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  1. PokeMMO Shiny Wars 2024 ~Welcome to the 1st Official PokeMMO Shiny Wars competition~ credit to Zephy for the artwork! Introduction Official Shiny Wars is a competition between groups of players that form teams, in order to showcase their dedication to a style of play that used to have a less competitive nature, shiny hunting. This event will allow for a different kind of competition within the game, on an official level. Date July 22nd 00:00 UTC+0 - September 22nd 00:00 UTC+0 Registration Rules This event will be capped at 55 teams, thus it's recommended you organise your team quickly and register as quickly as possible. If you're unable to find a team and wish to participate you can use this thread: https://forums.pokemmo.com/index.php?/topic/180066-lf-teammates-thread-official-pokemmo-shiny-wars/ to find teammates. The sign ups for the event will open 1 week before the event starts 15th July 00:00 UTC+0 and will last until the 21st July 00:00 PM UTC+0 - we will also announce it when the time comes. All teams must be registered via the Registration thread prior to the event starting (we will announce on the Registration thread when Registrations start and when they close). All team registrations must include a Team Name and elect a member of their team to be the team leader (Team names must follow Forum rules). All teams must include at least 25 players, but no more than 30. (You do not need to be in the same in-game team as your teammates for this event). Players can only participate in this event with 1 character. Anyone found to be breaching this will be DQ'd from this event & future events too. Event Rules All OT shiny Pokémon caught by registered participants within the event period will be recorded by staff after the event concludes. You do not need to manually submit them. You must keep your shiny Pokémon until the results are announced for them to be counted. If the Pokémon are not on your registered character, we will not be able to verify them. Each Pokémon within an evolution line will be worth the same number of points, you can find this list below. Shinies bred from shiny parents are not valid entries, but shinies bred from non-shiny parents will be counted. We can tell the difference between them. In the case of a point tie, there will be a "sudden death" race. If this occurs, whichever team involved in the tie breaker that obtains the most points in 48 hours after the announcement will be crowned the winner. Shiny Pokémon obtained from Mysterious Balls are valid for the main event, but will not be valid for a sudden death victory. Rules translation Scoring Tiered points + Bonus points OR Untiered points + Bonus points Tiered: Tier 6: 2 Points Tier 5: 3 Points Tier 4: 6 Points Tier 3: 10 Points Tier 2: 15 Points Tier 1: 25 Points Tier 0: 30 Points Untiered: Shiny Alpha: 50 Points Shiny Legendary/Mythical: 100 Points Secret Shiny will count as +10 Bonus Points Tier chart Tier chart translation Refs Cosmooth Revz Enzo Dawn Playnerx Tsiy Austin Nathan Parke Matsuui Prizes 1st Place Prize 1x Charcoal Dragon Wings (untradable) for every player in the winning team! This item has Multiple Styles, sparkles can be toggled on or off. 2nd Place Prize 500 Reward Points for each team member 3rd-4th Place Prize 250 Reward Points for each team member MVP Prize 1x Charcoal Dragon Wings + 1,000 Reward Points Prize details The winning team's registered participants will all receive the 1st place prize vanity. The single player with the most points gathered by themselves for the duration of the event will receive the "MVP Prize", the 1st place prize vanity as well, unless they were a part of the winning team, in which case they will be awarded Reward Points instead. Disclaimer: The Charcoal Dragon Wings vanity will be exclusive to PokeMMO Shiny Wars and not available to be obtained outside of this event. It may also have minor changes to how it looks due to still being in development. Additionally, Fire Dragon Wings will also be available to purchase in the near future! So keep your eyes open for that.
