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Goku last won the day on August 10 2022

Goku had the most liked content!

About Goku

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    Olympus. True Story Bro
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  1. Everyone has the right to take part in the raids. If you are so biased about it why not make 4 characters and just do it yourself instead of complaining about other players' shortcomings. It's not even about the mons, it also includes strategy which you quickly figure out on the go through trial and error. Raids are not meant to be won first try and not everyone has been around long enough to have the "Perfect" teams and strategies. A lot of the times I linked with randoms I realized that we can win if small changes are made to their teams whether they change a few ev's / moves or I borrow them a mon or 2. Either way I defeated most of the raids through the help of randoms by coaching them etc and it worked out fine. +1 for me and +1 for them. Have a bit of compassion.
  2. It's not a difficult raid. There are a lot of nice guys making videos on youtube on how to beat it. Literally can just follow the strategy and win fairly easy.
  3. So we basically got a repeat of the raids and now the 13th raid is shaymin... I had hoped we get something new.
  4. Updated with the majority I have. I'll sort out my 2013 ones and maybe post them at a later date.
  5. I have them but thank you for the post. I'll probably update the post with what I have so it's easier to identify mons I don't have.
  6. I'm wrapping things up with my 2012 collection as it's 99% complete. I need a few more mons. If you're selling 2012 mons and have some of the island rares please PM me. I am willing to pay a fortune for anything I do not have. Afaik I am only missing 3 mons. 2 murkrow and 1 misdreavus and I'm willing to pay more than anyone for these. Keep in mind these mons have to fall in the "2012" category and not "2012/2013" depending on different regions. As for 2013 looking for the rarest ones. Edit: Here are most of them I think. Still need to sort and arrange.
  7. Doesn't matter. Most of the names you see are ones that help their friends reach the leaderboard for a fee. Had they decided not to opt for the event this year, the majority in the top would still have been upcoming / new chinese players. That's just how it is.
  8. No. They're just the majority in the game. So them winning it will be normal as there are FAR more of them invested in the event than the rest of the community.
  9. And you would know because you were "top 1"?. I've done the event multiple times. All you need is a perfect run and it CAN be done if time and focus is invested with a decent amount of luck. There was a cap on the points last year and whomever reached it first wins the shiny nian hood and I might be wrong but afaik 3 teams reached the cap last year. Edit: The best way to do it will be by yourself. 4 alts. Continuous Trial and error / restart until you know the exact method. Then banking on that method with luck.
  10. He's been top 50 in the leaderboard a few times and owns nian hood already. He just desperately wants the shiny nian hood. Far from "Skill issue".
  11. We'll start at Hockey mask = 5B Then we'll go for the pumpkin backpack = 15B.
  12. You did great. 750k for that is OVERPAY.
  13. Us being so long here, shouldn't we have like a PokeMMO pension fund? Holy shit we've given 10+ years. Edit: Right, I'm calling the labour department and bargaining council.
  14. Thank you to everyone contributing to guides like this. You guys are doing a great job!
  15. Lucky. I work 6 days a week so I'll try my best xDD.
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