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About kenjimAd

  • Birthday 01/03/2003

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  1. Hey @Parke are we Allowed to Post this Team's Thread as Visiting only even we're not qualified on Shiny Wars or no?
  2. Until now! Legendary Lure is Balanced Economy & Still Scam! I don't think they will gonna Buy this Lure in GTL. Lol Goodluck finding Shiny Roaming Legendary Pokémons now XD
  3. I'm not gonna Participate also as me Busy on Other Games! Time for my Another Monthly Off as Predicting on this Events! See you in Halloween Update! XD
  4. They knew that Team Chinese will be the Shiny Wars Winner for sure... (They barely Found Shalpha 1st)
  5. Kalosmorrow! (Not BW2morrow & Kanto2morrow)
  6. Hey! That's me beside Him! (I came here early as 3rd before him XD)
  7. Like Rache Said! They still don't know when will gonna Implemented it yet. But! They are still Aware of these Issues & i think they are now Targeting those Toxicity Bad Behavior Players. So, there's nothing i can do here as Retired KoTH Player here & Seth said, Let them Cook!
  8. We also been Discussing too on General Topics & Rache Respond Once as Looking a Solution as Renewing KoTH Legendary Battles. But sadly, the Update of Renewing KoTH Legendary Battles didn't Happen yet & idk when will Renew it? In the Mean time, Ignore these Toxicity Players from KoTH Legendary Pokémons for now... Otherwise, the Anger of Tense will Continue Rising. (I'm also a Ex KoTH Legendary Hunter but unfortunately, they Triggered me as Reporting me so i need to Avoid It & Blocked It.)
  9. Whoops! Didn't notice your Name Properly... My Bad! (Edited)
  10. I just Noticed about History of Mods/CMs trying to Register KoTH Legendary Pokémons in Pokédex. I've been playing PokéMMO for 2 Years already as my Anniversary Gameplay & i also been Rivaled against Traitors or Ex Amigos on KoTH Battles since February 2023 & then Ended up of Retiring on KoTH Battles last March/April 2024 because of these Issues. Now that i found out that i think there's 2 Mods are trying to Register KoTH Legendary Pokémons without Harms & doing a bit of Battles too lol. CathyPlays - Registered 5 KoTH Legendary Pokémons while she was CM/Mod at that Time since 2023 before she's no longer a Mod. BBAADDE - Registered 3 KoTH Legendary Pokémons as Current Mod now & he needs Lugia & Keldeo on his Pokédex. That's all i got for now lol. P.S. Please don't Close this Topics Early... I could help on where are the KoTH Legendary Location at before the Devs Renewed KoTH Battles Gameplay soon. (CM/Mods Only)
  11. P.S. There's no Chance of adding Dungeons unfortunately... (If the Devs are on Planned now or Not? Because for now, they are still Focus on planning to Add more Raids tbh...)
  12. If the Devs will not make the 12th Anniversary Event, I'm thinking that if either on Halloween Event or Xmas Event for sure... Halloween Event - If Pumpking Summoned Once Again, i think that Wishing Stone will use on Nerfing the Pumpking Boss & Raids too lol Xmas Event - when Santa Claus, The Elf & Elfbots are Arrived, i think if either this Wishing Stone will Use on Nerfing Raids & Even Elfbots Battle Event or that Wishing Stone has a Chance of Summoning Jirachi or more Legendary Pokémons? Idk about that...
  13. Ok! They were right about Weezing Reactive Gas lol. Idk how many Players will gonna change this Method to Weezing Reactive Gas than Frisk Ghost Type with Skill Swap & Imprison on Fling Move yet?
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