    124 points
  2. ArtOfKilling


    Dear MMO community, I want to thank you all for the wonderful journey I've had with you over the past five years. PokeMMO has truly been a positive aspect of my life, helping me through hard times. I've met many wonderful players over the years. Unfortunately, my journey ends today because of something regrettably stupid and damaging that I did. To avoid any rumours and for a final goodbye, I've decided to write this post today. I was having a terrible day and was faced with exhausting multiple matches and completely lost my temper. During the last ou tournament, I used an alt account to message my opponent, asking if he would forfeit the match, which I would have clearly lost, for a sum of 1 million PokeYen. He forfeited the match and let me win purposely. In return, I sent him the 1 million PokeYen. As a result, we both ended up being banned for match-fixing. It was selfish of me to go down that path. Not only did I cause another player to get banned, but I also damaged the competitive PvP scene. I truly regret making such a major and selfish mistake, and the purpose of this post isn’t to get a different decision but I’d appreciate if things would go the way I want it to be. I want to thank all my friends and those who offered me support in setting up a second account. But I don't have the strength to start over again in something I have spent years of tears and joy on. Major respect to all my teammates, peers and rivals. I’m glad that I integrated myself within communities outside of my team and kept things as friendly as possible. I never cared about so called enemies and beefs and If I was ever involved in one and if there’s someone who I ever offended, I’m sorry. Finally I would like to thank and apologize to the ones who have helped me in my beginnings, the ones who held me in a high pedestal when I established my name and the ones who seeked help and chose me as the right person for. Once again, thank you to the community for this fantastic experience every one of you who I encountered holds a great memory. I hope I left a memory that holds value into people as I’m not perfect. Lived it, Loved it. All the best. ArtOfKilling
    74 points
  3. spidget

    PvP QOL/Updates

    Hello, I've been playing this game for 4 months now, streaming pretty much all of it. After spending 4 months in this stale meta, I'm pretty much ready to give up the game until an update hits. My chat has told me that pvp in this game very rarely gets updated, but there's some quality of life changes that could be made that doesn't require high effort from staff. Consider the following: -Being able to disable spectator messages. As someone who enters a lot of tournaments, you often find yourself needing to count turns for something such as Trick Room or Weather. It's an incredible pain to try to count these turns in the chatbox while I have to see POKEMMOFAN2002 STARTED SPECTATING THE BATTLE POKEMMOFAN2002 STOPPED SPECTATING THE BATTLE and plenty of people spectate it isnt just pokemmofan2002, I need to wade through spectator messages that I don't care about in order to try to play the game properly. This could also be rectified by adding turn counters for stuff other than tailwind and screens. It's crazy, I was told the turn counter for screens got added 1 month before I started playing. People really had to count before then? Cmon guys. PvP rewards are bad. Most of the time they aren't even worth claiming. How are you gonna give us serperior and dragonite with no h.a? People aren't going to spend the money on a patch or pearls for a mon with 25 ivs. It does nothing but take up space in the mail. 2 red cards, yippeee! I'm not gonna pretend I know game balance, but I do know I have 14 red cards and I'm not ever using them. If you need ideas for PvP rewards, maybe add Weakness Policy, a great fun item that's missing for some reason. It's from generation 6, but so is assault vest and contrary serp. By that logic we could also add Blunder policy. The only metagame change I've encountered as an OU player was dugtrio's ban, and you guys didn't even do that right, they just run diglett now. Diglett literally has a 61% winrate in OU because you guys want to let arena trap in the same tier as dry pass shedinja. Really mind boggling. I've been told by other members of this community that you've been milking the release of hidden abilities for years now. Please bless us with some sort of update or at the very least, knowledge of when what you're working on may be coming. Regenerator slowbro is a big buff to balance with future sight and teleport available to it but we don't have that guy or any regenerator guy other than mienshao, we don't have reckless mienshao, we don't have iron fist conk, we dont have swarm volc, lower tiers could benefit from stuff like harvest exeggutor which we also don't have or something like prankster volbeat/illumise as manual weather setters, tinted lens sigilyph, moxie heracross etc. I'm not gonna write them all out, but there's plenty of ways to shake up the metagame at least a little bit. If you really can't be bothered releasing hidden abilities even though there's so many you could bless us with (something like magic guard alakazam is used by an elite 4 member but players can't have it?) then at the very least give us the legendaries that we're missing. Something as simple as Heatran provides extreme utility, walling current meta jellicents, buffs Bulky offense/balance and helps vs H.O (serp/volc) and stall (taunting and magma storming). It's insane that volc doesn't even have to consider running hp ground, you can just run ice and beat the whole meta except for stuff like chansey/p2. This game has been out for like 13 years right, and you're still saving Mew? We can't have that guy? Celebi? latias, latios, regis for the lower tiers? Jirachi? Pokemon like Landorus and Tornadus provide such insane role compression and allow for more fleshed out teambuilding. I don't want to hear people say something would be broken, this game has weird nonsensical complex bans which means they can justify releasing anything. I'll take latios with no draco meteor, please give me latias so I can have another healing wisher, or Jirachi so we can have a cleric that isn't Chansey. Also this is a bit more opinionated but buff knock off, if we have gen 8 teleport and stuff like weezing neutralizing gas then I think we can have gen 6+ knock Please consider some of these suggestions, or even just opening the lines of communication so I can stop banging my head into walls. I love the community in this game and want to continue enjoying it. I'm not asking for all of this at once, but have mercy and give us something If you add any of this, I will give you a kiss. Much love to the devs. If anyone has any additional thoughts, please comment them down below.
