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Shadow last won the day on March 26 2023

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About Shadow

  • Birthday 03/31/2001

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  1. Congratulations to RiMu for winning the 3rd edition of the Asian TT, and to Exu for being the runner up! The prizes will be sent soon! Thanks a lot to my dear buds @Summrsand @MeetMew for helping once again with the event! ♥ We hope you have enjoyed, and see you in the next edition! 恭喜RiMu获得第二届亚洲TT赛冠军,Exu 获得第二名!奖品将在几天内寄出。非常感谢我亲爱的朋友Summrs MeetMew 再次为这次活动提供帮助!我希望您喜欢它
  2. This is the July edition of the Asian Team Tournament. Teams will be able to register here by following this template: Team Name: Players: Team Captain: Tiers: OU/NU/Doubles. Quick notes: - There has to be a minimum of 6 players registered and avaliable, with a maximum of 15. - The Team Captain is the person I'll talk to in case there's any issue we need to solve. - A team can't play if they can't cover the 3 tiers. They will be disqualified if so. - A team signing up and not showing up will be banned for the next TT edition (Both the team and the players signed up). No exceptions. So make sure that your team can be around if they sign up. You can register in this thread from Thursday, 11 AM UTC until Saturday, 9 AM UTC The event will take place at Saturday, 11 AM UTC/7 PM China Time, in Silph Co. Ch.4 (Ch.3 aswell in case of having a lot of people) For any doubts, please check the General Thread or ask us. Asian TT discord: https://discord.gg/dxkm69k2Sw QQ Group number: 682540454 CN Translation (Thank you so much @queest 💖) 欢迎来到亚洲公会锦标赛六月赛季。公会报名格式请按照以下格式: Team Name 公会名: Players 参赛人员: Team Captain 公会队长: 小贴士: 1.参赛人员报名最低6位,最高15位。 2.公会队长要在比赛时间时可以与主持畅通沟通。 3.如果一个公会不能保证每个分级都有人参加,将被取消资格。(如果有的公会缺少某个次分级的球员,可以找个球员随便拉套队伍参赛,剩下俩分级赢了一样可以晋级) 5.如果一个公会报名了但是到了比赛时间没有出现打比赛将被取消下个月锦标赛的报名资格。 请确保你的球员们可以按时参赛。 报名时间 北京时间周四下午七点到 周六下午五点 比赛时间 北京时间 周六下午七点 比赛将在关都地区西尔弗公司大厅举办,频道4频,公会太多的话也会分到3频打。 有任何疑问可以在QQ群询问。群号:682540454
  3. j'en ai quelques-uns, je peux les poster demain 🔥
  4. Completely agree with the claims on your post tho, regarding this quote, did you, or anyone around who was watching the situation, tell moderators the fact those CN users were shouting? I know it doesn't justify them taking actions as they do, but maybe they could have made something about it.
  5. I was looking for Zapdos so I could lend it to friends, given that I barely play anymore it's a decent one I guess haha, @RysPiczSHINY RATE IS FAIR
  6. Legends are never forgotten. Stay strong brother 💖
  7. After talking to Queest, we both agree on the fact that holding the TT the same day than the official one isn't the best idea, so we will move it for the day 27 instead. We didn't expect they wouldn't make it on the last week of the month. If this is caused due to an update we will move this to August, but for now it will stay on July 27th.
  8. Next edition might be held on July 20th. Due to some stuff (in which I include vacations of course and some burnout) we will probably have only 1 edition in Summer, this including august, under the name "Asian TT-Summer Edition", so unless I say otherwise, we won't have another edition until September at least. 下一届可能会在 7 月 20 日举行。由于某些原因(其中当然包括假期和一些倦怠),我们可能只会在夏季推出 1 个版本,其中包括 8 月,名称为“亚洲 TT 夏季版”,所以除非我另有说明,否则我们不会至少要到九月才会有另一个版本。 Tiers: OU/NU/Dubs
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