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Doctor last won the day on February 27

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About Doctor

  • Birthday 11/29/1994

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  1. Using a PP Max on it will increase it so that you can use it 6 times instead of 4. You can also use Leppa Berries to replenish its PP once you run out (and it will ask you if you want to do that as soon as the last PP is used, too)
  2. Show some respect, man, it's a Clefable
  3. He's doing it, he's gonna search for the Infinity Bots himself, guys
  4. But it absolutely does though. If I'm able to speedrun regions faster I'm able to plant berries like a monster plus all the money I'm basically printing from trainers and the storyline.
  5. we should attach stinky poos to their bodies and make them dance around Vermilion with nothing but a Victreebel to cover themselves
  6. We are just too popular for the game's database (please add this lord Devs)
  7. No joke, this is very true. My slap on the wrist made me behave (ignore the Global chat mutes, the staffy bois know what I'm talking about). Nowadays the most mischievous thing I try to pull off is losing events on purpose.
  8. You can keep complaining all you want, it's a good measure, it works, it's gonna stay. And lmfao you're completely wrong, most if not all MMOs do have something like this in place. If they don't hard cap your level, you don't gain any experience from lower leveled enemies, PRECISELY to prevent you from overleveling in one area killing chumps and then steamrolling the rest of the storyline. What does WoW being a subscription game have to do with them also doing this I absolutely not get at all. How does that make a difference?
  9. This is an MMO. Those are MMO-related changes. You're asking to just playing the base games. Which you have been repeatedly told you're very free to do, this just isn't the game for you it seems.
  10. We are in a dire need of a fishing rod vanity. My team feels naked without it. What's the point of dressing as fishermen if we can't fish..........
  11. I can very much assure you no one is preventing you from playing it how it's supposed to be played, friend. You can beat the entire game with only your favorites, you don't need to minmax anything. IVs don't matter at all for the storyline, and natures hardly do in normal playthroughs. So your actual complain is "I can't pummel through everything with just one overleveled Pokémon", and I don't think that's how the games were supposed to be played, either. idk, might ask Morimoto and co. how they intended us to play the game. Until then I'll just assume you can't handle getting beaten by an AI.
  12. You got me man, I actually installed this game last month and have never played a Pokémon title in my life
  13. a literal children's game made for children and adjusted for children is what it was meant to be you guys struggling with PokeMMO's readjustment doesn't have anything to do with "the pros" forcing anything unto anyone you're just bad at a children's game or can't manage frustration when you lose at a children's game, pick your poison
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