    66 points
  4. The prize has been completed, please enjoy a little preview. Walk: Others: This item also has Multiple Styles, with a constantly sparkling version if you like to look flashy. This can be toggled off with the "use" button. Good luck and happy hunting!
    52 points
  5. Hey guys. Just a quick update. We have received credible evidence that the team "TheFishingBoiiis" signed up with the intention of occupying a slot without intending to seriously compete. This malicious behavior demonstrates poor sportsmanship and undermines the spirit of fair competition. As a result, all members of "TheFishingBoiiis" have been disqualified from the event. Thank you for your understanding.
    47 points
  6. 129th OT ~ 23.310 eggs, im so happy ^__^
    39 points
  7. Hey guys! Here's the list of the final 55 teams who made it into Shiny Wars, this begins tomorrow! 1 Pumpkn patch 2 Nuclear Doves 3 EARN 4 ESPARTANOS 5 TheVietnamese 6 PKMN Rangers 7 Team GeeGeez 8 Made In Lab 9 Caça Estrelas 10 ETG Team 11 LEGEND 12 CN PVP legend team 13 OG 14 CHSN AND COMPANY 15 SPHEAL Team Six 16 El Rancho Shiny 17 Serious Team 18 ZomB 19 La Guardia Elite de EØN 20 EVO 21 Air and Friends 22 Alolan Cowboys 23 BaiLan 24 Exeggcute Order 66 25 Picking Stars 26 Shiny Wing 27 AvesShinyHunters 28 GoonBAS 29 Solemn Promise 30 Toyotathon 31 Team Porygon 32 OR TEAM 33 The Leftovers 34 Team MT 35 BuLingBuLing 36 Shiny Chaser 37 Flash Finders 38 Hori Shunters 39 Team Porygon2 40 No Apes Allowed 41 OG2 42 Los Bellacos 43 Gagashiny 44 POWER RANGER MS 45 MÜSH 46 ShinyStrawHat 47 OpTic 48 Team ROO 49 Equipo Gatos 50 ALO's Team 51 The Stars Fallen 52 UNIONEVOLUTION 53 Aletheia 54 LMM 55 Estrella Secreta We're going to make threads for every team to maintain under the shiny wars subsection here - we encourage every team to make use of these threads for general chatter and/or posting all the shinies your team obtains as it'll bring more hype to the event and let everyone know how every team are making progress! We'll also be sure to include a list of all members for each team inside of their respective thread also. Thank you & good luck to everyone whos participating!
    35 points
  8. When it rains, it pours! after the 89.5k egg, a month later and I hit a swarm Eevee. A special one for OT60!
    33 points
  9. drewq


    33 points
  10. #41 FIRST EGG SHINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It came one week before shiny war starts but i'll take it anyway
    32 points
  11. 30 points
  12. This is a personal suggestion only for the Pokemmo game and intended to give some improvements to the players experience and promote items in-game. The original artwork is made by me and is intended for personal display purposes only and should not be reproduced, resold, or used for any commercial purposes without obtaining proper authorization
    29 points
  13. Bearminator


    Hi, to clarify some processes. Some of you quoted video evidence of match-fixing, claiming we don't penalize them. Sometimes, evidence is a match that could be disconnection, and that's not enough evidence of m-f itself. This (and other examples) do look suspicious, though, so the player is always observed for more evidence and eventually banned if there is enough evidence of match-fixing. I will also add that we never ban videos or screenshots alone in those cases due to their easily manipulative nature. They might add to potential evidence, tho. About TC members- their case and bans happened three years ago, and in the meantime, we noticed increased reports and cases of match-fixing. The problem has become more significant than it was, so stricter policies followed. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In this particular case, it's as easy as it can get. You have a player going to his alt and sending money to the opponent. Whether Blau is accepted or not is irrelevant to Art's ban—he was proposing the match outcome be in his favor for money. After discussion within higher ranks, we also agree that, compared to other cases involving old screens of bribes being proposed and considering policy changes, this case can be judged in favor of a temporary ban, which will be issued after this post. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For the future of match-fixing: Giving a warning every time sounds nice on paper, but it essentially provides a one-time card out of jail. It applies to most cases, so despite the outcome of this case, please don't assume you will be let go free or that it's worth trying. We will continue to penalize players trying to do it, as it destroys the fair environment of PVP. Addressing this as a separate issue, we also think it's a mistake on our end to ban you in this case. While the timing of disconnection is unfortunate, considering the moment of whispers from Art, we can see you've not used nor claimed the money. Due to that, I would like to apologize for the situation. Your account will be unbanned, and in-game recompensation will be sent.
