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  1. I'm sad, my post was deleted and they didn't warn me or anything, I was 8th, and I didn't realize it in time and then I couldn't resolve it, my team simply was left out
  2. Team name: [øYAø] YatsuraGames Team Leader : yatsurawalker Team Members: Aizzem, BattousaiBR, DarkGustaMX, DarkLzn, Duadas, EnelSolador, FoxiPokezuma, GustaJc, Gustacsc, IVektor, JoaoSlv, Jokersonn, KevinGomes, Kylleon, LiLViTiNN, Meliodaszn, MinatinhoNHFM, MiyannoLover, Mitiloso, MVSenna, NLongbottom, Sousalimm, iTakasaki, TiemiiBR, TilapiaRegularis, Vernilli, Vitinprokk, XxLucioAbreu, YongDan. I'm sending it again I was the 8th to post, and my post was simply deleted, I hope I don't miss out, my friends worked hard to be able to participate
  3. Yes, did you look at the link? I've seen people editing and changing it (just for her to see) but it would still be interesting, I'm waiting for some staff to respond here
  4. Thanks for answering me, I'm glad I still have time
  5. I'm trying to reach these points and I would like to know if it ends this month or at the end of next, that is if it is in June, could anyone tell me that?
  6. I saw a post where someone apparently edited the particle effects, can I do that too? Can you even do this type of editing? the image is from someone who edited it, I will leave the link to his post, can anyone tell me if I can also edit this, be punished or if it is something we can actually edit Particle mod post link
  7. There were delays again, but it will happen, Kyu confirmed
  8. kyu should surprise us at some point, for a few hours, it's always been like this, I hope it doesn't take long Bring on the Lunar New Year event!
  9. The new year event should start today, I think so and you, what do you think will happen?
  10. New Year is coming, will it change like Christmas did? What about the Christmas item we will use? What things do you think will come?
  11. Do you have to defeat the elite 4 to find the kanto birds? My friends ask me a lot of things that I still don't know how to answer, could you tell me the requirements?
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