General rules that apply to all clubs:
- Do not make threads advertising your guild club on the forums.
- All club titles must take the following format only, [Tag] Team Name. Example: [GM] Game Masters. Any further information you would like to make available to non-members can be put in the description.
- Do not require a registration fee upon joining a club (asking for donations is acceptable, though).
- Global rules stipulated in the Code of Conduct still apply to all type of clubs.
- Malicious behaviour committed by a player moderator will result in removal of moderator status permanently and forum issued penalty.
- Discrimination based on gender, sexuality, religion or race will not be tolerated.
- Bullying and harassment of any user is strictly prohibited.
- If a Club is inactive for more than three consecutive months it will be removed. All content inside the removed Club will be deleted and if you want to create a new Club for that guild you can do so, but you will have to start from scratch.
- A Club's privacy settings (Open, Closed, Private) may only be changed once every 4 months.
- Each Club is allowed one service section. In this section, members of the Club can open their individual shop threads or create a single merged Team Shop where the Team sells its members’ items. This can be decided by the team owner/leaders.
Open Club Rules:
- Arguments/ traded insults that break the global rules are not permitted. Guilds are encouraged to remove any posters from their club that causes conflict.
- Discrimination based on gender, sexuality, religion or race will not be tolerated.
- Inappropriate images/videos are not acceptable in any form and they will be removed.
- Derailing or spamming a club’s topics is not acceptable.
- Posts written in languages other than English are required to have an English translation appended to the post.
Closed/Private Clubs:
Due to the nature of these clubs, a laxer style of moderation will be enforced. Global rules still apply and extreme cases of posting violations will result in staff intervention. No content of a pornographic/graphic nature may be shared at any time.