    28 points
  14. Team Name: MÜSH Team Leader: TTVxSenseiNESS Team Members: PaulusTFT, TTVxSenseiNESS, skyeatsme, HokeyMMO, OhitsDunco, stevenchill, egopraise, LilAF, Grrzzly, Hjordi, MitchOsu, poketrainernoxx, mbarren, DaddyMolo, WillyPS, TerminusDT, Jeakama, BojanglesisHere, LunaLost, jaspn, RuthlessZ, Quinjay, Bulkanator, pearishx, LordGangis, Gumbasketball, TheStahlBayBay, XeOrzE, TrainerBartos, okaydizzle
    28 points
  15. PokeMMO Shiny Wars Registration Thread! This thread is only to be used for team registrations! For information relating to the PokeMMO Shiny Wars event, please see the main thread here. Registrations are opened from: 15/07/2024 - 00:00 UTC+0 | 5PM PST (14/07) | 8AM CST check your timezone here if unsure until 21/07/2024 - 00:00 UTC+0 | 5PM PST (20/07) | 8AM CST check your timezone here if unsure Registration Rules: You can only register a team if you have at least 25 players. You're welcome to edit your lineup up until the end of the registration period if you wish to add players to gather 30 of them- but please don't register unless you have minimum 25 players, or else your registration will be ignored. Only the Team Leader can make the registration, please do not have multiple members of the team attempt to make a registration for the same team either. You must have AT LEAST 20 players of the original team of 25-30 players you registered with when the registration period ends, this is to prevent unprepared teams from taking a spot that another fully ready team could potentially have, to preserve fairness. If the team doesn't have at least 20 unchanged team members that were registered at the start of the registration, their registration will be ignored and spot given to the next team in line that registered properly. In case a team that has already been registered decides to quit or they get disqualified in other ways, there will be a replacement team also picked from the order of the registrations out of those that didn't manage to claim a spot initially. This will only apply during the first week of the event and no other replacements will occur afterwards. This post is only for registrations, please do not post any off topic comments because they will be removed. Registrations that are incomplete in their form and missing the minimum required details will also be removed, resulting in the team having to repost it and potentially losing their spot in the event, so please make sure you include the required information shown in the example below. Please use the following template when making your registration post: Team Name: Team Leader: Team Members: example post Team Name: Bear's Sunflowers Team Leader: Bear Team Members: Bear, Bee, Honey etc. (In game character names) Translation
    27 points
  16. 27 points
  17. Not at all, you were planning to take the spot without the intent to even compete in the event, taking away from a team who could've occupied that spot and wanted the chance to compete. I dont think calling that malicious is wrong at all.
    26 points
  18. Frag


    We all make mistakes, nobody's perfect. A permanent ban is too harsh for what happened. It's thousands of hours invested in something to have it end in less than a minute. The case should be reviewed imo.
    26 points
  19. OT 38 21,220 total tyrogue eggs for this one, about 9k eggs since my last egg shiny. Started this hunt in october and am stoked to finally see the blue pants guy!
    26 points
  20. CaptnBaklava


    So GB and wrath fix a finals and don't get perma'd. Those Chinese guys wintrading the dubs ladder (with proven evidence that was given to staff) get their rewards and won't get banned. But they ban you for a single match with out warning. That's just fucked up.
