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Teddiursa last won the day on November 9 2024

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About Teddiursa

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  1. Hi, We are aware of this problem, it's being worked on at the moment. It should be fixed soon. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  2. While we do not mind the discussion about the win trading ban, we cannot allow personal attacks and derailing. If other players broke the rules, please make a report with any evidences you might have in our player reports. Publicly calling people out is not tolerated, and it's not the subject of this thread. Since this thread is heated and the argument is becoming personal, I will close it. There is another thread about this subject that we will leave open for now. If you wish to participate on that one, please do so respecting the rules and the other players. We hear your opinions and analysis about the ban and we are reviewing the case. The banned player's appeal will be answered as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.
  3. For future reference, you don't need a support account. The account you use there is your game account. You can also access easily our support platform in the in game menu on the option "Support Request". If you use this option, you will automatically login in the support with the account you are using in game.
  4. Hi! This issue is being looked into, there are indeed more mac players with a similar issue, some of them also contacted us on support. We will let people know as soon as we have more information. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  5. Hi, This message only shows if you are using a VPN or proxy. I see you already figured out and made your ticket, I answered you a few hours ago. Since the problem was solved and this isn't a suggestion, I will close this thread.
  6. This link should solve the problem, as long as you still have access to the account's email: https://pokemmo.com/en/account_forgot_password/
  7. The game gives warnings and kicks several times before banning people. We will not change our client tampering protection for autoclickers, only for apps that are false positives.
  8. We gave you all the answers we can. As I told you in your last ticket, our support does not offer editing or creating assets, we don't even have the tools to do so. The answer you were given was correct, even if it's not the answer you wanted to hear. Please stop calling out the person who provided the information necessary, they did their job correctly. Evolutions are canceled when the game is closed mid-evolution, I have tested this myself before and tested it now to confirm, it's working as intended. I hope this is the last time we'll need to answer you about this.
  9. Next time you ask someone to lend you money to give back in a week, make sure you do give the money back within the timeframe agreed on. The agreement must always be respected. Twisting facts to make the staff's decision look senseless won't help you at all. Reports are always verified and investigated manually, it was not an automatic punishment. Your appeal was also reviewed manually by a second staff member, and I just reviewed it a third time. You are guilty, and as we said in your appeal, your account will not be unbanned. You are still allowed to play in a new account, so I suggest you do so and respect the rules next time.
  10. Hello, Yes, it should be supported. If you are having issues with it, please contact us on https://support.pokemmo.com/ You need to login with your game account in this website.
  11. Hello, If you believe there was a mistake, you can open a new report and explain the situation. For the name of the player, you can either use the same name you reported in the last time or "none". Thank you!
  12. 1. The forum rules and the Code of Conduct also apply to this subforum. 2. This subforum is exclusively for questions and discussions about creating mods and themes. If you have a suggestion or question, please use one of the threads below: Suggestion for a mod or theme: Suggestion about client customization for PokeMMO developers: If you want to share your customization, you must make a thread on the Client Customization forum. 3. No off-topic conversation will be allowed. If you are posting here, you either have a question, an answer for a question, or are participating in a constructive and healthy discussion. Anything else will be removed without warning. Disobeying this rule may be up to a punishment. 4. Staff members may answer questions in this subforum, but are not required to do so. 5. It is allowed one bump every 24 hours per thread in case the question doesn't receive an answer.
  13. Hi! As it was mentioned above, the advanced search allows you to pick the item you want to search.
  14. I can't say we ever dealt with an issue like this on our support before, I'm sorry. In which platform is your friend trying to install the game? You can check if they use an antivirus or any other program or app that could be causing this issue.
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