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DarylDixon last won the day on May 12 2024

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  1. Hitmontop is the most aannoying one of the hitmons, cause of technician to abuse of priority moves boost, it doesnt change nothing about hitmonchan with the new item, also people still doesnt know about hitmonlee h.a apparently. but anyway NU is just a UU 2.0 . if you tc do not want to care about this tier that there are too many disgusting pokemons, you can totally drop even yanmega in nu too at this point. o no? just to make the tier more chaotic, weird no one is speaking about that, but well probably many people have quit the NU tier for this reasons? idk. but really take care about the last mons drop on this tier, please. @LiveLaughHate
  2. arcanine has better movepools, priority move, way faster than emboar, and intimidate. also forgot about skunk too yeah, but still i do not find it fair to stay it in NU. no way a mon that 2hko all the tier excluding only 3 mons have to stay on the tier bro, come on. also. id want an opinion about hitmontop.
  3. Roserade it's very annoying and powerful in this tier, no need even to play it modest specs, if you check modest scarf it can 2hko closely the entire rooster of NU tier, excluding golbat and bronzor, not sure if sludge bomb does like 2hko to altaria, but hey i never seen an altaria on all the games i did, just probably on 2 games at max, it' not rlly easy to handle roserade in on a good mu, id wouldnt think it to keep it in NU. Durant it's the same as roserade, it just all up to rng to no miss if yo're playing it cb or scarf without hone claws. it gets just walled by a tanky arcanine and druddigon with a rocky helmet, but id guess probably its a bit manageable. Venomoth actually am not seeing many of em, but i know its not simple to manage it, all depend on what mu does have (?) Also what about hitmontop? with two most important ghosts are gone , that thing it can do literally what the f he wants. only thing it can stop it its just golbat and the rare times you see the rotom fan. Arcanine this thing it's even disgusting op like roserade. Loaded cinccino op why it is at ut and not nu? hue
  4. who's the manager of linkin paras ?? op name
  5. NU Is dead because of this team spam . just switch ursaring for clefable. do you think people finds funny to see this team spammed? i dont think so. that's why u cannot find nu matchs anymore.
  6. i don't think so, i played nu for long.
  7. maybe if tc wake up to BL some stuff, nu rank can resurrect a bit. people doesn't play nu because of those teams and those mons.
  8. well now they uses vaporeon over milotic, that make it more annoying, since vaporeon has access to wish and way better than milo imo. also i see some new variants with impish rk9 and alomomola too.. this nu meta its only just stall with the same 6-7 pokemons and in ladder u can't contest em so easily and people are forced to play stuff to hard counter em. i do not wanna play stuff like that, if i wanna test and practice more stuff, this tier it's just became so ugly and boring, no wonder why games are so rare af to find .
  9. Just close It to hernjet lmao
  10. Also whats the Point to bring more walls to make the tier a shit kinda , what am Watching its Just the same stall team, not even funny to ladder, idk tf happened to this tier but It become totally no sense only stall. Not normal if someone try to do like 15 nu ranked match (which take times to get One) and find 13 times the same team. Maybe for next month its possible to think to make this tier decently, balanced and more available? There are so many Mons that have potential to be played. This nu meta = uu bl mons . At this point It Isnt Better to make a new tier???
  11. Not meaning the Pokémon, but the new item Well all depends -1 rock blast doesnt 2hko Rk9?/ Tail slap to hitmontop
  12. id be just happy to quick ban the dices on cinccino is so damn broken lol, i do not want to be forced to play stuff like steelix or aggron to counter it tbh, for the rest id would say roserade too much in nu, and im using it that thing it's really too powerful >.>, haven't tested the rest of the things, aside of rk9 , roserade and cinccino with the new item >.>
  13. yo guys, recently i come back to play the tier again after a long pause, just saw some uu mons dropped in nu and some in uu. id would like to know why rotomo basic went in uu, idk whats the fetish that people brought it in uu to reach that tier by usage. also does make sense about venomoth durant, roserade and arcanine in nu?? They aren't a bit too powerful for the tier? another thing , not sure too but take me as novice rn about the tier because im not playing for long the pvp, do we should get a look to cinccino? with the new items its seems like too strong, aside it gets walled only by dusclops,aggron and steelix, barely id see aggrons in the meta but steelix and clops aren't pretty common too ( i know in uu it gets hard walled) srry for my english :v, just need to know somethin
  14. True, but 4m for Heatran expensive af
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