    24 points
  21. Another quick reminder that registrations will start in 30 minutes, i will announce the official start when the time comes. I will also be unlocking the thread now so you can prepare your messages in the meantime. Please do NOT post your registrations until i announce they officially started, thanks!
    24 points
  22. 60.1k encouter 0 phase OT #18 Team [Räd] MY FIRST SHINY RARE!!!!!!
    24 points
  23. The Official Shiny Wars Registrations are now CLOSED. Today we will look through the registrations that were submitted and once we confirm the valid registrations in order of sign up we will announce which teams will be participating in the event. Look forward to that announcement! First 55 team registrations in order of sign up will be the teams chosen to participate, assuming the registrations remained valid and no rules were broken. We want to thank all the teams that followed the rules and also apologize for having to make changes and clarify rules while the registrations were still ongoing. When it comes to teams that lost a spot due to posting too early, we can only suggest to be more patient in the future and we will also try to improve and avoid such things happening again in future events with similar registration process.
    22 points
  24. 22 points
  25. drewq


    Very very interesting that you are permanently banned for this when someone reported for a nearly identical act is given this response. What's up with the playing favorites and inconsistent punishments? I'm not censoring the guy's name. He did the exact same thing Art did. "This wasnt a recent occurence" Ridiculous.
    22 points
  26. Team Name: Solemn Promise Team Leader: Razachu Team Members: EggplantHero, Venican, Summrs, NagaHex, fefeco, OrangeManiac, MeetMew, Akshit, Isperea, OoExcoveroO, LoloKashi, RohMartinez, Missit, DaveSnake, Razachu, Hymothy, CHUCKunso, EverDaryl, AlphaDrake, BartekDolar, ItsGray, sfSkump, LukertTTV, JIce, Dindra, CaptnBaklava, DragonRS, littlejosmi, CLYDELOVESALL, AaronRC
    22 points
  27. As a continuation for the previous Guide Balance: Outline: 0-1 Sweepers 1-2 Wall-Breakers 1 Stallbreaker 2-3 Pivots or Walls 1 Stealth Rock setter 1 Hazard Remover Concept: Balance is a playstyle centered on defensive synergy, momentum, and pivoting, combining offensive and defensive Pokémon. The teambuilder can decide how it can lean more towards defensive balance or either due to 3 defensive by 3 offensive cores none existing as much as it used to. A balanced team typically starts with a breaker, then adds a pivot that counters the breaker’s checks. When the pivot enters battle, it should double switch into a breaker rather than attacking or using a recovery move unless necessary. The next breaker should counter what switches in on the pivot. For example, if Ferrothorn is the pivot, a Pokémon like Hydreigon might switch in, so the next breaker could be AV Gallade/Mienshao to counter Hydreigon. A stall breaker should fit similarly to the offensive breakers, able to be pivoted in directly. When using the team, switch out the breaker when checked, bring in the appropriate pivot, and then double switch to the next breaker. This pivoting strategy is the essence of how a balanced team operates. Offense: Concept: Offense is a playstyle that focuses on offensive synergy and momentum, using fast and often frail, hard-hitting Pokémon. The main objective is to secure a sweep with a win condition (wincon), usually a sweeper and the difference between it and Hyper Offense is that it doesn't necessarily include a Suicide Lead It prioritizes executing its own strategy and maintaining constant pressure rather than reacting to the opponent. To achieve a sweep, offensive teams remove checks to their wincon through various methods, such as pressuring the targeted Pokémon, using lures, and employing trappers. For example, Mamoswine can weaken Zapdos or Gliscor, enabling Gallade to secure the knockout. Offensive teams are typically divided into Hyper Offense (HO) and Bulky Offense (BO) playstyles. Hyper Offense Outline: 2-4 Sweepers 1-3 Wall-Breakers 0-1 Stallbreakers “ Trick/Taunt” 1 Stealth Rock/Spikes setter 0-1 Hazard removers (needed if using Stealth Rock-weak Pokémon like Volcarona) Concept: Hyper Offense (HO) is defined by multiple set-up sweepers, systematic sacking, and