusive team that welcomes both PVE and PvP Players! We aim to create a balanced and a tight knit community for our all sorts of players to call home. If you are interested in Raiding, Shiny hunting, Casual hangouts, PvP Activities or being a part of a discord with an active text and voice chat then join us on our adventure and be a part of Team Defiance! - Our PVE members are always looking for people to fill up our Shiny Diary - - We have a dedicated host for charm hunts in our community - - Every Month, we host Fossil hunting Competitions and other variants of hunting competitions - - We have an Organized Raid Team and open spots to be filled up! - - We have a dedicated time for our daily ranked game sessions to be streamed in voice chat! - - We have a weekly non-mandatory scrimmage sessions against competitive teams! - - We have weekly non-mandatory PvP Tournaments! - - Detailed and Informative Guides are available in our team discord! - - We have an active marketplace for your basic needs ranging from player services, items to 31x6 PVE and PvP Pokemons! - - We have an easily accessible guild bank for our Team members! - - We have comprehensive and easy to understand PvP guides that covers the basics to advanced strategies that will teach you the fundamentals of competitive battling! - Apply to our community and register for our KingSlayer Academy! We offer extensive guides and hands-on training to help you improve as a player. Even if you have zero knowledge in competitive battling, we have confidence in our training system to turn you into an experienced battler. Want to apply? Join our discord! https://discord.gg/ueJVz9wBvc
    8 points
  34. OT #41! 2nd egg shiny and rare, and 1st shiny while being in team Crow! Kawkawww!
    8 points
  35. Hey everyone, I’m excited to share a new app I’ve been working on for all you PokeMMO fans out there! After playing through countless hours of the PokeMMO story myself, I found it a bit challenging to keep track of progress—especially when juggling multiple characters. That’s why I built the PokeMMO Progress Tracker, an app designed to help you: Track Your Journey: Log your progress through the PokeMMO story with ease. Manage Multiple Characters: Easily switch between and manage progress for several characters. Follow a Proven Guide: The app follows a comprehensive guide that lays out the best route to complete the game’s story efficiently. I want to give a huge shout-out and thanks to MightyBoxer for creating the original guide that inspired this project. His/her detailed walkthrough was invaluable, and I’ve integrated its structure into the app to help make your journey smoother. You can check out the original guide here: Original guide You can download the app version you need here: win-x64 win-x86 Once downloaded, extract. start the app, choose your character and region, and you are ready to go NEW: Hotkeys: CTRL + Arrow keys (right for next page, left for previous, down for checkbox, up to clear checkbox) android apk app requires display over other apps permission to work, it may crash first time when you create character instead of guiding you to enable permission if you need any help installing feel free to message me Below is a picture of how the app looks in game, the window is resizable and tasks are scrollable so it can take even less space And this is how mini version for android looks like
    8 points
  36. tunacore

    30 Minute Amulet Coin

    I'd like to see a consumable item that boosts money earned from trainers by x1.50 for only 30 minutes as opposed to the Amulet Coin's 1 hour. Sometimes I would like a little extra cash but don't want to commit an entire hour for a gym/trainer/elite 4 run. I think an item with half the effect time as the Amulet Coin would be a great addition. I know this is possible because of the existence of the Lucky Egg and Lucky Egg (Small) items. Perhaps just add an Amulet Coin (Small) item?
    8 points
  37. This living shiny dex reflects current OT evolutions for Team ROO Members. One Pokémon does not count for the entire evolution line. Grayscale sprites are still out in the wild. Click the colored sprites to see each ROO OT! 108/149 51/124 64/126 40/102 71/151 ____________________________________________________________________________ Last updated : 4th of March, 2025. The complete Shiny Showcase of Team ROO can be consulted here: If you are part of Team ROO and realize that one of your OT shinies is not on this list, or if you have a new OT shiny that is not on this list, please contact Happy shunting! Team ROO _______________________________________________________ Huge thanks to for creating this living dex from scratch including the artwork in the banner, the black and white sprites, and the clickable graphics for each caught Pokémon Huge thanks to for keeping track of all members' OTs to make it possible to manage this living dex Huge thanks to for the Shiny Showcase graphics, nametags, and guidance on clickable graphics
    8 points
  38. Team Porygon [PORY] Currently recruiting new players! Leaders Team Background and Vision Team Porygon is made up of English-speaking players who want to enjoy the PvE PokeMMO experience! We believe that to build a team, there must be a goal and our goal is to enjoy the game as friends in a relaxed, friendly, and highly informative environment. Our fact-checked information, server structure, and helpful members will provide an unmatched PvE experience that we believe is second to none. Additionally, we have a variety of players from around the world to ensure that we provide you with a community from anywhere, at any time! The Porygon Advantages ¥ Extensive PvE knowledge ¥ Creative events beyond catching contests! ¥ Multi-language chat in the server to converse in languages other than English ¥ Alpha Alerts, Swarm Alerts, Pheno Alerts ¥ Direct access to informative guides ¥ Halloween, Lunar New Year, Christmas, and Anniversary event channels, information, guides, and strategies! ¥ Active in-game team and server ¥ Helpful teammates ¥ Custom Porygon themed Archetype & GEC encounter counters to fit the theme ¥ A PvP section in the server catering to casual PvP; while we are a PvE team, we have helpful server friends who offer fantastic PvP advice so you can enjoy PokeMMO to its fullest ¥ Porygon Memes & Puns ¥ Shiny Showcase Prerequisites ¥ All regions completed ¥ 400 in-game hours ¥ Decent PvE understanding (We'll work with you to help you learn) ¥ Have a discord account. We use our team server quite a bit ¥ Active and friendly ¥ Active in team chat (Required) Note: We are not currently accepting applications that are below the listed requirements. We make sure to discuss all serious applicants. Application Please answer the below questions and then send them via Discord to @Jaddee or @glortwort. Their discord contacts will be below the questions: 1. What is your IGN[In-Game-Name]? 2. How many in-game hours do you have? 3. How many regions, including E4, have you completed? Discord: Jaddee: vexious Glort: glortwort
    7 points
  39. Team: [ Aw ] Asgard warriors registered players: Oxizakre Enchanteeur rihitof peoplu xHaishera xlunethx zhiko DarkarArtz mlhawk ATQO ShieFia arca Isperea sejuani zMisaka captain:Enchanteeur
    7 points
  40. LC OU tournament Sunday, Feb 16, 2025, UTC 2am Held at Lilycove Contest Hall, ch4 1m first prize 250k second 100k 3rd-4th (Void if less than 8 ppls) Whisper EEdays for signup (in-game mail, forum, or Dc: EEdays #3131) *Unburden and Misdreavus are allowed.
    7 points
  41. tunacore