broad effectiveness in the metagame. In HO, checked Pokémon are typically sacrificed rather than switched out to maintain constant pressure. Defensive synergy is irrelevant since the Pokémon are usually too frail to withstand super-effective attacks. The key to HO is ensuring that the check to one sweeper allows another sweeper to set up. For instance, if Dragon Dance Dragonite is checked by Skarmory/Empoleon, the next sweeper (e.g., Swords Dance Infernape or Lucario) can set up on the 50/50 switch, especially. Bulky Offense Outline: 1 Sweeper 2-3 WallBreakers 1 Stallbreaker 1 Stealth Rock setter 0-1 Hazard removers (more common than in Hyper Offense but not essential) Concept: Bulky Offense (BO) contrasts sharply with Hyper Offense (HO) in terms of playstyle. Instead of relying solely on slow, bulky attackers like Hydreigon, BO emphasizes switching out Pokémon rather than sacrificing them. This strategy involves using Pokémon that can absorb resisted hits and counterattack effectively. A prime example is Serperior, which is fast, powerful, and has key resistances, allowing it to switch in against threats like Garchomp or other resisted moves. BO teams are designed with both offensive and defensive synergy, ensuring that team members can cover and pressure the opponent's Pokémon while also being able to respond defensively. Building a BO team starts with selecting a sweeper and then adding offensive and defensive elements to support it. https://pokepast.es/77824216eabb6baf VoltTurn Offense Outline: 1 Fast U-Turn user 1 Fast Volt Switch user 1 Hard-hitting U-Turn user 1 Hard-hitting Volt Switch user 1 Stealth Rock setter 1 Hazard remover Concept: VoltTurn teams are similar to bulky offense teams, featuring multiple U-turn and Volt Switch users to chip away at the opponent, gain momentum, and keep the opponent on their toes. Despite their defensive roots. Volt Turn users must have strong offensive presence to force switches. Building a VoltTurn team starts with selecting a VoltTurn user and pairing it with a complementary one. Fast VoltTurn users excel against speedy, frail opponents, while slower users handle bulkier foes. VoltTurn teams often struggle against Ground types, so incorporating lures like Grass Knot Stall Outline: 5-6 Walls (often multifunctional) 1 Stallbreaker (typically defensive with Taunt or Anti-Sweeper, but not necessarily) 1 Stealth Rock setter 1-2 Hazard removers Concept: Stall aims to disrupt the opponent’s strategy using bulky walls, passive damage, and recovery moves to wear them down over time. When building a stall team, begin with a defensive core that can cover a wide range of threats, then fill in any gaps. Stall is highly anti-meta and focused on countering prevalent threats in the metagame to ensure favorable matchups. It's essential to cover as many threats as possible, especially stallbreakers and common offensive threats like Weavile and Reuniclus, to improve the chances of winning a stall match. https://pokepast.es/64a69ff2d2cde328 Semi-Stall Concept: Semi-Stall combines numerous walls with one or two offensive Pokémon to avoid passivity. This prevents opponents from setting up freely, as the offensive presence can check, or revenge kill them. Semi-stall is less dependent on matchups than full stall and can adapt to various strategies, although it’s not as consistent in favourable matchups. Semi-stall teams typically include setup Pokémon to help close out matches. Building a semi-stall team can start similarly to a stall team, focusing on synergy and coverage, then adding offensive pressure. Alternatively, start with a bulky sweeper and add support to weaken its checks using moves like Toxic and Will-O-Wisp. Outline: 4-5 Walls 1 Stallbreaker (usually set up or offensive) 0-1 Sweepers 0-1 Breakers 1 Stealth Rock setter https://pokepast.es/cfe04deb037555a3 Conclusion Teambuilding involves more than words can convey, meaning it requires practice, and this guide is becoming lengthy. The best way to improve at teambuilding is through battling. Teambuilding and battling are closely linked, and while this guide provides essential tools, real understanding comes from experience in battle. Future teambuilders should create their own teams, test them in battle, and learn from their mistakes. I hope this guide has been helpful. Thanks for reading!
    21 points
  28. OT 40 9th egg shiny after only 6k eggs! Got my guy bulbasaur to complete the kanto starter trio 😄
    21 points
  29. Another worthy update. With this i've reached 30 Shiny Unowns, which is half a box. Not only that, but also this is my 20th unique form, just 8 of them left, close but still progress needs to be made
    21 points
  30. 21 points
  31. 22k eggs and 40k encs, hatched on phone while afk at work lmfao was not expecting this at all. Super happy for my 4th egg shiny and to finally take a break from egging and do some hordes/singles Ty @SwagMastaSlim for screenshot of chat
    21 points
  32. OT #52: Phanpy - 1,611 Encounters
    21 points
  33. There have been a few instances now where some systemic issues concerning the moderation of the PokeMMO community have become visible. 1. Arts permanent ban for (attempted) wintrading compared to no sanctions against vQAQv while similar proof of him trying to wintrade was provided. This situation was already discussed at lenght in the topic it was brought up in and did end up getting Arts permanent ban changed to a temporary one. Yet the problem in itself still remains: There is a vast difference between the actions taken. The only "reason" given for the lack of action against vQAQv was that it wasn't anything "recent", yet I am pretty sure the relevant section of the code of conduct was already in place back then and some "policy changes" shouldn't change the punishment from nothing to permanent ban. Either there are no clear policies in place for the moderators to follow or it heavily depends on which moderator handles the situation - neither of which should be the case! 2. SweeTforU and others getting muted for using Shout during team tournament while chinese players did the same without any repercussions. This situation is a bit more complicated to be fair. The GM overseeing the match and issuing the mute did not have CN-Chat enabled, hence he couldn't see their shouts. So while it's obvious why there was no action taken, it can't be the case that a GM has certain languages disabled, especially when the mere usage of those channels can result in a mute. It's understandable that GMs or other moderators might feel like they can't properly moderate certain chats due to a language barrier, yet they should at least monitor those superficially. There could still be insults writting in english or, like in this case, they could use shout while they are not supposed to. There can't be such notable differences in moderation (seemingly) depending on the language. A smaller problem was that there was no prior warning before the mute and it happened while SweeTforU was in the process of starting his team tournament match, restricting his ability to communicate with his team while participating in an official team event. It was a only a 60 second mute but considering the lack of warning and it being issued against an active player this still feels like an overstep in case of moderation while also showcasing some lack of transparency as there are no rules in the relevant forum threads regarding the use of shout. I am sure there are a lot more instances that could be listed here but those are just two pretty recent ones I witnessed myself. Going forward there has to be more consistency and transparency when it comes to the moderation of PokeMMO as well as some form of accountability when fuck ups like those occure. Just brushing off situations like this with "policy changes" or other superficial excuses is not cutting it!
    20 points
  34. fukubie


    There is a significant indian player base playing pokemmo and we face huge issue of ping which on average is like 350 to 400 for every player its very annoying and frustrating we cant do sniping with this ping. Egg shunting is not possible players are able to do 500 to 600 eggs in an hr but with this ping we can hardly do like 240 to 300 eggs its frustrating. There is a huge indian player base in pokemmo so if u would do something about this matter it would be appreciated. .
    20 points
  35. Team Name: SPHEAL Team Six Team Leader: CNuz Team Members: CNuz, clooh, epok, Glaciel, Lucanity, JWTree, Karowo, LifeHunteer, luiofficial, Lynol, nayoe, NickShark, Rxre, Shinycarp, Untotes, Zxphy, ffair, Efeburc, xXFongusXx, GingerMatt, MlTCH, naffan, Pairel, Bclout, morgziie, WildRizzlyBear, WoomyNation, Worvik, SumertimeGladnes, DannyWithSixYs
    20 points
  36. OT 39 Really liked the idea of hunting at this repel trick spot because I would be really happy with either Skitty or Nincada, so phase 1 was a success! I will probably stay here to try and get a second nincada to complete the line or of course get a skitty.
    20 points
  37. Finally a shiny I wanted
    20 points
  38. OT 8 Phase 7 21,431 encounters
    20 points
  39. OT #42 and #43 with a difference of 6 hours between them
    19 points
  40. Thanks again for the horde nerf, very cool.
    19 points
  41. I believe the fairest thing in this case is to send a screenshot showing how the registrations have been received in real-time, rather than citing a publication that everyone has already read. I honestly think this is the most fair way. Creo que lo mas justo en ese caso, es que se envie una captura de como os han llegado las inscripciones (registros) en tiempo real, en vez de citar una publicacion que ya todo el mundo se habia encargado de leer. Sinceramente creo que es la forma más justa.