    Unique Spinda Patterns

    It would be great if Spindas could have unique patterns based on personality values (PVs) like the mainline games. Here are some examples of patterns: I'm not entirely sure how feasible this is with the implementation of PVs across the five games, but there is an interest in the community for this idea: In this forum post: "Why [is] every Spinda bald?" This Reddit post echoes my reasoning. My suggestion was inspired by this Discord message. Another Discord user is utterly baffled as to why the Spindas all look the same in this message Considering how relevant Spinda is for alpha catching1, I believe this idea has some legs 🏃💨. As mentioned in the Discord message3, it would be cool and interesting if there were rare/desirable patterns. This could spawn a whole niche of Spinda shiny hunters. Imagine!!
    7 points
  42. hey pokemmo community, straight to the point, game isn't fun and i hate it, so i'm quitting and probably not coming back its been a good run, it was really, REALLY fun while it lasted, so goodbye final shoutout to SOJU for being one of the coolest teams ever, and to TFBO for being the coolest team ever. bye, make sure to miss me ;).
    7 points
  43. Covert Mantle isn't really comparable to the other items mentioned in the thread. Which Pokemon would use a Focus Sash? Pokemon that would be typically KO'd in one hit. That's easy to identify: those are Pokemon that are frail, have a 4x weakness, or both. Item knowledge makes it easy to figure out. Mental Herb? They're Pokemon that will get hurt the most from getting Taunted, which typically are going to be support Pokemon. Easy to figure out with experience too. Covert Mantle? Pokemon that don't want to get Faked Out. What kind of Pokemon would want to avoid getting Faked Out? -Speed Control Pokemon really enjoy it to make sure that they can set up the speed control. -Tailwind/Trick Room sweepers really enjoy it because one of the most common ways to stall out speed control is by using Fake Out on the big threats -Even redirection users enjoy Covert Mantle because Faking Out the redirection user and hitting the Pokemon next to it is one of the best ways to play around redirection. Basically, if a Pokemon learns a useful move, it's a good Covert Mantle user. Enough game knowledge will tell you that even if it might not be the best item for that Pokemon, it still remains a viable candidate for it. The biggest advantage of Covert Mantle isn't the surprise factor that comes from the opponent wasting their Fake Out: it comes from the fact that momentum is preserved by making Fake Out an useless option into the Covert Mantle user either way. Most people in the thread have talked about the pros of the guessing game that come from Covert Mantle not being flashed, but the thing is, most good players build to minimize guessing games as much as they can. If one of their favorite tools become something that can turn into a guessing game every time that they try to use it, they'll just switch to something that's more reliable. Which in this case is typically shutting my brain off and clicking the big damage move, which ironically enough, is exactly the type of playstyle using Covert Cloak enables anyway. Flashing the item at least gives some form of reliability to Fake Out, while still giving Covert Mantle the primary use that it's supposed to have: maintain momentum again a move that's trying to slow down the tempo. Even the comparison given in the OP, Gen 9 VGC, doesn't even have that bad of a problem in closed teamsheets because Item Clause means that people have a good idea of where the Covert Cloak is going to be, making a mechanic like flashing much more pointless. The existence of Covert Mantle already enables people to play more aggressively if they choose to do so, flashing the item makes it so its best counterplay isn't also to play more aggressively.
    7 points
  44. Changelog: 09/02/2025 Bug Fixes Fixed an issue where, when flinging items in the Lunar New Year coop instance, points would not count if the target fainted
    7 points
  45. I'm still not aware of the problem exactly, it's content meant to be harder, if you have to get something specific to do it, what's the problem? The same happens on well every other mmo with similiar systems. Oh no but I started yesterday and I can't do it, that's how it is supposed to be, you dont start running before you learn to walk aswell You need 5 and a glove, and then when you snap your fingers, half of your pc turns to stardust which you can then sell to npc for pokeyen
    7 points
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