    19 points
  42. There have been a few questions about why scoring is being handled the way it is. To clear things up a bit, the event is structured in a way that allows us to score shinies using only information visible from our end instead of reaching out to 1500 players to prove the legitimacy of their entries. We're not willing to rely on screenshot evidence, we're leaving no room for cheating in this event. We can see the OT shinies caught within the event timeframe (if they're still on the registered character), their rare attributes (secret/alpha), and verify whether or not they were bred from shiny+shiny parents, but we can't tell where they were caught, their encounter methods, their original levels, or which evolution stages they were at. This is why we opted for evolution line-based scoring with no bonuses for eggs, single encounters, or safari catches. We can't verify this information without contacting players individually. Mysterious Balls were allowed due to their finite supply, the low rates of rare species within them, and the method's similarity to reviving fossils. They may give a few teams a minor head start but are unlikely to significantly affect final scores.
    19 points
  43. so glad to have been involved in making the shiny wars poster ❤️ This is gonna be a legendary event!
    19 points
  44. 18 points
  45. Imperial


    It's really sad to see this happened to you Art, it's been amazing how much you've developed as a competitive player in such a short space of time and I really do hope you join us on the showdown scene. Having said that, I mirror what everyone said and don't understand the inconsistency here. As mentioned, PoseidonWrath and Gbwead (tier council) at the time were banned for a week in a final, a player who clearly wintraded to get the #3 crown on OU ladder getting a 24 hour ban when our teammate lost 3 months of hard work and grind because of it (the ban wouldn't have happened if they were innocent), multiple wintrading reports on the doubles ladder (e.g. EYL or whoever it was that had clear evidence) with no substantial action being done, and even continuous suspicious matches happening now, yet in a round which had no significant impact and no significant amount (1,000,000 is nothing now with all due respect), gets a perm ban with no warning whatsoever and an appeal denied? At least unlike many others, Art has had the courage to publicly admit what he's done in public compared to many who act all innocent and deny it. It makes me ask staff members - who is moderating these situations and who makes the final decision? I find it harsh that players who clearly invest many hours in the community and have made a positive impact gets treated like this, compared to the several things that go around the game unpunished. In my opinion Art deserves a second chance based on these factors, I've seen people do way worse and have been given another chance, he's clearly learned from his mistake (we've all had bad days and tilted etc) but I think consistency is something we've never had in this game.
    18 points
  46. Team Name: Team Porygon Team Leader: Jaddee Team Members: Jaddee, Frooste, UrskinMozAsf, Zarmanth, Pikacide, BumbleBuzz, xRetsoFx, ElSkorpo, Tpoling, Agrilla, PokeNiloc, Tiggerbell, FrostyIceScream, SlyferTP, Dronad, Sherte, Furabia, JOYigi, AngryGorillaAu, notLierre, Jashto, Creznax, MagicJini, MrMantis, StealingMoney, FilipovaZenkaAsf, RabbyBlck, Ampyros, Arkainez, Panotxa
    18 points
  47. Team Name: Toyotathon Team Leader: spaceangela Team Members: AmonRaPokemon ArcticNights AstralFish BigBoyFramed BKBoiyo Butterfreezie Chickenpasta Deniela Flueydog Hipsterjes ItzManitos LaGhoosta LouisZero Lxphi MaxiMoist michaelflexin MrMainGrave SoapyClean ShikamaruTheGod PokeJohnW ChelseaTheWeeb Shagtronic sliide spaceangela srysu Sunbreaker Veruda VIIIZ Watcha YoungCabbage
    18 points
  48. Team Name: Exeggcute Order 66 Team Leader: Turtle Team Members: Turtle, JerichoBR, trot, xAJC, Skeletus, FlappinShad, Atlewis, DadPeakes, philradish, patrouski, Barrelz, EnragedJay, Poratne, Rumelx, Askyr, Glower, Death, abenbag, WILDfredo, Costosis, RutenVart, Zaakkosaurus, Vexuh, OseasJuarez, JimmyBunkle, KevveKK, OHJI, IsntJoosh, JayGray, RakkiPrince
    18 points
  49. Feels good to be back 🙂 (missed pic bc I threw pokeball by accident only had lv 8 staryu and 5 eggs, was about to Mball it)
    17 points
  50. Desu


    We've added a new server named Avdol. Please let us know if there is any improvement.
    17 points
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